Gerald has taken out a loan of $100000 today to start a business

Gerald has taken out a loan of $100000 today to start a business

Gerald has taken out a loan of $100,000 today to start a business. He has agreed to repay the loan on the following terms: • Repayments will be made on a monthly basis. The first repayment will be made exactly one month from today.

  • The repayments for the first 5 years will cover interest only to help reduce the financial burden for Gerald’s business at the start.
  • After the 5-year interest-only period, Gerald will make level monthly payments that will fully repay the loan after an additional 15 years (i.e. 20 years from today, the loan will be fully repaid).
  • The interest charged is 5% p.a. effective.

Using this information, answer the following questions.

  1. Calculate the equivalent effective monthly rate on the loan. (1 mark)
  2. Calculate the size of the first repayment due exactly one month from now.

space     (1 mark)

  1. c) Calculate the size of the level repayments that occur after the initial 5-year interest-only period. (2 marks)

10 years have passed, and Gerald’s business is doing well. Further, he has made all the repayments on his loan so far as described above, and has just made the repayment due today. However, it has just been announced that the interest rate on Gerald’s loan will go up to 5.5% p.a. compounding semi-annually.

  1. Calculate the new equivalent effective monthly rate on the loan. (1 mark)
  2. Calculate the current loan outstanding (again, it is 10 years after the loan was initially taken out). Note that the new interest rate only applies from today onwards.

space     (2 marks)

  1. f) Because Gerald’s business is doing well, he decides to repay a lump sum of $10,000 immediately. To further reduce the amount of interest he is paying to the bank, he will increase his monthly repayments to $1,000 per month.

How many full repayments of $1,000 does Gerald have to make in order to fully repay this loan? (Note: Gerald may need to make a further, smaller payment in

the subsequent month) (2 marks)
g) Calculate the size of the smaller payment.

Impact of Fiscal Policy on Local Community

Impact of Fiscal Policy on Local Community

This week, you will discuss how you are affected by fiscal policy. For instance, you could write about how infrastructure projects in your community affect you and your community, and then how they affect the economy as a whole.

Please identify and explain an important infrastructure project in your city, state, or region that is currently underway or being discussed. Such a project could be an airport, a highway, a bridge, a light rail or subway system, a tunnel, new school buildings, new landfills and so on. Please include information about the expected costs of the project, and how public spending on the project could stimulate the economy in your area. How would the multiplier effect work here? Do you think that spending on such a project would create new jobs beyond the project itself?

Impact of Fiscal Policy on Community

Impact of Fiscal Policy on Community

This week, you will discuss how you are affected by fiscal policy. For instance, you could write about how infrastructure projects in your community affect you and your community, and then how they affect the economy as a whole.

Please identify and explain an important infrastructure project in your city, state, or region that is currently underway or being discussed. Such a project could be an airport, a highway, a bridge, a light rail or subway system, a tunnel, new school buildings, new landfills and so on. Please include information about the expected costs of the project, and how public spending on the project could stimulate the economy in your area. How would the multiplier effect work here? Do you think that spending on such a project would create new jobs beyond the project itself?

Principles of accounting essay

Principles of accounting essay

Businesses elect to use different accounting approaches. Two of the popular approaches are accrual and cash basis accounting methods. If you opened a small business, would you use the cash basis or the accrual basis of accounting? What factors would you consider in your decision

Data Analysis and Decision Making Piktochart

Data Analysis and Decision Making Piktochart

The diverse group is “Veterans”
I need a piktochart from the piktochart website, and i need it to look similar to the examples below. Need someone that is creative enough to come up with something like these examples below. I have attached the assignment file.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3


Cybersecurity Implementation Plan

Cybersecurity Implementation Plan

Business Context / Use of Scenario

Implementation plan clearly, concisely, and accurately incorporated information about the designated business context and scenario information as presented in the course readings. No evidence present indicating use of previous course scenarios.

