Applied Psychology Analysis (Vignettes)

This assignment should be 4 pages per vignette.
Total assignment should be 12 pages total plus a title and reference page
Vignette One
Joe is a 19 year old, gay male of Asian descent. He suffers from bouts of depression and
occasional anxiety. He states that, “I just never seem to be good enough”. Joe is the caretaker of
his invalid mother and 2 younger siblings. His father left when Joe was the only child at 5 years  of age, and returned when Joe was 12. Within 2 years, his sister and brother were born. When
Joe was 16 years old, his mother was in a car accident which left her paralyzed. His father left
again and hasn’t been seen since. He tells you that he hates his father and wishes him dead.
Respond to the following as if you are working with Joe as a Psychoanalytic theorist:
Evaluate and discuss Joe using psychoanalytic concepts and terminology.
Provide provisional DSM-5 diagnoses that you might consider for Joe and why.
Formulate a Psychoanalytic based treatment plan for Joe.
Consider culture, diversity and legal/ethical issues in your evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of
Vignette Two
John, a 28 year old, Hispanic male, is seen in an initial interview at a community mental health
clinic. He has been diagnosed as Chronically Mentally Ill. He resides with his mother and
grandmother. Both his father and grandfather committed suicide in their early 30’s. John is afraid
that he is fated to join the male-dominated generational pattern. John is oriented to reality and
does not appear to have any disturbances in perception or thought. He does appear to be
severely depressed and anxious during your interview.
Respond to the following as if you are working with John as a Humanistic-Existential theorist: Evaluate and discuss John using Humanistic-Existential concepts and terminology.
Provide provisional DSM-5 diagnoses that you might consider for John and why.
Formulate a Humanistic-Existential based treatment plan for John.
Consider culture, diversity and legal/ethical issues in your evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of
Vignette Three
Jane, a 38 year old, African American female, wants therapy but is afraid to venture outside of
her home. She explains that this began shortly after her husband was killed in a car accident, in
which she was a passenger. Her family is no longer willing to cater to her incessant demands,
because they feel that she is using the accident as an excuse for attention. Jane tells you that
she feels that she is no longer loved and just “might as well give up”. She wants to know if you
do therapy on a ‘home-visit’ basis?
Respond to the following as if you are working with Jane as a Cognitive-Behavioral theorist:
Evaluate and discuss Jane using Cognitive-Behavioral concepts and terminology.
Provide provisional DSM-5 diagnoses that you might consider for Jane and why.
Formulate a Cognitive-Behavioral based treatment plan for Jane.
Consider culture, diversity and legal/ethical issues in your evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of