Aviation History Development of the Jet Engine

Aviation History Development of the Jet Engine
Individual Student Course Paper Criteria 50 Points
Conduct research on a topic in aviation history and write a six-page typed report. You must use and cite at least three different sources of information on the topic. The paper must describe a single theme and indicate what is historically significant about the topic. Organize in chronological order (if applicable). Answer who, what, when, where, and why. You will need a reference page with a minimum of three references. You can use one of the topics listed below or another topic approved by the instructor.
Possible research topics

  • The Origins of Air Mail Service in the United States
  • Chuck Yeager Breaking the Sound Barrier
  • Spirit of St Louis & the Lindbergh Flight from New York to Paris The Tuskegee Airman
  • Tokyo Raiders: Doolittle Raid
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger accident
  • The First Ladies of Flight
  • The Story of Amelia Earhart
  • The Rise and Fall of Pan American
  • First Successful Helicopter Flight, Igor Sikorski
  • The US/USSR race to the moon
  • The development of the jet engine
    ___ Minimum six pages (not including cover-title page/references) (-5 points for < 6 pages)
    ___ Double-spaced (5 points)
    ___ Three references/sources and cited (5 points) ___ Reference page (5 points)
    ___ Turn in dates:
    ____by 4 March (50 points max) ____after 4 March (40 points max) ____after 11 March (30 points max) ____after 18 March (20 points max)
    ____after 25 March (10 points max)

Qualitative Analysis Chemistry Lab Report

Qualitative Analysis Chemistry Lab Report


• Include all data sheets

• Include all calculations sheets. Calculations should be shown and easy to read for the instructor.

• Include responses to questions on a separate piece of paper indicated in the experiment description

• Include any additional work as assigned by your instructor in the video

Part 1 – The purpose of the experiment

What was the purpose of this experiment?

What were you trying to do? Note this is not the procedure but rather a summary of the goals of the experiment.

The purpose of this experiment was to illustrate the various types of measurements that are done in the chemical laboratory and in the workplace.

Part 2 – The procedures used

In this section, you outline what procedure was followed. If this procedure was given in a handout or is in a text, then all you need to do is identify that particular reference rather than rewriting the entire procedure.

The procedure for this experiment was provided in the handout “Measurement in the Chemistry Laboratory” by Mendeleev (1868). Additional information was listed in the textbook/lab manual “Chemistry “ by Noble (2005There).

Part 3 – The results

In this section, you list all the results you got, along with any class data that was collected. All calculations, equations, reactions are included in this section. The results gathered in this experiment are provided in the data table on the following page.

Part 4 – The conclusion

This is the part of the experiment where you draw conclusions about your lab work. What do your results mean? What did you learn from this experiment? This is not a restatement of your experimental results but an attempt to make some sense of the data. This is where the majority of writing takes place in a lab report.


Applied Analytical Methods In Engineering MODELLING

Applied Analytical Methods In Engineering MODELLING

  1. Referring to Handout paper “Filtering properties…”

Consider Eq. (1) with

have the initial amplitude of the solution Eq. (5) to be


  1. 2. A linear single-degree-of-freedom system with natural frequency and viscous damping factor   respectively is excited by a stationary zero-mean random force Y(t)  with a spectral density

where   are constants (here are respectively mean or expected excitation frequency and excitation bandwidth). Thus, the equation of motion may be written as

Find stationary mean square    of the steady-state system’s response using the spectral approach. You may use either direct numerical integration of the response PSD for the given data or rely upon available Table of the relevant integrals (which would require writing equation for shaping filter of Y(t) by expanding denominator of into two complex conjugated co-factors). Four different cases altogether:

The parameter may be

(arbitrarily) assumed to have value equal to unity.

Comment to Problem 2: for the case where  its analytical solution as obtained from the Table may be written as

The final expression clearly shows that approximate representation of a narrow-band excitation Y(t) by a sinusoid may be adequate – at least as long as just mean-square response is considered – but only if it is narrow-band compared with the system excited  (i.e.) For example, if Y(t) represent forcing due to ocean waves then is usually of the order 0.1 so that its approximation by a single harmonic may be inaccurate. Actually, the latter extreme case can be obtained directly from the general excitation/response PSDs relation by asymptotic approximation for transfer function being slowly varying compared with excitation PSD having a sharp peak at ; thus

  1.  Referring to Handout “Intro Rot”. Whirl of a Jeffcott rotor with both external and internal damping is governed by two ODEs (6a) for transverse displacements X, Y of its disk (along nonrotating axes). This set is reproduced here as a set (*) with two extensions:
  1. Added white-noise random excitation along X as applied through supports
  2. Angular velocity of rotation (the fourth terms in each ODE) is renamed as ν to avoid confusion with ω which is argument of the PSDs. This imply renaming stability threshold (12) as

