Discussion Board – The Pink Tax

Discussion Board

Watch the Facebook video on “The Pink Tax” in the supplementary resource folder and listen to the podcast here: https://www.npr.org/2019/08/15/751440592/the-gender-gap-series-the-problem-with-the-pink-tax. Let us know what you feel. There’s also a website: www.pink.tax for more on gender-based pricing to add to your understanding. Tie in your thoughts with what you learned about price discrimination in the past week. Is it fair? Is it smart marketing? Is this information changing the way you look at things at the store and will you shop differently now because of this? Use the discussion board to voice your informed opinion and be a part of the conversation on this important economic issue.

Remember: The Pink Tax is not a real tax issued by the government, it is an example of price discrimination based on one’s ‘gender’.

Team Strategic Audit

Team Strategic Audit – Instructions Brief Overview #1 – A more detailed set of instructions will be given to the

class in week 2

Quality project papers are usually no shorter than 35 pages. This is TEAM project, thus it is only about

seven pages per student with charts/tables.

  • The company paper will be evaluated using the following criteria:

Content 40%; Correct use of analytical tools 30%; Documentation 20% ; Organization 10%

  • The company presentation will be evaluated using the following criteria: Content

40%; Delivery 20%; Knowledge 20%; Creativity 10%; Visual Aids 10%

Written Audit Analysis

In preparing a written case analysis, provide answers to the following answers:

  • Give a brief overview and explain the type of industry the company is operating.
  • Identify the firm’s existing vision, mission, overall objective, and strategies.
  • Evaluate the mission statements for the organization and its competitors according to the nine

mission statement components, and develop an “improved” mission statement for the organization.

  • Discuss any ethical issues that the company had dealt with in the past or is dealing with currently.

Did anything adverse come from it and what can they do to make amends?

  • Identify the organization’s external opportunities and threats.
  • Construct and explain a Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM). Include at least seven factors and two


  • Construct and explain the External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix.
  • Identify the organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses. Construct and explain the Internal

Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix.

  • Describe the financial condition. Develop and explain the financial analysis.
  • Prepare tables/charts and explain each factor of the following: Strengths-WeaknessesOpportunities-Threats (SWOT) Matrix, SPACE Matrix, BCG Matrix, IE Matrix, and Grand

Strategy Matrix

  • Utilizing the strategies developed from your matrices, construct a Quantitative Strategic Planning

Matrix (QSPM) (Most important analysis). Be specific in terms strategies. You should have at

least three strategies including one that states “keep current strategy”.

  • Present your recommendations for the company and include justification for these

recommendations. Compare and contrast your recommendations to actual strategies planned by

the company.

  • Conclusion

Business/Financing homework help


  • Read the case below and answer all four questions at the end of the case.
  • Show all work when comparing alternatives and using calculated values.
  • Submit your answers on a Word (.doc), Excel (.xls), or PDF (.pdf) document

Acme Engineering is evaluating 10 projects for next year’s capital budget investments.  Their corporate MARR is set at 12% and all projects have a 10-year life:

Project Initial Cost


Annual Benefit


1 $50 $10.3
2 $150 $32.2
3 $100 $17.7
4 $300 $48.8
5 $50 $11.9
6 $200 $38.3
7 $50 $10.0
8 $200 $36.9
9 $50 $11.5
10 $100 $22.3


  1. Calculate the IRR for every project
  2. If money is not a problem which projects should be approved?
  3. Rank order all the acceptable projects according to IRR
  4. If only $450,00 is available for the budget which projects should be approved?


Capital Budgeting Case

Capital Budgeting Case
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCalculate IRR for all proyects
35.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

35.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProjects to be Approved
35.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

35.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRank Order According to IRR
35.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

35.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProyects to be approved with $450,000 budget
35.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

35.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessional Presentation
15.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

15.0 pts
Total Points: 155.0


Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)

New Assignment 7

Write an 8 page paper (excluding Title/Reference pages) using APA 6th edition and discuss the following:

  • Summarize what the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) is and what the possible financial implications of sustainability on investors could be, why it is important and how the SASB ensures investors are protected (1 page)
  • Find a publicly traded company that has filed a 10-K where sustainability related initiatives were discussed, summarize the company and the topics covered (1 page)Write a summary conclusion, bridging the gap between SASB, 10-K reporting, financial implications on cost and price, and the effect it has had on the industry and substitute industries
    • Integrate the possible financial implications for the topics they covered, these could stem from manufacturing and or marketing (price for value) related topics, be specific and substantiate your response with outside sources (2 pages)
    • Evaluate the industry your chosen company competes in and how the sustainability initiatives affect the general industry (competitive landscape), customers and substitute industries (a substitute industry could be a product that can be substituted for what your company produces, for example – cars, can be substituted with airlines, taxis etc) (3 pages)

I would expect a minimum of 5-6 outside sources. The paper will be graded on content (60%), APA (20%), flow (10%) mechanics (10%).

Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting

You are required to answer the following questions:

Question 1:    Answer the following questions as directed:  [Total 7.5 marks; 2.5 marks for each part]

(a)  Sam is planning to retire in 10 years, and buy a house in Byron Bay, Queensland. The house he is currently looking at is priced one million and is expected to grow in value each year at a 5% rate. Assuming that Sam can earn 10% annually on his investments, how much must he invest at the end of each of the next 10 years to be able to buy his dream home when he retires.

(b) ‘The financial director of the ABC company is emphasing the need to create and maximise wealth for the shareholders, while the financial director of the XYZ company believes that maximising profit of the company should be the priority’. Which company do you think adopts the correct strategy? Make a critical evaluation with examples.

(c)  You have just borrowed $10,000. You are required to repay equal amounts at the end of each of 7 years, with the first payment starting in four years’ time. Your interest rate is 8% per annum. How much will be the amount of each payment?

Question 2:   Answer the following questions as directed:  [Total 7.5 marks; 2.5 marks for each part]

(a)  Rowan has invented a new household device that would earn him $12,000 per annum for the next 10 years. Given an interest rate of 10% compounded annually, would Rowan be willing to sell his invention today for $100,000?

(b) Kate won a lottery that will make a payment $100,000 every year, starting today, for the next 10 years. If she invests the payments at a rate of 4.00% per year, what is the present value of the cash flows over the 10 year period? Interest for the 10 equal payments will be compounded at the end of each year.

(c) Property Trust Bank pays its clients 8% interest per annum, compounded on a semi-annual basis. To remain competitive, the bank’s major competitor, Mortgage Trust Bank is willing to match the interest rate offered by Property Trust Bank, but interest will be compounded on a quarterly basis. What nominal rate of interest must Mortgage Trust Bank offer to its clients?

Question 3:                  [Total 7.5 marks; 2.5 marks for each part]

You have had your offer of $1.2 million on a house accepted and have arranged with the bank for a 30 year mortgage equal to 90% of the sale price. The agreement calls for monthly repayments and the bank will charge a nominal annual interest rate of 6%.

(a) If the first payment is due one month after the loan is received, calculate the amount for the regular instalments.

(b) After the 60th payment the interest rate decreases to 5% p.a. Assume you have decided to maintain the monthly repayment. If you choose to pay out the mortgage after the 60th payment, what is the payout figure?

(c) If you choose not to pay out the mortgage after the 60th payment, how much longer will it take you to pay out the loan?

Question 4:                      [Total 7.5 marks; 2.5 marks for each part]

The following table provides the share return forecasts and associated probabilities for ABC Limited and XYZ Limited. Answer parts ‘a’ to ‘c’ using the information provided. Detailed worked solutions must be presented in your answers, including formulae used, progressive and final answers to the questions.

ABC Limited

XYZ Limited

Return (%)

Probability (%)

Return (%)

Probability (%)













(a) Calculate the expected return on each share.

(b) Calculate the variance and standard deviation for each share.

(c) Suppose a portfolio comprised of 60% investment in ABC Limited and 40% investment in XYZ Limited can be constructed. An analyst has estimated that the correlation coefficient of the two-asset portfolio is -0.30, calculate the return and standard deviation of this portfolio. Compare your answer with those reported in parts a. and b. and draw your conclusion.

Audit Documentation

“Audit Documentation” 

The Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002 created the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) to oversee the work of public accounting firms performing financial statement audits for public filers, those with publicly traded securities on a U.S. stock exchange.

This discussion activity requires two steps:

  • First, select a publicly traded company and retrieve their most recent 10-K (annual filing), which includes the report of the independent audit firm. Read the opinion rendered in the audit report.
  • Next, visit the PCAOB website and review Auditing Standard (AS) 1215 (Audit Documentation).

To complete the discussion, explain how the audit documentation requirements detailed in AS 1215 help to support the opinion that the auditor rendered in their report. Support your conclusions with at least two specific requirements detailed in AS 1215.

Funds – Accounting homework help

Assignment Content


Top of Form

Research a mutual fund family such as Vanguard, American Funds, T. Rowe Price, and so forth.