Introduction or Overview for the Implementation Plan for Security Strategy (for Designated Company)

Provided an excellent overview of the implementation plan. The introduction was clear, concise, and accurate. Writer appropriately used information from 3 or more authoritative sources

Goals & Objectives for Implementation Plan (for Designated Company)

Clearly identified (a) 3 or more business goals and objectives and (b) 3 or more project goals and objectives. Explanation of goals established the relationship between the security strategy for the designated company (project #1) and this project. Goals and objectives were stated in a clear, concise, and accurate manner. Appropriately used information from 3 or more authoritative

Scope, Assumptions, & Constraints for Implementation Plan (for designated company)

Provided an excellent analysis of the scope for the implementation project (including explanation of items that are beyond the scope). Clearly and concisely listed 6 or more assumptions (2), constraints (2), and barriers to success (2). Appropriately used information from 3 or more authoritative sources.

Project Management Plan (People, Processes, Technologies)

Provided an excellent description of the project management plan supporting implementation of the security strategy. Clearly and concisely identified and described the required management and monitoring structures using the people, processes, and technologies framework. Appropriately used information from 3 or more authoritative sources.

Strategy Implementation

Provided an excellent documentation package detailing the security controls required to implement the strategy. Provided a phased implementation schedule with timeline diagram using the System Development Lifecycle (SDLC) gates/phases and including milestones and resources required for each phase (people, money). Narrative documentation was clear, concise, and accurate.  Appropriately used information from 3 or more authoritative sources.

Enterprise IT Architecture (for the designated company)

Provided an excellent documentation package detailing the hardware, software, network infrastructure, and cybersecurity defenses required to implement the cybersecurity strategy. Narrative documentation of the architecture was clear, concise, and accurate.  Provided an updated Network Diagram showing the to-be state of the IT infrastructure including all mitigating or “control” technologies (e.g. firewalls, IDPS, DMZ, etc.). Appropriately used information from 3 or more authoritative sources.


Capital Recapitalization Solved Questions

Capital Recapitalization Solved Questions

Please show your working step and step and thoroughly.

For the excel sheet, make sure you put the formula or how to calculate the result in each answer box.

