Business Sustainability

Create a report for a local business which evaluates three (3) different sustainability models and recommends one sustainability programme which could be applied to that business which when implemented could lead to a competitive advantage for the business.

The report must include at least one Mãori / Iwi sustainability model and demonstrate how the sustainability programme will impact the business operations and management as well as the community and physical environments in which the business operates.

1. Executive Sunmary

A one page summary of ell the key information in the report including the problem the report looks to addiress, relevani background information, key findings and conclusions.

Covers all key elements of the report including the problem the report looks to address,relevant background information,key findings and conclusions.

Summaries all key information of the report and stand alone as a summary of the report.

2. Introduction (5marks)

This should include the following in a single paragraph to provide the reader with some basid information about the report: Makes clear reference to the obiective of the report Explains structure of report Explain what sources and research what methods were used Notes the limitations of the report

3. Organisational Background

Provide background information about this organisation. Highlights key information about the organization Organizational vison, mission and values are explained Industry dynamics are explained

4. Sustainability Model 1(10 marks)

Identify and explain using peer-reviewed sources of information, a sustainability model which is relevant to the business, its operating environment and context Significance and components of each model clearly described Understands and critically evaluates supporting evidence reference materials. Uses citations/ in-text references appropriately ano effectively, providing sufficient evidence.
5. Sustainability Model 2(10 marks)

Identify and explain using peer-reviewed sources of information, a sustainability model which is relevant to the business, its operating environment and context Significance and scope of each model clearly described Understands and critically evaluates supporting evidence, reference materials. Uses citations / in-text references appropriately ana effectivelv, providing sufficient evidence.

6. Sustainability Model 3(10 marks)

Identify and explain usina peer-reviewed sources of information, a sustainability model which is relevant to the business, its operating environment and context Significance and scope of each model clearly described Understands and critically evaluates supporting evidence / reference materials. Uses citations / in-text references appropriately and effectively, providing sufficient evidence.

7. Sustainability programme (10 marks)

Identify and explain an appropriate sustainability programme which the business could mplement. Link one of the sustainability models to the sustainability programme The programme needs to lead to the achievement of competitive advantage for the business through improved management and operations.

An appropriate programme is selected Examples of sustainability practice clearly linked to mode Understands and critically evaluates supporting evidence /reference materials Uses citations/ in-text references appropriately and effectively, providing sufficient evidence. Explanation supported and justified convincingly.

8. Impact analysis(20 marks)

Identify and explain how the sustainability programme is going to change the operations ano management of the business as well as the community and physical environment in which the business operates Impact on the operations and management is analysed Social and phvsical impacts are analysed

References are made to the local host community to which the business operates Understards and critically evaluates supporting evidence/reference materials.

Uses citations / in-text references appropriately and effectively, providing sufficient evidence

Explanation supported and justified convincingly

Format and presentation Structure and format Mechanics- Spelling, punctuation, grammar, referencing and formatting

Uses logical structure appropriate to assessment tasks including Table of Contents Paragraphs have topic sentences quiding the reader through the chai of reasoning or progression of ideas Chooses words for their precise meaning and uses discipline appropriate language Spelling, grammar and syntax to a high standard

Referencing style (APA Version 7)

Evidence of research conducted is of sufficient depth and detail Key academic resources used: at least 8 journal articles in tota (and other general sources as appropriate) ,are appropriatel referenced using APA format Excels in the APA style.

Correct presentation of authors names & dates.

Titles are italicized

All required bibliographic details a