Genex Fuel Case Study

Genex Fuel Case Study

1) What evidence is the CEO using to suggest that genex  is not using technology competitively?

2) Did Devlin need to hire sandy, a “high-priced technology consultant”, to tell him that technology at Genex was a mess?

3) Device a strategy to successfully implement enterprise wide systems (such as SAP) at Genex?

Case Study: Fetal Abnormality

Based on “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality” and other required topic study materials, write a 750-1,000-word reflection that answers the following questions:

  1. What is the Christian view of the nature of human persons, and which theory of moral status is it compatible with? How is this related to the intrinsic human value and dignity?
  2. Which theory or theories are being used by Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson to determine the moral status of the fetus? What from the case study specifically leads you to believe that they hold the theory you selected?
  3. How does the theory determine or influence each of their recommendations for action?
  4. What theory do you agree with? Why? How would that theory determine or influence the recommendation for action?

Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Case study – Amazon

The Chosen company: Amazon

What core values would you want to ingrain in your company’s culture? Why?

● Following each decision round, do you and your co-managers make corrective adjustments in either your company’s strategy or the way the strategy is being executed?

● List at least three such adjustments you made in the most recent decision round. What hard evidence (in the form of results relating to your company’s performance in the most recent year) can you cite that indicates that the various corrective adjustments you made either succeeded at improving or failed to improve your company’s performance?

● What would happen to your company’s performance if you and your co-managers stick with the status quo and fail to make any corrective adjustments after each decision round?

“Russian Spies” – Case Study

“Russian Spies” – Case Study 

Discussion Questions: Please summarize the facts and provide your analysis on “Russian
Spies”. Locate an article in your resource section. You may also want to research the topic on
the Internet.
Instructions: Fully utilize the materials that have been provided to you in order to support your
response. Your initial post should be at least 350 words.
Forum posts are graded on timeliness, relevance, knowledge of the weekly readings, and the
quality of original ideas. While proper APA is not required, attribution to sources that informed
your posting should be included. Refer to the grading rubric for additional details concerning
grading criteria.

Company and Industry Risk Analysis : Alibaba

Company and Industry Risk Analysis : Alibaba

What company and industry have you selected, and what are some of the risks that the company
and industry are facing in the current economic and political environment? You need to research
risks from current financial publications (e.g., Bloomberg, The Financial Times, The Economist).
Note: For this assignment, a current publication is no older than four years. Quote your source.
Has the company addressed these risks? If yes, how? If not, what should they have done?
Is another competitor on the market facing the same risks, and how did they address them?
Briefly summarize.

Legal and Ethical Principles in Healthcare (Case Study)

Legal and Ethical Principles in Healthcare (Case Study) 

Read the case and answer the questions

Q1– Give a brief outline of the case from a clinical perspective.
Do not use any patient identifiers. 


Q2. Identify all the ethical and legal (if relevant) issues(s) of this case.
Identify the key ethical principles or theories that could apply to this case e.g. autonomy/ justice. 

Identify the key legal issues where relevant.



Q3. Discuss the management of the case, from an ethical perspective, considering your own views and how you would deal with another similar case. 
Your answer should include the following if not already discussed above: 

·         Your first impressions of the case.

·         A description of how the GP dealt with the case.

·         Your view of the way the case was handled: strengths & weaknesses.

·         Any ethically preferable way you consider the case could have been handled.

·         Would you feel better equipped to deal with this case if it occurred again?

·         What influences did this case have on your own attitude from religious/cultural contexts?

·         Were you able to identify your own prejudices and limitations?

Case Study – Brand Strategy With Outside In

Prepare an individual case study (3 to max 5 pages, references to be included) of a brand that according to him/her is not applying the strategy outside in approach. Discuss how they could design a strategy outside in consistent with their positioning and how they could operationalize the four customer value imperatives.

Project Management at MM Case Study

Read the Project Management at MM Case Study on pages 324-327 in the textbook. Answer the Discussion Questions at the end of the Case Study.

Your responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format. All work must be 1 FULL page, single spaced, 12 font Times New Roman. The cover and reference page must be on separate pages. Please DO NOT include the question in your work as only your findings should be submitted.

PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, and VRIO Company Analysis (Case Study of Tesla Company)

Tesla Company PESTEL/PESTLE, VRIO, SWOT, and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

Write A Report With the Following Guidelines

Assignment is on Tesla Company 

  • 7 page report of their company and its strategic situation and recommended possible course of action to address course of action.
  • The report will be in APA format,
  • use a minimum of 3 credible sources (each source must be cited in-text within the paper as well as listed at the end).
  • .  A great source of information on this report, in addition to the information below, is the class textbook and pages 528-533  (Rothaermel, 4th ed.) which provides tips on doing case analysis.

Additionally, write the report with the following headers:

  • Company Name and Industry:
  • Mission statement: (direct quote expected)
  • Vision statement: (if available and as direct quote)
  • Basic facts: Year of founding, annual revenues, number of employees, major products and/or services
  • Company Background: this portion will be the beginning of the company’s narrative, as told in the student’s own words.  Quotes may be sparingly used, paraphrasing should be the norm.  The background should go back at least 5 -10 years, but be aware longer time frames may be relevant. especially for long-standing, “brick and mortar” businesses (WalMart, Target, IBM, etc.).

Part 2

Your Report Should Also Include:

  • A Qualitative Analysis (see page 529 of Rothaermel, 4th ed):
    Students should include in the narrative any relevant PESTEL external factors that appear in the research as impacting the company as well as internal competencies under VRIO framework and make note of them for the reader.  One short case study showing the use of VRIO analysis is in Chapter 4 of the text, detailing the rise and fall  of Groupon.
  • Business and corporate-level strategies. For more specifics, see items 1,2, and 3 on page 529.
  • Major Strategic Issues and Challenges:  This is the second part of the narrative that zeroes in on struggles for the company and its leadership.   Issues could come from PESTEL-related factors or ones internal to the company (alleged corruption, sexual harassment scandals, lack of innovation, etc.).
  • Part 3
  • recommendations of possible courses of action that the company should take to address their strategic challenges.
  • The recommendations should be informed after thoughtful consideration of subject matter from the course textbook as well as insights gleaned from your own research.


Page 529 from Rothaermel, 4th ed

How to Conduct a Case Analysis

THE CASE STUDY is a fundamental learning tool in strategic management. We carefully wrote and chose the cases in this book to expose you to a wide variety of key concepts, industries, protagonists, and strategic problems.

In simple terms, cases tell the story of a company facing a strategic dilemma. The firms may be real or fictional in nature, and the problem may be current or one that the firm faced in the past. Although the details of the cases vary, in general they start with a description of the challenge(s) to be addressed, followed by the history of the firm up until the decision point, and then additional information to help you with your analysis. The strategic dilemma is often faced by a specific manager, who wonders what he or she should do. To address the strategic dilemma, you will use the AFI framework to conduct a case analysis as well as the strategic management tools and concepts provided in this textbook. After careful analysis, you will be able to formulate a strategic response and make recommendations about how to implement it.

Why Do We Use Cases?

Strategy is something that people learn by doing; it cannot be learned simply by reading a book or listening carefully in class. While those activities will help you become more familiar with the concepts and models used in strategic management, the only way to improve your skills in analyzing, formulating, and implementing strategy is to practice.

We encourage you to take advantage of the cases in this text as a “laboratory” in which to experiment with the strategic management tools you have been given, so that you can learn more about how, when, and where they might work in the “real world.” Cases are valuable because they expose you to a number and variety of situations in which you can refine your strategic management skills without worrying about making mistakes. The companies in these cases will not lose profits or fire you if you miscalculate a financial ratio, misinterpret someone’s intentions, or make an incorrect prediction about environmental trends.

Cases also invite you to “walk in” and explore many more kinds of companies in a wider array of industries than you will ever be able to work at in your lifetime. With this strategy content, you will find MiniCases (i.e., shorter cases) about athletes (Michael Phelps), mass media and entertainment (Disney), technology (Apple), and entertainment (Cirque du Soleil), among others, as well as longer cases with complete financial data about companies such as Facebook, Lululemon, McDonald’s, to name just a few. Your personal organizational experiences are usually much more limited, defined by the jobs held by your family members or by your own forays into the working world. Learning about companies involved in so many different types of products and services may open up new employment possibilities for you. Diversity also forces us to think about the ways in which industries (as well as people) are both similar and yet distinct, and to critically examine the degree to which lessons learned in one forum transfer to other settings (i.e., to what degree are they “generalizable”). In short, cases are a great training tool, and they are fun to study.

