Industry / Market Analysis (SWOT Analysis, VRIO, PESTLE, PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces etc)

– Introduction– Issue Statement- Analysis of the company both internally and externally (SWOT,
PEST… so forth)- Alternatives (suggestions for the company)- Recommendation (choose one of
the alternatives)- Implementation (of the recommendation)Submissions are to be limited to 8
main body double spaced pages for your written analysis (11 point font). You can add in the
same PDF a total of 5 pages of appendices that support your analysis. There are no limitations
on spacing and font size in the appendices. Examples of things that you can include in your
appendix include, but are not limited to:- Any major strategy or marketing strategy framework
related to the case (SWOT, Porter’s 5 Forces, PESTEL, VRIO, perceptual positioning charts,
etc.)- Any major frameworks or tools that you have learned this semester – (Servicescape design,
blueprinting, 7P’s, service recovery processes, Flower of service, service recovery plans, etc.).
Note that I am going to give you marks if you are demonstrating an understanding of services
marketing, and leveraging knowledge gleaned during the term. Supplementary Note:
Submissions should be on the case information alone and not based on any outside information
from the industry(although you can pull in learnings from your textbook and readings), web, etc