Case Study: Florence Nightingale Theory  

Case Study: Florence Nightingale Theory  
You are caring for an 82-year-old woman who has been hospitalized for several weeks for burns that she sustained on her lower legs during a cooking accident. Before the time of her admission, she lived alone in a small apartment. The patient reported on admission that she has no
surviving family. Her support system appears to be other elders who live in her neighborhood. Because of transportation difficulties, most of them are unable to visit frequently. One of her neighbors has reported that she is caring for the patient’s dog, a Yorkshire terrier. As you care for this woman, she begs you to let her friend bring her dog to the hospital. She says that none of the other nurses have listened to her about such
a visit. As she asks you about this, she begins to cry and tells you that they have never been separated. You recall that the staff discussed their concern about this woman’s well-being during report that morning. They said that she has been eating very little and seems to be depressed.
1. Based on Nightingale’s work, identify specific interventions that you would provide in caring for this patient.
2. Describe what action, if any, you would take regarding the patient’s request to see her dog. Discuss the theoretical basis of your decision and action based on your understanding of Nightingale’s work.
3. Describe and discuss what nursing diagnoses you would make and what interventions you would initiate to address the patient’s nutritional status and emotional well-being.
4. As the patient’s primary nurse, identify and discuss the planning you would undertake regarding her discharge from the hospital. Identify members of the discharge team and their roles in this process. Describe how you would advocate for the patient based on Nightingale’s observations and descriptions of the role of the nurse.

Social Responsibility and Ethics Halo Corp Case Study

Social Responsibility and Ethics Halo Corp Case Study



  • You will use only material indicated in this paper to answer two questions.
  • You are NOT allowed to use additional sources.
  • Both questions are compulsory.
  • Each question is weighting 50% of the final mark for this assessment.
  • The paper is maximum 2,000 words submitted via e-submissions on the module





The management consultancy firm you work for has recently received an important briefing document from Halo Corp, a bio-engineering corporation seeking advice on the release of a consumer product they are currently innovating based on near-future technology – the Halo Chip. With a market release date of approx. 5-7 years, the product’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is to enable users to voluntarily enhance their tendencies towards sustainability (e.g. by reducing levels of unnecessary consumption, avoiding meat, increasing recycling behaviour, turning off lights and other waste-reducing behaviours).

Whilst the purpose of the product is potentially beneficial from an environmental viewpoint, elements of the product’s usage (an ‘intelligent chip’ planted under the skin that manipulates behavioural tendencies) are likely to be regarded as ethically controversial by some key public stakeholder groups. For example, whilst Halo Chip is aimed at enhancing sustainability behaviours the product’s core technology (genome reprogramming) could potentially have a variety of behavioural applications such as the lowering or suppressing of emotions (e.g. guilt, remorse, sadness, fear, insecurity etc). There is, therefore, substantial uncertainty around the commercialisation of this unique game-changing product and Halo Corp are keenly interested in knowing how key stakeholder groups might respond to the new product.

Halo Corp has selected your management consultancy to advise them on this issue because of proven expertise of their consultancy team on business ethics.

The document below contains all the information you need to complete the task. The document takes the form of a detailed letter from Halo Corp in which they have:

  • Highlighted potential ethical issues that may be of concern to stakeholders.
  • Emphasised the need to understand how key stakeholders are likely to respond to the release of the new product.
  • Identified the key stakeholders they want you to consider.
  • Provided a general description of the product – Halo Chip – and its intended application (without compromising intellectual property).
  • Provided links to key websites and documents that your team must use exclusively.

Letter from the Commercial Development Team, Halo Corp

Dear Sir/ Madam,

The last 20 years have seen a number of unprecedented global trends that present a potentially significant level of risk to public security. At the centre of concerns over population explosion, resource shortages and poverty are the profoundly damaging effects of climatic instability. Amidst growing concern, several governments have funded a variety of private sector projects whose principal aim is to develop radical solutions to manage the threat of climate change. In addition to the more well-known research into renewable energy technologies (solar, wind etc.) a vast amount of money has been channelled into bio-technologies (genetic modification). The first wave of such funding culminated in the genetic modification of food crops (e.g. wheat), enabling new strains of plants that could tolerate and even prosper in the event of harsh climatic conditions, lowering the risk of crop failure and global food shortages. A second, less known stream of funding was poured into research into human bio-engineering solutions. Our company Halo Corp was a key recipient of this funding, and has successfully developed a portfolio of bio-technologies that, with no side effects, modify the behaviour of humans in environmentally friendly ways (which will be outlined further below). The principal USP of our technology is to address climate change by reducing negative human impacts on the environment.

