Business case: Heathrow Airport Project


Coursework 2: Individual Project Report (50%) Word Count: 2000
Business case: Heathrow Airport Project You are required to write a report to address the
You need to be diligent about what information you collect, how to store it and then how to
present it so that you answer the assignment requirements. You also need to appreciate the
credibility of the information you collect and use in your arguments and reference appropriately
all the resources used.
You will need to use the above case for Coursework 2 (Individual Report). The case will provide you with a general background of the project. Here, you are required to undertake additional
reading and researches to assist you in answering the below.
In this end of module coursework (CW2), you are required to:
1) Discuss the scope and scale of the project, including a speculative WBS.
2) Demonstrate how collaboration was used to ensure project coherence across a
range of business functional areas.
3) Identify potential resource conflicts. Then evaluate the strategy that was utilised to
ensure the effective use of resources.
4) Prepare the risk management plan. This needs to include risk identification, risk assessment
and risk control strategies, as well as the risk communication plan which forms a part of a
standard risk management process.
In order to understand the above requirements better, you need to read the brief alongside the
coursework 2 rubric (containing the marking criteria).
Report format:
• Word processed, 11pt font with 1 line spacing
• All pages numbered
• Front page stating:
o Module number
o Module name
o Title of the assignment
o Student name and number
o Submission date

o Word count (excluding executive summary, references, appendices, charts and
• The main body of the text should be maximum 2,000 words
• An executive summary on maximum one page
• Appendices can be used to illustrate your analysis (not more than 6 pages)

Airport commercial/service performance and Ownership Structures Paper

Assignment Instructions

You work for a global consulting company with a number of large airport customers and the company has asked you to work on an airport planning and development project. You have been assigned to write a report regarding 2 airports to use as case studies for the teams who will be working with their various airport customers.

Steps to follow:

The steps you need to follow are listed below.

  1. Select two airports. You can select any two airports of any type in any country.
  2.  Select from below areas to cover in your report:
  • Legislation
  • Ownership structures
  • Airport commercial / service performance
  • The airfield
  • Terminal buildings
  • Surface access
  • Airport security
  1. Compare and critically analyse the approach of the two airports based on the 2 areas you selected from the above list.

The report should have a Contents Page and use clear sections and sub sections. It must be no more than 3,500 words excluding your References List, any necessary appendices, tables, figures, graphs and contents page. Reports exceeding this word count may incur penalties, in accordance with the word count used.

Your report will be marked according to the following assessment criteria:

  • Comparison and critical evaluation of the 2 areas – 40% each (80%)
  • The use of sources and Harvard referencing, both in-text and in the References List (10%)
  • Report structure, spelling, grammar (10%)

OSHA and EPA Aviation regulations

When you are working in the field of aviation safety it is important to understand the differences between the various governing agencies and know which agency provides oversight for the various components of an aviation operation.
Discuss the differences between OSHA and the EPA that are relevant to aviation, cite some examples. You must have a title page and two

Decision Making in Aviation This book examines the process of decision making, one of the critical aspects of aviation professionalism. If we can understand how we make a decision, the traps in the process and the flaws that affect some of our thinking, we can make better and safer aviation decisions. This process is not just an aviation tool but a part of our everyday life. As we read and discuss this book, I would like you to address the following questions and statements in your paper:

1. What is the most common trait used in decision making? Why is this potentially dangerous in the field of aviation?

2. How will this book and the understanding of the process of decision making affect the way I might make long and short term decisions when I am planning and executing a flight?

3. How do the predictions of dopamine affect aviation decision making?

4. Describe some of the physiological aspects of the brain in relation to the decision-making process. Please source the book above and the other make sure they are web-based sources.

Materials Selection for Aviation Applications

Research a material that was incorporated into the design of an aircraft structure that did not meet expectations. Clearly describe the material and application, how the structure failed to meet the requirements, and under what conditions that material proved to be inadequate. How would you recommend correcting the above structural material failure? Would you reinforce or redesign the problem area, or choose a different type of material? Please be specific in your analysis.

Aviation Research Methods

1.Gather a substantial data set that relates to your research problem. Describe the data using text and the measures (of central tendency and dispersion) and visualisations you consider best suitable.

2. Propose a model for the data collected and perform a type of statistical analysis that suits the model. By ‘model’, I refer to any sort of statistical representation either to describe the data and gain insights from it, or to study relationships between different variables.


  1. Briefly discuss the history of aviation beginning with the era of the Wright Brothers
  2. Discuss the difference between low cost carriers (LCC)  and full service carriers (FSC)
  3. Discuss the social, environmental, and economic impacts of airports
  4. An aircraft was involved in an accident in a densely forested area during a story weather. The wreckage has been found and you are provided with some information including photos and communication before the incident occurred. There is also information from eye witness. You are appointed as a lead investigator. Describe how you will conduct the investigation.

Aviation And Climate Change

In this assignment, you are expected to complete a 25-page paper about Aviation and Climate Change. You will address various issues that are relevant to the topic. Subdivide your paper into sections. Use at least 30 sources, and follow APA guidelines throughout the paper. In your sources, 75% should be peer reviewed journals, while the rest should be credible websites and books.