You will find that many of our cases are written from the perspective of the CEO or general manager responsible for strategic decision making in the organization. While you do not need to be a member of a top management team to utilize the strategic management process, these senior leaders are usually responsible for determining strategy in most of the organizations we study. Importantly, cases allow us to put ourselves “in the shoes” of strategic leaders and invite us to view the issues from their perspective. Having responsibility for the performance of an entire organization is quite different from managing a single project team, department, or functional area. Cases can help Page 529you see the big picture in a way that most of us are not accustomed to in our daily, organizational lives. We recognize that most undergraduate students and even MBAs do not land immediately in the corporate boardroom. Yet having a basic understanding of the types of conversations going on in the boardroom not only increases your current value as an employee, but also improves your chances of getting there someday, should you so desire.

Finally, cases help give us a long-term view of the firms they depict. Corporate history is immensely helpful in understanding how a firm got to its present position and why people within that organization think the way they do. Our case authors (both the author of this book and authors of cases from respected third-party sources) have spent many hours poring over historical documents and news reports in order to recreate each company’s heritage for you, a luxury that most of us do not have when we are bombarded on a daily basis with homework, tests, and papers or project team meetings, deadlines, and reports. We invite you not just to learn from but also to savor reading each company’s story.


The first step in analyzing a case is to skim it for the basic facts. As you read, jot down your notes regarding the following basic questions:

  • ▪What company or companies is the case about?
  • ▪Who are the principal actors?
  • ▪What are the key events? When and where do they happen (in other words, what is the timeline)?

Second, go back and reread the case in greater detail, this time with a focus on defining the problem. Which facts are relevant and why? Just as a doctor begins by interviewing the patient (“What hurts?”), you likewise gather information and then piece the clues together in order to figure out what is wrong. Your goal at this stage is to identify the “symptoms” in order to figure out which “tests” to run in order to make a definitive “diagnosis” of the main “disease.” Only then can you prescribe a “treatment” with confidence that it will actually help the situation. Rushing too quickly through this stage often results in “malpractice” (that is, giving a patient with an upset stomach an antacid when she really has the flu), with effects that range from unhelpful to downright dangerous. The best way to ensure that you “do no harm” is to analyze the facts carefully, fighting the temptation to jump right to proposing a solution.

The third step, continuing the medical analogy, is to determine which analytical tools will help you to most accurately diagnose the problem(s). Doctors may choose to run blood tests or take an X-ray. In doing case analysis, we follow the steps of the strategic management process. You have any and all of the following models and frameworks at your disposal:

  1. Perform an external environmental analysis of the:
    • ▪Macro-level environment (PESTEL analysis).
    • ▪Industry environment (e.g., Porter’s five forces).
    • ▪Competitive environment.
  2. Perform an internal analysis of the firm using the resource-based view:
    • ▪What are the firm’s resources, capabilities, and competencies?
    • ▪Does the firm possess valuable, rare, costly to imitate resources, and is it organized to capture value from those resources (VRIO analysis)?
    • ▪What is the firm’s value chain?
  3. Analyze the firm’s current business-level and corporate-level strategies:
    • ▪Business-level strategy (product market positioning).
    • ▪Corporate-level strategy (diversification).
    • ▪International strategy (geographic scope and mode of entry).
    • ▪How are these strategies being implemented?
  4. Analyze the firm’s performance:
    • ▪Use both financial and market-based measures.
    • ▪How does the firm compare to its competitors as well as the industry average?
    • ▪What trends are evident over the past three to five years?
    • ▪Consider the perspectives of multiple stakeholders (internal and external).
    • ▪Does the firm possess a competitive advantage? If so, can it be sustained?

Suncor Energy PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, and VRIO Company Analysis

 Suncor Energy Case Study

PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, SWOT,  and VRIO Company Analysis of Suncor Energy 

Write A Report With the Following Guidelines

Assignment is on Suncor Company 

  • 7 page report of their company and its strategic situation and recommended possible course of action to address course of action.
  • The report will be in APA format,
  • use a minimum of 3 credible sources (each source must be cited in-text within the paper as well as listed at the end).
  • .  A great source of information on this report, in addition to the information below, is the class textbook and pages 528-533  (Rothaermel, 4th ed.) which provides tips on doing case analysis.

