Preparing Airworthiness Report (Aviation Assignment)

Preparing Airworthiness Report (Aviation Assignment) 


Using the details attached and further instructions, prepare an airworthiness report. The report to be 15-20 pages. Harvard reference style. Include cover page, table of contents, appendices, tables, charts, figures, and so forth. Check the attachments.

Building a Positive Human Factors Culture by Considering Team Performance in Aviation

Building a Positive Human Factors Culture by Considering Team Performance in Aviation

For this activity, you will assume the role of a manager in the aviation industry and will prepare a
presentation that outlines your plan to establish and maintain a positive human factors culture
within your organization. Consider the role of pilots, mechanics, and managers as part of your
Your presentation must include a minimum of five, but no more than eight, slides not including
the title slide or reference slide, have embedded audio, and include speaker notes.

Effect of UAS / UAVs on the Aviation Industry

Effect of UAS on the Aviation Industry 

UAS are increasingly becoming used in various parts of the world. Although their use have certain advantages, they have also resulted in negative impacts on various sectors.


Analyze the general impact of the use of UAS and focus specifically on their effect in the aviation industry. This paper should be written in a report format with tables, figures, graphs, etc. It should be 25-30 pages. Use a mixture of sources comprising websites, journals, books, and so forth. Total sources should be a minum of 40. Format the report in Harvard style. The paper is due on 26th October, 2019.

Aviation Market Analysis and Forecasting Assignment

Aviation Market Analysis and Forecasting Assignment

Market Analysis (35%):

a) What is the demand profile and competitive environment of the current aviation market to/from Birmingham?

b) What are the key factors that have historically driven demand in this market?

c) Have traffic trends been consistent ?

d) What is the forecast for the future in the short, medium and long term ?

e) What are the opportunities, challenges and threats to the market ?

f) Analyse and critically evaluate the importance of different factors that could influence the demand for air transport to/from Birmingham in the future.

Forecasting (35%):

a) Select and make a passenger forecast for TWO routes that are currently operating from Birmingham for a three year period from 2020 to 2022 inclusive.

b) Select and make a 1 year passenger forecast for ONE new route that is not currently operating from Birmingham.

c) Select TWO routes that are currently operated by at least TWO airlines from Birmingham and calculate the airlines projected individual market share in 2020 using the QSI index.

You should consider the different elements of the QSI index and which factors should be included in your projections for the most accurate result.

You may assume that the frequency, timings, fares and aircraft type employed are as per 2019. For part a) and b) please ensure that you make clear the forecasting methodology that you are using.

Effect of the 2007 to 2009 US Recession on Airlines

Effect of the 2007 to 2009 US Recession on Airlines 


5-7 pages, APA styel, 10-15 sources.

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Lean Implementation on Aviation Manufacturing Processes

Lean Implementation on Aviation Manufacturing Processes 

Prepare a 2,500-word minimum paper (excluding title page and references) that addresses the following:

1. Identify a key process or activity within your organization that represents a prime candidate for improvement through LEAN implementation.

2. Develop a business charter for your stakeholders that include the problem statement, objective, scope, and future target.

3. Explain the current status of the process or activity.

Who determines whether an improvement initiative is supported?

Why are stakeholders made aware of all improvement initiatives?

4. Perform a waste analysis on the current state of your key process. What wastes (muda) have you identified? How does mura and muri affect your key process?

In addition to course materials, research Aviation manufacturing related journal and periodical articles written in the last five years need to be used.

At least three references in addition to course materials are required.

Hint: Focus on journals and periodicals relevant to the industry of Aviation manufacturing.

Note that APA format is required for this paper. An abstract is not required and does not count toward the word count if provided.

