Developing and Improving Goverment Policy

Developing and Improving Goverment Policy

What effect does lack of public confidence in government have on our government’s policy capacity? What could be done to restore public confidence? How can our government’s policy capacity be improved?

Developing School Policy

Developing School Policy

Choose a potential school crisis or problem. Research approaches and strategies for responding to such a crisis or problem in a school. For example, search the literature, inquire with schools about policies that may exist, review local, state, or federal related policy, and/or identify a situation/crisis reported in the media and use that for as an example of what to do and what not to do. Describe the important aspects and concerns in such a situation. Finish with a draft of a comprehensive policy focused on the school social work aspect of an effective response in such a situation that outlines a step-by-step response at the school and/or individual student level. School problems/crises that would be appropriate include: student suicide or suicide risk, suspected abuse or neglect, bullying, school shooting, school refusal/phobia, drug use/dealing, aggressive/violent student behavior, etc. Outline/Format of Paper:

1. Identify the Problem:

2. Describe the Problem: (Why is it a problem? How does it impact students/schools? How big is the problem? Provide evidence to support your statements.)

3. Background Information: (What policies and strategies currently exist to address this problem? What do research and/or experience tell us about what does and does not work in addressing this problem? Provide evidence to support your statements/conclusions.)

4. Important Aspects/Concerns to Consider: (What potential solutions/policies that must be considered to address this problem?)

5. Comprehensive Policy: (Step by step description of a response to this problem at the school and/or individual level. Envision this as a formal policy page within a school/district policy manual.)

Set each one as a header apa formate

Trust in Public Administration

Trust in Public Administration

After reading about Bell, California, discuss what techniques or steps you would take to instill trust in public administration. In 500 words, do the following:

Create a plan to instill trust with citizens in regard to public administration. Include specifically what action you as an administrator will take.

Use two to four scholarly resources to support your explanations.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,

Use of facial recognition/ biometrics technology and privacy and law

Use of facial recognition/ biometrics technology and privacy and law

The key is to use the deliberation process suggested in the legal case analysis to draw your conclusion from fact gathering, formulation of issues, identification of applicable laws, through your analysis.

1. Set up the platform on which you want to tackle the topic of your interest

a. Significance analysis of your topic

b. Social need to know the direction

c. Background information

d. Competing arguments on the topic,

2. Existing cases directly related to your topic

a. Supreme Court Cases if there is any

b. Federal laws if there is any

c. Cases within the federal appellate court jurisdiction (Texas is within the 5th Federal Appellate Court jurisdiction)

d. Cases within nearby federal jurisdictions (e.g., Oklahoma is within the 10th Federal Appellate Court jurisdiction)

e. Cases within the state of Texas

f. Keep in mind that under the Supremacy Clause and the Doctrine of Preemption, whether express or implied, federal law will almost always prevail when it interferes or conflicts with state law, except in circumstances where the federal law is deemed unconstitutional, or where the Supremacy Clause does not apply.

3. Facts for the issue of your topic in your interest

a) Please lay out the facts by following their chronological order, e.g, a fact that occurred in 2010 should be presented before another fact that occurred in 2015,…

b) Please lay out the facts by following their logical order, e.g., a fact that occurred prior to another event should be accordingly presented as it was, rather than it is; e.g., John drove a car and hit Jeff, a pedestrian walking across the street, Jeff filed a suit against John. Jeff becomes a plaintiff, and John becomes defendant because the law suit has been filed. Prior to the law suit, neither Jeff nor John can be labeled as a plaintiff or a defendant.

c) Please lay out the facts by following your perceived level of relevancy, e.g., present the most relevant fact first, and the second most relevant after, … quite often, when you present in this way, you will find out it is easy to meet the relevancy sufficiency test, and you don’t need to add more facts to build your analysis,…

d) Please lay out the facts by following the level of importance, e.g., the present the most important fact first, and the second most important after, … quite often, when you present in this way, you will find out it is easy to meet the importance sufficiency test, and you don’t need to add more facts to build your analysis,…

4. The single or at most 2-3 issues in your project

a. What issue your project attempts to reconcile or solve?

b. An issue statement is the one that begs for an answer, and it must be a general statement that is applicable to other similar situations, and it is a “whether – statement”; it has to contain the basic elements of generalized situation in which a subsequent analysis will provide an answer.

c. In the issue statement, one is often tempted to start an analysis here; but it is not the timing yet.