Additionally, write the report with the following headers:

  • Company Name and Industry:
  • Mission statement: (direct quote expected)
  • Vision statement: (if available and as direct quote)
  • Basic facts: Year of founding, annual revenues, number of employees, major products and/or services
  • Company Background: this portion will be the beginning of the company’s narrative, as told in the student’s own words.  Quotes may be sparingly used, paraphrasing should be the norm.  The background should go back at least 5 -10 years, but be aware longer time frames may be relevant. especially for long-standing, “brick and mortar” businesses (WalMart, Target, IBM, etc.).

Part 2

Your Report Should Also Include:

  • A Qualitative Analysis (see page 529 of Rothaermel, 4th ed):
    Students should include in the narrative any relevant PESTEL external factors that appear in the research as impacting the company as well as internal competencies under VRIO framework and make note of them for the reader.  One short case study showing the use of VRIO analysis is in Chapter 4 of the text, detailing the rise and fall  of Groupon.
  • Business and corporate-level strategies. For more specifics, see items 1,2, and 3 on page 529.
  • Major Strategic Issues and Challenges:  This is the second part of the narrative that zeroes in on struggles for the company and its leadership.   Issues could come from PESTEL-related factors or ones internal to the company (alleged corruption, sexual harassment scandals, lack of innovation, etc.).
  • Part 3
  • recommendations of possible courses of action that the company should take to address their strategic challenges.
  • The recommendations should be informed after thoughtful consideration of subject matter from the course textbook as well as insights gleaned from your own research.


Page 529 from Rothaermel, 4th ed

How to Conduct a Case Analysis

THE CASE STUDY is a fundamental learning tool in strategic management. We carefully wrote and chose the cases in this book to expose you to a wide variety of key concepts, industries, protagonists, and strategic problems.

In simple terms, cases tell the story of a company facing a strategic dilemma. The firms may be real or fictional in nature, and the problem may be current or one that the firm faced in the past. Although the details of the cases vary, in general they start with a description of the challenge(s) to be addressed, followed by the history of the firm up until the decision point, and then additional information to help you with your analysis. The strategic dilemma is often faced by a specific manager, who wonders what he or she should do. To address the strategic dilemma, you will use the AFI framework to conduct a case analysis as well as the strategic management tools and concepts provided in this textbook. After careful analysis, you will be able to formulate a strategic response and make recommendations about how to implement it.

Why Do We Use Cases?

Strategy is something that people learn by doing; it cannot be learned simply by reading a book or listening carefully in class. While those activities will help you become more familiar with the concepts and models used in strategic management, the only way to improve your skills in analyzing, formulating, and implementing strategy is to practice.

We encourage you to take advantage of the cases in this text as a “laboratory” in which to experiment with the strategic management tools you have been given, so that you can learn more about how, when, and where they might work in the “real world.” Cases are valuable because they expose you to a number and variety of situations in which you can refine your strategic management skills without worrying about making mistakes. The companies in these cases will not lose profits or fire you if you miscalculate a financial ratio, misinterpret someone’s intentions, or make an incorrect prediction about environmental trends.

Cases also invite you to “walk in” and explore many more kinds of companies in a wider array of industries than you will ever be able to work at in your lifetime. With this strategy content, you will find MiniCases (i.e., shorter cases) about athletes (Michael Phelps), mass media and entertainment (Disney), technology (Apple), and entertainment (Cirque du Soleil), among others, as well as longer cases with complete financial data about companies such as Facebook, Lululemon, McDonald’s, to name just a few. Your personal organizational experiences are usually much more limited, defined by the jobs held by your family members or by your own forays into the working world. Learning about companies involved in so many different types of products and services may open up new employment possibilities for you. Diversity also forces us to think about the ways in which industries (as well as people) are both similar and yet distinct, and to critically examine the degree to which lessons learned in one forum transfer to other settings (i.e., to what degree are they “generalizable”). In short, cases are a great training tool, and they are fun to study.

