Health Systems Manuscript

1. Apply organizational and systems leadership principles to strengthen nursing practice and
healthcare delivery. Demonstrates exceptional ability to define nursing practice and communicate
it to the public and other healthcare providers fostering an improved understanding of the RN
and APRN role Demonstrates exceptional ability to envision the future of nursing and shape a
preferred future of practice- improving the delivery of healthcare and patient outcomes
Outcome #1
Propose a question or practice issue for which there is a need to acquire information from a
variety of sources.
2. Analyze research and scholarly activities that support evidence based practice, nursing
education, clinical practice, and healthcare organization. Evidence Based Practice Future
sustainability recommendations are exceptional Intervention is distinctly grounded in evidence based practice and beneficial to the site Conclusions are complete and adequate interpretations
of findings based on hypothesis(es) Data synthesis is appropriate and comprehensive
Outcome #2
Evaluate the evidence from research, theory and other sources to the proposed question or
3. Analyze technology and information systems to improve healthcare quality and safety clinical
prevention and population health. Data analysis is relevant, thorough, and strongly correlates to
improved healthcare outcomes A sufficient number of quality sources of information have been
utilized Excellent visual depiction of data
Outcome #3
Appraise the evidence for its validity, predicted impact and potential applicability to the proposed
question or issue.
4. Analyze healthcare policy to improve patient and community health outcomes. Policy analysis
is strongly rooted in evidence-based practice and is relevant to enhancing organizational
policies, healthcare quality, and improved patient outcomes
Outcome #4
Synthesize findings and draw conclusions to address the issue and propose solution(s).
5. Develop collaborations with leaders in nursing and other disciplines to improve the quality of
professional nursing practice and health outcomes. Creates bridges and interconnections within
the healthcare team utilizing the strengths of divergent talents and perspective to elevate
practice and patient care delivery
Outcome #5

Analyze the limitations of the project and proposed solution(s)
Learning outcome Table
1.Integrate systems leadership and healthcare policy into advanced nursing practice to improve
population health.
a. Research quality improvement initiatives with medication management in vulnerable
a. Meet with XXX to receive updates on both organizations
b. Establish relationships with new residents
c. Review research project and plan with team
2. Identify potential areas for improvement in a practice setting.
a. Identify current organizations utilizing medication cards for health management
b. Research self-efficacy studies in vulnerable populations
a. Review charts/ medication history of new residents
b. Attend care coordination meeting
c. Review successes/ failures of other organizations who implemented medication cards
3. Evaluate potential quality improvement strategies to improve health outcomes.
a. Identify key strategies to improve self-efficacy in health management for vulnerable
b. Research effective self-efficacy population health interventions
a. Receive approval from IRB

b. Attain consents from research participants
c. Gather supplies in preparation for research implementation (MUSE scales & medication cards)
4. Implement a quality improvement plan using the IHI model.
a. Utilize MUSE screener to determine self-efficacy measurement for participants
b. Initiate PDSA cycle
a. Complete MUSE screeners by participants
b. Distribute medication cards
c. Provide medication education to participants
5. Evaluate the QI plan, according to the outcome measures, and describe any barriers to its
a. Evaluate whether self-efficacy in medication management was attained through the use of
medication cards and education
a. Reassess self-efficacy of residents with MUSE screeners
b. Statistically analyze results
c. Correlate whether findings are statistically significant
6. Demonstrate leadership in synthesizing and applying scientific knowledge to challenges that
present in local or system-wide contexts of care through their QI/research project.
a. Create report of research findings
b. Advocate for increased self-efficacy in vulnerable populations
c. Encourage innovative implementation of medication cards at organization
d. Present findings to team

e. Receive feedback on research implementation process
f. Determine ways to improve self-efficacy in the future