Byzantine Art

Please answer the questions by the given links.

Byzantine Art takes it’s name from the ancient city of Byzantium (formerly Constantinople, and today, Istanbul, Turkey). The Empire was the Eastern part of the old Roman Empire but Byzantine art is markedly different from Roman art.  After the Crusades, and sack of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453, the traditions of Byzantine Art ended up in Russia primarily. (Links to an external site.)

Link Mosaics (Links to an external site.)

The Beginner’s Guide will give you an overview for each period of Byzantine Art (Early, Middle, Late) using the guide, summarize what you believe are the 3 most important artistic, cultural, OR historic events for EACH period.  Then, watching the short video on mosaics – answer the following – what are mosaics, were were/are they placed, and what types of materials were used to make mosaics 

Link Engineering an Empire – Byzantium (Links to an external site.)

By far, the most famous church to be built in the Early Empire period for the Emperor Justinian was Hagia Sophia (Church of Holy Wisdom in Greek).  The link above is from a much longer program – watch between 30:00- 35:42 (about 5 minutes) and summarize why it was built, who designed it (what were their backgrounds), and what did they do to construct such a massive dome – describe it USING THE VIDEO. How does the church reaffirm Justinian’s power?

In addition to mosaics, icons are another huge component of Byzantine art and religious tradition.  Icons are traditionally wood panels painted with the image of Christ, Mary, or other religious figures.  The word itself, from the Greek means image. The first link below is from an article describing the iconoclastic controversy during the Byzantine Empire – what was it? Why did it come about?  what was the counter argument for keeping the icons?  Then, watch the video (Questioning Religious Authority) – at what other times in history did iconoclasm, or image breaking, take place? Why?  The end of the video talks about the Baymian Buddhas – what is the irony surrounding their destruction? 

Link Iconoclastic Controversies (Links to an external site.)

Link – Questioning Religious AuthorityLinks to an external site.

Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete

Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete

Data for 4 batches will be provided [ plain, steel macro, polypropylene micro, hybrid]

A qualitative and analysis of these data is needed.

For each batch get the area under the curve which will be multiplied with factors to get the fracture energy for 3 point bending test.

Discuss and analysis the energy for each batch and the relation between ductility and energy fracture. a comparison and illustration between
Literature review and the achieved results is needed as well.

Mention that steel micro would work better and explain why.

Explain the clumping in the mixture and how this affect the result.

Corrosion of Reinforcement in High Volume Fly Ash Concrete

Corrosion of Reinforcement in High Volume Fly Ash Concrete 


Write a 10-15 page paper of the provided topic. Format your paper in Harvard style, and use 12-16 sources.


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Ethanol as an Alternative Fuel

Ethanol as an Alternative Fuel


This report must discuss the chemistry involved in the use of ethanol as an alternative fuel and must include a comparison of the energy
effectiveness of ethanol as a fuel as compared to gasoline as well as an evaluation of the polluting captivity for ethanol as compared to
gasoline. All assertions must be supported by appropriate calculation. Students will have to do their own calculations and show all work to
receive credit.
Here are some websites:

National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Grand Challenges


An introduction to the course and an overview of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Grand Challenges.

Syllabus Review

Read: NAEGCR, pages 1 – 6

Department/Major: Overview

Watch: Development of the Grand Challenges

Watch: Global Grand Challenges Summit 2013 Opener

Watch: Introduction to the 14 Grand Challenges – 2010 Grand Challenges Summit – Raleigh, NC [end at 19:50] – Marshall Brain, Director of the NCSU Engineer Entrepreneurs Program

Watch: Introduction to the Grand Challenges – Dean Louis Martin – Vega


Grand Challenge Theme: Sustainability

Grand Challenge: Provide Energy from Fusion

Read: NAEGCR, pages 10 – 12

Read: Provide Energy from Fusion

Department / Major: Nuclear Engineering

Why Study Nuclear Engineering at NC State

Watch: Provide Energy from Fusion – Igor Bolotnov [41:04]


Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Technology

First new nuclear plants built in US in a generation: Six years of construction in two-minutes



Grand Challenge Theme: Sustainability

Grand Challenge: Make Solar Energy more Economical

Read: NAEGCR, pages 7 – 9

Read: Make Solar Energy more Economical 

Department / Major: Materials Science and Engineering

Extra Credit Opportunities offered through the Materials Science and Engineering Department:

Read: MSE Newsletter: Fall 2017

Watch: Photovoltaics

Watch: Make Solar Energy more Economical – Tommy Cleveland [51:23]

Watch: Low-cost solar energy is here, what’s next?