5. Summary of Applicable Law

a. Summary of laws, starting with those from the highest court decisions and/or codified federal statutes down

b. Whenever there is a clear cut from the directions in law, stop and use that law or that set of laws because of the Supremacy Clause and the Doctrine of Preemption

6. Analysis

a. Basically, you use the presented facts (pertinent to the issue) in comparison with the identified applicable law to see if the facts are in alignment with the existing law. If yes, you move forward to draw your conclusion.

b. If not, how much discrepancy out there, try to use the law in a similar jurisdiction to reconcile the difference

c. If the issue is in its novelty, and no man-made law has ever covered, please try to apply the natural law method of governance (some of it are “common sense” ones, or basic logic ones, or no internal conflict ones, etc)

7. Conclusion and Practical Implication.

a. By this point you should find an answer to your issue statement.

b. What if for its applicability in other similar situations in future

c. This section should give you of some sense of confidence in your ability to deal with another issue when you gradually gain the experience in following the same approach in analysis.

Criminal Justice Administration

Criminal Justice Administration

Thinking Point and Question

  • Faced with severe fiscal problems the State Legislature has been forced to furlough (lay-off) ten percent of its workforce.
  • In addition to substantial security concerns, the Director of the State Department of Corrections must ensure the remaining employees in her agency are sufficiently motivated.
  • Choose one of the motivation theories listed below as a guide, describe how you would advise the Director to develop a comprehensive employee motivation program
  1. Need Theory
  2. Theory X and Theory Y
  3. Achievement-Power-Affiliation Theory
  4. Expectancy Theory
  5. Equity Theory
  6. Theory Z

Personal Mission Statement

Personal Mission Statement 

Write your personal mission statement Click to go to the Covey Mission Statement Builder Site. The results you get from the Covey Mission
Statement Builder might be very “bullet orientated”. What I want you to do is to embellish the bullets you get from the Covey site and write a narrative about your personal mission statement. This is your “road map” to effectiveness. Make sure you include your roles and values. Submit your assignment below. When you click on the underlined “Write your personal mission statement” above you will then get the screen for you to submit your paper.

Disaster Management Essay

Disaster Management Essay

Select one qualitative and one quantitative question that you are interested in investigating. Identify the independent and dependent variables.
Next, create a hypothesis or set of hypotheses to go along with your research question. Identify your hypothesis as one of each of the four categories below and explain why your hypothesis fits into these categories

  • Associative or causal
  • Simple or complex
  • Nondirectional vs. directional
  • Null vs. research

Critical Race Theory CRT

Critical Race Theory CRT

Read this short article by Laura E. Gómez. White House Says Critical Race Theory is Anti-American. Here’s the truth: (Links to an external site.)
What has been the function of Critical Race Theory (CRT)?
How has CRT attempted to highlight the experiences of marginalized groups?
Is CRT “divisive” or, does it benefit society by providing an understanding of inequality and how to combat it?

Ethnicity and Race

Ethnicity and Race

Suppose a well-meaning colleague tells you, “I am color blind; I teach everyone the same because I believe inequality.” What would be your response(s) to your colleague?

Length: 1800-2500 words; 4-5 peer-reviewed journal articles Your essay should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.

Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and current APA standards.

Movie Review and Critique

Movie Review and Critique

Movie Review & Critique Review one the following films listed below and do the following in short answer form:

1-Provide a summary of the film in two paragraphs. Be sure to discuss the major ideas, thought, points of the film. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE THE SUMMARY FROM THE MOVIE’S TRAILER OR OTHER MOVIE REVIEW WEBSITE.

2-Discuss your reaction to the film by answering the following in at least 5 complete sentences:

a. How did you feel when watching the film?

b. Did you agree or disagree with what was being portrayed?

c. Could you identify with the movie or character(s) in the movie?

d. What did you find striking, illuminating or peculiar about the film?

3-Personally critique the film by answering the following:

a. How well did the film portray the criminal justice system, criminal, or victims?

b. If you had not taken this course or previous criminal justice courses, how would this film (good or bad) affect your perceptions about the criminal justice system, criminal justice professionals (practitioners), and/or crime victims? The following movies/ documentaries can be reviewed OR you may choose another in which the theme or synopsis is related to a criminal justice topic or population.

Any movie/ documentary not listed here must be pre-approved by the instructor.

13th(2016, Ava Duvernay)- Netflix

Girls Incarcerated- Netflix (Focus on 1-2 episodes from seasons 1 or 2)

True Justice-HBO Life on Parole (2017, Frontline)- (Links to an external site.)

Second Chance Kids (2017, Frontline)- (Links to an external site.)

The New Asylums (2005, Frontline)- (Links to an external site.)

