Ethics in Engineering Projects (Case study of San Fransisco Bay Bridge)

Write a 5-7 page report discussion on the ethics of a recent engineering project.
The San Francisco Bay Bridge underwent major seismic retrofits and reconstruction recently. One of the costliest infrastructure projects in the country, the replacement of the eastern span of the bridge has not been without controversy. Refer to the various articles including ASCE Canon of Ethics, discuss the ethics of the situation.

Ethics Essay (Case Study)

This is an Essay with a 1500 word  count limit.


Please read the following Situation and then consider the accompanying questions from a Business
Ethics perspective in your response.
Please note that there is no right or wrong answer. We are looking for your ability to decipher the
situation, understand the various factors at play and then make a decision on the optimal way forward –
from your viewpoint.

Situation: –
Two countries – Country X and Country Y [hereafter referred to X and Y] are active trading partners. Y
has significant business interests in X.
Y is a developed economy with an advanced industrial / manufacturing sector. X is an Emerging Market
country with a rising middle class and growing consumption and spending pattern that attracts
investment from Y.
Y has recently taken steps to further strengthen Good Governance and Business Practices across its
various industrial and business sectors. It aspires to be internationally known as a trusted hub for
Compliance, Transparency, Ease of Doing Business, and Openness.
X has had a mixed reputation in Global Reviews on Business – specially with respect to Corruption
indices. Government institutions are fraught with Bureaucracy, Inefficiency and painfully slow decisionmaking
processes. In general, the official prescribed investment procedures and roadmaps are long and
arduous and have questionable [if not impossible] timelines.
However – there has been an age-old practice of working with established local business houses and
entities [local partners] that provide a “one-window” operation for arranging / tackling various issues
that overseas investors face – for a “fee.” Investors from various countries who have worked with such
local partners in X find they can speed up work and processes substantially. These local partners often
advertise their close links with government functionaries and departments and “fast-forwarding”
capabilities. In various newspapers and tabloids – this “fee” has been described as anywhere from 10% –
25% of the value of any incoming investment deal – clearly a major cost of doing business.
You are the Head of International Business Development for your firm – a leading FMCG manufacturer /
exporter firm of Y. Your firm has received awards regularly for Business Growth, Good Management
Practice [GMP] and Corporate Social Responsibility [CSR]. You are considering a major investment in X
that could positively impact revenue by as much as 10% [approx. USD 500 million / year] over the next
decade. You have been approached by a potential local partner from X who is keen to facilitate your
investment plan for a fee.
While your firm is attracted to the rapidly growing consumer spending in X and potential market for
your firm – you are also keenly aware of Ethics and Governance concerns that will impact this deal.
There is clearly significant upside in terms of revenue and market potential. However — you are
challenged by the cost of local partner involvement and also what that fee is supposed to cover. Over a telecon you raise these concerns to the potential local partner in X. The Chief Representative of the local
partner suggests to you that the best way to go forward is to [in parallel] set up a Community
Development Foundation in the proposed locality for investment — which would fund schools, clinics,
power generation, clean water supply and sanitation facilities for the 10,000 or so villagers and
positively impact their livelihood – besides of course providing jobs for the locals. Such an initiative
would be viewed extremely favorably by the local, provincial as well as Federal Government.
You are presenting a proposal for potential investment in X to your CEO and Board of Directors in a
week’s time. Clearly you have a lot to think about.

Questions: –
What are the main factors that will impact your presentation and any recommendations?
Weigh the pros and cons of investing in X.
What could this local partner “fee” be all about?
Is the investment a win-win for both Y and X? Since X gets jobs and social and economic uplift for
thousands of people and Y gets a strategic foothold in a rapidly growing market plus more credibility as
an investor in overseas CSR.
What is your decision?

Uber’s Ethics and Legal Exposure

Uber’s Ethics and Legal Exposure

Uber is largely hailed as the advent of the gig economy, which is the idea that people will not work
for any one employer, but instead will work on projects for any variety of companies desiring their
services. While creating a new type of entrepreneurship for individuals, it raises a host of new legal
questions for companies around the law of agency. Your boss has asked you to evaluate Uber’s
legal exposure for the conduct of its drivers.
Write an interoffice Memo in which you:
1. Summarize the main principles of agency law and the term “scope of employment.” How is this
term applicable when it comes to Uber and its business and the liability for its drivers? (Remember
to consider liability as to Uber employees and as independent contractors)
2. Recently, an Uber driver lost control and killed his passengers. The driver was drunk. Should
Uber be liable for the conduct of its driver in this situation? Why or why not? Use the law of Agency to back up your argument.
3. Identify the steps Uber should take to limit its legal exposure for the conduct of its drivers.
4. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable
reference and proprietary Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Your Memo should include a heading, summary statement, background and recommendations. See
the link for information on formatting this Memo AND the attachment. There is no page requirement
for this assignment, just be sure to answer all the questions specifically and directly.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
• Analyze and apply the concepts of ethical decision making, corporate governance and corporate
social responsibility.
• Analyze and evaluate Agency Law pursuant to the employer and employee.
• Analyze and evaluate laws and regulations relative to product safety, liability and representations.
• Write clearly and concisely about law, ethics, and corporate governance using proper writing

Ethics in the Workplace

Ethics in the Workplace 

What is the importance of maintaining an ethical workplace environment? (825 words). APA style. 2-3 sources.