The updated set is

Denote constant PSD of the random force f X(t) as 2πW. Use basic theorem relating PSDs of excitation and response to derive expression for sum of  PSDs of X(t) and Y(t) as functions of ν/ν* Integration by table of this sum yield

Verify the solution (**) by numerical integration of the total PSD for

Hint: this basic theorem is considered in detail in Handout “FFT” for the case of single excitation/single response. Using the same approach as based on algebraic relations for the FTs with finite limits it can be easily extended to multiple excitation/responses. Solution for the case of two ODEs with random RHSs is presented in detail in Section 4 of the Handout “Noncons”

Comment. Availability of measurable subcritical response of any

dynamic system may be used with advantage for on-line Mechanical Signature Analysis. In Section 4 of the Handout “Noncons” the coherence function of two displacements has been indicated as a potential index for  stability margin on the system. In the present problem with only single external excitation available that index will not work – coherence should be always unity (implying permanent “false alarm”. Your solution to the present problem may provide alternative index – ratio of mean square responses <Y2>/<X2>  should be monotonously increasing with ν/ν*from zero at ν/ν* = 0 to unity at ν/ν* = 1.

Physics I Lab Problems

Physics I Lab Problems

Physics – Gravitational Acceleration with a Pendulum
SciDAVis has to be utilized to do the problems.
All work and calculations have to be shown.
2 files attached.

Sensors and Actuators Egineering

Sensors and Actuators Egineering

A Library Treasure Hunt: By consulting recent issues of at least two of the following
MEMS-oriented journals, locate articles that illustrate (a) MEMS accelerometers, (b)
MEMS biosensors, (c) MEMS Actuators. The journals are: IEEE/ASME Journal of
Microelectromechanical Systems, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,
IEEE sensor journal, Sensors and Actuators, Sensors and Materials, Analytical
Chemistry, Biomedical Microdevices, and sensors. Give full citations of 2 articles for
each of the above topics. List the top 2 topics that are most interesting to you.

LTH Sensor for Friction in Forging Dies

LTH Sensor for Friction in Forging Dies

How can we  use the LTH sensor in the forging dies? Find information about it is this websites: https://www.futek.com/search/load%20cells





The Birthplace of Aviation

The Birthplace of Aviation

Please see the attached files below to follow the instructions.

The article that you will use for this bibliography is available from the link below.

The Birthplaces of Aviation, Air & Space Magazine, July 15, 2009 http://www.airspacemag.com/history-of-flight/The-Birthplaces-of-Aviation.html

Margins: 1” top, bottom, right, and left

Font: Times New Roman size 12 pt

Line Spacing: Double Spaced

Minimum Length: Five complete lines of text for both the

Abstract and Comment sections

Annotated bibliographies that do not meet all of the format criteria will receive 0 points.


Electrical Power Generation Report

Electrical Power Generation Report


Report Paper: Electric Power Generation 

  • The report is to cover ALL of the different types of power generation resources and technologies.
  • The main resources need to be covered are:
  •  oil generation,
  •  coal-based generation,
  • natural gas generation (combined cycle unit technology),
  • Hydroelectric power generation,
  • wind generation,
  • nuclear generation (fission and fusion systems),
  • solar generation (photovoltaic system).
  • Each of these resources have several technologies, please cover types of technologies for each resources generation.
  • (There are many types of the conventional and non-conventional generation, please cover all of them and do not just restrict yourself only to the ones listed.)
  • Address the (a) historical, (b) economic, (c) environmental and (d) technological issues associated with each of the generation resources.
  • Consider future technological advances and efficiency improvements as well as environmental concerns and safety issues for each conventional and non-conventional generation.
  • Please DO a COMPARATIVE analysis of the different generation types and discussions of your own perspective and views of the various generation resources may enhance the value of the paper.
  • Project report need to be Single space, 12 pts, Times New Roman.
  • Should include full citations of referenced materials.


Physics Lab Experiment Ohms Law Finding Resistance Lab Report

Physics Lab Experiment Ohms Law Finding Resistance Lab Report

Lab 2

Name__________________________________________ Due date: October 5 

  1. I. The objectives of this lab are(1) to determine the resistance of a cylindrical resistor experimentally (2) to compare the experimental ( E ) value of resistance with the actual (A) value of resistance.
  2. Apparatus(Equipment): Voltage source, ammeter that measures current , voltmeter that measures voltage.

III. Procedure:  The currents (I) flowing through a resistor were measured by applying different amounts of voltages (V) to a resistor.

