Physics Lab Report Measurements

Physics Lab Report Measurements

• Date:
• Experimentalist:
• Apparatuses:
1 Ruler and Samples
• Prepare a stick ruler which you can measure lengths in centimeters (cm). If you just have rulers with inches,
you can use it as well, but the centimeter stick is perferred. A ruler for thirty centimeter (about a foot) would
be fine.
• How long is the finest tick of the ruler?
[Unit: ]
• For this experiment, four samples of round shape are needed. Try to find four round things with perfect
circles in its crosssection, which are not too big, but different sizes. Something like coins, bottles, can, will
• When the samples are perpared, put labels on samples, A, B, C, and D.
• Describe each sample briefly. Take a picture of samples with the ruler you have and attach it below.
Figure 1: Samples and Ruler
PHYS 2111 Experiment B. Measuring Lengths – Online 2
2 Sample A
2.1 Measuring the Diameter of Sample A:
• Measure diameters of the samples by using the device chosen six times. Make sure to follow the rule to get
the one more number guessed, after the finest tick. Write down measurements in Table 1.
Diameter Di Di − D¯ (Di − D¯)
[Unit: ] [Unit: ] [Unit: ]
Sum PDi Sum P(Di − D¯)
Average D¯ =
σD =
Table 1: Measurement of the Diameters of the Sample, A.
• Add all measurements to get the sum, and obtain the average of your measurements of the longer length in
Table 1.
• Calculate the standard deviation for the statistical uncertaiinty of this measurement in Tabel 1. Write the
result below;
DA = D¯ ± σD = ± [Unit : ]
2.2 Circumference of Sample A
• By the rolling the sample over lines in Figure 2 and using a ruler, the circumference of sample A in Table 2.
Before you start rolling, put a mark on each sample to know where it starts. Understand the method very
well first and try to reduce uncertainty of this measurement.
Circumference Ci Ci − C¯ (Ci − C¯)
[Unit: ] [Unit: ] [Unit: ]
Sum PCi Sum P(Ci − C¯)
Average C¯ =
σC =
Table 2: Measurement of Circumference of Sample A
PHYS 2111 Experiment B. Measuring Lengths – Online 3
Circumference #1: C1 = mm
Circumference #2: C2 = mm
Circumference #3: C3 = mm
Circumference #4: C4 = mm
Circumference #5: C5 = mm
Circumference #6: C6 = mm
Figure 2: Measuring Circumferences of Sample A
PHYS 2111 Experiment B. Measuring Lengths – Online 4
• Calculate the average of the circumference in Table 2.
• Calculate the standard deviation of this measurement for the statistical uncertainty in Table 2.
Circumference Measured; CA = C¯ ± σC = ± [Unit : ]
3 Sample B
3.1 Measuring the Diameter of Sample B:
• By using the same method, measure the diameter of sample B in Table 3.
• Obtain the average and statistaical uncertainty of the measurement in the same table. Write the result below;
DB = D¯ ± σD = ± [Unit : ]
Diameter Di Di − D¯ (Di − D¯)
[Unit: ] [Unit: ] [Unit: ]
Sum PDi Sum P(Di − D¯)
Average D¯ =
σD =
Table 3: Measurement of the Diameters of the Sample, B.
3.2 Circumference of Sample B
• By using the same method, measure the diameter of sample B in Figure 3, and write the the resulting
circumference measurements in Table 4.
• Obtain the average and statistical uncertainty of the circumference measurementsin Table 4.
Circumference Measured; CB = C¯ ± ∆C = ± [Unit : ]
4 Sample C
4.1 Measuring the Diameter of Sample C:
• By using the same method, measure the diameter of sample C in Table 5.
• Obtain the average and statistaical uncertainty of the measurement in the same table. Write the result below;
DC = D¯ ± σD = ± [Unit : ]
PHYS 2111 Experiment B. Measuring Lengths – Online 5
Circumference #1: C1 = mm
Circumference #2: C2 = mm
Circumference #3: C3 = mm
Circumference #4: C4 = mm
Circumference #5: C5 = mm
Circumference #6: C6 = mm
Figure 3: Measuring Circumferences of Sample B
PHYS 2111 Experiment B. Measuring Lengths – Online 6
Circumference Ci Ci − C¯ (Ci − C¯)
[Unit: ] [Unit: ] [Unit: ]
Sum PCi Sum P(Ci − C¯)
Average C¯ =
σC =
Table 4: Measurement of Circumference of Sample B
Diameter Di Di − D¯ (Di − D¯)
[Unit: ] [Unit: ] [Unit: ]
Sum PDi Sum P(Di − D¯)
Average D¯ =
σD =
Table 5: Measurement of the Diameters of the Sample, C.
PHYS 2111 Experiment B. Measuring Lengths – Online 7
4.2 Circumference of Sample C
• By using the same method, measure the diameter of sample C in Figure 4, and write the the resulting
circumference measurements in Table 6.
Circumference #1: C1 = mm
Circumference #2: C2 = mm
Circumference #3: C3 = mm
Circumference #4: C4 = mm
Circumference #5: C5 = mm
Circumference #6: C6 = mm
Figure 4: Measuring Circumferences of Sample C
• Obtain the average and statistical uncertainty of the circumference measurementsin Table 6.
Circumference Measured; CC = C¯ ± ∆C = ± [Unit : ]
PHYS 2111 Experiment B. Measuring Lengths – Online 8
Circumference Ci Ci − C¯ (Ci − C¯)
[Unit: ] [Unit: ] [Unit: ]
Sum PCi Sum P(Ci − C¯)
Average C¯ =
σC =
Table 6: Measurement of Circumference of Sample C
5 Sample D
5.1 Measuring the Diameter of Sample D:
• By using the same method, measure the diameter of sample B in Table 7.
• Obtain the average and statistaical uncertainty of the measurement in the same table. Write the result below;
DD = D¯ ± σD = ± [Unit : ]
Diameter Di Di − D¯ (Di − D¯)
[Unit: ] [Unit: ] [Unit: ]
Sum PDi Sum P(Di − D¯)
Average D¯ =
σD =
Table 7: Measurement of the Diameters of the Sample, D.
5.2 Circumference of Sample D
• By using the same method, measure the diameter of sample D in Figure 5, and write the the resulting
circumference measurements in Table 8.
• Obtain the average and statistical uncertainty of the circumference measurementsin Table 8.
Circumference Measured; CD = C¯ ± ∆C = ± [Unit : ]
PHYS 2111 Experiment B. Measuring Lengths – Online 9
Circumference #1: C1 = mm
Circumference #2: C2 = mm
Circumference #3: C3 = mm
Circumference #4: C4 = mm
Circumference #5: C5 = mm
Circumference #6: C6 = mm
Figure 5: Measuring Circumferences of Sample D
PHYS 2111 Experiment B. Measuring Lengths – Online 10
Circumference Ci Ci − C¯ (Ci − C¯)
[Unit: ] [Unit: ] [Unit: ]
Sum PCi Sum P(Ci − C¯)
Average C¯ =
σC =
Table 8: Measurement of Circumference of Sample D
6 Discussion
• Summarize the measurement of the diameter and circumference of four samples in Table 9.
Samples Diameter, D [Unit: ] Circumference, C [Unit: ]
A ± ±
B ± ±
C ± ±
D ± ±
Table 9: Summary of Measurements of the Shortest Length
• How are the precision (or statistical uncertainty) of circumference measurements are compared? Are they
close to each other? Which sample has the best precision? Which one the worst? Try to explain.
• What is a major source of the uncertainty? Discuss how you can reduce the uncertainty.