You will find that many of our cases are written from the perspective of the CEO or general manager responsible for strategic decision making in the organization. While you do not need to be a member of a top management team to utilize the strategic management process, these senior leaders are usually responsible for determining strategy in most of the organizations we study. Importantly, cases allow us to put ourselves “in the shoes” of strategic leaders and invite us to view the issues from their perspective. Having responsibility for the performance of an entire organization is quite different from managing a single project team, department, or functional area. Cases can help Page 529you see the big picture in a way that most of us are not accustomed to in our daily, organizational lives. We recognize that most undergraduate students and even MBAs do not land immediately in the corporate boardroom. Yet having a basic understanding of the types of conversations going on in the boardroom not only increases your current value as an employee, but also improves your chances of getting there someday, should you so desire.

Finally, cases help give us a long-term view of the firms they depict. Corporate history is immensely helpful in understanding how a firm got to its present position and why people within that organization think the way they do. Our case authors (both the author of this book and authors of cases from respected third-party sources) have spent many hours poring over historical documents and news reports in order to recreate each company’s heritage for you, a luxury that most of us do not have when we are bombarded on a daily basis with homework, tests, and papers or project team meetings, deadlines, and reports. We invite you not just to learn from but also to savor reading each company’s story.


The first step in analyzing a case is to skim it for the basic facts. As you read, jot down your notes regarding the following basic questions:

  • ▪What company or companies is the case about?
  • ▪Who are the principal actors?
  • ▪What are the key events? When and where do they happen (in other words, what is the timeline)?

Second, go back and reread the case in greater detail, this time with a focus on defining the problem. Which facts are relevant and why? Just as a doctor begins by interviewing the patient (“What hurts?”), you likewise gather information and then piece the clues together in order to figure out what is wrong. Your goal at this stage is to identify the “symptoms” in order to figure out which “tests” to run in order to make a definitive “diagnosis” of the main “disease.” Only then can you prescribe a “treatment” with confidence that it will actually help the situation. Rushing too quickly through this stage often results in “malpractice” (that is, giving a patient with an upset stomach an antacid when she really has the flu), with effects that range from unhelpful to downright dangerous. The best way to ensure that you “do no harm” is to analyze the facts carefully, fighting the temptation to jump right to proposing a solution.

The third step, continuing the medical analogy, is to determine which analytical tools will help you to most accurately diagnose the problem(s). Doctors may choose to run blood tests or take an X-ray. In doing case analysis, we follow the steps of the strategic management process. You have any and all of the following models and frameworks at your disposal:

  1. Perform an external environmental analysis of the:
    • ▪Macro-level environment (PESTEL analysis).
    • ▪Industry environment (e.g., Porter’s five forces).
    • ▪Competitive environment.
  2. Perform an internal analysis of the firm using the resource-based view:
    • ▪What are the firm’s resources, capabilities, and competencies?
    • ▪Does the firm possess valuable, rare, costly to imitate resources, and is it organized to capture value from those resources (VRIO analysis)?
    • ▪What is the firm’s value chain?
  3. Analyze the firm’s current business-level and corporate-level strategies:
    • ▪Business-level strategy (product market positioning).
    • ▪Corporate-level strategy (diversification).
    • ▪International strategy (geographic scope and mode of entry).
    • ▪How are these strategies being implemented?
  4. Analyze the firm’s performance:
    • ▪Use both financial and market-based measures.
    • ▪How does the firm compare to its competitors as well as the industry average?
    • ▪What trends are evident over the past three to five years?
    • ▪Consider the perspectives of multiple stakeholders (internal and external).
    • ▪Does the firm possess a competitive advantage? If so, can it be sustained?

Imperial Oil PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, and VRIO Company Analysis

Imperial Oil  Case Study

PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, SWOT,  and VRIO Company Analysis of Suncor Energy 

Write A Report With the Following Guidelines

Assignment is on

Imperial Oil Limited

  • 7 page report of their company and its strategic situation and recommended possible course of action to address course of action.
  • The report will be in APA format,
  • use a minimum of 3 credible sources (each source must be cited in-text within the paper as well as listed at the end).
  • .  A great source of information on this report, in addition to the information below, is the class textbook and pages 528-533  (Rothaermel, 4th ed.) which provides tips on doing case analysis.

Additionally, write the report with the following headers:

  • Company Name and Industry:
  • Mission statement: (direct quote expected)
  • Vision statement: (if available and as direct quote)
  • Basic facts: Year of founding, annual revenues, number of employees, major products and/or services
  • Company Background: this portion will be the beginning of the company’s narrative, as told in the student’s own words.  Quotes may be sparingly used, paraphrasing should be the norm.  The background should go back at least 5 -10 years, but be aware longer time frames may be relevant. especially for long-standing, “brick and mortar” businesses (WalMart, Target, IBM, etc.).

