Help With Web Post And Response

Research post topic and submit 220 word post on the given topic, indicate at least three academically reviewed journal articles in reference in the original post. This assignment is to be scholarly; it is not enough for you to post your article and add cursory reviews. CITED REFERENCES ARE REQUIRED. Structure your post as an essay with Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.

All references must be recent within the past 5 years.


Also post a reply to given 2 posts, include at least 150 words in each post and provide at least one reference separately. In reply posts, do not say, good job, way to go, etc. Reply post can either answer another student’s question, or comment on their post based on your research. Your reply should reflect an understanding of the post to be replied and should be relevant with the post.


Post Topic:

Based on your experiences, as well as the chapter information, what are some good “rules of thumb” for conducting successful performance appraisal interviews?



Reply to following post with at least 160 words and at least 1 cited reference, do not say, good job, way to go, etc. Reply post can either answer another student’s question, or comment on their post based on your research. Your reply should reflect an understanding of the post to be replied and should be relevant with the post.


Post 1:

Strategic Training

Evaluation of the training which was given to the employees of the organization is very important for any of the organization. This helps in knowing the management of how effectively the employees are getting the training. And how it would be helpful for the firm in the future. It would also help the management whether it is useful or not and whether the employees have enjoyed in learning or not. This type of evaluation done in the training programs helps the management in taking the strategies decisions that help the firm to reach its goals objectives within a short period. And they also know about the fruits that has acquired through the training (Zhang, 2014).

Evaluating training is required to be associated with the firm’s goals and objectives. The feedback given by the employee who is taking the trainings would help the management in further training programs which are decided to be held for the employees. That is to increase their skills, capabilities, and experiences towards the already existing work there are performing and also to learn about the new things which they are not aware of. Strategic training includes the aspects related to the rules and regulations and plans, goals and values with which the business is concerned (Bürgin, 2014).

This makes a complete task performance from the employee when he or she includes all these aspects. The firm’s impact and the employee’s behavior also influences the way of training style and conducting approach. The learning capabilities and the reacting ways are also considered for evaluating the training.