A psychology student performed an experiment every day over the course of a summer.

A psychology student performed an experiment every day over the course of a summer.  Dressed in a black-and-white-striped shirt, he visited the football field of a rival school and spread birdseed on the field, blew a whistle, and then left.  That fall, for the opening football game at the rival school, a referee walked out on the field, blew his whistle, and hundreds of birds filled the field.  The game was postponed for thirty minutes to clear the field of birds.  Explain this in terms of behavioral adaptations to an environment.For each of the following individuals briefly describe the behavioral studies that made them famous:  Karl von Fritsch, Konrad Lorenz, Niko Tinbergen, and E.O. Wilson.What is a fixed action pattern and how does it relate to survival?  Give two examples with a brief explanation.To get a ewe that has lost a lamb to accept an orphaned lamb, the shepherd has to skin the dead lamb and attach the skin to the orphaned lamb for several days.  Explain this type of behavior of the ewe.Many animals have stylized, innate courtship behaviors.  Describe one.  How could you prove it is innate?  What courtship rituals do humans employ?  Are they innate?  Explain.What is the role of signaling in maintaining social organization?  Give an example.What is the role of altruism?  Give two examples.According to Jane Goodall:A.What is the importance of dominance to male chimpanzees?B.What is the importance of dominance to female chimpanzees?C.Why is grooming important?What is the difference between proximate and ultimate in behavior?

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