Design the hydraulic system for a box pushing machine

Design the hydraulic system for a box pushing machine.

Fluid Power Technology

Design the hydraulic system for a box pushing machine. Your responsibility is to provide the design for
the hydraulic system only, your design will dictate the rest of the machine design.
The force required to push the box and overcome friction is 9,500 Lbs. The required design should be
able to push one box every 15 seconds. The box will be loaded by an operator and the box will be
pushed/moved 24 inches (by your hydraulic system) onto a conveyor for further processing.
Provide a complete design of the items listed in the grading rubric in printed format (no electronic
copies). Handwritten calculations are preferred (neat and organized).

Fluid Power Technology Design the hydraulic system for a box pushing machine

Fluid Power Technology Design the hydraulic system for a box pushing machine

Design the hydraulic system for a box pushing machine. Your responsibility is to provide the design for
the hydraulic system only, your design will dictate the rest of the machine design.
The force required to push the box and overcome friction is 9,500 Lbs. The required design should be
able to push one box every 15 seconds. The box will be loaded by an operator and the box will be
pushed/moved 24 inches (by your hydraulic system) onto a conveyor for further processing.
Provide a complete design of the items listed in the grading rubric in printed format (no electronic
copies). Handwritten calculations are preferred (neat and organized).

12 Steps of Kaizen

12 Steps of Kaizen

We have a case study related to manufacturing where an issue was creating waste and they created a team to solve the issue using a Kaizen tool called 12 steps kaizen and they solve the issue successfully. the case study need to explain the issue that happened (which is attached), then explaine the 12 steps Kaizen tool. and finally merage the case study with the tool using the case study as an example of the tool application


One of the main challenges that you can face as a production line engineer/manager of running a production line is facing an unexpected issue during the production. It effects the productivity, waste and most importantly a direct cause of cost losses. This paper will start with a review a case that has happened an international manufacturing company that is considered the market leader in its business, using one of the Kaizen methodology tools a team was created to find a solution for a new cause of short stops. Sue to the success of eliminating the issue permanently, this case study was chosen to be an example of a propose way of problem solving that we belief can be a guide to solve any issue faced on a production line. In summery this paper will include a review of the case, followed by explanation of the tool used by the team. And finally, a purpose guide to future use of the tool.

Add Background of the Company 

Background of problem solving

Background of the issue

Tetra Pak is the world’s leading food processing and packaging solutions company working to provide safe food. It is a Swedish company that produce several types of Packaging solutions to all the liquid products such as milk, Juice and even Homos and honey to the solid cheese. The company has several locations in different countries either as a factory that produces carton packs or as a customer service office.

The case that we are about to study was on one of the carton factories that produces the food and liquid packs. When it comes to the packs it varies on shape, size and design printed on the pack as per the costumer requirement. Tetra Pak factories focuses on three main objects: ensure the safety of the employees working on the site, full costumer satisfaction and the high quality of product. That high quality ensures the protection of the food and liquids inside the packs for a year without the need to add any additives.

The case occurs on one of the main production lines of the factory, which is the printing line, the first line on the factory. The purpose of the line is to print the required designs as per the costumer order. Tetra Pak ureses a Flexo printing machine which is one of the industrial printing methods that has the capability of printing more than a million packs per hour depends on the sizes.

Flexo Printing …

Case story..

On the second quarter of 2018 the printing process started to have a repeated stop due to a defect Known as smearing. Smearing is a defect that happened due to un-dry ink which causes a bad appearance of the printed design*(add a picture). Which contributed to an accumulative loss on the plan capacity and the productivity of the machine. At the time they could not figure out the source of the defect, so a team was lunched to analyses the issue and propose the solutions to eliminate the defect using a Kaizen tool called 12 step Kaizen.

12 Step Kaizen Tool:

It is a tool used to study an anomaly and close it with a solutions and standers that will help on resolving the anomaly.

  1. Identify the losses:

The first step focuses on identifying the losses caused by the anomaly that we are studying.