Part 2

Your Report Should Also Include:

  • A Qualitative Analysis (see page 529 of Rothaermel, 4th ed):
    Students should include in the narrative any relevant PESTEL external factors that appear in the research as impacting the company as well as internal competencies under VRIO framework and make note of them for the reader.  One short case study showing the use of VRIO analysis is in Chapter 4 of the text, detailing the rise and fall  of Groupon.
  • Business and corporate-level strategies. For more specifics, see items 1,2, and 3 on page 529.
  • Major Strategic Issues and Challenges:  This is the second part of the narrative that zeroes in on struggles for the company and its leadership.   Issues could come from PESTEL-related factors or ones internal to the company (alleged corruption, sexual harassment scandals, lack of innovation, etc.).
  • Part 3
  • recommendations of possible courses of action that the company should take to address their strategic challenges.
  • The recommendations should be informed after thoughtful consideration of subject matter from the course textbook as well as insights gleaned from your own research.


Page 529 from Rothaermel, 4th ed

How to Conduct a Case Analysis

THE CASE STUDY is a fundamental learning tool in strategic management. We carefully wrote and chose the cases in this book to expose you to a wide variety of key concepts, industries, protagonists, and strategic problems.

In simple terms, cases tell the story of a company facing a strategic dilemma. The firms may be real or fictional in nature, and the problem may be current or one that the firm faced in the past. Although the details of the cases vary, in general they start with a description of the challenge(s) to be addressed, followed by the history of the firm up until the decision point, and then additional information to help you with your analysis. The strategic dilemma is often faced by a specific manager, who wonders what he or she should do. To address the strategic dilemma, you will use the AFI framework to conduct a case analysis as well as the strategic management tools and concepts provided in this textbook. After careful analysis, you will be able to formulate a strategic response and make recommendations about how to implement it.

Why Do We Use Cases?

Strategy is something that people learn by doing; it cannot be learned simply by reading a book or listening carefully in class. While those activities will help you become more familiar with the concepts and models used in strategic management, the only way to improve your skills in analyzing, formulating, and implementing strategy is to practice.

We encourage you to take advantage of the cases in this text as a “laboratory” in which to experiment with the strategic management tools you have been given, so that you can learn more about how, when, and where they might work in the “real world.” Cases are valuable because they expose you to a number and variety of situations in which you can refine your strategic management skills without worrying about making mistakes. The companies in these cases will not lose profits or fire you if you miscalculate a financial ratio, misinterpret someone’s intentions, or make an incorrect prediction about environmental trends.

Cases also invite you to “walk in” and explore many more kinds of companies in a wider array of industries than you will ever be able to work at in your lifetime. With this strategy content, you will find MiniCases (i.e., shorter cases) about athletes (Michael Phelps), mass media and entertainment (Disney), technology (Apple), and entertainment (Cirque du Soleil), among others, as well as longer cases with complete financial data about companies such as Facebook, Lululemon, McDonald’s, to name just a few. Your personal organizational experiences are usually much more limited, defined by the jobs held by your family members or by your own forays into the working world. Learning about companies involved in so many different types of products and services may open up new employment possibilities for you. Diversity also forces us to think about the ways in which industries (as well as people) are both similar and yet distinct, and to critically examine the degree to which lessons learned in one forum transfer to other settings (i.e., to what degree are they “generalizable”). In short, cases are a great training tool, and they are fun to study.

You will find that many of our cases are written from the perspective of the CEO or general manager responsible for strategic decision making in the organization. While you do not need to be a member of a top management team to utilize the strategic management process, these senior leaders are usually responsible for determining strategy in most of the organizations we study. Importantly, cases allow us to put ourselves “in the shoes” of strategic leaders and invite us to view the issues from their perspective. Having responsibility for the performance of an entire organization is quite different from managing a single project team, department, or functional area. Cases can help Page 529you see the big picture in a way that most of us are not accustomed to in our daily, organizational lives. We recognize that most undergraduate students and even MBAs do not land immediately in the corporate boardroom. Yet having a basic understanding of the types of conversations going on in the boardroom not only increases your current value as an employee, but also improves your chances of getting there someday, should you so desire.