National Renewable Energy Laboratory Sunshot Solar PV

Solar Panel Tariff

Gore Defends Trump Solar Tariffs Decision

Materials Science and Engineering Research (January 22, 2018)



Set up teams.

Grand Challenge Theme: Sustainability

Grand Challenge: Develop Carbon Sequestration Methods

Read: NAEGCR, pages 13 – 15

Read: Develop Carbon Sequestration Methods

Departments / Majors: Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering / Paper Science & Engineering

Watch: Develop Carbon Sequestration Methods – Owen Duckworth [38:00]


Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Major/Concentration Options


Grand Challenge Theme: Sustainability

Grand Challenges: Manage the Nitrogen Cycle / Provide Access to Clean Water

Read: NAEGCR, pages 16 – 18; 19 – 21

Read: Manage the Nitrogen Cycle and Provide Access to Clean Water

Departments / Majors: Biological & Agricultural Engineering


Grand Challenges: Reverse-Engineer the Brain

Read: NAEGCR, pages 34 – 36

Departments / Majors: Biomedical Engineering

Watch: Reverse-Engineer the Brain – Frances S. Ligler [45:57]

WInter Olympic Games: Snowboarding Kahoot

The Frances Ligler Story

Dr. Frances Ligler, Presentation to Women in Science & Engineering

Fran Ligler Super Hero

Can tiny plumbing fix broken hearts? – Fran Ligler

Inventor Shares Tech Transfer Tips



Grand Challenge Theme: Health

Grand Challenges: Advance Health Informatics / Engineer Better Medicines

Read: NAEGCR, pages 25 – 29, 30 – 33

Read: Advance Health Informatics and Engineer Better Medicines

Departments / Majors: Textile Engineering

Watch: Advance Health Informatics – Robert St. Amant [44:09]; Engineer Better Medicines I – Chase Beisel [16:28] and Engineer Better Medicines II – Zhen Gu [16:28]





Watch: UC-Berkeley Minner Distinguished Lecture: “From the Eocene to the Anthropocene: An Engineer’s View of Climate Change.”  – G. Wayne Clough [56:20]




Grand Challenges: Secure Cyberspace

Read: NAEGCR, pages 40 – 41

Read: Secure Cyberspace

Departments / Majors: Computer Science

Watch: Secure Cyberspace – Samuel Carter [50:56]

Creating a virtual world-building machine for military training


Grand Challenges: Restore and Improve Urban Infrastructure

Read: NAEGCR, pages 22 – 24

Read: Restore and Improve Urban Infrastructure

Departments / Majors: Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Watch: Restore and Improve Urban Infrastructure – Morton Barlaz [40:38]

What is Critical Infrastructure?

Compare two Buildings Hot and Cold Water Distribution

Compare two Buildings Hot and Cold Water Distribution 

Part 1
Compare two building hot and cold water distribution , and how to they use different techniques
for sanitary installation , also layout of rooms and sanitary appliances
Part 2
Compare the two building showing drainage system used

Criticism of the Autonomous Vehicles (16-18 pages assignment)

Criticism of the Autonomous Vehicles , Instructions 

Address the following in your paper

  • History of self-driving/autonomous vehicles
  • Current status of the autonomous technology
  • The future of autonomous technology
  • Challenges designers and manufacturers are facing in making autonomous vehicles practical
  • Advantages of autonomous vehicle technology
  • Cricism of autononous vehicle technology
  • How the world should prepare for a futuure with autonomous vehicles
  • Add any other important aspect of the autonomous vehicle technology

Pros and Cons of Self-Driving Cars. Pros and Cons of Autonomous Vehicle Technology. Advantages and Disadvantages of Self-Driving Cars.  Advantages and Disadvantages of Autonomous Vehicle Technology.

Drones and Drone Policies

Use of Drones and Drone Policies 

At least four sources with corresponding citations

The New York Times has recently reported that ex-President Obama has authorized the use of drones in targeted attacks against those suspected of being enemy combatants, including at least one American citizen.

