Business Ethics

Instructions uploaded as a document. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY,, especially the highlighted
The five (5) chapters from the book needed for this paper, are uploaded.
15 sources are needed as highlighted in the PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS. APA FORMAT.

Use your textbook Business Ethics Concepts & Cases (8th Edition) by Manuel G. Velasquez,
and write a minimum of 6,000 words essay that addresses the following:
Chapter 1
-Describe moral and nonmoral standards and norms.
-Describe applying ethical or moral concepts to corporations
-Describe business ethics and corporate social responsibility:
-Explain globalization and business ethics
-Describe moral development.
Chapter 2
-Describe the issues with human rights in Burma.
-Describe traditional utilitarianism
-Describe the criticism of rule utilitarianism
-Explain Immanuel Kant’s basis for moral rights
-Describe the difference between retributive justice and compensatory justice.
Chapter 3
-Describe examining the balance and debating the balance of economic systems
-Describe interpreting John Locke and criticisms of Lockean rights.
-Describe the invisible hand of market competition.

-Explain Interpreting Adam Smith and the criticism of Smith’s free markets.
-Briefly mention happened and what was the outcome in the Case Study 3.1: The GM Bailout.
Chapter 4
-Describe Perfect competition:
-equilibrium point and moral outcomes
-mechanics of perfectly competitive markets
-Describe monopoly competition
-monopoly control and profit
-monopolists as utility maximizer
-monopoly competition and ethics
-Explain Oligopolistic competition:
-how oligopolies form
-effects of oligopoly on consumers and markets
-Explain the Fraud Triangle components
Chapter 5
-Explain the dimensions of pollution and resource depletion
-explain describe air pollution causes (i.e., greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide)
-explain water pollution causes
-explain land pollution

-describe depletion of minerals
-Explain the ethics of pollution control
-consumer responsibility
-ecological ethics
-environmental rights and absolute bans
-Briefly mention happened and what was the outcome in the Case Study 5.2: Gas or Grouse.
Essay must be written in APA style and have at least 15 references (APA style) with
corresponding in-text citations. In other words, the last page, which is your references page, will
have a minimum of 15 references. Make sure to include an introduction and a thoroughly
developed conclusion. Turnitin similarity report must be less than 15%. Do not write in first