Ceramic Materials and their Applications

Ceramic Materials and their Applications

Final Project Report Guidelines
The next several pages describe the required organization and content of the form of the Final
Project Report required in this course. The Final Project Report is a complete documentation
describing the motivation and materials system chosen, the current state of the art, possible
solutions and/or designs to overcome current challenges, modeling and computations performed
to understand the underlying science and/or possible new design solutions, a fully developed
homework problem with solutions, and conclusions. In addition, the report will be the basis for
a lightning talk (1.5 min) and a poster presentation.
Format Requirements
Please use 1” margins throughout and either 11 or 12 pt font.
1) Cover Page
• “Final Project Report”
• Title – should be descriptive of the materials system chosen and up to 15 words
• Group Members’ Names
• Instructor & Section
• Date
• Include page numbers starting after your cover page
2) “Table of Contents”
• Line up numbers on right side.
• Use dotted lines to connect line items with page numbers.
3) “Executive Summary” (**HALF PAGE**)
The executive summary should only be half a page, maximum 200 words total. Use past tense
primarily. It is recommended that this section be written after the rest of the report has been
written. Use a matter of fact tone and make strong statements without being negative or
• Summarize the materials system and the aim of the project.
• Summarize how the materials system works.
• Briefly describe what was done to analyze or the performance and point out possible
• Share the results obtained, including a modeling or simulation component (be sure to
give quantitative as well as qualitative results). For instance, give the overall current
catalyst performance and desired specifications by further improvements in chemistry,
physics, and/or design.
• Briefly explain why the materials behavior is as observed. For instance, why does the
catalyst perform better or worse when the chemical composition is modified in a certain
• Briefly summarize the homework problem developed.
• Report the conclusions (Did you obtain good understanding of the underlying problems
in materials chemistry, physics, and engineering? How realistic are the suggestions for
improvement? How long may new developments take? How costly could it be?).
• Make any recommendations.
• Highlight what is included in the remainder of the report.
4) “1. Motivation and Materials System” (2 to 4 pages)
This introductory section includes the subheadings below.
“1.1. Motivation” (1 page)
• Give engineering background information and cite references (describe theory /
engineering behind your experiment).
• Give industrial / real world applications and cite references. Include a relevant
image/figure with figure caption.
• State the goals of your project.
o Example: The objective of this project was to describe, understand, and make
suggestions to improve catalysts for water splitting.
• State which parameters were examined.
o Example: We surveyed twenty different alloy compositions, the reported
performance, and estimated the activity for 5 new compositions.
“1.2. Materials System” (1 page)
• Describe, as an overview, the chemistry, physics, and engineering aspects of the
materials system. However, do not repeat information from the Motivation section.
• Include typical chemical compounds, setup of experiments, and/or drawings of the
design as applicable. Briefly describe any experimental setup, workflow, or use of the
material system in words as applicable.
o Also include a diagram for a relevant experimental setup/workflow/use of the
material system (AFTER the introduction in the text).
o If diagrams have labels such as letters and numbers, a legend should be included
underneath the diagram describing what each number and/or letter is
o Example: A laminated composite is depicted in Figure 1 and labels are provided
in Table 1. The laminated composite is fire-resistant due to polymer xyz and ….
[then below give the diagram, the caption as well as the legend]
“1.3. Theory and Design Principles” (1 page)
• Provide a description of relevant materials theory, including physics, chemistry, biology,
and engineering concepts as applicable.
• Include a step-by-step description of concepts, models, and working mechanisms known.
• Include a step-by-step derivation of pertinent equations and how they relate to the
chosen system and problems of performance improvement.
• Explain IN WORDS the meaning of these concepts and equations, keeping in mind the
big picture for each step.
• Do not simply list concepts and equations; transition from thought to thought smoothly.
This section (and any other) should read comfortably like a textbook.
• Discuss models, chemical reactions, equations, and assumptions in this section.
• Number your equations and/or schemes of chemical reactions starting with (1) as they
are first introduced to the reader.
• Line up the equation numbers so they are in a vertical line.
• Example: For the case of electrochemical reduction of hydronium ion, the free energy
required 𝛥𝐺 can be calculated from the potential difference 𝛥𝐸 at the cathode, as well
as the number of electrons transferred z and the Faraday constant F:
𝛥𝐺 = −𝑧 𝐹𝛥𝐸 (1)
• Explain any assumptions (e.g. operation under laboratory conditions at the small scale,
operation at the device/unit level, solution pH value, temperature, pressure, details as
5) “2. Current State of the Art” (3 pages)
