Assessing and Supporting Social Skill Needs for Students With High Incidence Disabilities

Assessing and Supporting Social SKill Needs for Students With High Incidence Disabilities


Please find article attached Please separate sections A-E by labeling Part A, Part B, Part C, Part D, Part E

Part A: Author names, year published, title, volume number, issue number, and page numbers

Part B- provide a summary of article including the purpose and two examples of provided strategies, guidelines, and resources(Please be sure the summary is at least 200 words, minimum)

Part C- List a minimum of 2 course objectives relavant to the article, including the number of the course objective(please use the exact wording of the course objective(below) and state how it relates) Course objectives:

1. Students will explain key legal, legislative and historical events which have shaped services for students with disabilities and guide, eligibility determination, service delivery, and use of positive behavior supports

2. Students will compare and contrast the roles and responsibilities of professionals providing services to students with disabilities and their families

3. Students will review and reflect on the range of needs of and challenges facing students with disabilities including assistive technology, behavioral needs, learning difficulties, and transitions points including home-based early intervention programs, to post secondary adult life

4. Students will appraise the diversity of students educated in publishing school classrooms (Pre-K to 21) including culturally diverse students with disabilities and students in rural settings

5. Students will describe the commonalities across categories of exceptionality covered under IDEA as related to definition, etiology, characteristic, and effective assessment and interventions

6. Students will describe and apply learning and behavioral characteristics beyond the parameters associated with traditional disability categories for a strengths based, cross-categorical perspective

7. Students will analyze environmental, medical, and instructional interventions to meet the academic, intellectual, social, emotional and behavioral needs of students with disabilities and their families

8. Students will describe assessment procedures, progress monitoring for RTI and MTSS, and referral, placement and evaluation process that reflect evidence-based practices and legal guidelines for students in grades PreK -12

9. Students will articulate the ethical principles and standards guiding special education teachers for professional practice with parents, families and related services professionals

10. Students will critically examine the field of Special Education and its linkages ti related disciplines including speech and language pathologists, social workers and school counselors

Part D- List a minimum of 3 Illinois Professional Teaching Standards which are addressed in the article.. refer to (Please list the standard number and the full text associated with standard, I.e 8N)

Part E- Decribe a minimum of two ways information can be used in future work with students with disabilities, their families and/or related professionals