  1. IV. Raw Data: The voltages applied, and the corresponding currents  are indicated in the raw data table below


 Voltage applied, V (v) Current, I (milliampere)    Resistance, R ( Ohms)
6 250  
12 333  
18 600  
24 923  
30 1200  


  1. V. DATA ANALYSIS: (1)Using Ohm’s Law and showing your steps , calculate the value of resistance R or each row in the above table. You need to convert milliampere to  Ampere while using Ohm’s law .  Note that 1 ampere = 1000 milliampere. You will get a total of five  values of R. (2) Determine the average of the five values of R. The average value of R will be the Experimental Value of the resistance. Usually it is denoted by the letter E (E is used to indicate that it is an experimental value). The Actual value of resistance is indicated by   the letter  A .

The actual value of the resistance of the resistor determined by the manufacturer is  A = 30 Ohms   

 Percent error =  X 100 %  =  

(3) Calculate the percent error by  using the value you obtained for the experimental resistance (E ) and the actual resistance A = 30  Ohms   




  2. If the length L and area A of the resistor were measured, is it possible to identify the type of material within the resistor? Explain.


  1. The variables in Ohm’s Law are V, R and I. The variables in Newton’s second Law are Fnet, M and a. Explain that Ohm’s Law is similar to Newton’s second law by indicating the similarity of the variables in the two laws. For each variable in Ohm’s law , find the corresponding variable in Newton’s second law and explain why they are similar.



  1. Using the first row data, calculate the number of electrons that flow in the resistor in one second. Explain.


  1. Suppose the experiment was repeated by applying the same voltages using another (new) cylindrical resistor made from the same material used for the resistor in the experiment. If the new resistor has the same length (L) but twice the area as the one used in the experiment, will the currents stay the same, double or halve? Why?




VII. Sources of Error: What are the possible sources of error for this experiment?



VIII. Conclusions: Write down your conclusions. In your conclusions describe if you achieved your objectives and what you have learnt from the experiment.


Water Soil Content Sensor Calibration

Water Soil Content Sensor Calibration

For this laboratory activity, you will develop a calibration relationship using data from a commercially-available soil water content measurement system and direct soil water content measurements determined from weighing and drying.

We will collect data from two soils, each at three moisture conditions (3 reps of each). Data will be provided after lab.
Prepare a brief report (< 2 pages) describing the measurements we collected.

Include a regression comparing sensor response to the direct measurements of water content, and develop a calibration equation with an estimate of sensor error.

Consider the variation in sensor response over the range of moisture conditions (linearity and accuracy), the consistency between measurements at a given condition (precision), and any differences in sensor response between the two soils in your explanation of the data.

Describe any pertinent limitations to the calibration relationship you have developed (e.g., is it universal, specific to a particular soil, or limited to a particular range).

PHYSICS LAB REPORT Measuring the Acceleration due to Gravity

PHYSICS LAB REPORT Measuring the Acceleration due to Gravity

  • Virtual Laboratory part:


Measuring the Acceleration due to Gravity (g)


In this experiment you are going to study the nature of free fall motion by observing the position versus time, then to determine the acceleration of gravity (g)


The acceleration that you are going to determine in this experiment is known as the acceleration of free fall, or the acceleration due to gravity. Its value is often taken as 9.81 m/s2  and given the special gravity acceleration symbol (g).

If an object is dropped from a certain height (y) and falls for a time (t), then its equation of motion can be written as:

Where Vo is the initial velocity which is equal to zero if the object falls from rest, and the previous equation can be rewritten as:

To verify the objective of this part using phet interactive simulation, do the following:

  • Open the following link:


  • From the home page of this link, click on lab, from lab window use the provided controllers to adjust the height (y) and the velocity of the lunched ball, the mass, the objects shape (see the Figure ). Adjust the first height at 14m and the velocity must be at zero (Free Fall). Release the ball and use the time meter (control the time meter and fix it at the final point of the ball) to measure the time needed for the ball to travel 14m in vertical direction. Record your data in table 1.
  • Change the height (y) to 13m, release the ball and measure the time needed to travel 13m in the vertical direction. Record the new values in table 1.
  • Repeat step 3 to fill table 1

Data Analysis:

  • Complete table 1, Calculate ½ t2.
  • Use Excel software to plot the relationship between ½ t2 and y.
  • From the graph find the acceleration of gravity (g) which is equal to the slope.