Identify one mutual fund from that family for each of the following categories:

o Actively managed common stock fund.

o Fixed income fund.

o Balanced fund.

o International fund.

o Fund devoted to retirement investing.

Write a 90- to 175-word mutual fund evaluation for each category above in your evaluation:

o Analysis of the characteristics of each fund.

o Recommendation of the type of investor to which each fund is suited.


Annual Report II:  Due April 6/7, 2020   [23 points]    This will be about 2 pages in length plus the portion of the annual report you used.6.  The name of the company.(1 point)7.  The ticker symbol and closing stock price of the company’s stock as of February 18, 2020.  Look at the Statement of Stockholders’ Equity or the Statement of Cash Flows.  Were dividends issued? (Yes or No and the total amount.) 4 points)8.  Looking at the notes of the financial statements, summarize the following policies:  (6 points)A.  Revenue recognitionB.  InventoryC.  Property, plant and equipment[9:38 PM]9.  Identify the following for the last two years:RevenuesExpensesIncome from OperationsNet IncomePerform a horizontal analysis (Chapter 13) on the above information. (4 points)10.   Looking at the Statement of Cash Flows, identify the following information for the last TWO years:A.  Largest Use of cash from Investing activities and amounts. These will be negative amounts.  The amount and description. (2 points)B.  Largest Source of Cash from Financing activities and amounts. These will be positive amounts. The amount and description. (2 points)11.  Get an article dated 2020 that mentions your company – not a press release.  This article can be about anything not just financial information – it just needs to mention your company.   Print it out and include it in your report.  Summarize it briefly in your own words.

The company is called TJX company has to be done on TJMAX company

Individual Income Tax Accounting


Individual Income Tax Accounting

(100 points)

You are to prepare a retirement plan for yourself taking the following things into consideration:

  1. You plan to retire at 60 years old (if you are above 40 you can extend your retirement age to 66 or 70) and wish to have a substantial nest egg at retirement.
  2. You are to have two (2) retirement accounts one an IRA and the second one should be either a Keogh, a section 401(k), or a section 457 plan – (a 401(k) or 457 plan can be substituted for the 457).
  3. Your assumed rate of return on any investment(s) should not be greater than 8.5 percent annually.
    1. Attach a spreadsheet showing the amounts invested each year for both retirement plans.


  1. For the IRA you should go online and find actual an investment firm(s) and select likely investments. For the Keogh, 401(k), or 457 you can use a sample that you find online.


  1. Your findings should be communicated to me via memorandum no later than Friday April 10, 2020. Your memorandum should thoroughly explain the what the tax benefits of your retirement plans and any assumptions that you use to arrive at your results.  Please include at least the following:
    1. What is an IRA? What are the two types of IRAs? Also, fully explain the second type of retirement plan you selected (a 401(k) etc.).
    2. The maximum annual investment amount for your plans.
    3. Your age upon initial investment
    4. Your projected retirement age
    5. Your projected salary or income in you will be self-employed (you must use realistic amounts nothing greater than $70,000)
    6. Information on the firm(s) you selected and why you selected them over others
    7. Information on the investment accounts/vehicles you selected-why you selected them over other.
    8. Tax implications of your plan.
    9. Briefly explain what options are available to your Keogh, 401(k) or 457 plans if you change jobs/careers etc.
    10. Total retirement income available upon your retirement.

Before beginning this assignment, you should read and reread the section in Chapter 9 of the textbook that explain retirement accounts.

Professional Development for Accountants

Professional Development for Accountants 


Detailed Instructions 
Task 1
Create a training presentation to professional accountants on an aspect of corporate accountability or reporting (other than traditional financial reports) from the module.
The presentation should:
• introduce the particular corporate accountability/reporting aspect you wish to cover;
• present a rationale of why you have chosen it and why you think it is important that accountants should be aware of it;
• demonstrate examples of how it is currently reported, including both positive and negative aspects about its coverage, and provide suggestions for improvements; and
• show how professional accountants can contribute to the reporting of the particular aspect you have chosen.
Within the notes area below each slide you should include some detail behind each slide to elaborate on the bullet points, graphics or pictures you use on the slide itself, including any citations to back up your points. Whilst there is no specific word limit on these notes sections, they should not be mini-essays in themselves, only support for what you would say if you were actually presenting the slides to an audience.
You should aim for between 20-25 slides (not including the title slide and any reference list slides).
N.B.: you should not choose the same topic area as you covered in coursework 1 (i.e. not-for-profit reporting).
Task 2
Write a short reflective piece on how your chosen topic from task 1 may inform your own professional practice and career in the future. You may choose to use a reflective model to help structure your reflection, if you feel it is helpful. Examples of these include:
• Kolb (1984)
• Gibbs (1998)
• Johns (2000)
• Moon (1999)
but you may choose any other reflective model if you find it more applicable to your learning.
Whether you choose to use a model or not, you should consider:
• what you have learnt about the particular topic,
• what its impact on you and your learning and potential future career and practice might be; and
• what you might consider doing differently now that you have an awareness of the topic.
This written work should be no more than 800 words (plus or minus 10%).
General guidance
You are advised to put any lengthy supportive information in an appendix. Appendices are not word-counted and are not marked but they can assist you in providing supporting evidence for your analysis. It may be a good idea to attach in the appendix some necessary information for the organisation you are analysing.

