Capital one

I chose Capital One.

Website of bank:

  1. What do you think that banks overall long-terms goals are?

Based on my research Chase banks long-term goal might be improve more services on making everything digital and to get more market and increasing the wealth and expanding the mortgage business.


  1. Develop a balanced scorecard for the bank, include two to five measures in each of the scorecard’s perspective.

Financial: Advance cash flow and profitability of every plan or strategy in the Capital One company, Creating return in investments by growth by advances and aggregate deposits, Enough for liquid cash flow and get return and long-term and short-term investments.


Customer: Profits through customers on high in demand products, Customers belief and trust to increase loyalty and firm by measuring and solving customers’ needs via complaints and measure growth rate of customers in bank per month.


Internal process: To recruit and maintain eligible employees and develop a new process and strategy and achieve objective goals and develop new working environment which will help to develop more automating process and advance process in transaction which will help to increase average time for processing transactions in the firm.


Organization Captivity: In this advanced tech world, customers always focus on easy way banking everywhere, so up-to-date facilities will increase customers in the bank. Also, it should benefit employee’s growth in training and satisfaction. This will help to develop new business ideas and increase the market value of firm.


  1. How would the balanced scorecard would affect the way managers develop the banks strategy?


Balance scorecard will help in providing report for both financial and non-financial growth in the bank, which will analyze performance of financial and non-financial growth, and with the results of this two factors manager will develop different ways of process to achieve company’s goal.


  1. Explain the concept of lead and lag measures in the context of the scorecard you developed.


Lead and Lag are guide for management to take active actions and outcome of action that taken, here lead is the action and lag is the measurements of outcomes. Measure of financial performance growth should be always positive and improved, which will lead the guide of measuring the customers and process more growth and satisfy customer needs and increase financial measures. Here, lag measure outcome is to achieve goal of process and guidelines followed by management and lead measures.