Table 1

Slope =       ?

g exp =        ?                                                                                


  • What is a free fall?
  • When we say g = 9.81 m/s2, what does this mean?
  • An object is thrown up from the surface of earth, determine the direction of the acceleration in the following cases:
  1. The object is going upward.
  2. The object at its maximum height.
  3. The object is going downward.
  • Convert the value of g from m/s2 to cm/s2
  • Based on your knowledge, why the gravitational acceleration of the earth is much greater than the gravitational acceleration of the moon

Extend your knowledge:

  • Try to drop a paper and a ball from the same height and answer the following questions:
  1. What are the forces acting on the ball and the paper?
  2. Which object reached the floor faster?
  3. Do both objects fall with the same speed? Why? (Elaborate your answer)
  • Problem-Solving part:

Problem 1:

You throw a rock up into the air as hard as you can, and it went back again to your hand. It stays in the air a total of 6.0 s.

  1. Draw a diagram for the rock as it moves, identifying the positive direction of motion.
  2. Identify the velocity of the rock at its maximum height.
  3. What was the velocity of the rock when you threw it?

Problem 2:

A train moving on a straight track accelerates from rest at 2 m/s2 for 20s. It then moves at constant speed for 2 min. It then decelerates uniformly to a stop in 10s.

  1. Identify the type of motion of the train for the first 20s.
  2. Find the displacement of the train for the first 20 s.
  3. Identify the type of motion of the train for the next 2 min.
  4. Find the displacement of the train for the next 2 min.
  5. Identify the type of motion of the train for the last 10 s.
  6. Find the displacement of the train for the last 10 s.
  7. Find the net displacement (Δ x) of the train.



Reliability Engineering Policy

  1. Prepare an outline of a reliability policy for your organisation showing the main headings and a 1 paragraph scope for each heading. If you use an existing policy, you are to comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the policy. Show how the reliability policy would link to other documents such as quality, production and maintenance policies and reliability manual.
  2. Consider the reliability issues for elements such as water (surface and subsurface), seeds, natural fibres, energy, and food sources of all kinds. Discuss how a reliability policy could be relevant for their sustainable governance.
  3. Conduct a literature review of current (under 5 years since publication) digital and hardcopy sources on reliability references from the library or other professionally reliable sources. Select 5 references and include a one-sentence comment why the reference is relevant to you.

However, for assignment purposes the simplified A4 landscape format as follows is acceptable. Item 1 should be the reference that you consider to be most important.

Item Author Title Publisher Comment


Prescribed and Recommended Textbooks

Title: Reliability Toolkit: Commercial Practices Edition

Author: Reliability Analysis Center

Publisher: RAC, Rome NY

Title: Practical Reliability Engineering

Author: O’Connor PDT

Publisher: Wiley

Edition/Year: 5th

Title: Reliability, Maintainability & Risk

Author: Smith DJ

Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann

Edition/Year: 7th or 8th edition

As a reliability engineer, you should sift through the wide range of reliability requirements from different sources, and tailor the requirements you select to an understandable, logical, useful, and cost-effective asset management and reliability strategy. You are also encouraged to use other relevant texts, including those on line. Where assignment work includes company specific information, I will treat all such information as “company confidential”. It is important to be able to formally communicate your ideas through reports of various types, graphs etc.

Applying building codes and standards to the construction process

Use this book

About CPCCBC5001B Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for
medium rise building projects ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
Relevant performance requirements from the BCA that apply to individual projects (classified as
medium rise ) are identified …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8
The Building Code of Australia …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
How to Read the BCA …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11
Requirements of relevant BCA deemed-to-satisfy (DTS) provisions are determined ………………….22
Requirements of relevant Australian standards referenced in the BCA are accessed and
interpreted appropriately…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..31
Standards Relevant to Applying Building Products………………………………………………………………………………45
Building Design Standards………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….47
Nature of building is determined according to use and arrangement ……………………………………………..54
Building Classifications ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….54
BCA criteria to determine the defined classification are applied………………………………………………………58
Range of criteria that will ensure that construction methods comply with BCA performance
requirements is determined ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………59
Alternative solutions to a design or construction BCA-compliance problem are discussed and
proposed in accordance with company policies and procedures ……………………………………………………..60
Performance-based solutions are identified and documented in accordance with BCA
requirements and organisational quality procedures and processes ………………………………………………65
Assessment methods referenced in the BCA to determine whether a building solution complies
with performance requirements or DTS provision of the BCA are analysed and applied…………..65
Relevant documentation is identified and completed in accordance with BCA requirements …..68
Passive and active fire control elements required by the BCA and other legislation are identified
Level of fire resistance required for the construction of various medium rise buildings is
determined …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….70
BCA requirements with respect to passive and active fire protection to medium rise buildings
are identified and applied…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..71
Check of existing buildings for compliance with passive and active fire protection requirements
is carried out in accordance with BCA requirements …………………………………………………………………………..74
Assessment Outcome record ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 120