According to the Times, one of the leading architects of current U.S. drone policy, John Brennan, is the President’s nominee for CIA Director.

Those killed in the strikes include Anwar al-Awiaki, an American citizen who reportedly worked with al-Qaida when he was killed in Yemen in 2011.

Scott Shane, a writer for the Times, filed a Freedom of Information lawsuit against the Justice Department to obtain a memo from the Office of Legal Counsel detailing the justification for killing American citizens without trial (or other due process) as part of a counterterrorism operation.

Questions arise concerning the possible use of drones against those suspected of being enemy combatants on American soil, and the possible use of drones by foreign states against its own citizens, in other countries (for instance, Russia sending a drone to kill a suspected terrorist in Georgia.

Physics of Collision . Elastic and Inelastic Collision.

Physics of Collision . Elastic and Inelastic Collision.

1a) In hockey, bumps and checks are useful to throw an opponent off. Even small, unexpected
changes in his velocity can disrupt an opponent’s timing. In a game, an 80-kg player skating at
10 m/s overtakes and bumps from behind a 100-kg player moving in the same direction at 8 m/s.
As a result, the 100-kg player’s speed increases to 9.42 m/s.
1)How fast is the 80-kg player moving after the bump? Round the final answer to three decimal

2)Calculate the coefficient of restitution associated with the collision. Round the final answer to
four decimal places.
A 0.35-kg tennis racquet moving to the right at 26 m/s hits a 0.06-kg tennis ball that is moving to
the left at 36 m/s. After the collision, the racquet continues to the right, but at the reduced speed
of 16 m/s.
1)What is the total momentum of the ball–racquet system before the collision? Round the final
answer to three decimal places.
kg m/s

2)Calculate the ball’s speed after the collision. Round the final answer to two decimal places.
3)What is the coefficient of restitution? Round the final answer to two decimal places.
4)Using a contact time of 6 ms, determine the peak force on the ball in the collision. Round the
final answer to three decimal places.
1c) A punter in a game of football launches the ball at 52.1 mph at an angle of 75.9° with respect
to the horizontal. Ignore the effects of air and treat the punt using free-fall kinematic equations.

The mass of the football is 0.42 kg.
1)Calculate the ball’s kinetic energy just as it leaves the punter’s foot. Round the final answer to
two decimal places.
2) What is the ball’s speed at the highest point in its flight? Round the final answer to two decimal
3) Calculate the ball’s kinetic energy at the highest point in its flight. Round the final answer to
three decimal places.
4) Determine the gravitational energy of the ball at its highest point. Round the final answer to
one decimal place.
5) Determine the gravitational and kinetic energy of the ball halfway up to its highest point.
Round the final answers to two decimal places.
Gravitational energy =
Kinetic energy =
6) The bullet from a typical 0.357 Magnum pistol is 8 g and listed muzzle velocities are typically
about 1400 ft/s. Compare the kinetic energy of a just-punted football to such a bullet. Calculate
the percentage of increase in the kinetic energy of the ball when compared to that of the bullet.
Round the final answer to the nearest whole number.
7) Due to air drag, the ball was measured to hit the ground at 38 mph. Calculate the thermal
energy that was generated by the ball’s passage through the air. Round the final answer to one
decimal place.

Designing of a House Utilizing Passive Solar Energy

Design of a House Utilizing Passive Solar Energy 

(Also solution available in SI units)

The assignment will be to “design” a house utilizing passive solar energy features in order to meet a target fraction of heating energy from the solar features. Each team will need to decide what type of passive solar configuration to use (chosen from the 94 given in Appendix A in the text). Each team’s report should include an estimate of the annual heating cost for the home along with some estimate of the cost of implementing the configuration chosen and the expected annual savings.

The data that each group will start with is:

  • –  2,500 ft2 floor space
  • –  NLC of 6-8 Btu/FHDD-ft2
  • –  Ap ranges from 200 to 500 ft2
  • –  home located Nashville, TN
  • –  base cost of home is $95/ft2
  • –  natural gas cost is $12.50/MMBtu (million Btu)
  • –  electricity cost is $0.105/kWhr
  • –  target SSF is 0.4

Application of Lean Methods: Saudi Aramco, Emirate Airlines, Qatar Airways

Application of Lean Methods: Saudi Aramco, Emirate Airlines, Qatar Airways 

Subject: Quality Engineering

Statistical Process Control (SPC).  Lean Manufacturing Methodology, Kaizen Quality  5S Methodology. Six Sigma. DMAIC. Lean Sigma. Kanban. Quality Management Systems (QMS). Quality Control (QC). Gemba. Value Stream MappingKaizen (PDCA Cycle)5SCause and Effect AnalysisSIPOC AnalysisProcess Maps / Process Flowcharts. DMADV, also known as Design for Six Sigma (DFSS). BPMN Process Maps  (Business Process Modeling Notation map). Process Maps.

