Lean Implementation on Aviation Manufacturing Processes

Lean Implementation on Aviation Manufacturing Processes 

Prepare a 2,500-word minimum paper (excluding title page and references) that addresses the following:

1. Identify a key process or activity within your organization that represents a prime candidate for improvement through LEAN implementation.

2. Develop a business charter for your stakeholders that include the problem statement, objective, scope, and future target.

3. Explain the current status of the process or activity.

Who determines whether an improvement initiative is supported?

Why are stakeholders made aware of all improvement initiatives?

4. Perform a waste analysis on the current state of your key process. What wastes (muda) have you identified? How does mura and muri affect your key process?

In addition to course materials, research Aviation manufacturing related journal and periodical articles written in the last five years need to be used.

At least three references in addition to course materials are required.

Hint: Focus on journals and periodicals relevant to the industry of Aviation manufacturing.

Note that APA format is required for this paper. An abstract is not required and does not count toward the word count if provided.