  1. Select theme and justify
  2. Understand the process equipment
  3. Grasp the actual situation
  4. Establish objectives
  5. Update the master plan
  6. Cause analyses
  7. Propose actions
  8. Implement the actions
  9. Check the results
  10. Standardization
  11. Future Plans

Case study

  1. Identify the losses:

As per the factory strategy and must happens, one of the main KPI’s on the printing process is Printing efficiency. So, the team started with the main loss of printing line efficiency. and deployed the losses to identify the anomalies that caused then to not achieve the target. The first deployment losses showed that the rank of the efficiency losses is set up time, speed losses (running with slow speed), short stops, break down and other small losses. The anomaly that we are studying is categorized under the second main losses which is the speed losses. Deploying the speed loss shows us that searing is the second main loss. Hint, the Ramp up/down loss is a technological loss that comes with the printing machine. However, having the smearing loss in the second rank is not normal and we need to analyze it and come up with actions that will allow us to reduce smearing loss and restoring the Printing EE.

  • Should we explain more what is the set-up losses, and which KPI is normal and which one is not

Why we used the tool ( on conclusion )

Always why and how.

  1. Select theme and justify

In summery smearing is a speed loss anomaly that is causing printing efficiency losses which is a loss that can be transferred as factory capacity losses and cost losses. But as the team is a floor team that focuses on reducing the process losses only, they did not include the factory losses in their scope. Having that specified the team has decided to set an initial target of 50% reduction on smearing losses.

The team has set the focus to be fixing the smearing defect, which can will be followed under the printing EE (equipment efficiency) with an initial target to reduce the speed losses due to smearing by 50%. They started with reviewing what is concept of smearing and what is the exact defect that they are focusing on to avoid destruction of the other defects on their analyses.

What is Smearing?

It is the ink that smear out in a vertical direction from a part of the printed design.

  1. Understand the process equipment

*print unit explanation*

Explain the print unit with a reference to the ink smearing defect

Then next step explains the impact of its condition on the defect, also we can add the actual situation of the equipment’s

What do we need to include on the study:

  • Print unit
  • Cooling system
  • Drying system
  • ITC system
  • Ink

So we need to explain the printing on Print unit including the ITC, then the chill roller system and drying and finally the ink it self.

Printing Unit:

The printing unit is one of the main parts of the printing machine and it is responsible of printing one color as per the required design. The number of colors varies from one design to others however in each unit only one color is printed so every printing machine is equipped with more than one printing unit as per there costumer requirement.

  1. Grasp the actual situation

This step is required to review the condition of the element on step 3, and in case we find any abnormality we should add it to this step as a focus area.

(a) Drying system:

On the drying system the team has found 2 anomalies. One is the cleaning status of the drying system which was affecting the flow on the air on the system. Second is an anomaly found on the mechanism of the hot air flow system.

(b) Ink temperature

There was no anomaly found on the ink temperature as the ink temperature was controlled by an automation system. Add to it that the actual temperature was monitored through a quality system and in case of high or low temperature on any print unit the system will alarm * SPC system explanation*

(c)  Main burner

The filter of the main burner required a periodic change which in case missed would affect the control of the air flow which will affect the air temperature control.

(d) Ink drying system

*scratch on paper due to the drying system small gaps*

(e) Ink component

The ink used on the Flexo printing is a water-based ink and it is in simple explanation a mixture of base ink and varnish. The team reviewed the based-on Tetra Pak standard and there were no anomaly detected except the varnish behavior which based on the experience of team was not clear and it was recently changed, so the a trail was planned to try the old and new varnish to test the behavior.

5. Establish objectives

The objective is stated on step 2 and confirmed on this step after reviewing the actual situation on the machine. We are focusing on reducing the speed losses due to the smearing by at least 50%.

6. Update the master plan

Based on the findings on step 3 and 4 the team decided to validate the 50% target. And the master plan was updated to cover the coming steps.

  • Should we explain the master plan on details
  1. Cause analyses

Each anomaly detected on step 4 was analyzed deeply using the 4M-5Y tool known as fishbone analyses where you need to ask why question 5 times for each root cause.

*go in detail on the 4M-5Y*

* explain the fishbone tool*

  1. Propose actions

*explaine the CML steps*

* list the proposed actions*

  1. Implement the actions
  2. Check the results

Reviewing the result starting form June to end of the year after implementing the actions there were a 50% reduction on the speed losses, which was 2.4% on the printing efficiency. Which was enough to achieve the target. And when it comes to the smearing defect due to the root causes found the printing process did not a single stop.