Currently, we anticipate that our flagship product – the Halo Chip – is around 5-7 years from commercialisation, subject to the mandatory screening procedures and regulatory approval. In anticipation of this, we are soliciting your expertise in evaluating risks and threats we may face in commercialising the Halo Chip. We are specifically concerned about the reaction of key stakeholder interest groups who are thought to be crucial in galvanizing public opinion, either for or against, the Halo Chip.

The Halo Chip

The Halo Chip is an unobtrusive intelligent microchip implant that moderates human behaviours via genome reprogramming. The core USP of the Halo Chip is to enhance behavioural tendencies in the user that, over time, lower their negative impact on the natural environment. Examples of this range from; enhancing the propensity to exercise daily, thus reducing use of private transport; developing good eating habits which, aside personal health benefits, may de-pressurise food systems; enhance toleration of low light and low heat levels which may reduce demands on energy consumption; stabilize the fluctuations in our desire states – which often result in wasteful forms of consumption such as ‘binge eating’, ‘impulse buying’ and ‘status competition’ (i.e. ‘keeping up with the Joneses’). It is often cited that the human desire for happiness fuels excessive levels of material consumption. The Halo Chip can be programmed (within acceptable boundaries) to produce and even prolong human satisfaction at lower levels of material consumption, disrupting the connection between more consumption and greater happiness. In addition to this, again within predefined limits, the Halo Chip can be programmed by the user to encourage particular behavioural traits such as heightened and/or prolonged empathy with others (e.g. humans, animals and ecosystems), so that we are more able to act in ways that don’t cause them harm.

It is important to note that the chip only enhances and stabilises tendencies that are already ‘engineered-in’ by Mother Nature. In this sense it is not re-wiring the users’ DNA code but channelling it in ways that promote pro-sustainability outcomes. Moreover, the Halo Chip, much like a mobile phone, is voluntarily purchased and can be switched on and off at the discretion of the user. There is no element of coercion to use the product and it is highly customisable such that each user retains full autonomy. One additional aspect of the Chip – which we are yet to decide on- is whether we enable it to collect user-driven content over its lifetime. We would not envisage the product to be employed as a passive monitoring device but a user driven platform for individuals to interpret their own data. For example, users could download the information in the chip to a PC/Mac and observe trends in their behaviours over time. They could, for example, compare behaviours at times when the chip is active and inactive. However, due to inevitable concerns over consumer privacy we are, as yet, uncertain about this as a product feature.

Assessing Stakeholder Reactions

Whilst the sole purpose of the chip itself is to minimise the Global Risk of Climate Change to the maintenance of human systems, the nature of the product and its core technology (genome reprogramming) is likely to be considered by some groups as controversial and thus a public risk. For instance, there may be concern if it could be manipulated and/or used to achieve behavioural advantages in other applications (e.g. warfare, sports, education etc.). There is a historical precedent for heightened public concern when it comes to bio-technologies. Genetically modified (GM) food crops, despite enhancing global food security, were initially met by huge resistance from key stakeholders in the global public domain who successfully leveraged the media to mobilize negative public reactions (e.g. ‘Frankenstein Food’). If the public and media thought of GM crops as ‘Franken-Food’, might they see the Halo Chip as creating actual ‘Frankenstein Monsters’!?!

Because of some of these concerns, we anticipate mixed reactions to the Halo Chip from a set of key stakeholders [listed below], each of them representing a specific set of public interests. They are also powerful influencers of public opinion and have strong connections with other public interest groups and regularly attempt to influence media and government. It is absolutely crucial to the successful commercialisation of the Halo Chip, and thus the alleviation of climate instability, that we begin to develop an understanding of how these key stakeholders are likely to respond.




Using ONLY the case description and the sources indicated on the last page of this paper, evaluate the possible reactions of two key stakeholders from the list provided below. In particular, address the following questions:

Q1. Using the concepts and theories provided in lecture 4 (‘Normative Ethical Theories’) briefly explain why the Halo Chip presents an ethical issue to each stakeholder.

Q2. Using Mitchell et al.’s stakeholder salience model evaluate and synthesize the nature and intensity of stakeholder reactions.

Use evidence from the materials recommended on the last page to support your responses and to identify some limitations of the theory you have applied.


Choose only two Civil Society Organisation (CSO) stakeholders from the list below that you consider most important and use their website as the primary source for your analysis:

Animal Aid

Friends of the Earth

Human Rights Watch

Open Rights Group

The Climate Group


When analysing these websites you should consider that these stakeholders:

  1. a) may be focussed on a particular ethical issue (e.g. protecting the environment, people’s civil rights or animal rights);
  2. b) may represent the interests of others who are somehow involved in a particular ethical issue.




Academic Sources

  • Mitchell, R. K., Agle, B. R., and Wood, D. J. (1997). ‘Toward a theory of stakeholder identification and salience: Defining the principle of who and what really matters’, Academy of Management Review, 22(4): 853-886.

