Alibaba Expansion Strategies outside China VRIO Analysis Porters Five Forces Analysis SWOT Analysis  

Alibaba Expansion Strategies outside China VRIO Analysis Porters Five Forces Analysis SWOT Analysis  

Estimated student workload: 20 hours

Task Overview:  The assessment requires students to conduct original research on a prescribed assignment question, which involves the collection and critical analysis of information from a range of sources, including academic journals, business magazines, newspapers and other media outlets. Students should search the information (e.g. research articles, newspapers and other media outlets) relevant to the case and analyse the case question through reference to relevant concepts and frameworks introduced in the unit. The essay should be up to 2000 words.


Case background: Founded in 1999, Alibaba Group has quickly emerged as the largest Chinese e-commerce company. The company primary operates in China and provides C2C (consumer-to-consumer), B2C (business-to-consumer) and B2B (business-to-business) sales services via web portals. Since its’ IPO (initial public offering) on NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) in September 2014, the company has been expanding into the global e-commerce market aggressively. Alibaba Group’s mission is to make it easy to do business anywhere. As the founder and former chairman of Alibaba Jack Ma said: “Today the Internet can help small businesses sell things cross the oceans, cross the nations. And I hope that we can serve 2 billion consumers, we can help 10 million small businesses outside China.”

Case question: How Alibaba Group has made it easy to do business in China and hence achieved a great success? Can the company replicate its China strategies elsewhere as it expands into other countries and achieve sustainable competitive advantage in the global e-commerce market?

Search information (e.g. academic journals, books, business magazines, newspapers and other media outlets) relevant to the case and answer the case question through the application of relevant theoretical concepts and frameworks introduced in the lecture program.

Submission guidelines: 

      • Submit an electronic copy to Turnitin on iLearn before the deadline
      • Format: essay; no need for executive summary; avoid too many headings
      • Reference style: Harvard style preferred, but we do not insist on a particular reference style provided you are consistent
      • Double space all body text; bibliography single space accepted
      • Tables, figures and any appendices should be neat and properly labelled and referred to in the body of the paper.
      • Make a duplicate copy of the assignment
      • Number each page and use a font of at least 11 pt.
      • Your assignment should not exceed the word limit (2,000 words, excluding bibliography)
      • Add an Assignment Cover Sheet (you can produce your own) to indicate: (1) the unit name and code (MGMT3001 Global Business Strategy), (2) the title of the assignment, (3) your student number, (4) your name (5) date/time submitted, (6) your tutorial class, and (7) name of your tutor

Marking criteria:

85+ (HD) An outstanding piece of work, showing total mastery of the subject-matter, with a highly developed ability to analyse the case question by synthesising and applying relevant theories and concepts introduced in the unit. All objectives of the set assignment are covered, and work is free of errors with a very high level of technical competence. There is evidence of a high level of critical reflection. The assignment demonstrates originality of thought, with ideas and arguments expressed with strong logic and fluency.

75-84.5 (D) An excellent piece of work, showing a high degree of mastery of the subject-matter, with a well-developed ability to analyse the case through synthesising and applying knowledge and concepts introduced in the unit. All major objectives of the set assignment are covered, and work is free of all but very minor errors, with a high level of technical competence. There is evidence of critical reflection. Ideas are expressed clearly.

65-74.5 (CR) A good piece of work, showing a sound grasp of the subject-matter, though possibly lacking in the breadth and depth required for a first-class mark. A good attempt at analyse the case through the application of theories and concepts introduced in the course, but such attempt may be more limited in scope than that required for a mark of 75+. Most objectives of the assignment set are covered. Work is generally technically competent, but there may be a few gaps leading to some errors. There is some evidence of critical reflection. Ideas are expressed with clarity, with some minor exceptions.

50-64.5 (P) A fair piece of work, showing some basic grasp of major elements of the subject-matter but possibly with some gaps or areas of confusion. Only the basic requirements of the work set are covered. The attempts at analysing the case and applying theories and concepts are superficial and limited, with a heavy reliance on descriptive information rather than critical analysis. Work may contain some errors, and technical competence is at a routine level only. Expression of ideas and arguments may appear confusing and random.

30-49.5 (F) A poor piece of work, showing some familiarity with the subject matter, but with major gaps and serious misconceptions. Only some of the basic requirements of the assignment set are achieved. Little or no attempt at analysing the case through the application of knowledge taught in the subject. A low level of technical competence with many errors. Inability to put forward arguments or logical reasoning. Ideas are poorly expressed and structured. The author would apparently find it difficult to study the topic at a higher level.

0-29.5 (F) A very bad piece of work, showing that the author has failed to engage seriously with any of the subject-matter involved, and/or demonstrates total confusion over the requirements of the work set. There are serious gaps in knowledge of the subject-matter. Few or none of the basic requirements of the assignment set are achieved, and there is an inability to apply theories and concepts introduced in the subject to address the case question. Technical competence is poor, with many serious errors. The level of expression and structure is very inadequate. The author would apparently not be capable of studying the topic at a higher level. It is very unlikely that work of a passing standard would be produced even if the author were given the opportunity to repeat the work.

Additional requirements:

Make sure you add an assignment cover sheet (you can produce your own) and make sure your cover sheet covers: (1) the unit name and code (MGMT3001 Global Business Strategy), (2) the title of the assignment, (3) your name, (4) your student number, (5) date/time submitted, (5) your tutorial class, and (6) your tutor’s name.

Late Assessment Policy:

Late assessment submissions must be submitted through the appropriate submission link in iLearn. No extensions will be granted unless an application for Special Consideration is made and approved. There will be a deduction of 10% of the total available marks made from the total awarded mark for each 24 hour period or part thereof that the submission is late. Late submissions will not be accepted after solutions have been discussed and/or made available.