American Nurses Association Code of Ethics Essay

American Nurses Association Code of Ethics Essay

This is a 3-pages double space scholarly paper excluding references and title page. The paper is two parts that should be a full paper that flows together cohesively. Students are restricted to using a maximum of one (1) direct quotation in this paper (properly cited per APA). In total, 4-6 peer-reviewed, peer-reviewed, and evidence-based references are required, properly formatted on a separate page. Use citations throughout the paper to reference material and ideas that belong to others. (Three of the references will be the ANA Code of Ethics, the NSNA Code of Ethics, and the ICN Code of Ethics). The page limit will be strictly adhered to in grading.
Part I:
You will be assigned to review one of the provisions of the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses (Mine is provision 2). Please answer the prompts in 1 or 2 expanded paragraphs based on your readings and understanding of the specific provision assigned to you (Mine is
provision 2).
1. Describe the main points/highlights covered in this provision of the Code. Use your own words.
2. Reflect on what you learned from reading this particular provision of the Code.
3. Describe how you will apply the information and knowledge from this section of the Code to your clinical experiences in your current courses.
**(You may use 1st person voice for #s 2&3 only). (This semester my clinical for Mental Health and Maternity is online).
ANA Code of Ethics Paper Grading Rubric Part I:
Main points of the assigned provision.
Reflection on what you learned from the provision.
Application of the provision to clinical experiences.
Part II:
Read the entire ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses, The National Student Nurses Code of Ethics, and the International Council of Nurses Code of Ethics. The following articles will also help you (links are found below the paper directions).
*Mahony, D.L. & Jones, E.J. (2013). Addressing the social determinants of health in nursing education, research, and health policy. Nursing Science Quarterly, 26, 280-284. doi:10.1177/0894318413489186. (Note: the Mahony & Jones article comments on the 2001 version of the ANA
Code of Ethics. You will see that the 2015 revision of the Code of Ethics now incorporates discussion of the social determinants of health and nurses’ roles in addressing health disparities.)
*Thurman, W. P.-L., M. (2017). Returning to the profession’s roots: Social justice in nursing education in the 21st century. Advances in Nursing Science, 40(2), 193-194.
Answer the following questions in the expanded paragraph style:

1. Describe the target audience/scope for each of the three different Codes, and explain the purpose for each specific Code relative to the target audience.
2. Specifically, describe how the concepts of health disparities and social justice are addressed in each of the Codes. Give an example from each of the three Codes to support your argument.
3. Describe how these three codes will guide your professional growth and transition from a student nurse to a practicing Registered Nurse, to a global steward for nursing and health. (You may use 1st person voice for #3 only).
ANA Code of Ethics Paper Grading Rubric Part II:
The target audience for each Code of Ethics and the purpose of each code for the specific audiences.
Describe how the concepts of health disparities and social justice are addressed in each of the Codes with an example from each of the codes to support your argument.
Describe how the codes will guide your professional growth/transition from student nurse to practicing RN to the global steward of health.
These professional codes of ethics will be used for the ANA Code of Ethics paper and will be useful throughout the course:
American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of ethics with interpretive statements.
International Council of Nurses. (2012). The ICN code of ethics for registered nurses.
The National Student Nurses Association. (2017). NSNA code of ethics. (Click Code of Ethics)