• Explain the current performance of the materials system using references from original
literature (peer-reviewed original publications, review articles, books, websites)
o Describe in detail the chemistry, physics, and engineering principles
o Discuss why and how the material system works as intended and performs specific
o Include detailed explanations
o Explain challenges and limitations
• Structure your description into subsections as needed (2.1., 2.2. etc)
• Include text, figures and tables.
o Figures are an excellent means to showcase trends, so when possible present
results in figures rather than tables.
• Figures/Tables:
o Give each figure and table a number (e.g. Figure 2) and a caption. The caption
should summarize the key content of the Figure in a few sentences and not require
the reader to consult the text to understand the content.
o Do NOT give your figures a title (this information will all be in the caption).
o Do NOT enclose your figures or tables in boxes.
o Figure captions go underneath the figure; table captions go above the table.
• Introduce figures/tables in the TEXT BEFORE giving the figure/tables. The figure/table
goes in the first possible space after the paragraph in which it is first introduced. If the
paragraph in which it is first introduced ends towards the bottom of the page and the
figure/table will not fit, continue with the next paragraph to fill this empty space and place
the figure/table at the top of the next page.
• Example: The dependence of the experimental and theoretical overall Young’s modulus
is shown in Figure 3. While the theoretical modulus increased with filler fraction in the
polymer, the experimental values follow only qualitatively.
—Give Figure 3 here with NO title or box and using consistently large fonts on the axes
and in the legend—
Figure 3. The experimental (∆) and theoretical (●) overall Young’s modulus in the draw direction
as a function of the filler fraction in the polymer. Error bars of the experimental data represent
the standard error for each value using 3 repeats.
• Do not duplicate information from prior sections.
5) “3. Analysis and Potential Innovations” (5 pages)
• This section is the main section to present a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the
materials system. Describe the workings of the system(s), limitations, and specific
opportunities for improvement.
o Use the theory and knowledge from our class.
o Use the physical, chemical, and engineering understanding from the literature and
web sources.
• Employ all pertinent concepts, equations, and cross-disciplinary knowledge to present an
in-depth analysis of the working mechanism and/or materials function. The focus can be
on the chemistry, on the physics, or on engineering design concepts of the material, or
combinations thereof. Foremost, demonstrate understanding from the basic principles
and across scales (atoms to device).
• The specifics of the analysis and the choice of subsections may depend on the chosen
• Use at least 3 subsections with suitable subsection headings of your choice (“3.1. …”, “3.2
…”, etc)
• Include a quantitative modeling or computational section that applies and/or extends
known theory.
• Place Step-by-Step Sample Calculations in an Appendix and REFERENCE THIS APPENDIX
in the text.
▪ Example: Detailed step-by-step calculations can be found in Appendix A.
• Include text, figures and tables as described previously.
5 Model/Computation Results
• Include some systematic computation or modeling to analyze materials properties or
processing parameters.
• Describe in words the results.
• Use well-formatted figures, graphs, and tables, do not use spreadsheet tables.
• Think about what plots will best help you answer the problem objectives and explain
o For example, you may plot alloy composition or (hkl) crystal facets versus catalytic
activity in a water splitting catalysis experiment.
o You may plot multiple stress-strain curves for various filler materials at the same
volume fraction in one polymer matrix in one plot.
o You may use 3D plots to show the impact of two independent variables on the
target property.
o You are encouraged to use professional software for preparing graphs and figures,
such as Origin Pro
Suggestion for New Material Designs
• Describe specific suggestions for improved material designs, aligned with the goals
mentioned in the motivation.
• Base your suggestions on specific chemical theory/equations, physical theory/equations,
and engineering or process design, as applicable.
• Explain how the new designs may overcome current limitations.
• Document and justify your suggestions in depth using text, figures, tables. Use drawings
to make proposed innovations clear without doubt.
• Place additional Step-by-Step Sample Calculations in an Appendix and REFERENCE THIS
APPENDIX in the text.
Uncertainty and Error Analysis
• Qualitatively discuss uncertainties and errors, both in experiments in the literature and
in computations/modeling
• Include error bars in all graphs and in all calculation results (+/- ranges)
• Make a table of all sources of systematic and random errors. Order these uncertainties
from highest at the top to lowest.
• Discuss important sources of error, listing the magnitude of error on the measured
quantity. For instance: “The temperature measurements had an uncertainty of 1 °C, and
the accuracy of the measured time was ± 2 seconds.”
• Provide a quantitative statistical analysis of available experimental data and results
o If applicable, include a table that lists the measured uncertainties and calculated