  1. Standardization

*list the standard added to the system*

  1. Future Plans







Aviation History The Development of the Jet Engine

Aviation History The Development of the Jet Engine

Individual Student Course Paper Criteria 50 Points
Conduct research on a topic in aviation history and write a six-page typed report. You must use and cite at least three different sources of information on the topic. The paper must describe a single theme and indicate what is historically significant about the topic. Organize in chronological order (if applicable). Answer who, what, when, where, and why. You will need a reference page with a minimum of three references. You can use one of the topics listed below or another topic approved by the instructor.
Possible research topics

  • The Origins of Air Mail Service in the United States
  • Chuck Yeager Breaking the Sound Barrier
  • Spirit of St Louis & the Lindbergh Flight from New York to Paris The Tuskegee Airman
  • Tokyo Raiders: Doolittle Raid
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger accident
  • The First Ladies of Flight
  • The Story of Amelia Earhart
  • The Rise and Fall of Pan American
  • First Successful Helicopter Flight, Igor Sikorski
  • The US/USSR race to the moon
  • The development of the jet engine
    ___ Minimum six pages (not including cover-title page/references) (-5 points for < 6 pages)
    ___ Double-spaced (5 points)
    ___ Three references/sources and cited (5 points) ___ Reference page (5 points)
    ___ Turn in dates:
    ____by 4 March (50 points max) ____after 4 March (40 points max) ____after 11 March (30 points max) ____after 18 March (20 points max)
    ____after 25 March (10 points max)

Aviation History The US/USSR Race to the Moon

Aviation History The US/USSR Race to the Moon

Individual Student Course Paper Criteria 50 Points
Conduct research on a topic in aviation history and write a six-page typed report. You must use and cite at least three different sources of information on the topic. The paper must describe a single theme and indicate what is historically significant about the topic. Organize in chronological order (if applicable). Answer who, what, when, where, and why. You will need a reference page with a minimum of three references. You can use one of the topics listed below or another topic approved by the instructor.
Possible research topics

  • The Origins of Air Mail Service in the United States
  • Chuck Yeager Breaking the Sound Barrier
  • Spirit of St Louis & the Lindbergh Flight from New York to Paris The Tuskegee Airman
  • Tokyo Raiders: Doolittle Raid
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger accident
  • The First Ladies of Flight
  • The Story of Amelia Earhart
  • The Rise and Fall of Pan American
  • First Successful Helicopter Flight, Igor Sikorski
  • The US/USSR race to the moon
  • The development of the jet engine
    ___ Minimum six pages (not including cover-title page/references) (-5 points for < 6 pages)
    ___ Double-spaced (5 points)
    ___ Three references/sources and cited (5 points) ___ Reference page (5 points)
    ___ Turn in dates:
    ____by 4 March (50 points max) ____after 4 March (40 points max) ____after 11 March (30 points max) ____after 18 March (20 points max)
    ____after 25 March (10 points max)

Aviation History First Successful Helicopter Flight Igor Sikorski

Aviation History First Successful Helicopter Flight Igor Sikorski

Individual Student Course Paper Criteria 50 Points
Conduct research on a topic in aviation history and write a six-page typed report. You must use and cite at least three different sources of information on the topic. The paper must describe a single theme and indicate what is historically significant about the topic. Organize in chronological order (if applicable). Answer who, what, when, where, and why. You will need a reference page with a minimum of three references. You can use one of the topics listed below or another topic approved by the instructor.
Possible research topics