Reflection on Learning video tutorials

Reflection on Learning video tutorials

Reflect on your Learning

One paragraph each, address the following: For chapter 2

What is the most interesting thing you learned from watching the video tutorials? Why?

What is the most interesting thing you learned from this week’s reading? Why?

Pick one learning objective Preview the documentfrom the chapter. Write out the answer.

Pick another learning objectivePreview the document from the chapter. Write out the answer


You are to choose any topic of your choice from Chapter2 in writing this diary.  Start by reading Chapter 2, then decide the topic you plan to write about.  The diary consists of 2 parts; Case Description and Psychological Application.  The Case Description describes a real-world example of the topic you chose for your diary.  It can be from your own personal experiences, an article you read, from social media, tv, movies, really any source will work, just be sure it reflects your topic from the chapter.  The Psychological Application describes and defines the topic of your choice.  You want to use the textbook information to define your topic and describe how your example relates to your chosen topic.  Please refer to the syllabus and the example diary for guidance.

Do the same thing for chapter 3

LInk for youtube vid:



  1. Describe one new interesting thing you learned about the field of psychology from reading the textbook.
  2. If you were to pursue a career in psychology, what field would you choose and why?

Chapter 2

  1. Give one example an incident that happened to you were you experienced “fight or flight”? What happened and how did you react in the situation?  How long did it take you to calm down? 
  2. So how do you think drugs, both prescription and illegal, affect how the brain works?

Chapter 3

  1. So what are some of your “healthy” habits that you engage in to help you’re your stress levels and health? What are some of your “unhealthy” habits related to stress and your overall health that you would like to change.  What are reasons that you engaged in your unhealthy habit, and why do you think it is hard to change?
  2. Give yourself a plan that you believe incorporates aspects of the material in the textbook to change an “unhealthy” habit, and also give your classmates some advice on how to change their “unhealthy” habits.


Content management systems knowledge management systems expert systems

Content management systems knowledge management systems expert systems

Choose one of the scenarios below (A or B) to complete the assignment.
Scenario A
You are the business owner of a local small engine repair shop, and you have been thinking about implementing a knowledge management system for your customer service technicians. You are thinking about this because there are times when some of your technicians know how to fix certain engine problems and others do not. Providing a central knowledge repository could help share troubleshooting and repair knowledge
among your technicians.
Scenario B
You are the business owner of a local cleaning service, and you have been thinking about implementing a knowledge management system for your cleaning technicians, especially for those who troubleshoot and solve cleaning problems, such as removing certain carpet and water stains, addressing mold, and selecting the proper tools and products to use for other types of cleaning issues. You are thinking about this because there are times when some of your cleaning technicians know how to properly clean carpets and others do not. Providing a central
knowledge repository could help share cleaning knowledge among your cleaning technicians.
After you chose your scenario (A or B), compose a paper that addresses the elements listed below.
Explain the role of knowledge management systems.
Explain what is meant by expert systems.
Explain what is meant by content management systems.
Discuss how the business in the selected scenario could benefit from an expert system and a content management system, and provide two
examples for each type of system.
Discuss how the business in the selected scenario could benefit from business intelligence, and provide two examples of these benefits.
Discuss how the business in the selected scenario can use social media to not only obtain information and knowledge but to share it as well, and provide two examples of how the business might use social media information systems.
Your paper must be at least two pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages), and you must also use at least two scholarly sources, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library. Any information from a source must be cited and referenced in APA format, and your paper must be formatted in accordance to APA guidelines

Confidence Intervals for Proportions

Confidence Intervals for Proportions

In the Module Overview, you’ll have noticed the textbook assignment for this module.
ideos are optional, and are there for your reference. Watch the video if you so choose, then complete the practice problems from your textbook.
You’ll notice, I’ve only assigned odd-numbered exercises. This is because I want you to be able to check your work as you go along. Please use good judgment and academic integrity when you complete the assignments; don’t merely copy or paraphrase the answers–that will earn you a 0–but use them to guide your answers. I recommend you complete the assignment, then check the answers, and then make corrections in a different colored pen/cil or font. This way you really have the opportunity to learn to nuances–and there are nuances–in each problem. Please
make sure to show all your work, step by step, if applicable.
If you have any questions, especially concerning my definition of copying or paraphrasing, please feel free to email me.
Feel free to do the problems by hand and then scan them to upload. I really like Genius Scan. You can also take a picture of your work instead, but I ask you make sure everything is legible before you upload the picture. You may feel more comfortable typing your answers, which is fine; just be sure that ALL STATISTICAL DISPLAYS are included (no matter the format you choose).
Complete bookwork – pg 489; #13, 19, 21, 25*, 31*, 35*, 37*