• Describe briefly the types of error analyses performed, including analysis of residuals,
straight line regression, hypothesis tests, envelope curves with regression, etc.
• Account for error propagation using error propagation analysis where appropriate.
• Sensitivity analysis – choose one or two major uncertainties (ΔT, Δm, etc) and evaluate
the effect on the magnitude of an important calculated result (= sensitivity analysis). For
instance, assess whether a 2% increase in the accuracy of the measured stress has a
significant effect on the calculated bulk modulus.
• When comparing experimental results to theoretical results from a model (or
Matlab/COMSOL simulation), you may generate one or several figures for sensitivity
analysis. For example, a plot showing experimental results (as markers) and then two
lines for theoretical results when an upper and lower bound of input variables were
assumed in the model. Some of these data can be shifted to an Appendix and mentioned
in the text (Example: “A more detailed sensitivity analysis is presented in Appendix B”).
• Tornado plots (sensitivity analysis) are welcome here!
6) “4. Discussion” (1-2 pages)
Discuss here the analysis and findings from the previous section. Answer WHY WHY WHY. Why
does the material behave in a certain way? Why did you see a trend? Why are your suggestions
promising? How could they be checked?
This section should analyze agreement with the theory, discuss trends in the data, evaluate
experimental uncertainties, theoretical uncertainties, resulting uncertainties in the calculation or
modeling results.
This section should also clearly answer all questions from the motivation, aims, and problem
statement, and give conclusions regarding the validity of the results. Use words to refer the
reader to specific figures/tables that were presented in the preceding sections. The discussion
section should include the following subheadings.
• Do not present new figures/tables here; these should all be presented in the preceding
• Answer all questions stated in the motivation and aims.
• Accurately comment on the trends of the results displayed in the figures and give realistic
and value-added reasons for these trends.
• Discuss the results of computational analysis and simulations, referring to applicable
tables and figures in the Analysis and Potential Innovations section.
o **Give QUANTITATIVE analyses of agreement** (By what % do they differ from
available reference data? Is this within error?).
▪ Example: The experimental overall heat transfer coefficient was 1100
W/m2*K, compared to a predicted value of 1500 W/m2*K, a difference of
36%. The model greatly over-predicted the heat transfer because it did
not account for heat loss to the environment.
o State WHY the expt/model results agree or disagree (i.e., note and give plausible
reasons for any discrepancies).
▪ Example: One possible reason for the discrepancy between the
experimental and model results was the inability to account for non-ideal
solution conditions (ionic strength).
• Give suggestions for improving or modifying experiments or calculations to better meet
the objectives.
• If applicable, cite further information from literature that supports your findings. You may
present further plots from literature if applicable.
7) “5. Homework Problem and Solution” (2-4 pages)
Utilize the understanding of the material system studied to formulate an interesting homework
problem with solution key. The problem should be innovative and demonstrate mastery of
understanding materials function and design, and enable the person solving the problem to
acquire new knowledge about the chosen final project.
8) “6. Conclusion and Recommendations” (0.5-1 page)
Summarize the report and major conclusions in one paragraph. Do not give any new results here
(must be moved to prior sections if any). Include additional recommendations for possible
further experiments and calculations. Point out the need to verify conclusions, if necessary. Give
recommendations for any related work.
8) “7. References”
Any sources used must be provided in each report. These include journal articles, books,
websites, and any other items cited. Use a common citation style (ACS, Nature, Science, or APA).
Make sure to use one consistent citation style for all citations.
9) “8. Appendices”
• Include any documents that are considered supplemental to the content of the report. As
a rule of thumb, if something is discussed in the report itself, place the information (all
tables, figures, sketches, equations, etc.) in the main body of the report. The report
should not rely on material presented in the appendix. The appendices allow space for
further proof or detail beyond the scope of what is included in the report. For example,
oftentimes one will write something like “Full simulation results are given in Appendix A.”
• Separate the appendices into sections and label them Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. and
give each an appropriate title.
• Appendices are put in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text (i.e., first
appendix mentioned in the text is Appendix A, next mentioned in the text is Appendix B,
• Be sure that if you have an appendix (Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.) that you mention it
somewhere in the text.
• Do not just slap extra information onto the end of your report (for example, it is not a
dumpster for clipped excel spreadsheets). It must be well organized and referenced
somewhere in the text. Please ask the instructor if you are unclear!