  • The Origins of Air Mail Service in the United States
  • Chuck Yeager Breaking the Sound Barrier
  • Spirit of St Louis & the Lindbergh Flight from New York to Paris The Tuskegee Airman
  • Tokyo Raiders: Doolittle Raid
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger accident
  • The First Ladies of Flight
  • The Story of Amelia Earhart
  • The Rise and Fall of Pan American
  • First Successful Helicopter Flight, Igor Sikorski
  • The US/USSR race to the moon
  • The development of the jet engine
    ___ Minimum six pages (not including cover-title page/references) (-5 points for < 6 pages)
    ___ Double-spaced (5 points)
    ___ Three references/sources and cited (5 points) ___ Reference page (5 points)
    ___ Turn in dates:
    ____by 4 March (50 points max) ____after 4 March (40 points max) ____after 11 March (30 points max) ____after 18 March (20 points max)
    ____after 25 March (10 points max)

Aviation History The Rise and Fall of Pan American

Aviation History The Rise and Fall of Pan American

Individual Student Course Paper Criteria 50 Points
Conduct research on a topic in aviation history and write a six-page typed report. You must use and cite at least three different sources of information on the topic. The paper must describe a single theme and indicate what is historically significant about the topic. Organize in chronological order (if applicable). Answer who, what, when, where, and why. You will need a reference page with a minimum of three references. You can use one of the topics listed below or another topic approved by the instructor.
Possible research topics

  • The Origins of Air Mail Service in the United States
  • Chuck Yeager Breaking the Sound Barrier
  • Spirit of St Louis & the Lindbergh Flight from New York to Paris The Tuskegee Airman
  • Tokyo Raiders: Doolittle Raid
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger accident
  • The First Ladies of Flight
  • The Story of Amelia Earhart
  • The Rise and Fall of Pan American
  • First Successful Helicopter Flight, Igor Sikorski
  • The US/USSR race to the moon
  • The development of the jet engine
    ___ Minimum six pages (not including cover-title page/references) (-5 points for < 6 pages)
    ___ Double-spaced (5 points)
    ___ Three references/sources and cited (5 points) ___ Reference page (5 points)
    ___ Turn in dates:
    ____by 4 March (50 points max) ____after 4 March (40 points max) ____after 11 March (30 points max) ____after 18 March (20 points max)
    ____after 25 March (10 points max)

Aviation History The Story of Amelia Earhart

Aviation History The Story of Amelia Earhart

Individual Student Course Paper Criteria 50 Points
Conduct research on a topic in aviation history and write a six-page typed report. You must use and cite at least three different sources of information on the topic. The paper must describe a single theme and indicate what is historically significant about the topic. Organize in chronological order (if applicable). Answer who, what, when, where, and why. You will need a reference page with a minimum of three references. You can use one of the topics listed below or another topic approved by the instructor.
Possible research topics

  • The Origins of Air Mail Service in the United States
  • Chuck Yeager Breaking the Sound Barrier
  • Spirit of St Louis & the Lindbergh Flight from New York to Paris The Tuskegee Airman
  • Tokyo Raiders: Doolittle Raid
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger accident
  • The First Ladies of Flight
  • The Story of Amelia Earhart
  • The Rise and Fall of Pan American
  • First Successful Helicopter Flight, Igor Sikorski
  • The US/USSR race to the moon
  • The development of the jet engine
    ___ Minimum six pages (not including cover-title page/references) (-5 points for < 6 pages)
    ___ Double-spaced (5 points)
    ___ Three references/sources and cited (5 points) ___ Reference page (5 points)
    ___ Turn in dates:
    ____by 4 March (50 points max) ____after 4 March (40 points max) ____after 11 March (30 points max) ____after 18 March (20 points max)
    ____after 25 March (10 points max)

Aviation History The First Ladies of Flight

Aviation History The First Ladies of Flight

Individual Student Course Paper Criteria 50 Points
Conduct research on a topic in aviation history and write a six-page typed report. You must use and cite at least three different sources of information on the topic. The paper must describe a single theme and indicate what is historically significant about the topic. Organize in chronological order (if applicable). Answer who, what, when, where, and why. You will need a reference page with a minimum of three references. You can use one of the topics listed below or another topic approved by the instructor.
Possible research topics

