Abortion Controversy and Religion

Abortion Controversy and Religion

You will hand in:
An outline of your essay or your scrapbook, complete with thesis statement
You will also hand in your stage 1 package
You will be marked on:
✔ Ability to create an outline by selecting key ideas to develop (10 marks)
✔ Ability to create appropriate organization of information
✔ Identification of supporting arguments with details (10 marks)
✔ Creation of a worthwhile mature thesis (5 marks)
✔ Identification of sources (5 marks)
Model Outline/Organizer – Stage 2
Complete the following for your stage 2 outline requirement.
o Hook
o Areas of investigation
o Thesis Statement (Option 1: Argumentative or Comparative; Option 2: Compare and
Topic 1: Area of Investigation 1
o Detail (Option 1: written pieces of evidence for your paper; Option 2: description of
writing/pictures you hope to use)
o Detail
o Detail (Source)
o Tie back to Thesis
Topic 2: Area of Investigation 2
o Detail
o Detail
o Detail (Source)
o Tie back to Thesis
Topic 3: Area of Investigation 3
o Detail
o Detail
o Detail (Source)
o Tie back to Thesis
Paragraph 5: Summary
o How will you tie everything together in the conclusion?
Stage 3: Essay or Scrapbook – 50 marks – Due Date:
You will hand in:
Option 1: A 3-4 page essay, double-spaced, in APA style, complete with citations, page numbers,
title page, and bibliography
Option 2: A 6-10 page scrapbook with at least one image per page, complete with paragraphs and
captions, in APA style, with page numbers, and bibliograp
You will be marked on:
Thesis Development (T/I and A: 10 marks each)
✔ Worthwhile, mature thesis/comparative argument, clearly presented with outline of supporting
areas to be investigated
✔ All supporting information is pertinent and clearly tied to thesis
✔ Conclusion clearly and in a sophisticated manner ties thesis and all supporting materials
Content (K/U – 10 marks)
✔ Thorough presentation of information and evidence
✔ All information and evidence is correct, relevant and pertinent
✔ Information has been verified by submitting essay onto Turnitin.com
Format and Documentation; Presentation (A and C – 10 marks each)
✔ Correct format, including citations, properly applied (APA style)
✔ Correct Bibliography (APA style)
– at least 3 different sources, including 1 primary source
✔ Essay format provided by teacher is used
✔ Essay is typed, 12 point type, max. 4 pages double spaced
✔ Scrapbook
✔ Scrapbook: Creative page layouts used with various colour, illustrations and pictures
✔ Ideas are communicated clearly
✔ Thesis defense is clear throughout (mind your citations/captions!)
✔ Language conventions are used correctly; errors do not interfere with meaning
Model Essay Format
Use the five paragraph essay model, adapted for writing a research based thesis essay in History.
See On Your Own
Paragraph 1:
● Hook (opening that generates reader interest)
● Areas of investigation, briefly outlined, but without elaboration (use 3 areas for this essay)
● Thesis statement
Paragraph 2: Area of investigation #1
– argument/analysis of evidence – have a topic sentence for each
– clearly tied to thesis paragraph
– conclusion of this area – order the paragraphs so as to develop
the thesis clearly
Paragraph 3: Area of investigation #2 – Use transition signals
– as above (see On Your Own)
– integrate into each paragraph
Paragraph 4: Area of investigation #3 details, quotations, etc. as
– as above – proof (remember to cite)
Paragraph 5: Summary
● ties thesis and all evidence together
● comments on why this investigation was worthwhile
● DOES NOT introduce new ideas or mater
● DOES NOT merely restate the introduction
Saunders Virtual Library
● Participate in session on database research
● http://www.debate.org/opinions/religion
● religioustolerance.org
● http://www.religionfacts.com/
● http://www.interfaith.org/
● http://www.sacred-texts.com/
● http://www.adherents.com/