HD’s business
HD was a large producer of branded appliances primarily used in residential households.
For the period 2015-2019 the industry posted modest annual unit sales growth of 1.8% despite
positive market conditions including a strong housing market and product innovations. Competition
from inexpensive imports and aggressive pricing by Mass Merchandisers Limited has reduced
growth to 2.5% annually over the period. Under its CEO Benjamin White’s leadership, HD operated
much as it always had, with three notable exceptions. First, the company completed an IPO (Initial
Public Offering) in 2014. This provided a measure of liquidity for founders’ descendants who,
collectively, owned 62% of the outstanding shares following the IPO. Second, beginning in the 2010s,
HD has gradually moved its production abroad. Finally, HD had undertaken a strategy focused on
rounding out and complementing its product offerings by acquiring small independent manufacturers
and/or the kitchen appliance product lines of large diversified manufacturers. Thus far, all
acquisitions had been for cash or HD stock.
HD’s historical performance
During the year ended December 31, 2019, HD earned net income of $8.25 billion on
revenue of $83.18 billion. Exhibits 1 and 2 present the company’s recent financial statements.
The company’s 2019 EBIT margin of nearly 7.0% was average within the peer group. During 2015-
2019, compounded annual returns for HD shareholders (including dividends and stock price
appreciation) was approximately 11.1% per year. This was higher than the ASX S&P200, which
returned approximately 5% per year. However, it was well below the 16% annual compounded return
earned by shareholders of HD’s peer group during the same period.
HD’s financial policies
HD’s financial position was conservative and very much in keeping with HD’s longstanding practice and, with its management style. In recent years the company’s largest uses of cash have been common dividends and cash consideration paid in various acquisitions. Dividends per
share had risen only modestly during 2015-2019. However, as the company issued new shares in
connection with some of its acquisitions, the number of shares outstanding increasesd to
approximately 1.27 billion by the end of 2019.
Net income (000s) 8,248,000
Average number of shares outstanding (000s) 1,267,881
Effective corporate tax rate 36.50%
Average cost of bonds 2.1%
On a bright Friday afternoon, Benjamin sat in his office reflecting on a meeting he had with
an investment banker earlier in the week. The banker, whom Benjamin had known for years, asked
for the meeting after a group of private equity investors made discreet inquiries about a possible
acquisition of HD. Although HD was a public company, a majority of its shares were controlled by
family members descended from the firm’s founders together with various family trusts. Benjamin
knew the family had no current interest in selling – on the contrary, HD was interested in acquiring
other companies in the same industry – so this overture, like a few others before it, would be politely
Nevertheless, Benjamin was struck by the banker’s assertion that a private equity buyer
could “unlock” value inherent in HD’s strong operations and balance sheet. Using cash on HD’s
balance sheet and new borrowings, a private equity firm could purchase all of HD’s outstanding
shares at a price higher than its current stock price of $114.33 per share. It would then repay the debt
over time using the company’s future earnings. The banker pointed out that HD itself could do the
same thing – borrow money to buy back its own shares. In the days since the meeting, Benjamin’s
thoughts kept returning to a share repurchase. Working as the analyst for the company, you are asked
to prepare a report to explain the pros and cons of this deal. Here is a draft of your report.
Draft report – an analysis on capital structure and firm value
Capital structure in perfect markets vs. with taxes (11 Mark)
In preparing the report, you decide to start from the scenario where the capital markets are perfect.
Using Excel spreadsheets, you complete the following:
1. Compute the market debt to equity (D/E) ratio, the cost of equity (rE) and the weighted average
cost of capital (WACC) for HD. It is assumed the cost of unlevered equity (rU) is 14.8%.
Page 3 of 7 Sem 2 2020 Joey Yang
(Hint: the market value of debt is the sum of Long Term Debt and Short Term Debt/Current Portion
of Long Term Debt subtracting Cash and Cash Equivalents from the balance sheet. Use market value
of equity.)
2. Repeat the above assuming that market frictions exist, such as corporate tax.
3. Compare results in the above two questions, and use MM theory to explain the effect of capital
structure on the equity cost of capital and WACC a) in perfect markets; and b) when corporate
tax exists. (No calculation is needed.)
A Levered recapitalization (12 Mark)
Next you show Benjamin the impact of the investment banker’s share repurchase proposal: the
company could raise $10 billion new debt at the current rate of 2.1% to repurchase its own shares.
4. Assuming the firm plans to keep this new debt outstanding forever, calculate the present value
of the interest tax shield (ITS) of the new debt.
5. Compute the market value of the equity, the share price, and the number of shares outstanding,
at the time of the announcement for the repurchase and after the repurchase is complete,
respectively (assume no arbitraging).
6. Use the above analysis to explain whether this repurchase is a good deal. Discuss how this deal
has affected the total value of the company.
Payout policy (4 Mark)
7. Given that HD currently has an 80% dividend payout policy, you also show the interest income
to lenders, and dividend income to shareholders, assuming both types of investors pay personal
tax at 40% in each of the following tax environment: 1) the classic tax system; and 2) the
imputation tax system. Explain which tax system is preferable theoretically.
The downside of leverage (3 Mark)
8. Benjamin also requires you to include a discussion on the possible downside of this deal
(leveraged recapitalization) that the executives of HD should be aware of.

Economics of Transportation

Economics of Transportation

THIS IS ECON of transportation

This week, your group is tasked with building a conceptual model of transportation demand. Specifically, I would like you to outline a conceptual model of demand for a hypothetical luxury bus service between Kearney and Omaha (with one stop in Lincoln). This bus is separate from the Greyhound buses that pass through Kearney. This bus service would start in Kearney, travel to Lincoln (dropping passengers downtown), and then continue on to the Omaha airport. The bus would not make any other stops, so travel time between destinations would be only slightly longer than driving. The bus would be a modern luxury coach with onboard WIFI, comfortable seats, etc.