  • The Origins of Air Mail Service in the United States
  • Chuck Yeager Breaking the Sound Barrier
  • Spirit of St Louis & the Lindbergh Flight from New York to Paris The Tuskegee Airman
  • Tokyo Raiders: Doolittle Raid
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger accident
  • The First Ladies of Flight
  • The Story of Amelia Earhart
  • The Rise and Fall of Pan American
  • First Successful Helicopter Flight, Igor Sikorski
  • The US/USSR race to the moon
  • The development of the jet engine
    ___ Minimum six pages (not including cover-title page/references) (-5 points for < 6 pages)
    ___ Double-spaced (5 points)
    ___ Three references/sources and cited (5 points) ___ Reference page (5 points)
    ___ Turn in dates:
    ____by 4 March (50 points max) ____after 4 March (40 points max) ____after 11 March (30 points max) ____after 18 March (20 points max)
    ____after 25 March (10 points max)

Aviation History The Space Shuttle Challenger Accident

Aviation History The Space Shuttle Challenger Accident

Individual Student Course Paper Criteria 50 Points
Conduct research on a topic in aviation history and write a six-page typed report. You must use and cite at least three different sources of information on the topic. The paper must describe a single theme and indicate what is historically significant about the topic. Organize in chronological order (if applicable). Answer who, what, when, where, and why. You will need a reference page with a minimum of three references. You can use one of the topics listed below or another topic approved by the instructor.
Possible research topics

  • The Origins of Air Mail Service in the United States
  • Chuck Yeager Breaking the Sound Barrier
  • Spirit of St Louis & the Lindbergh Flight from New York to Paris The Tuskegee Airman
  • Tokyo Raiders: Doolittle Raid
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger accident
  • The First Ladies of Flight
  • The Story of Amelia Earhart
  • The Rise and Fall of Pan American
  • First Successful Helicopter Flight, Igor Sikorski
  • The US/USSR race to the moon
  • The development of the jet engine
    ___ Minimum six pages (not including cover-title page/references) (-5 points for < 6 pages)
    ___ Double-spaced (5 points)
    ___ Three references/sources and cited (5 points) ___ Reference page (5 points)
    ___ Turn in dates:
    ____by 4 March (50 points max) ____after 4 March (40 points max) ____after 11 March (30 points max) ____after 18 March (20 points max)
    ____after 25 March (10 points max)

Aviation History Tokyo Raiders Doolittle Raid

Aviation History Tokyo Raiders Doolittle Raid

Individual Student Course Paper Criteria 50 Points
Conduct research on a topic in aviation history and write a six-page typed report. You must use and cite at least three different sources of information on the topic. The paper must describe a single theme and indicate what is historically significant about the topic. Organize in chronological order (if applicable). Answer who, what, when, where, and why. You will need a reference page with a minimum of three references. You can use one of the topics listed below or another topic approved by the instructor.
Possible research topics

  • The Origins of Air Mail Service in the United States
  • Chuck Yeager Breaking the Sound Barrier
  • Spirit of St Louis & the Lindbergh Flight from New York to Paris The Tuskegee Airman
  • Tokyo Raiders: Doolittle Raid
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger accident
  • The First Ladies of Flight
  • The Story of Amelia Earhart
  • The Rise and Fall of Pan American
  • First Successful Helicopter Flight, Igor Sikorski
  • The US/USSR race to the moon
  • The development of the jet engine
    ___ Minimum six pages (not including cover-title page/references) (-5 points for < 6 pages)
    ___ Double-spaced (5 points)
    ___ Three references/sources and cited (5 points) ___ Reference page (5 points)
    ___ Turn in dates:
    ____by 4 March (50 points max) ____after 4 March (40 points max) ____after 11 March (30 points max) ____after 18 March (20 points max)
    ____after 25 March (10 points max)

Aviation History Spirit of St Louis & the Lindbergh Flight from New York to Paris The Tuskegee Airman

Aviation History Spirit of St Louis & the Lindbergh Flight from New York to Paris The Tuskegee Airman

Individual Student Course Paper Criteria 50 Points
Conduct research on a topic in aviation history and write a six-page typed report. You must use and cite at least three different sources of information on the topic. The paper must describe a single theme and indicate what is historically significant about the topic. Organize in chronological order (if applicable). Answer who, what, when, where, and why. You will need a reference page with a minimum of three references. You can use one of the topics listed below or another topic approved by the instructor.
Possible research topics