Systems Engineering – Boeing 787 Program

Systems Engineering – Boeing 787 Program 

Textbook: Blanchard, B. S. & Fabrycky, W. J. (2011). Systems engineering and analysis (5th ed.).
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
System chosen: Boeing 787 Program
You will perform an evaluation of its design and development process of the system above. If the
selected system has already completed design and development, you will perform a detailed
evaluation of the system design and development process and techniques that were used for their effectiveness, adequacy, and results.
If the selected system is yet to be designed or is in the process of design and development, you
will evaluate the part of the process that has already been completed, review the plan for the
remaining process elements, and critique / suggest improvements in the plan.
Please note that you are not asked to evaluate the system itself or its actual design. You are
supposed to evaluate the process and approach used (or to be used) for system design and
The project paper length should be between 2,500 and 3,500 words. It needs to be thorough and
complete to convey your point. It has to be free of grammatical and spelling errors. AIAA format
should be used (template attached). Use Microsoft Word for the paper. Times New Roman 12
font size is preferred.
Project Written Paper Structure:
An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the paper. It should be
accurate, concise, specific, nonjudgmental, explicit, and readable. It should reflect the purpose
and content of the paper. It should not contain more than 100 words.

Introduction: The statement of the problem.
Background: This section should contain all work related to the proposed topic including
chronological progress made to date. Include a brief description of the system that is addressed
in the paper.
Findings: Answers the question “What?”. What were the actual results of the study?
Conclusions and Recommendations: Answers the questions “So what?”, “So what does it all
References: List the references and any sources used including the text books.
A reasonable, but limited tailoring and/or modification of the above stated paper structure may be
exercised as long as all other requirements for the project are met.

Introduction to Engineering Design & Practice

Introduction to Engineering Design & Practice 

An individual design project including a report (equivalent to 5000 words approx) , focusing on
specific items taught in module (materials, CAD, manufacturing) and supported by sketchers and
processes involved in the manufacture of an artefact, CAD models etc

Mechanical Properties of Shotcrete

Mechanical Properties of Shotcrete 

Discuss the effect of 1-Cement type (1 to 5),2- Blended cement, 3-Special cement type, 4-
cement components, 5-ecological and environment impacts) on Mechanical properties of
Mechanical properties can include, but not limited to: compressive strength, flexural strength,
tensile strength, Modulus of elasticity.

Thin Layer Chromatography

Thin Layer Chromatography 

The paper needs Abstract ( at least one full paragraph indicating the purpose of the experiment and a short summary of the experiment including ferrocene and acetylferrocene)

Discussion ( needs to be 2 paragraph)( needs to discuss the structure of ferrocene and acetylferrocene affects the Rf values obtained, talk about the phases ( stationary and mobile phases), also talk about thin layer chromatography and please make sure you include the results in your discussion not the calculations

Result( please show your work step by step)

Conclusion: talk about the TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) need to also the result you get

And separately please answer the following questions ( these are not part of the experiment)

Please make sure everything is in your own words

Bates Visual Guide To Physical Examination

Bates Visual Guide To Physical Examination

OSCE 5 presents a clinical encounter of a 45-year-old dispute mediator who presents with a complaint of a cough that has lasted for over 1 week. Designed to test clinical reasoning skills, this video provides opportunities to answer questions, practice history taking, and develop an assessment and differential diagnosis as well as an appropriate next diagnostic workup.