This article is the primary academic source for this assessment. You should use it to analyse stakeholders’ reactions to the Halo Chip (Q2).This article is available on Canvas in Units > Week 3 > Essential Sources.

  • The lecture about ‘Normative Ethical Theories’ (available on Canvas in Units > Week 4) is useful to address Q1.

Other Sources

  • The Guardian, 14 March 2012: “Bioengineer humans to tackle climate change, say philosophers” available at

  • The stakeholders websites (‘Animal Aid’, ‘Friends of Earth’, ‘Human Right Watch’, ‘Open Rights Group’, ‘The Climate Group’; choose only two stakeholders).


Caterpillar Inc Case Study

Caterpillar Inc Case Study 

Strategic Management Project Background document and Strategic Management Research Journal Entries

Review the Strategic Management Project Background document and your Strategic Management Research Journal entries from Weeks 1‑4.
Create a 12- to 14-slide presentation, complete with speaker notes for Caterpillar Inc.’s leadership team, in which you summarize your key findings, propose recommendations, and provide rationale with references for your recommendations.
Address the following topics and prompts in your presentation:
Topic: Caterpillar Inc.’s Vision
Summarize your evaluation of the alignment between what Caterpillar Inc. is currently doing and their mission, vision, or values statement.
Recommend any changes you would make to Caterpillar Inc.’s mission, vision, or values statements to improve organizational goals.
Topic: Caterpillar Inc.’s Competitive Advantages and Disadvantages
Summarize your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Caterpillar Inc.’s competitive advantages and disadvantages.
Recommend operational changes to improve Caterpillar Inc.’s competitive advantages and business performance.
Propose a plan to measure and monitor the effectiveness of your recommended operational changes in Caterpillar Inc.’s competitive advantages to achieve organizational goals.
Topic: Caterpillar’s Global Strategy
Summarize your assessment of Caterpillar Inc.’s global strategy.
Recommend operational changes to improve Caterpillar Inc.’s global strategy and business performance.
Propose a plan to measure and monitor the ef  fectiveness of your recommended operational changes to Caterpillar Inc.’s global strategy to achieve organizational goals.
References: List a minimum of 2 references researched for this Journal assignment.

Ford Case Study

This is a comprehensive case that can be used to cover all chapters, all concepts. The case objectives are:

  • What are key forces in the general and industry environments that affect Ford’s choice of strategy? Include an analysis of Porters Five Forces and the general External Environment (PESTC)
  • What internal resources and assets does Ford have that may give it a competitive advantage? Include a value chain analysis, and VRIO resources analysis
  • How should Ford compete? Where are they positioned on the Porter generic business level grid
  • What International Strategy does Ford implement?
  • What has leadership done to implement strategy, and what challenges remain?

(Length: 8 pages double spaced)

Check the attachment with more details of Ford’s Case Study 

Case Study of an Airport (Choose an Airport)


In your choice of ONE airport, you must write a case study based on the selected airline’s or airports’ annual reports or other reliable information (e.g. the industry reports, and aviation or government database).

The case study focuses on:

Point (1) review the key issues and/or determinants affect air transport demand (including tourism demand) of the country or city where the selected airline or airport is based;

Point (2) examine the operational and financial performance of the selected airline or airport; and

Point (3) discuss relevant strategies and/or approaches to address the key issues identified at both Points (1) and (2).

  • Format your paper in APA or Harvard style
  • Length 5-7 pages  excluding cover page, tables,  appendices (if any), and reference pages.
  • Use 8 sources

Apple Case Study (Marketing)

Apple Case Study (Marketing) 

-Steve Jobs (the founder of Apple) passed away on Oct 5, 2011. His successor is Tim Cook and
his teams. Steve is the God in Apple and everybody ha to respect his management principle –
-Hints: Apple adopts Miles and Snow – Prospector (Business Strategy)

Q.1 Assess Apple’s strategy for Project 1 – Apple Watch. What were the Pros ? Cons ? Will it be
the next home run ?
Model Answers: 5 Pros – 1 Mark for each, totally: 5 Marks; 4 Cons – 1 Mark for each, totally: 4
Marks and Yes or No for the next home run – 1 mark
Therefore: Total Marks in Q. 1 = 10 Marks
Q. 2 If the Apple Watch is NOT a home run project, should Apple focus their attention on Apple
TV ? Is this a better option for Apple (Hints: Read Steve’s Principle again before you make any
decision) Or is it a distraction ?
Model Answers: 1 Mark is allocated to ” Should Apple focus their attention on Apple TV” – Yes or
No, totally: 1 Mark. 5 Marks are allocated to Good choice for Apple to go into Apple TV and we
have 5 points to support. 1 point for each explanation. 4 Marks are allocated to Distraction and
there are 4 points on Distraction, each point carries 1 Mark. Totally: 4 Marks.
Therefore: Total Marks in Q.2 = 10 Marks
Q. 3 – The most important question and it is totally: 25 Marks. Pay more attention to answer as it
is tricky.
Q.3a – Should Apple make a Big bet on cars? – I need you to tell me the opportunities – 5
Opportunities in my model answers – 1 Mark for each opportunity and therefore, totally: 5 Marks.
Q.3b What are the challenges ? – 5 challenges in my model answers – 1 Mark for each challenge