Professional Development for Accountants

Professional Development for Accountants


Detailed Instructions 
Task 1
Create a training presentation to professional accountants on an aspect of corporate accountability or reporting (other than traditional financial reports) from the module.
The presentation should:
• introduce the particular corporate accountability/reporting aspect you wish to cover;
• present a rationale of why you have chosen it and why you think it is important that accountants should be aware of it;
• demonstrate examples of how it is currently reported, including both positive and negative aspects about its coverage, and provide suggestions for improvements; and
• show how professional accountants can contribute to the reporting of the particular aspect you have chosen.
Within the notes area below each slide you should include some detail behind each slide to elaborate on the bullet points, graphics or pictures you use on the slide itself, including any citations to back up your points. Whilst there is no specific word limit on these notes sections, they should not be mini-essays in themselves, only support for what you would say if you were actually presenting the slides to an audience.
You should aim for between 20-25 slides (not including the title slide and any reference list slides).
N.B.: you should not choose the same topic area as you covered in coursework 1 (i.e. not-for-profit reporting).
Task 2
Write a short reflective piece on how your chosen topic from task 1 may inform your own professional practice and career in the future. You may choose to use a reflective model to help structure your reflection, if you feel it is helpful. Examples of these include:
• Kolb (1984)
• Gibbs (1998)
• Johns (2000)
• Moon (1999)
but you may choose any other reflective model if you find it more applicable to your learning.
Whether you choose to use a model or not, you should consider:
• what you have learnt about the particular topic,
• what its impact on you and your learning and potential future career and practice might be; and
• what you might consider doing differently now that you have an awareness of the topic.
This written work should be no more than 800 words (plus or minus 10%).
General guidance
You are advised to put any lengthy supportive information in an appendix. Appendices are not word-counted and are not marked but they can assist you in providing supporting evidence for your analysis. It may be a good idea to attach in the appendix some necessary information for the organisation you are analysing.

Accounting Information Systems Investigation

Accounting Information Systems Investigation

Learning Objectives:

  1. Familiarize the student real world application of accounting information systems
  2. Allow student to interact with business professionals (experiential learning)
  3. Document accounting information systems


Assignment:  Identify a service, manufacturing or retail company that interests you or where you have a connection.  The size of the company or if it is private or publically traded.  Contact a person in the leadership (CEO, president, partner, general manager, controller, etc.) of the company (does not have to be an accountant) and request a meeting to discuss the company’s accounting information system.  Your objective similar to an auditor’s objective is to learn about the company’s accounting information system.  Assure the company leader that you do not want them to share any confidential information about the company by completing the non-disclosure agreement available in D2L.

For example: the store manager at your local Lowes Home Improvement Center or the partner of a local CPA firm. 

Please read the paper guidelines document in D2L for additional details. 

The following subheadings are required in your five page paper:

Leadership- Name, titles and contact information (e-mail & phone number of the individual(s) you met with and a picture as appendix to your paper with the individual(s) person you met in front of a company logo (if possible).

Company Overview*- A brief description of the company as well as the location details as follows:

  1. Provide a brief overview of the company and their primary business- (e.g. Lowes is in the home improvement business, operates in XX states and XX countries worldwide and is headquartered in YY city established in 19XX.)
  2. Discuss the overall company size (sales & employees), location (sales & employees), operating structure (decentralized or centralized) (e.g. Lowes has centralized administration and decentralized management control. The company is structured in 4 regions West, East, Midwest and Southwest with Vice Presidents of store management over each region).

*Depending on the company/firm, a tour prior to your discussion may be helpful. 

Accounting Information Systems- The focus of this section is the technical part of the company’s accounting information system.