Does anyone have this?

Does anyone have the Bates visual guide and I need this done as a SOAP note.

igital Systems Design 

Department of Electrical Engineering
ELEC261 – Digital Systems Design
Homework 3
1. Assuming that a VHDL code has been written to describe a 3-bit comparator
using the entity shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1
Using the ‘wait’ and ‘assertion’ statements, write the process(s) in the VHDL
testbench that use the following test cases and reports an error when the
outputs L, E and G are wrong at T = 9ns and T = 16ns.
A 0 7 4
B 0 3 7 2
The values in the waveforms are in decimal. Use binary values in
your testbench.
(5 marks)
2. Fig. 2 shows a sequential circuit.


Q0 Q1
Fig. 2
(a) Copy Fig. 3 to your answer sheet and use it to illustrate the
waveforms of the outputs Q0, Q1 and Q. All used J-K flip-flops are
positive edge triggered.
A< B (L)
A= B (E)
A> B (G)
3 E
entity Comparator is
Port ( A, B: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
L, E, G: out std_logic);
end Comparator;
Department of Electrical Engineering
Spring 2020 – FB
1ns 5ns
Fig. 3
(5 marks)
(b) Use the structural design style to write the VHDL code (entity and
architecture) to describe the circuit in Fig. 2 if the entity of the J-K
flip-flop is as shown below:
entity JKFF is
port( Q, NQ: out std_logic;
CLK, CLR, J, K: in std_logic);
end JKFF;
(5 marks)

Mechanics Homework / Report MATLAB

I need help with this homework/report for my mechanics class in civil engineering and this assignment requires MATLAB , I need the assignment to be typed and clear and easy to understand.

5 Question Science Exam

Answer in your OWN words, add spaces where needed. 

Explain the process of chemical bonding. Explain how the difference in electronegativity (distance apart on the periodic table) effects the likelihood of the reaction and strength of the bond.

List and explain 3 of the “rules of thumb” you learned to use the periodic table. For example (do not use this one) how an element is more electronegative as you move toward the right.

What is the chemical formula for the compound that results from the reaction of Hydrogen and Sulfur?

Describe in your own words how you arrived at this formula.

What is the Strong Force?

What are Nuclear Fission and Fusion, describe each in your own words.

Engineering Management Project Assignment

Engineering Management Project Assignment

You (and a partner if you chose) will evaluate the success/failure of the Woody 2000 case study.
You will develop a debriefing report that should be handed in as an executive memo/executive
briefing, addressed to your manager. It must include (at a minimum):
– Summary problem being solved, goal, and a brief synopsis of key facts.
– Responses to all of the questions posed in the case (from pages 11-14 of the case study
document). You must also provide supporting facts, concepts, tools, and reasoning to support
your responses to each question. Your response itself is not sufficient. You need to include any
charts, calculations, figures you may develop as per the requirement(s) of the question.

– What tools/concepts did the project team used properly and why you think so?
What tools and concepts were used in the case? Do you think these tools/concepts were
appropriate and why you think so?
Brief reflection on the tool(s) and/or concept(s) used in the case.
Supporting arguments and analysis that lead to your rationale.
– Outline what you may have done differently if you were the project manager in charge of the
project and what tools/concepts would you have applied and why.
What additional tools/concepts would you include in this project and why?
Supporting arguments and analysis that lead to your rationale.
– Recommendations and the rationale for your recommendations.
Was the project goal achieved? Why/Why not?
What are your ideas for next steps?

Supporting arguments and analysis that lead to your rationale.
Remember: Your opinion does NOT count; your responses, recommendations, and actions, and
the support that your analysis provides to support them.

Performance of Building Envelope Systems in Hot Climates.

Performance of Building Envelope Systems in Hot Climates.

