Assessing Business Strategy

Write in third person and apply proper APA style referencing format
Throughout your personal, professional, and academic life, you have been exposed
Conceptualize the meaning of strategy by explaining how it is used in a management capacity,
and what is to be gained in its application from a real-world perspective.
Complete the following activities prior to developing your Discussion Assignment essay:
• Provide a brief synopsis about the (United Technologies)(link below) company, the industry
sector in which it operates, products, and target market.

Visit and explore the investor relations website for your chosen company to find examples of
strategic and financial objectives.
• List four objectives for each company and indicate which of these are strategic and which
are financial.
• Evaluate the company vision and mission statements.
• Explain what management has discussed concerning staffing, resource allocation, policies
and procedures, information and operating systems, continuous improvement, rewards and
incentives, corporate culture, and internal leadership at the company.
• What are the core values of your chosen company? Are they realistic? Does the company
live up to its core values?
• What sets your chosen company apart from its competitors? Describe the type of
competitive advantage your chosen company has established.
• What is there about the strategy of your chosen company that can lead to sustainable
competitive advantage?
• Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed, academic research resources (including your
textbook) to substantiate your critical thinking, and to provide viable reasoning for your

Write in third person and apply proper APA style referencing format.
• Use headings to segment the topics in your writing in order to create a flow of ideas for your