Discuss four management development methods

  • List and briefly discuss four management development methods.

Coaching- this is generally seen as a popular method since it can also help new employees learn how things are done, techniques they may need for their positions.

Job Rotations- Is an good way to help potential long term workers develop new skills and mindsets by having them work in new positions that they may not normally go for.

Project Assignments- Members are given a team based task that they are to accomplish together which can allow the development of teamwork, communication and skills regarding their positions.

Understudy- This person is generaly in training to take over another persons position along with their tasks at any point so the person has to remain updated on all tasks and any related requirements in the event of a necessary replacement.


  • Discuss the pros and cons of at least eight performance appraisal methods. 

Graphic Rating Scale- (Pro) easy to use and can be quickly generated. (Con) Results can vary by the user and give can give inaccurate reviews.

Essay Performance- (Pro) Allows evaluator to provide information in detail. (Con) highly subjective and can vary from person to person.

Checklist Scale- (Pro) Gives immediate information on a persons performance. (Con) Can leave out vital information that is needed.

Critical Incidents- (Pro) Has list of events that involves the employee and is regularly updated. (Con) great possibility of managers to only focus on negative aspects instead of all aspects.

Work Standards Approach- (Pro) Set goals for employee to reach. (Con) Difficult to compare ones performance to another.

Ranking- (Pro) allows employees to find out how they are doing in comparison to others. (Con) Can make people too competitive with others.

Management by Objectives- (Pro) Based on results. (Con) Can leave out how the results were obtained.