Professional Development for Accountants

Professional Development for Accountants


Detailed Instructions 
Task 1
Create a training presentation to professional accountants on an aspect of corporate accountability or reporting (other than traditional financial reports) from the module.
The presentation should:
• introduce the particular corporate accountability/reporting aspect you wish to cover;
• present a rationale of why you have chosen it and why you think it is important that accountants should be aware of it;
• demonstrate examples of how it is currently reported, including both positive and negative aspects about its coverage, and provide suggestions for improvements; and
• show how professional accountants can contribute to the reporting of the particular aspect you have chosen.
Within the notes area below each slide you should include some detail behind each slide to elaborate on the bullet points, graphics or pictures you use on the slide itself, including any citations to back up your points. Whilst there is no specific word limit on these notes sections, they should not be mini-essays in themselves, only support for what you would say if you were actually presenting the slides to an audience.
You should aim for between 20-25 slides (not including the title slide and any reference list slides).
N.B.: you should not choose the same topic area as you covered in coursework 1 (i.e. not-for-profit reporting).
Task 2
Write a short reflective piece on how your chosen topic from task 1 may inform your own professional practice and career in the future. You may choose to use a reflective model to help structure your reflection, if you feel it is helpful. Examples of these include:
• Kolb (1984)
• Gibbs (1998)
• Johns (2000)
• Moon (1999)
but you may choose any other reflective model if you find it more applicable to your learning.
Whether you choose to use a model or not, you should consider:
• what you have learnt about the particular topic,
• what its impact on you and your learning and potential future career and practice might be; and
• what you might consider doing differently now that you have an awareness of the topic.
This written work should be no more than 800 words (plus or minus 10%).
General guidance
You are advised to put any lengthy supportive information in an appendix. Appendices are not word-counted and are not marked but they can assist you in providing supporting evidence for your analysis. It may be a good idea to attach in the appendix some necessary information for the organisation you are analysing.