Anne Moody and the Civil Rights Movement

Anne Moody and the Civil Rights Movement 


Answer the question: Why did Anne Moody join the Civil Rights Movement?

Paper assignment for Anne Moody’s Coming of Age in Mississippi. Why did Anne Moody join the
Civil Rights Movement?


This is a formal essay assignment. I expect an
introduction with a thesis statement that directly addresses the prompt and explains your paper’s
argument. The body of this paper will consist of paragraphs with topic sentences and properly
cited evidence from the book Coming of Age in Mississippi. This evidence should support your
argument. You must also have a conclusion which restates your argument and elaborates on
other topics or ideas.


You must use formal and correct English grammar in this
paper. Any paper that is not written at a college level will receive an F. Any paper found guilty of
any forms of plagiarism will receive an immediate zero.


This paper must be 1200 words long. You may deviate from this word count in either direction by 100 words only. So, this
paper must be between 1100 and 1300 words long. I will deduct 10 points from your final grade
for each 100 words shorter or longer than this number. You must include a word count. Do not
include a cover page or bibliography. Include your name at the end of the paper. This paper must
have 12 pt type, an appropriate font (New Times Roman or Helvecta are preferred – no Comic
Sans!), double spacing, and 1 inch margins