Your conceptual model should use a variety of independent variables to estimate the total number of weekly passengers on this bus. Therefore, the first step is to list your choices for independent variables that you believe will be useful for predicting weekly ridership. You should list at least 5 independent variables, with at least one being an indicator variable. Then, you should describe how these variables will likely affect weekly ridership. Lastly, comment on how the determinants of demand will affect the feasibility of a private company starting this type of bus service.

Unmeasured Economic Activities

Unmeasured Economic Activities

From your everyday observations list two unmeasured economic activities. Your examples don’t have to necessarily involve you directly. They can be simple observations of someone’s behavior (corporations count too). After listing each example I want you to answer the following questions:

  • Why is this activity not reflected in the GDP numbers?
  • Do you feel that this example represents a ‘significant’ amount of unreported output?

You define what is considered to be ‘significant’ and why.

Protecting Consumer Privacy

Protecting Consumer Privacy

Imagine you are part of the compliance team at EatFresh, a new meal delivery service.
Applying what you know about protecting consumer privacy, write a memo to your boss,
the Chief Compliance Officer recommending specific steps for protecting your customers.

  • The memo should recommend the incorporation of two fair information principles into
    EatFresh’s privacy regime and describes their significance
  • The memo should propose two steps the compliance team should take to avoid an FTC
    (Federal Trade Commission) enforcement action and describes their importance

Corporate Financial Analysis Finacial Ratios Worked Samples

Corporate Financial Analysis Finacial Ratios Worked Samples

Please see attached for directions under Week 2 and the attached topic list to select from.
Just following the description in the third secation- company assessment, it needs to use John wood group to compare with other 3 companies, these 3 companies are Apple, Exxon Mobil, Unilever plc. use the excel to calculate the datas. after complete, please send the excel separate sheet as well

Topic Selection and Annotated Bibliography

Topic Selection and Annotated Bibliography

Imagine you are part of the compliance team at EatFresh, a new meal delivery service.
Applying what you know about protecting consumer privacy, write a memo to your boss,
the Chief Compliance Officer recommending specific steps for protecting your customers.
 The memo should recommend the incorporation of two fair information principles into
EatFresh’s privacy regime and describes their significance
 The memo should propose two steps the compliance team should take to avoid an FTC
(Federal Trade Commission) enforcement action and describes their importance

Principles of Macroeconomics Synthesis Essay

Principles of Macroeconomics Synthesis Essay

Synthesize the concepts learned in principles of Macroeconomic like the nature of economics, demand and supply, labor resource and environment, and global economics with Core Values.

Respect – Animated in the spirit of Jesus Christ, we value all individuals’ unique talents, respect their dignity and strive to foster their commitment to excellence in our work. Our community’s strength depends on the unity and diversity of our people, on the free exchange of ideas and on learning, living and working harmoniously.

Community – University develops hospitable Christian learning communities everywhere we serve. We foster a spirit of belonging, unity and interdependence based on mutual trust and respect to create socially responsible environments that challenge all of us to listen, to learn, to change and to serve.

Responsible Stewardship – Our Creator blesses us with an abundance of resources. We foster a spirit of service to employ our resources to university and community development. We must be resourceful. We must optimize and apply all of the resources of our community to fulfill University’s mission and goals.

Personal Development – University stresses the development of every person’s mind, spirit and body for a balanced life. All members of the University community must demonstrate their commitment to personal development to help strengthen the character of our community.

Excellence -University is an educational enterprise. All of us, individually and collectively, work hard to ensure that our students-athletes develop the character, learn the skills and assimilate the knowledge essential to become morally responsible leaders. The success of our University depends upon a conscientious commitment to our mission, vision and goals.

Integrity – The commitment of University to excellence demands that its members live its mission and deliver on its promise. The faculty, staff and students pledge to be honest, just and consistent in word and deed.