Required the report body:
Project Methodology: Including the techniques and used tools
Data Collection
Results and Analysis
Discussion of the Results

The 8 types of waste you’ll be able to remove with the following Lean tools are

  • Defects
  • Overproduction
  • Waiting
  • Non-utilized talent
  • Transportation
  • Inventory
  • Motion
  • Extra-processing

Pros and Cons of Hydrothermal Energy

Pros and Cons of Hydrothermal Energy, Instructions 

• Essays should have 8 pages (12 font), excluding the cover and contents page, and should contain no more than 30% diagrams or photographs.

Sources for your report, including diagrams and photographs, must be clearly referenced, following a common format.
Make sure to include data in your essays.

The discussion should contain an evaluation of the ethical conflicts and include your own opinion.

• You must run your report through a software that detects plagiarism before you submit your homework, and attach the report of the plagiarism self-check.

BioMechanics: Movement Analysis


Each student will analyze a series of 3 pictures or images, that have been previously
Use the tables presented later in this document and adjust columns right or left as necessary.
The tables must be shown in a neat and professional manner for clarity, reader-friendliness, and
easy-grading. Rows may be added in cases where a joint is performing multiple movements or
be in multiple positions. If there are any questions, or if you need clarifications, regarding
something about the images, please consult with Dr. Conkle ASAP. DO NOT wait until the last
minute to ask questions!! You must address each body part.
All information in the table MUST align all the way across with the material in the left column. Do
NOT place information across 2 pages for the same joint, movement, muscles, etc. If a given joint on both the right and left are in the EXACT SAME POSITION, say so in the table’s left-hand
column (Column 1) and treat it that way all the way across once, not twice.
Note that this assignment may take a more than a few pages for this to appear neat,
professional, and reader-friendly.

Thermodynamics II

1.  Vapor refrigeration cycle with sub-cooling and super-heating. 

2. Vapor Absorption cycles

3.  Vapor refrigeration cycle with reheating and regeneration. 

4. Psychrometry and its application to air-conditioning

5. Cooling towers. 

6.  Compressible flows in Channels or Nozzles.

7. One-dimensional steady flow in ducts or nozzles.

8. Supersonic and subsonic flows.

9. Flow with friction and heat transfer.


You have to write a review report only. Your report should include research papers. In the report, you must include:

1. What is done, how is done and the results of each research paper

2.  Reference list
3. 10 to 15 pages

Fire Engineering Simulations and Report

Fire Engineering Simulations and Report
This is a sprinklered 5-storey shopping mall with smoke extraction system. The entire
mall has been split into 3 fire compartments (i.e. Arcade 1, Atrium & Arcade 2) by
automatic fire shutters as shown below. The layout of the mall is shown in the sketch
below. The ceiling-to-floor height is assumed to be 4m.
Each student needs to complete the following tasks:
1. CFAST is a zone model that divide the compartment into two control volumes,
a relatively hot upper layer and a relatively cool lower layer, please derive the
system of ordinary differential equation for the compartment pressure. Each
student shall use CFAST to simulate the impact of fires and smoke in the
building environment for 10 minutes duration. The smoke layer height, smoke
temperature and gases concentration of the fire compartments shall also be
reported. (30 Marks)
2. Each student shall also use the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) to predict the
following for 10 minutes duration: (40 Marks)
Temperature distribution;
CO concentration;
Soot visibility distribution;
Radiation heat flux along the egress route.
3. Please propose the smoke extraction system with recommended flowrate to
extent the ASET of the shopping mall. (30 Marks)
Not to scale
Page 4 of 4
Each student shall:
state the assumptions,
state boundary conditions,
state approaches;
reporting the simulation results and related screenshots captured in
Smokeview for each fire scenario;
maximum 30 pages and printed on both sides.