Finally, cases help give us a long-term view of the firms they depict. Corporate history is immensely helpful in understanding how a firm got to its present position and why people within that organization think the way they do. Our case authors (both the author of this book and authors of cases from respected third-party sources) have spent many hours poring over historical documents and news reports in order to recreate each company’s heritage for you, a luxury that most of us do not have when we are bombarded on a daily basis with homework, tests, and papers or project team meetings, deadlines, and reports. We invite you not just to learn from but also to savor reading each company’s story.


The first step in analyzing a case is to skim it for the basic facts. As you read, jot down your notes regarding the following basic questions:

  • ▪What company or companies is the case about?
  • ▪Who are the principal actors?
  • ▪What are the key events? When and where do they happen (in other words, what is the timeline)?

Second, go back and reread the case in greater detail, this time with a focus on defining the problem. Which facts are relevant and why? Just as a doctor begins by interviewing the patient (“What hurts?”), you likewise gather information and then piece the clues together in order to figure out what is wrong. Your goal at this stage is to identify the “symptoms” in order to figure out which “tests” to run in order to make a definitive “diagnosis” of the main “disease.” Only then can you prescribe a “treatment” with confidence that it will actually help the situation. Rushing too quickly through this stage often results in “malpractice” (that is, giving a patient with an upset stomach an antacid when she really has the flu), with effects that range from unhelpful to downright dangerous. The best way to ensure that you “do no harm” is to analyze the facts carefully, fighting the temptation to jump right to proposing a solution.

The third step, continuing the medical analogy, is to determine which analytical tools will help you to most accurately diagnose the problem(s). Doctors may choose to run blood tests or take an X-ray. In doing case analysis, we follow the steps of the strategic management process. You have any and all of the following models and frameworks at your disposal:

  1. Perform an external environmental analysis of the:
    • ▪Macro-level environment (PESTEL analysis).
    • ▪Industry environment (e.g., Porter’s five forces).
    • ▪Competitive environment.
  2. Perform an internal analysis of the firm using the resource-based view:
    • ▪What are the firm’s resources, capabilities, and competencies?
    • ▪Does the firm possess valuable, rare, costly to imitate resources, and is it organized to capture value from those resources (VRIO analysis)?
    • ▪What is the firm’s value chain?
  3. Analyze the firm’s current business-level and corporate-level strategies:
    • ▪Business-level strategy (product market positioning).
    • ▪Corporate-level strategy (diversification).
    • ▪International strategy (geographic scope and mode of entry).
    • ▪How are these strategies being implemented?
  4. Analyze the firm’s performance:
    • ▪Use both financial and market-based measures.
    • ▪How does the firm compare to its competitors as well as the industry average?
    • ▪What trends are evident over the past three to five years?
    • ▪Consider the perspectives of multiple stakeholders (internal and external).
    • ▪Does the firm possess a competitive advantage? If so, can it be sustained?

Case Study, Atlas Cold Storage Inc

Case Study, Atlas Cold Storage Inc 

Review the Case Study: Atlas Cold Storage Inc. (Links to an external site.)

Cheating occurs at many levels within a firm. In the case study, the president engaged in several questionable activities with the company’s financial statements. What might have been the ethical decision that Ernst & Young (E & Y) faced with the client?

After reading the charges made by the OSC, explain how a deontological approach may have helped avoid each charge.

What are the duties of management and ownership in regard to the stakeholders of Atlas? In what ways did management fail?

What items should have been noticed by the auditors?

Describe any specific internal controls that might have prevented this situation.


Your written paper should be full 5 pages in length not counting the title and reference pages, which you must include.

Use terms, evidence, and concepts from class readings.

You need to cite at least three sources for this assignment, outside of the textbook.

Your paper must be formatted according to APA format.

Reference: Boritz, J. E., & Robinson, L.A. (n.d.) Atlas Cold Storage Inc. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: University of Waterloo. Retrieved from

Chapter 6 in Ethics in Accounting: A Decision-Making Approach

Hough, C., Green, K., & Plumlee, G. (2015). Impact of ethics environment and organizational trust on employee engagement. Journal of Legal, Ethical & Regulatory Issues, 18(3), 45-62.

Dalton, D., & Radtke, R. (2013). The joint effects of Machiavellianism and ethical environment on whistle-blowing. Journal of Business Ethics, 117(1), 153-172.