and therefore, totally: 5 Marks.
Q. 3c – Or should Apple focus on getting CarPlay, their User Interface (UI) into all cars – into ALL
cars (Go to B2B Market) – you need to write an essay to support this argument – Totally: 7.5
Q. 3d – Should they become a hardware company or focus on being a software/platform (iOS)
company (Also Go to Business to Business(B2B) Market) – you need to write an essay to support
this argument – Total: 7.5 Marks

Marketing (Apple, Inc. Case Study)

Marketing (Apple, Inc. Case Study) 

-Steve Jobs (the founder of Apple) passed away on Oct 5, 2011. His successor is Tim Cook and
his teams. Steve is the God in Apple and everybody ha to respect his management principle –
-Hints: Apple adopts Miles and Snow – Prospector (Business Strategy)

Q.1 Assess Apple’s strategy for Project 1 – Apple Watch. What were the Pros ? Cons ? Will it be
the next home run ?
Model Answers: 5 Pros – 1 Mark for each, totally: 5 Marks; 4 Cons – 1 Mark for each, totally: 4
Marks and Yes or No for the next home run – 1 mark
Therefore: Total Marks in Q. 1 = 10 Marks
Q. 2 If the Apple Watch is NOT a home run project, should Apple focus their attention on Apple
TV ? Is this a better option for Apple (Hints: Read Steve’s Principle again before you make any
decision) Or is it a distraction ?
Model Answers: 1 Mark is allocated to ” Should Apple focus their attention on Apple TV” – Yes or
No, totally: 1 Mark. 5 Marks are allocated to Good choice for Apple to go into Apple TV and we
have 5 points to support. 1 point for each explanation. 4 Marks are allocated to Distraction and
there are 4 points on Distraction, each point carries 1 Mark. Totally: 4 Marks.
Therefore: Total Marks in Q.2 = 10 Marks
Q. 3 – The most important question and it is totally: 25 Marks. Pay more attention to answer as it
is tricky.
Q.3a – Should Apple make a Big bet on cars? – I need you to tell me the opportunities – 5
Opportunities in my model answers – 1 Mark for each opportunity and therefore, totally: 5 Marks.
Q.3b What are the challenges ? – 5 challenges in my model answers – 1 Mark for each challenge

and therefore, totally: 5 Marks.
Q. 3c – Or should Apple focus on getting CarPlay, their User Interface (UI) into all cars – into ALL
cars (Go to B2B Market) – you need to write an essay to support this argument – Totally: 7.5
Q. 3d – Should they become a hardware company or focus on being a software/platform (iOS)
company (Also Go to Business to Business(B2B) Market) – you need to write an essay to support
this argument – Total: 7.5 Marks

CASE STUDY: Audit of Sales and Collections Cycle

CASE STUDY: Audit of Sales and Collections Cycle (85 Marks) 

Read the case below for Pylon LLC and answer the question that follow:

Brief company background

Pylon LLC has been in business since 1998 and has grown rapidly over the middle east. The company is a distributor of electronic parts and equipment to the IT industry in the GCC region. Pylon has some strong internal controls policies and procedures over its business environment both internally and externally. However, the business environment is semi-computerized.


Business transaction – Processing customer order

Orders may arrive by email, telephone, or from a field representative who visited the customer. These orders are processed, and orders are shipped to the customers. The customer order processing is computerized, and all bar-codes are selected from a drop-down menu in the order processing procedure. Prices for orders are automatically shown against each part selected.



Business transaction – Granting credit

The company has many customers both old and new. Some new customers have been in business for many years, however, have recently started to trade with Pylon. Other customers have been trading with Pylon for 4-7 years. Most existing customers are given credit facilities and payment period is between 1 – 3 months, depending on the background of the company and its trading history.

