My Personal Well-being: Paper

My Personal Well-being: Paper

My personal well-being: Paper (20 total points)

7-10 pages, double spaced (NOT inclusive of title page and reference page), APA style-double- spaced 12-point Times new Roman font 1-inch margins, citations.

Please make sure you follow the instructions and prompts below closely.

For this paper you are going to reflect on the different dimensions of well-being focused on in class and framing your well-being using the ecological context of well-being (organizations, neighborhoods, communities, society) in relation to some of the concepts we read about and discussed in class. Use the following headings and instructions as a structure and guide to help you organize your thoughts. Be concise in order to keep it to the page limit. Important: in this paper we expect you to adhere to APA style and cite all sources appropriately (e.g. Putnam book, course readings, etc.). See the APA style guide at the Owl Purdue website (

  1. Introduction (3 pt)

In this section, introduce the paper with a story or example that engages the reader. Then, give a brief overview of what you will cover in the sections to come. Give a general intro to your happiness and well-being and set up the next sections. (One paragraph)

  1. My Subjective well-being (4 points)

What is subjective well-being? What did you observe about your well-being based on the ICOPPE assessment? Reflect on the results from the six well-being scales by reporting your current scores and say a little about each of the six domains – interpersonal, community, occupational, physical, psychological, and economic. How would you assess your well-being based on this information and your own personal experiences (remembering short-and-long term goals to well-being)? How does the material and readings covered in class thus far apply to your life?

  1. Ecological analysis: My well-being & Strategies to Improve my Well-Being (5 pts)

Use this section to begin to think about the various ecological factors that contribute to your current levels of happiness and well-being. Picking up on some of the things you discuss above under section 2, think more about the broader social conditions that have contributed to your personal well-being. What can you say about your upbringing, environment, and other specific experiences that contribute positively or negatively to your ICOPPE well-being today? What ecological factors pose a RISK to your well-being? What ecological factors provide you with OPPORTUNITIES that might improve your well-being? How might your social status (race,


Additionally, use this section to reflect on specific strategies you can use to improve your well- being. We can always improve our well-being even when we believe we are doing quite well.

  1. My role in promoting community and societal well-being (4 pts)

In this section, briefly discuss your current and future role as a citizen and agent of social change. Pick one social issue you most concerned about currently and in what ways do you want to make a difference for that particular social issue? What things are you doing right now? What personal attributes, knowledge, and or skills make you an effective change agent for this issue? How do you want to contribute to organizational, neighborhood, community and societal well- being as it pertains to this social issue?

  1. Conclusion (2 pt)

Conclude the paper by briefly summarizing the key themes of the paper and end with a few thoughts about how you can put some of your ideas about being a change agent into action right away.

APA style (including reference page) and quality of writing, grammar, etc. (2 pt) General Grading Guidelines:

An “A” Paper/Essay: A paper that is exceptional. It is interesting or unusual and demonstrates sophistication of thought. The main points are clear, complex, well developed, and well supported. The structure of the paper follows a clear logical organization, and all sources are critically examined. It is free of grammatical and spelling errors.

A “B” Paper/Essay: A paper that is solid and fulfills the assignment. It has a clear logic but minor lapses in development. It touches on the complexity of the argument and shows careful reading of the sources. The structure follows a logical progression of ideas, but not all evidence is clearly related to the main ideas. It may contain a few grammatical problems, but not enough to make reading difficult.