Business Ethics

Business Ethics 

Individual Project Paper Due Session 6 Description:

The individual project paper is an individual assignment that requires youto select any chapter of the text (Velasquez, M. G. (2012).

Business ethics: Concepts and cases (7th ed.). New York:

Pearson Education) that has particular significance to you and apply the concepts discussed in the selected chapter to either your real world experience or to an issue(s) or problem(s) that you are currently contending with or expect to contend with in the future.

The paper must be three (3) to five (5) typed, double-spaced pages in length. Grading Criteria

The individual project paper is intended to afford you an opportunity to explore and area of contemporary business ethics that is of value to you.

The grade you earn for the individual project paper represents 25% of your final course grade.

The grading of the individual project paper shall be predicated upon my assessment of how effectively you address the following: o Understanding of Subject Matter – how effectively and comprehensively you demonstrate your understanding of the business ethics concepts presented in the text material and explored during the class sessions as well as how effectively you analyzed them and applied them to your realworld experience

NOTE: Please upload your assignment electronically only using the Assignments tool in Sakai.

Please upload a PDF document only.

You have by the Saturday of Session 6 to submit your document.