Credit facility provided to new customers is subject to vetting (checking) of the customer according to the company policy. Credit amounts range between AED 50,000 to AED I million. There is a hierarchy of credit approvers within Pylon who approve credit facilities for accepted customers ranging from senior managers to the Board of Directors. Policy requires that new customers applying for credit must:

  1. Have been in business for at least past seven years with audit accounts as evidence
  2. They should provide at least last 5 years bank statements to prove their existence
  3. New customers must provide 5 references from existing suppliers with whom they have been trading
  4. Existing suppliers must have traded with the new customers for at least 1 year
  5. New customers must provide their business cash flow forecast for next three years if their credit application is for over AED 100,000


The due diligence for credit facility is carried out by a third-party company on behalf of Pylon LLC.

Existing customers that have credit facility are automatically granted time to pay based on their current outstanding amount. Presently there is no facility for discounts for customers that pay early. Occasionally a customer may go over the agreed credit amount on the approval of a senior manager.

Pylons policy states that customers must pay their outstanding amount on agreed credit facility basis. However, many customers take longer to pay beyond their agreed payment date. This is frequently overlooked by credit control and so cash flow is slow in Pylon. Recently a few important customers, with credit facilities have stopped ordering with Pylon, these include:

Customer Outstanding amount (AED)

Tanaco LLC

Franco Company

Saif LLC

Goodall Traders LLC








There is evidence that the above customers are out of business and no longer transacting. This means there is possibility of bad debts for Pylon which require correction to the accounts receivables. (This section relates to questions 8 and 9 below).


Business transaction – Shipping customer order

Workers at Pylon manually arrange the orders and deal directly with the customers for any queries and clarifications. There is no supervision of parts leaving the stock room. Furthermore, the company keeps manual records of goods-in and goods-out of the stock room. The records are frequently out of date. Order are occasionally lost to competitors due to absence of stock records and when an order comes in there may not be the parts available and so the customers go to another supplier. Some customers email their orders with attached purchase orders. These orders are processed and shipped to customers using local couriers. Once orders are prepared they are packaged and sent by local couriers. The sales team arranges for couriers and no authorization exists that monitors courier charges. Many deliveries are late to the customers who have complained about late deliveries.


Business transaction – Invoicing customers

Invoices are generated from the computer once parts are shipped to customers. Each invoice has a unique invoice number and every customer order is references on to the invoice. Three-part invoices are generated by the computer, white, red and green. The white invoice goes to the customer, the red invoice to the accounts department and the green to the purchasing department.

Cash Transaction Cycle – Processing cash receipts

The sales cycle is complete upon receipt of cash from the customers. Once cash is received from customers the relevant records and updated and accounts receivable is also updated. Some customers send cash or deposit cash in Pylons bank account directly. The company’s normal practice is to demand cheque payment which means customers cannot pay by other means such as bank transfers and credit cards which is a factor in late customer payments. The cheques are received by post and banked the next day by the cashier who handles all cash receipts and payments. He makes a list of all cheques and hands then over to the credit clerk who then updates customer accounts. The cashier attends to some cash paying customers personally at their business premises to collect the cash.



  1. Draw a graphic representation of Sales and Collection Cycle for Pylon LLC showing/using all the relevant accounts/transaction entries listed below.
    1. Sales
    2. Cash in bank
    3. Cash Discounts Taken
    4. Accounts Receivable
    5. Sales return and Allowances
    6. Bad debt expense


You graph representation should show all the relevant T-Accounts with book-keeping entries relating to:


  1. Tandy LLC – a cash-paying customer who has purchased goods for AED 10,000 on 13th January 2019
  2. Revalo LLC – Credit facility customer who has purchased goods for AED 20,000 on 15th January 2019 and paid in full by 15th March 2019 (the due date)
  • Tandy returns some faulty goods back to Pylon AED 2,000 15th January 2019 – a cheque for reimbursement was sent to Tandy the same day



  1. You MUST show all relevant T-Accounts even if they are empty.
  2. There is no need to show the adjustment to the Cost of Goods Sold

(10 marks)



  1. Simons is a trader in the UAE and a long-standing customer of Pylon. He has AED 60,000 credit facility at his disposal. Simon currently has AED 24,000 outstanding payable on 28th February 2019 and has occasionally missed the deadline for payments. Simon recently made the following transactions with Pylon:


Customer AED
1st Jan 2019 – Previous balance outstanding


1st Jan 2019 – 0rdered electronic parts on purchase order 1123


1st Jan 2019 – order processed by workers and packaged


2nd Jan 2019 – order dispatched by a courier to Simons


2nd Jan 2019 – invoice raised and sent to Simon with purchase order 1123











A junior manager approved the extended credit to Simons as they are close friends and the Junior manger trust Simons as they have known each other for past ten years.


