Book Report: “Getting To Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In


  • In this essay you will write a book report on “Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In” that includes not only a summary of key points from the book but you will also apply the learnings from this course.
  • This is an individual If you need help in writing your essay, it is highly recommended that you leverage the resources available at the FIU Center for Excellence in Writing (Links to an external site.) to assist you with this paper as I place a lot of weight on grammar.
  • In your introduction, summarize the book and describe key lessons you learned. Make sure it is a strong  introduction with a “hook” to interest the reader (me) into wanting to read more. Don’t forget to mention the book name and the authors.
  • Make sure your conclusion is also strong and summarizes what you took away from it and if you would recommend the book to orders (Note: It’s OK if you don’t want to recommend it so long as you argue your point).
  • Include a cover page with name, date, email and your unique LinkedIn URL.
  • 1,000 word maximum, single-spaced, and 12 point Times New Roman font.
  • Make sure to use MLA-style in-text citations and include a separate page with your “Works Cited” list also in MLA format (Links to an external site.). This extra page does not count towards your 1,000-word maximum. Feel free to use sources outside of the book, just make sure you cite them.
  • Use direct quotes from the book making sure to cite your sources properly with in-text citations.

Additional Resources:

  • For More information on MLA Style and writing effective academic essays, visit the Purdue Online Writing Lab (Links to an external site.)
  • Topics to Cover: Please see below of page for detailed information that needs to be covered. It is important that each section is completed in order and in separate paragraphs. If you have any doubts or questions, please reach out to me to avoid problems.
    1. Introduction: In your introduction, summarize the book and describe key lessons you learned. Make sure it is a STRONG introduction with a “hook” to interest the reader (me) into wanting to read more.
    2. BATNA Explain in detail what BATNAs are and why it is so important to know what they are and when to use them at the negotiating table.
    3. Tricky Tactics Mention at least two of the common tricky tactics (as defined in the book) and what strategies may be used to overcome them.
    4. Positional Bargaining Explain in your own words what the problems are with positional bargaining. What are the reasons it doesn’t work? Provide an example from the book or the real-world of positional bargaining.
    5.  Points of Principled Negotiations Define and explain the four points of principled negotiation.
    6. Current Events Mention a recent international negotiation that you have read in the news in the past few months and what tactics from the book have you recognized were being used by each party.
    7. Conclusion: Summarizes what you took away from the book and how you see yourself using these techniques in your professional life and if you would recommend the book to others (Note: It’s OK if you don’t want to recommend it so long as you argue your point).
    8. Common Mistakes.
    • DO NOT PLAGIARIZE – If the Book Report fails the Turnitin review How to submit a Turnitin Assignment review you will receive an automatic 0 in the assignment and be reported.
    • Do not use “you” or “your” in the book report. This makes assumptions of the reader and doesn’t belong here.
    • No bullet points. Indent your paragraphs!
    • Do not ask rhetorical questions in your paper.
    • Do not use informal language. Exclamation marks, questions marks, etc should be eliminated altogether.
    • Make sure to read your paper out loud before submitting it. I am a stickler for grammar and will deduct a significant amount of points if your paper is not well written.
    • Don’t tell the reader what you are going to do in your paper, just do it. (I.e. “Lets talk about…”)
    • How to Submit
    • In the business world, contracts, business plans, executive summaries and other documents are almost always transmitted in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). As such you will be required to submit all your assignments in this format.
    • Plagiarism
    • Absolutely not There is a 0-tolerance policy here. If it is found that any portion of your essay was copied from a source without a proper citation, you will receive an automatic 0 in the assignment and be reported.