Business Law – Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC)

The paper should be composed of the business you have chosen to research and the three topics you will research.

Chosen business: Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC)

Three topics:

1. Business ethics: Encouraging ethical behavior at work

2. Business ethics: Encouraging whistle blowing

3. Negligence

Further Instructions

Please submit the paper via an attachment in Rich Text Format or as a Word document.

Please check your paper for viruses before you send it.

Requirements: What is being required in a paper?

The paper will be graded based on content, organization, readability, and grammatical correctness. Content & Analysis includes your ideas as well as your research. Content includes your ideas as well as your research. Organization includes external transitions (section to section) and internal transitions (paragraph to paragraph and sentence to sentence). Readability means how well the paper flows. Avoid wordiness and the passive voice. Don’t start your sentences with “it is” or “there are.” Grammatical correctness includes spelling and other grammar errors including subject-verb agreement. Use parenthetical references (APA style) within your paper to document all quotations, Minor details (for example, statistics), opinions that are not yours. However, Do not document your own opinions. Any paper submitted without a reference section will receive a grade of zero. Can the main body of the paper be longer than eight pages? Yes, it can be up to ten pages, but it must be four full pages.