Company policy on exceeded credit limit

Company policy is that a customer may occasionally go over the credit limit by no more than 10% of the total credit limit facility afforded to that customer. For example, if a customer has total credit facility of AED 40,000, they can be allowed to go over by no more than AED 4,000. However, two conditions are attached to this facility:


  1. The customer must not have previously missed any payment deadlines
  2. The increase over the credit limit is approved by a senior manager



  1. Calculate the new balance outstanding at 2nd January 2019
  2. Identify and explain the weakness in credit control over Simons case from the scenario.
  3. Discuss the internal control procedures that should have been applied to Simons case and why there is a failure in respect of Simon
  4. Suggest three methods how Simons can be encouraged to pay his debt either early or within his credit facility timeframe

(15 marks)




  1. Discuss the robustness of the credit granting procedure in Pylon identifying any strengths and weaknesses that exist



  1. Identify and discuss the audit evidence for sales in Pylon

(6 marks)



  1. Identify and explain the internal controls that currently exist in Pylon

(6 marks)




  1. Identify the weaknesses in internal controls that currently exist in the company

(7 marks)


  1. Identify and explain how internal control system could be improved in Pylon

(7 marks)



  1. Identify and explain how you would apply a Substantive test to Accounts Receivables

(7 marks)



  1. Identify and explain how you would apply a Test of control to Accounts Receivables

(7 marks)




  1. Discuss if any matters are of serious or material that could impact upon audit opinion

(7 marks)



  1. Identify and explain any issues of concern in the Cash transaction cycle and how this can be improved

(6 Marks)

Please pay particular attention to style, grammar and presentation of your report

External Analysis of of Delta Air Lines, Inc. (SWOT Analysis, Porters Five Forces Analysis)

Case Study of Delta Air Lines, Inc. 

External Analysis of of Delta Air Lines, Inc. (SWOT Analysis, Porters Five Forces Analysis) 

Guidelines for the Final Individual Case Assignment 

  • Case is Delta Air Lines, Inc.
  • Maximum of 10 pages total–NO COVER PAGE, NO WORKS CITED PAGE
    • Maximum of 5 pages of written text, double-spaced, 12 pt font, 1-inch margins. This part of the exam is your presentation of your analysis based on the data you choose to use.
    • Maximum of 5 pages of appendices. This part of the exam is a presentation of data you choose to use. The data should support your analysis.
  • Number your pages.
  • Your final exam should use the following headers in the order listed. If you do not use the headers as listed, you receive an automatic 10 percent reduction. You may choose to use subheadings under the main headings.
    • External Analysis–based on information gleaned from the tools and data you choose to use, what does your external analysis reveal relative to the organization’s situation?
      • Consider various tools available to you such as the general environment, Porter’s Five Forces, driving forces, KSFs, comparison to competitors, overall industry attractiveness assessment, etc.
    • Internal Analysis–based on the information gleaned from the tools and data you choose to use, what does your internal analysis reveal relative to the organization’s situation?
      • Consider performance in terms of financial analysis (including ratios), current strategy, core competencies, value chain
    • Identification of Issue–Only select the most important issue (one issue). State the issue in two or fewer sentences. Provide support as to why it is an important issue that needs attention.
      • Consider various means of support for your stated issue, including, but not limited to, a SWOT analysis
    • Alternatives and Recommendation–Provide a minimum of two alternatives to address your selected issue. Recommend/select one of your alternatives and indicate why your recommended alternative is the best way to address the issue. Note: Listing the pros and cons may help you determine why your recommendation is the best alternative to addressing the stated issue.

Individual In-Depth Case Study

MGT 542 Individual In-Depth Case Study 

Undergraduate Requirement 

50 Points per Weekly Submission 



  • Read the two identified Dell articles and answer all the questions listed below. You can find the articles in the content tab in Blackboard titled “Course Reserves”.
  • Each question should be answered with a minimum of one paragraph. A paragraph is a minimum of 3 complete sentences.
  • A minimum of 4 pages per submission of written content is required. Some sections will require more pages to fulfill the requirements of the rubric and the in-depth case study instructions listed here.
  • APA format is required.
  • A minimum of 2 additional sources per submission are required to be cited.
  • A bibliography with all citations, including the given articles, is required.
  • There will be four in-depth case study submissions. Please reference the course schedule in the syllabus for the required dates of each submission.





SECTION 1 – 50 Points

Kapuscinski, R., Zhang, R.Q., Carbonneau, P., Moore, R., & Reeves, B. (2004). Inventory Decisions in Dell’s Supply Chain, Interfaces 34(3), 191-205.


  1. Describe the Supply Chain Business Model used by Dell.
  2. How does Dell Supply Chain benefit from low inventory levels?
  3. What does Dell do to help their suppliers make optimum ordering decisions?
  4. Describe Dell’s relationship with their suppliers.
  5. Describe the revolver inventory model.
  6. Describe the purpose of the golf analogy as it relates to inventory concepts. Include the analogy for the handicap (Dell’s and the Supplier’s).
  7. What is the purpose of safety stock and how is it controlled?