The term paper will only focus on the ( wall ) building envelope system and not the whole
system. Specifically in hot climates.
Introduces building envelope systems
And wall envelope system in hot climates.
Hot climates.
Theoretical part :
Need international examples of buildings where they used wall building envelope systems that
are specifically for hot climates with detailed drawings to support.
Focus on one case study which is the : Sydney Opera House
Give background and history of the building.
Also about the building envelope system used in the walls of the opera house, in the hot climate
of Australia.with detailed drawings and pictures to support.
Citation is important for pictures too.

Texas City / BP Refinery Explosion Assignment

Texas City / BP Refinery Explosion

The project will be a paper on an actual accident involving a chemical(s), chemical plant, or
explosion in a manufacturing plant. There is not a page limit on the paper, but it must be at least
10 pages, double-spaced, with references, and must be plagiarism free. Therefore, please
ensure all quotes and sources are noted. APA formatting is to be used.

Also from https://assignmentstutors.com/

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Engineering Solutions for a Better World: Making Clean Water Available for Everyone

Engineering Solutions for a Better World: Making Clean Water Available for Everyone


A report on how to use engineering solutions to solve some of the  greatest challenges in some communities. The world needs affordable, adequate, and accessible energy, water, transport means, food, house,  healthcare,, and so forth. You are required to use your engineering knowledge and skills to solve one of these problems. Your report should be about 12-15 pages, and formatted in Harvard style. Cite any sources used. You are free to include charts/tables/graphs etc. However, they should not distract the flow of content. You can include them in the appendix, and a few in the body of the report.

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#Pay for essay #Do my homework #Buy essays #Essay writing help #Academic writing service #Pay for essay writing #Custom essays #Academic writing service #Business writing service #Custom papers #How to write a case study #How to write argumentative essay #How to write a dissertation #How to write an essay #How to write a research paper

Stereolithography Based 3D Printing

Stereolithography Based 3D Printing

I will attach the requirements of how to write the introduction and conclusion. please follow them

also, I attached the grading rubric for introduction

1-page single space (introduction) then the conclusion

Network Design for Office Building Instructions

Network Design for Office Building Instructions 

Congratulations! After graduating from UMUC with your degree, you’ve been hired by a local company that is in the process of moving into new space. Your job is design out the local area network for this new space. The office building has 3 floors with cubicle and office space for 24 workstations on each floor. Additionally, on the second floor, there is a separate space designated for four file servers, which will be used company-wide. Finally, there are two telecommunications closets on each end of each floor for housing network equipment. Please review the accompanying office diagram for specifics before you begin designing the network.

Your design assumption is that the network should support the following on each desktop workstation:

a) Office applications such as Microsoft Office Suite (housed on one of the local servers)

b) Electronic Mail (housed on one of the local servers)

c) Network file sharing (housed on one of the local servers)

d) Internet Access

e) Database access to one of the local servers

f) Occasional data streaming (live video conferencing, etc.)

Your specific assignment is to complete the following:

1. Specify what type of cabling would run to each workstation;

2. Specify the network device(s) housed on each floor;

3. Specify the connections between the network devices and servers (what type of network are you proposing); and

4. Explain your rationale for each of the decision above. In other words, why did you select the device/cabling/connections.

5. Develop a physical network diagram that shows cabling choices, network devices and connections to devices and servers.

The Deliverable

The CTO has asked you to develop a network design that provides the following:

· A Microsoft word document that spells out your network design, the recommended network cabling, device(s), and connections between workstations, device(s), and servers (in other words, summarize in writing your recommendations to the above), and develop

· A physical network diagram that displays the components specified above.

Your network diagram can be produced using any drawing software package available if you save it in a format that is viewable to your instructor, such as a pdf (check with your instructor to ensure she/he can open your particular network diagram). In addition, you may choose to draw your physical diagram by hand, which is okay. Please make the diagram neat and legible, use color to identify specific components and cable paths, label all components, and upload a high-resolution photo of your design to the assignment tab. You may break your diagram into sections (photograph and upload those separately) if you include an illustration of how these sections fit together.

If you utilize external references, your sources must be cited correctly in APA format.  Your paper will be graded according to the Scoring Rubric below. Be sure you have incorporated all required aspects of the assignment.