  • The Origins of Air Mail Service in the United States
  • Chuck Yeager Breaking the Sound Barrier
  • Spirit of St Louis & the Lindbergh Flight from New York to Paris The Tuskegee Airman
  • Tokyo Raiders: Doolittle Raid
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger accident
  • The First Ladies of Flight
  • The Story of Amelia Earhart
  • The Rise and Fall of Pan American
  • First Successful Helicopter Flight, Igor Sikorski
  • The US/USSR race to the moon
  • The development of the jet engine
    ___ Minimum six pages (not including cover-title page/references) (-5 points for < 6 pages)
    ___ Double-spaced (5 points)
    ___ Three references/sources and cited (5 points) ___ Reference page (5 points)
    ___ Turn in dates:
    ____by 4 March (50 points max) ____after 4 March (40 points max) ____after 11 March (30 points max) ____after 18 March (20 points max)
    ____after 25 March (10 points max)

Aviation History Chuck Yeager Breaking the Sound Barrier

Aviation History Chuck Yeager Breaking the Sound Barrier

Individual Student Course Paper Criteria 50 Points
Conduct research on a topic in aviation history and write a six-page typed report. You must use and cite at least three different sources of information on the topic. The paper must describe a single theme and indicate what is historically significant about the topic. Organize in chronological order (if applicable). Answer who, what, when, where, and why. You will need a reference page with a minimum of three references. You can use one of the topics listed below or another topic approved by the instructor.
Possible research topics

  • The Origins of Air Mail Service in the United States
  • Chuck Yeager Breaking the Sound Barrier
  • Spirit of St Louis & the Lindbergh Flight from New York to Paris The Tuskegee Airman
  • Tokyo Raiders: Doolittle Raid
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger accident
  • The First Ladies of Flight
  • The Story of Amelia Earhart
  • The Rise and Fall of Pan American
  • First Successful Helicopter Flight, Igor Sikorski
  • The US/USSR race to the moon
  • The development of the jet engine
    ___ Minimum six pages (not including cover-title page/references) (-5 points for < 6 pages)
    ___ Double-spaced (5 points)
    ___ Three references/sources and cited (5 points) ___ Reference page (5 points)
    ___ Turn in dates:
    ____by 4 March (50 points max) ____after 4 March (40 points max) ____after 11 March (30 points max) ____after 18 March (20 points max)
    ____after 25 March (10 points max)

Aviation History The Origins of Air Mail Service in the United States

Aviation History The Origins of Air Mail Service in the United States

Individual Student Course Paper Criteria 50 Points
Conduct research on a topic in aviation history and write a six-page typed report. You must use and cite at least three different sources of information on the topic. The paper must describe a single theme and indicate what is historically significant about the topic. Organize in chronological order (if applicable). Answer who, what, when, where, and why. You will need a reference page with a minimum of three references. You can use one of the topics listed below or another topic approved by the instructor.
Possible research topics

  • The Origins of Air Mail Service in the United States
  • Chuck Yeager Breaking the Sound Barrier
  • Spirit of St Louis & the Lindbergh Flight from New York to Paris The Tuskegee Airman
  • Tokyo Raiders: Doolittle Raid
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger accident
  • The First Ladies of Flight
  • The Story of Amelia Earhart
  • The Rise and Fall of Pan American
  • First Successful Helicopter Flight, Igor Sikorski
  • The US/USSR race to the moon
  • The development of the jet engine
    ___ Minimum six pages (not including cover-title page/references) (-5 points for < 6 pages)
    ___ Double-spaced (5 points)
    ___ Three references/sources and cited (5 points) ___ Reference page (5 points)
    ___ Turn in dates:
    ____by 4 March (50 points max) ____after 4 March (40 points max) ____after 11 March (30 points max) ____after 18 March (20 points max)
    ____after 25 March (10 points max)