SECTION 2 – 50 Points

Kapuscinski, R., Zhang, R.Q., Carbonneau, P., Moore, R., & Reeves, B. (2004).         Inventory Decisions in Dell’s Supply Chain, Interfaces 34(3), 191-205.


  1. Describe the impact of the pull variance if a commodity is multi-sourced.
    1. Explain how an uneven pull from different suppliers of the same commodity effect the suppliers’ inventory levels, planning, and forecasting.
  2. The balancing act: Discuss the cost of underage and overage as it relates to inventory
  • The article references “Z scores” as the system inventory levels just before orders are placed to understand Dell’s method of making ordering decisions. Explain the logic of why there was significant volatility found of the “Z scores”.
  • Forecast errors are an input in determining the optimal inventory levels. In Dell’s case, it was found the forecast errors at the commodity level were not independent from time period to time period. Why was this the case and what could be done differently to minimize forecast error?
  • Explain the impact of the actual system inventory level fluctuations. What are the benefits and risks. Should high fluctuations be avoided?
  • Discuss describing inventory levels in terms of “days of supply” vs. “units of inventory”. What would you recommend and why?
  • Is 100% service level an ideal recommendation? Why or why not? How does this impact inventory levels?



Section 3 – 50 Points

Fugate, B.S., Mentzer, J.T. (2004). Dell’s Supply Chain DNA, Supply Chain Management Review; October 20-24.


  1. What are the four qualities of Dell’s supply chain competency?
  2. Describe the concept of each one individually.
  3. Discuss the Business Process Improvement that shifted Dell from brand-specific assembly plants to generic factories. Why was this successful?




Section 4 – 50 Points

Final Questions

  1. What advice would you have for Dell’s Supply Chain business model? What would you do differently?  Why?
  2. What are the main challenges in front of Dell in reducing inventory while maintaining their Direct Sales model?
  3. What inventory reduction improvement initiatives would you recommend?
  4. What would you recommend that Dell try differently to further optimize their supply chain?

Case Analysis

You will select One Case Study from the following the three and answer all the questions at the end of the case study you selected from the Case Study folder under Content:

  1. Doxing and Digital Journalism
  2. Ethics of Deepfakes case study
  3. Nike Just Do It 2018

6 pages !!!!

Rubrics: You Case Analysis paper will be evaluated based on the following criteria mentioned in the syllabus:

  • CASE ANALYSIS PAPER (20%: 1 X 20 =200) For the analysis paper, your assignment will be to identify a case in media ethics in which you would have acted differently from the media practitioner(s) at the center of it. The paper should be organized in a way that makes clear how you will answer the six major questions from Doing Ethics in Media:
    1. What’s your problem? Briefly describe the case. (You may attach a published blog, article, case study, or news story as a link or as an appendix for background.) Spell out what makes this situation a moral dilemma. Leave yourself with a clearly stated question to be answered.
    2. Why not follow the rules? Are there some precedents, guidelines, codes, or laws you should keep in mind? If so, are there reasons your dilemma can’t be resolved by them?
    3. Who wins, who loses? Who are the stakeholders, and what impact is your decision likely to have on each of them in the short term and in the long term?
    4. What’s it worth? Prioritize your values—both moral and non-moral values—and decide which one(s) you won’t compromise.
    5. Who’s whispering in your ear? In general—and specifically in this case—which school of philosophy or set of moral principles provides you with a moral compass?
    6. How’s your decision going to look? State your conclusion, and imagine what your friends and people you respect will think about your decision-making. As a guideline for length, each section of the paper should be about 1-2 pages, for a total length of about 6-12 pages. I recommend thinking of your paper topic near the beginning of the semester so that you can think through the questions as they come up for discussion during the semester. You might then be able to draft sections of the paper as we go.

Practical Case Study

Practical Case Study 

The purpose of this case study is to create an opportunity to apply the ideas and concepts discussed in class and the readings in the analysis of a real organizational situation. The situation may be drawn from your own experience or from public information found in newspapers, books, reports, etc. Your choice of organization and situation will be an important one and will call for considerable judgment and discretion in deciding whether it is feasible to use it for the purposes of the case study.

You will examine a number of different ways of viewing organizations through the lens of

metaphor. Please choose what you feel to be the four most important metaphors for the

organization in its evolution towards a more viable, vital and innovative condition. In this part you should demonstrate your understanding of the metaphor: For this reason, even if aspects of the metaphor are missing, describe what these would look like in your focal organization.

Your paper will conclude with recommendations that actively enhance the organization’s capacities to learn and innovate, to become a wiser, more proactive, organization and, at the same time, a good citizen in society. Your recommendations should include not only the metaphors but also insights from the leadership practices within The Wise Company.