Ethical Research and Analysis

Ethical Issues in Journalism 

Ethics and Media Polling 

Discuss ethical issues involved in journalism and media polling (825 words). MLA style. You can pick examples of news articles that feature stories of unethical practices.

Niagara Casinos Ethics

This is a situation happening in Niagara and also the type of work you may be asked to perform when you are working in the near future.


I’d like you two read the following newspaper articles ( read them by the order I outline) They all refer to the situation that Niagara Casinos finds themselves in.


For the purpose of the assignment, you will be acting as a Niagara Casino Media Relations staffer. I am asking you to fill out the lean canvas ,and prepare 2 page paper justifying and explaining why the Government of Ontario should continue to allow The Niagara Falls group to manage the Casino’s.


1 –




Just to show you the effort this is getting


Ethics and Conduct of Accounting Profession

Ethics and Conduct of Accounting Profession

  • Certified Public Accountants vs. Other Professionals.
  • Ethical Dilemma
  • Using Five step Giving Voice to Values approach to resolving the ethical dilemma.
  • Case and the Professional Codes of Ethics

Ethical Principles (Case Study)

Read the case and answer the following questions

Some questions the Ethics Committee might still need to have answered as a part of their decision-making process are; Were there written disclosures on who does not have the right to the childs’s information? When they made the request to withhold the records from Russell, was there formal documents on the matter? Was the information Susan deemed confidential perternant to what Russell was asking for? Were there and what are the fears regarding Nicholas’ safety if Susan had disclosed that information?

  1. Which ethical principles and/or standards and/or guidelines are significant to the adjudication of this case? Please include both the APA code and the specialty code which you have been assigned for the course.  Identify the particular sections of the codes being referenced and the manner in which they apply to this particular case. You should include here only those principles/standards/guidelines that pertain specifically to the issues of the case. All clinical contacts should adhere to all principles, etc.; however, there are specific ones (usually about 3 to 5) that are specific to the case, and would be addressed by an adjudicative body.
  • ASCA 4.01 Maintaining Confidentiality
    1. Psychologists discuss with
  • ASCA 4.04


  1. What are some things the mental health professional has done correctly in this case? What, if anything, has been done wrong? Please explain your rationale for each of these findings.


  1. If there has been an ethical violation in this case, what thematic pattern of violations does this case most specifically represent? Remember our work in class – there is 1 underlying theme, usually with elements of others, but we are looking for the foundational problem here.


  1. If you were sitting on the Ethics Committee in this case, what would be your interpretation of the facts of the case in relation to the principles/standards? How would you state the Committee’s findings to the respondent?


  1. What level of sanctions, if any, would you impose upon this mental health practitioner, and what recommendations would you make to him/her? If you were sitting on a licensing board instead of an association ethics committee, how would the outcome of your adjudication of this case differ?


  1. What aspects of Fine and Ulrich’s model of the ethical decision-making process did you employ in arriving at your conclusions and recommendations? How did Keith-Spiegel and Koocher’s model fit into your thinking in reaching your decisions?  Be sure to fully describe in what way each of these aspects applies to the case.  The models must be integrated, rather than discussed separately.


  1. What legal issues are involved in this case, and how might these relate to the ethical issues previously addressed?

Social Responsibility an Ethics of a Business

Corporate social responsibility is an emerging trend for businesses in today’s environment.

Regardless of the nature of the industry, corporations are held to higher ethical standards.

This assignment will give you a chance to think as an executive and take into consideration the importance of ethics and social responsibility.

You are tasked with choosing a corporation and discussing the importance of ethics and social responsibility in relation to that particular corporation.

Think about the stakeholders associated with the corporation and how they benefit if the organization displays social responsibility.

Start with a brief introduction of the organization, and remember to think from the perspective of the leader of the organization.

Your submission must be a minimum of two pages in length.

Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

APA formatting, however, is not necessary

Effect of language on ethics and ethical decision making.

View the clip on soft language by comedian George Carlin. Comment on how language can distort reality and how language can affect ethics and ethical decision making. Discuss how awareness of soft language can impact your communication with clients and assess the ethical implications of soft language for the client-therapist relationship. Overview: Journal activities in this course are an opportunity to share personal examples and reflect on the course content in a safe and private environment. Because of nature of the information posted, only the instructor can view and comment on your assignment. Journal assignments should be 300 words or less. Each journal is graded individually. Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins Clip:

Biomedical Ethics

  • Productive Liberty 
  • Human Cloning 
  • Non-Identity Problems and Genetic Harms 

Ethical and Gender in Sports

Areas to be addressed:

  • Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
  • Case of Gender Discrimination in Sports
  • Improving Perceptions of Women Employment in Sports.
  • Promoting Equal Participation

Theory of Ethics and Professionalism

Theory of Ethics and Professionalism Instructions,

  • List various ethical theories
  • Select one that is mostly applicable in your professionalism
  • Justify why it is relevant and why the others are not
  • Example of how you have used the theory
  • Cite your sources in APA style.