  1. What software does the company employ?
  2. When was it installed (if known)?
  3. What accounting system is the company using?
    1. This could be an enterprise resource planning system (e.g. SAP, Oracle), quickbooks, peachtree, green ledger paper, a spiral notebook or any other system that the company uses to maintain their accounting records
  4. Challenges with current system
  5. What the controls for adding employees, items, general ledger accounts?
  6. Where is their system maintained?
  7. What are the threats to their system?

General Ledger Structure- Discuss how the AIS systems categorizes sales (revenue) and expenses.  In this section you should discuss the following:

  1. the fiscal year of the company when and why does it end- is there logic for when the company has a yearend
  2. structure of the general ledger accounts
  3. is the location a profit center or cost center (e.g. For Lowes each store would be considered a profit center because they generate revenues & expenses and have a store P&L/income statement).
  4. how does the company segment sales and expenses- in other words what departments do they use (e.g. Lowes uses millwork, garden center, lumber , plumbing, electrical, flooring etc.; a public accounting firm might use consulting, bookkeeping, audit & tax).

Key Performance Indicators- A discussion of the key performance indicators (KPI’s) the company uses to manage their business.  This section should include the following:

  1. KPI’s used at the location level and the frequency
    1. Revenues (internet vs. in-store), expenses, budget, comparisons (region/nation)
  2. Industry specific KPI’s (e.g. Lowes sales by department or inventory shrink, public accounting billable hours or new clients)

Insight- Please write one paragraph about your insight into how this experience enhanced your learning and understanding of accounting information systems.


  1. In a separate JPEG file, please provide a picture with you and the company individuals you interviewed. If possible, take the picture in front of some signage from the company (e.g. Lowes in front of the store or public accounting in front of the firm’s front desk or sign outside).

A scanned signed PDF copy of the non-disclosure agreement with your name and the company name filled out correctly.  If you cannot scan to PDF, a word document with the appropriate changes will be sufficient.

Comparing of Accounting Practices in French, US and Qatari Companies

Differences in Accounting Practices of French, US and Qatari Companies

Finding Differences in Accounting Practices of French, US and Qatari Companies


Comparative International Accounting (Nobes and Parker), Pearson, 13th edition of 2016, Chapters 2.9, 8 and 15.2 (Uploaded in Blackboard)

International Accounting (Doupnik and Perera), McGraw-Hill Education, 4/5th edition of 2016/2020, Chapter 2 (FURTHER EVIDENCE OF ACCOUNTING DIVERSITY)

On the internet, find the 2018 reports of the following companies

–     Carrefour SA (French parent company, i.e. using French accounting not IFRS), pp. 256-269. (http://www.carrefour.com/content/annual-reports)

–     Baladna (Qatari company, using IFRS), pp.1-40. (https://baladna.com/investor_relations/ipo/)


  1. ‘US Accounting is the best in the world, but it might be an unnecessary luxury for a country such as France.’ Discuss (no more than 250 words)
  2. Refer to the income statements for Carrefour SA, Costco, and BaladnaCalculate gross profit margin (gross profit/sales), operating profit margin (operating profit/sales) and net profit margin (net earnings/sales) for each of these companies. If a particular ratio cannot be calculated, explain why not.
  3. Looking at the financial statements of Carrefour SA (French accounting) and Costco (US GAAP):
    1. Determine the financial statements included in an annual report
    2. List two format differences in the companies’ balance sheets
    3. Give one example of differences in the level of details (on the face of the financial statements)
    4. Give one example of disclosure differences (in the notes)
    5. Give one example of either recognition or measurement differences

Institute of Management Accountants Questions

Course Project  
This assignment will introduce you to the Institute of Management Accountants, a worldwide
association of accounting and financial professionals in business, government, and nonprofit
organizations. Their web site is at www.imanet.org.
The objective of this assignment is for you to locate the following topics at that site and
summarize your findings in a Word document. Include the hyperlink of the related web page.
Your submittal should be a three to four page paper using the Times New Roman font, 11-point type with one-inch margins. It will be due in Week 4.
Locate and summarize the following topics:
Who and what is the Institute of Management Accountants?
What is the purpose (mission) of the organization?
How many members are there and, generally, where are they located?
Identify the closest chapter to your home or place of business.
Describe the CMA certification.
What are some of the benefits of obtaining the CMA certification?
What are the requirements of obtaining the CMA?
Are there any continuing education requirements?
What is the average salary advantage that CMAs have?

What is your understanding of the difference between a CMA and a CPA certification?