Be sure to maintain a professional stance in relation to matters which are sensitive and confidential and disguise the source of your project (unless it is drawn from public records) through use of appropriate pseudonyms. Confidentiality and the general conduct of the project are entirely your responsibility, so proceed with caution and an ethical sense.

You may choose any complex, real life organization, described in a detailed case study or written about in multiple sources in the press (for example in Fortune, the Economist, Sloane Management Review, Wall Street Journal, or through a case clearing house such as the Harvard Business School Press. It should not be a case that you have studied in another course and must be a unique submission with minimal similarity (less than 10%) to other cases or papers you have submitted. (You will find a Turnitin link under Assignments in Blackboard for your case study.)

Successful organizational analysis rests in an ability to examine any given organizational situation so that its fundamental characteristics are made clear. It is not simply a question of spotting problems and applying appropriate solutions. Rather, it hinges on questions such as:

  • What is going on in the situation that you are analyzing? What metaphors best describe the situation? What wise leadership practices are present and what ones could best be enhanced in this organization?
  • How can you make sense of the situation and arrive at an interpretation that allows you to both say something concrete about it and point towards the organization’s attainment of a more proactive and innovative condition?

(1) Summary: Introduction to Your Organization (Approximately 500 words) Here first

describe your organization as a machine and as a living system. A brief account of the

situation being investigated, providing enough information for the reader to understand the nature of the organization and its context. This section should include relevant background information as well as a clear statement of the focus of your case study. For example, it is appropriate to provide information on the age, size, and history of the organization, the product or services it provides, and the general nature of its environment. The purpose of this is to orient the reader, so that he or she can acquire an understanding of the industry or sector with which you are dealing, and the general trends it is facing. Following a general introduction, you should focus in on the specific situation of the organization that demands—or did demand– attention.

(2) An Analysis of the Organization using four key metaphors (leading toward

informed/wise business practices.) Using at least four “organizational” metaphors

from the course, apply/explore how these are relevant to the organization. (Approx., 1500 words)

The analysis section must include analysis based on four of the metaphors used in the course.

To summarize, here you are challenged to demonstrate your understanding and usage of the four metaphors to describe your focal organization, Present the organization in terms of the language of the metaphors, applying these also to bring out the critical issues and challenges of the situation. All of the above means that your choice of organization is critical! — You must be able to find sufficient actual information that allows you to discuss the metaphors and the application of the leadership practices.

3) Using the analysis via Morgan’s metaphors and the leadership practices from The

Wise Organization as a basis, make recommendations for your focal organization (1500

words). Give specific examples and make good use of the various insights and all of the

six main leadership practices found in The Wise Company. If you see that some essential practice or attitude is not present, imagine how it might be within your focal organization. This should result in your clear recommendations.

Your analysis should address the problems you see but also, through the application of

the leadership practices, areas where opportunities exist which may be enhanced. The

goal is to encourage a more proactive, innovative organization that holds to a standard

of continuous innovation with regard to quality products and services that contribute

to rather than take away from the common good and well being of society.


The following criteria will be used to evaluate the case study

  • The complexity of the case (cases that are very simple and offer little challenge will not

necessarily earn a high grade).

  • Demonstrated in-depth understanding and use of the metaphors, the theories and concepts

related to these, as they are used to explain and analyze the case situation;

  • The comprehensiveness and care with which the case situation being analyzed is described
  • In the recommendations section, the comprehensive use of the leadership practices/philosophies/attitudes outlined in The Wise Company.
  • The soundness of your analysis and general conclusions.
  • The professionalism with which the report is presented.

Security assessment plan for ABC Manufacturing

Drawing on the past 15 weeks, use what you learned to create a security assessment plan for your company. The plan must include the following information / section headers.

Note: All students will write about the same company. The company is called ABC Manufacturing. They make widgets. ABC Manufacturing sells widgets in person at their main location in Boise, Idaho. They also sell their products at a national hardware store throughout the United States. They receive bulk orders for their product from this hardware store. They also have a website that they use to sell their widgets. The website is hosted by Microsoft Azure using a SaaS platform.

Section headers:

Security Architecture – define the overarching security architecture you recommend for ABC Manufacturing.

Enterprise Architecture – describe the enterprise architecture you would presume ABC Manufacturing has established. Identify at least 3 departments and specific tools they use.

Risk assessments (risk, threats, vulnerabilities, credible attack vectors) – identify at least five risks (and their corresponding threats/vulnerabilities) for each platform – cloud, network, supply chain. Identify the credible attack vectors for each.

Security recommendations – identify at least five security recommendations you would make to the owner of ABC Manufacturing about security and what they can do to improve their overall posture.