Effective Briefings in Aviation

Effective Briefings in Aviation 


Use this link Don’t forget the Bibliography

Application of Lean Methods: Saudi Aramco, Emirate Airlines, Qatar Airways

Application of Lean Methods: Saudi Aramco, Emirate Airlines, Qatar Airways 

Subject: Quality Engineering

Statistical Process Control (SPC).  Lean Manufacturing Methodology, Kaizen Quality  5S Methodology. Six Sigma. DMAIC. Lean Sigma. Kanban. Quality Management Systems (QMS). Quality Control (QC). Gemba. Value Stream MappingKaizen (PDCA Cycle)5SCause and Effect AnalysisSIPOC AnalysisProcess Maps / Process Flowcharts. DMADV, also known as Design for Six Sigma (DFSS). BPMN Process Maps  (Business Process Modeling Notation map). Process Maps.

Required the report body:
Project Methodology: Including the techniques and used tools
Data Collection
Results and Analysis
Discussion of the Results

The 8 types of waste you’ll be able to remove with the following Lean tools are

  • Defects
  • Overproduction
  • Waiting
  • Non-utilized talent
  • Transportation
  • Inventory
  • Motion
  • Extra-processing

Airport Project: JFK Airport, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, etc

Airport Project  


Select an airport of your choice. It can be any international airport in the US such as JFK Airport, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Chicago O’Hare International Airport, Los Angeles International Airport,  Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, etc

This paper should be an introduction to an  international airport in the US.
Discuss such items as the location, NPIAS classification, surrounding community, its relationship
to the collocated reliever and general aviation facilities, as well as any other information you
deem important, including information from the FAA Master Record and Airport Data Sheets.

Aircraft Maintenance and Inspections

Human Errors in Aviation Maintenance and Inspection

Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) in Aviation Organizations

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to examine the top five (this number is a starting point) human errors in aviation maintenance and inspection, and what Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) organizations can do to prevent or at least minimize the human errors in
aviation maintenance.
Alsol needed is a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis page. This presentation must address the core program outcomes; as part of this presentation, you will use critical thinking to present a SWOT analysis of your project highlighting the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within your problem-solving project. Your analysis of your project must include a minimum of three bullet points for each of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Compile a brief summary of your SWOT analyses into a one-page document. Be sure to answer the following questions: Does your project have unacceptable weaknesses or threats? Are the strengths and opportunities better for one of the platforms?
*I will include a SWOT template.*
-The Annotated bibliography will be at least 10 references, just like the reference page.
Body has to hit these three program outcomes:
1. Aviation Maintenance: The student will be able to demonstrate an understanding and application of the fundamentals of aviation
maintenance, commonly accepted maintenance practices and global regulations applicable to the aviation maintenance industry.
2. Aviation Maintenance Management: The student will be able to demonstrate an understanding and application of management functions
applicable to aviation maintenance operation for all types of aerial vehicles.
3. Aviation Maintenance Safety: The student will be able to demonstrate a comprehension and application of the basic concepts of ground and
flight safety pertaining to the aviation maintenance industry.

Fatigue Failure in Aircraft Structures


In this case analysis you will review, and then analyze a mishap which involved fatigue. To get
started, go to the NTSB Aviation Accident Database (Links to an external site.) and locate an
NTSB report which involved fatigue from the last 36 months (an open source military report is
acceptable, but please do not include any “privileged” data).
Next, based on what you have read and have learned in this module, explain why the pilot
operated the vehicle in a fatigued state. Then, present what corrective action the pilot should
have taken to avoid the mishap from occurring.
Please provide sound evidence for your conclusion by supporting it with information from the
NTSB report and your new found knowledge of fatigue.
Your analysis should include the following sections:
Summary of the case
Problem Statement – What is the problem?
Significance of the Problem – Why this is a problem?
Alternative Actions (2) – How could it have been avoided?

Ultracapacitors in Aviation : Article Review

Ultracapacitors in Aviation : Article Review, Instructions 

Find an article in an aviation-related journal or other current resource detailing recent
developments in the construction and use of ultra-capacitors, how ultra capacitors are changing
aircraft electrical systems, or what future applications might benefit from the use of
ultracapacitors.After conducting your research, write a one page synopsis of your findings.
Include a cover page and reference page in your written document.