Prempeh, K. B., & Odartei-Mills, E. (2015). Corporate governance structure and shareholder wealth maximization. Perspectives of Innovations, Economics & Business, 15(1), 1-30.

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. (2018). Report to the nations on occupational fraud and abuse. Retrieved from

Haider, J. (2009). Investor protections and economic growth. Economic Letters, 103(1). Retrieved from

Klein, G. (2016). Ethics in accounting: A decision-making approach. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Sifuna, A. (2012). Disclose or abstain: The prohibition of insider trading on trial. Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation, 27(9), 340-352.

Lending and borrowing money 

  • Topic: Lending and borrowing money  
  • Introduction: This needs to be a very detailed explanation of the particular topic that your group chose. Offer a detailed definition, brief history  (this could include: court cases, media reception, etc.), and contemporary debates about the topic (of course, your case study should be mentionedhere). What is the ethical issue that your group will be addressing? In what way does it pertain to business ethics? Why did your group choose this ethical issue? Which ethical theories will be applied? Which theory does the group think best analyzes the ethical issue? NOTE: Investopedia can be a good place to start ( (Links to an external site.) however, you should also include scholarly sources where applicable.
  • Case Study: Research a case study that pertains to your topic. The case study should be one that we have not covered in the course. Offer a brief description and summary of the case study that your group chose. Be sure to pin point the specificethical issue (who is the perpetrator? Who is the victim? Of what were they a victim?) .
  • Ethical Theory #1: Apply one of the ethical theories that have been discussed in the course. Research scholarly sources that have not been provided by the instructor. Be sure to cite your sources/information. Be sure to employ all of the relevant concepts that pertain to the ethical theory.
  • Ethical Theory #2: Apply one of the ethical theories that have been discussed in the course. Research scholarly sources that have not been provided by the instructor. Be sure to cite your sources/information. Be sure to employ all of the relevant concepts that pertain to the ethical theory.
  • Ethical Theory #3: Apply one of the ethical theories that have been discussed in the course. Research scholarly sources that have not been provided by the instructor. Be sure to cite your sources/information. Be sure to employ all of the relevant concepts that pertain to the ethical theory.

Ethical theories: Kantian Ethics, Utilitarianism,Virtue Ethics,Theories of Justice,Ethical Critiques of Capitalism,Rawls

Choose 3 of those to discuss

Case study – Toshiba Scandal (HB)

Case1: Toshiba Scandal (HB)

Required Questions:

  1. What could Toshiba have done differently after the accounting scandal was uncovered?
  2. Do you think such scandals in Japan would have taken place in U.S.? If yes or no, why?
  3. What is your opinion on Toshiba’s internal audit function?



  • ·  Double space; 1 inch margin; 12 font size; Logical format
  • ·  Answer for the specific questions in the case.

Students are required to turn in written case work. Case assignments will be an analysis and recommendations for any of the cases used in the course. The case report should be no more than four pages of text while exhibits or appendix has no page limit. Written assignments should be submitted on the presentation date.

Please bear in mind that the reports should illustrate your reasoning. Defend it with proof and back-up material. Present and support your conclusions and recommendations. Please assume the reader is an executive who is very busy and is not likely to spend a lot of time trying to decipher your report. Use of visual cues and format to emphasize your main points will increase your impact.

I do not want to see the following statements based on your common sense.

The employees should work harder.
They should have the better communication system
This firm should develop the appropriate evaluation system.

If you want to use these statements above, you must provide the supporting evidence, which may be developed logically by your group members if the appropriate information was not provided in the case itself.


Panama Canal Case Study

Panama Canal Case Study 

For the case study, students will prepare an assessment of between 1100 and 1200 words of text, 1.5 spaced. Each case study should have a separate bibliography including at least 2 references, using APA format. Bibliography does not count towards word count.  Each assessment should have:

  1. Title
  2. Topic sentence (a single sentence or two which summarize the student’s understanding of the situation, the actions taken by the consulting engineer, and lessons learned)
  3. Situation assessment (What was the factual situation on the ground? What were the main challenges? What role could, and should, the consulting engineer play?)
  4. Lessons learned (this should include not just the lessons learned by the consulting engineer as expressed in the case study, but the lessons learned by the student looking at the case study as a whole)

Panama Canal Case Study: Please review these videos and follow the rubric