Are we too dependent on computers? (Position Paper)

Are we too dependent on computers? (Position Paper) 

Position Essay / Argument Writing Position Essay / Argument Writing item options
This essay requires you to take a position on a topic . Your purpose is to persuade your reader to
adopt or at least acknowledge your position as valid.
Here are the key features you need to include in the essay:
A Clear and Arguable Position – Make sure you have a topic that has two sides. For example, the
use of coffee pods has two sides. People like the convenience and would not want to have them
banned. Other people feel they are filling up landfills and are bad for the environment.
Necessary Background Information – Set the stage for your reader. Make sure you provide
important information to clarify your position.

Good Reasons – Make sure your reasons are valid and based on facts. Any position you take
must have logic and reasoning behind it.
Convincing Evidence – Use accepted sources to back up your position. Facts, statistics,
examples, are just a few types of evidence you can use.
Appeal To the Reader’s Values – Try to address basic values, such as compassion and fairness.
A Trustworthy Tone – Make sure your word choice is neutral and won’t offend your reader. You
won’t be persuasive if you use language that incites intense emotions or puts your reader on the
Careful Consideration of other positions – Be sure to acknowledge and address opposing
*Important: Make sure you have a clear thesis in your introduction. Also make sure you restate it
again in your conclusion.
** Sources must be documented using MLA style of documentation.