Communication studies and where it will lead in the future

Communication studies and where it will lead in the future

How do you view the current state of the field? Our interest here is with the field of communication studies and the state of study involving communication, not the act of communicating. For this assignment, each student will prepare a five to seven page paper that explores the future direction(s) of the field. Specifically, the paper should address how communication studies can be defined, key topics in the study of communication, and how the field is likely to evolve in the future. I encourage you to begin this assignment by visiting the website of the National
Communication Association at The format for the paper should follow APA guidelines. Please include a cover page for the paper. You will need to make use of appropriate sources for this assignment.

Ethics of Virtue or Ethics of Care

Ethics of Virtue or Ethics of Care

You are a homicide investigator and are interrogating someone you believe picked up a 9-year-old girl in a shopping mall and the molested and murdered the girl. He is a registered sex offender, was in the area, and although he does not have any violence on his record, you believe he must have done it because there is no other suspect who had the means, opportunity, and motive. You have some circumstantial evidence (he was seen in a video following the child) but very little good physical evidence. You really need a confession in order to make the case. You want to send this guy away for a long time. After several hours of getting nowhere, you have a colleague come in with a file folder and pretend that the medical examiner had obtained fingerprints on the body that match the suspect’s. You tell him that he lost his chance to confess to a lesser crime because now he is facing the death penalty. He says that he will confess to whatever you want him to if the death penalty is taken off the table. Do you tell him what you did? Do you tell the prosecutor?

Then answer these questions

a) Was the conclusion you reached the same as that of your classmate who used a different ethical system than you?

b) Do you agree with the conclusion reached by your classmate? Why or why not? Be specific.

c) Which system do you think came up with the best response (the system you used or the system your classmate used)? Explain.

d) Which system would you have preferred to use to solve this dilemma if allowed to chose any of the six ethical systems?

Personal Reflection- Environmental Science

Personal Reflection- Environmental Science

For this assignment, please listen to the following podcast from RadioLab called The Skull.

Then read the following WIRED article.

Reflect on these materials and Write a 1-2 page response to the following questions:

1.       How was the Taung Child skull similar to chimpanzee and how is it similar to modern humans?

2.       Why was the hypothesis that humans originated in Africa rejected in 1925? Where did scientists around 1925 hypothesize where humans originated?

3.       What evidence did people use to hypothesize that humans didn’t originate in Africa? What became of this evidence?

4.       What as one of the original hypotheses about the demise of the Taung-Child?

5.       What scared the vervet monkeys? What is the current hypothesis for what killed the Taung Child? What evidence is there supporting this hypothesis?

6.       How does the WIRED article describe scientific observations of Taung Child’s skull, and it’s influence on our understanding of the prehistoric climate of South Africa?

7.       How do scientists come to understand the world? Reflect on how you come to understand the world around you, is it similar or different to a scientific approach? What might have influenced that for you?


Reflection Paper

Reflection Paper

Follow instruction and  answer two questions.  What did the prevailing world view of Enlightenment thinkers contribute to the origins of social science?

Why did Copernicus and Galileo’s discovery that the earth revolves around the sun cause disruption in their societies?

Cybersecurity Implementation Plan

Cybersecurity Implementation Plan

Cybersecurity Implementation Plan

The Acquisition of Island Banking Services has moved from the strategy development phase to the integration phase. In this phase, the M&A team will develop transition and implementation plans. Padgett-Beale’s Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has recommended that a separate Cybersecurity Management Program be established for the Padgett-Beale Financial Services (PBI-FS) subsidiary to isolate as much risk as possible to the PBI-FS organization. This management program will require the establishment of policies, plans, and procedures which are customized to the financial service industry and the operating structure of PBI-FS.

The CISO has asked you to continue supporting the Merger & Acquisition team’s efforts. Your specific tasking is to assist in developing an implementation plan for the previously developed Cybersecurity strategy (Project #1). Since there have been additional developments in the M&A strategy overall, you should pay close attention to the Background Information provided later in this document.

Using your prior work (Project 1), develop a high-level plan for implementing a Cybersecurity Management Plan that will allow PBI-FS to begin operations in its new, on-island location. (The plan for the U.S. headquarters is being developed separately from your efforts.) This plan must take into account compliance requirements for U.S. banking laws, regulations, and standards. It must also include recommendations for required security controls, replacement of outdated hardware and software, and other measures necessary to reduce risk to an acceptable level. You must specifically address measures to reduce risks associated with both insider threats and external threats and threat actors.

Note: you MUST use the implementation plan outline provided later in this document.

You may need to perform additional analysis to address issues specific to the findings from the M&A team regarding the as-is state of the purchased assets which comprise the existing IT infrastructure.

Your high-level plan should include the system development life cycle (SDLC) gates/decision points and relevant tasks required to implement changes in the company’s hardware, software, and infrastructure. See for more information about the gates & decision points.

You must also address any systems or software interoperability issues which may arise (especially those associated with the company’s existing custom software applications). You do not need to prepare a comprehensive Interoperability Assessment but, you should identify key issues and concerns. See the following resources for definitions and guidance:


You must clearly show that you have applied the following frameworks and concepts in your analysis and planning:


Note: Make sure that you include (in detail) the steps you would take to secure the new infrastructure.


As part of the purchase agreement for Island Banking Services, Padgett-Beale made a commitment to the bankruptcy court to operate the call center and transaction processing center on the island for the next five years. The Padgett-Beale, Inc. Merger and Acquisition Strategy for Island Banking Services has been updated and now includes the following stipulations which are derived from requirements to comply with U.S. laws and regulations while also implementing the contractual agreement to continue some operations on the island.

  1. Island Banking Services will become Padgett-Beale, Inc – Financial Services (PBI-FS).
  2. PBI-FS will operate as a wholly owned subsidiary with its own management structure.
  3. PBI-FS’s will be incorporated as a U.S. corporation and will comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
  4. PBI-FS’s headquarters unit and executive staff (including the CEO, COO, and CFO) will have separate offices from PBI but will be located within a 5 mile radius of the PBI Headquarters.
  5. PBI-FS’s call center and transactions processing center will remain on the island but will move to a vacant office building adjacent to the existing Padgett-Beale resort property.
  6. The deputy CISO from Padgett-Beale will serve as the interim CISO for PBI-FS.
  7. The CISO from Padgett-Beale will serve as a consultant to PBI-FS for all matters relating to the establishment of the subsidiary’s Cybersecurity Management Program.

As part of its due diligence efforts, the Padgett-Beale M&A team reviewed the existing cybersecurity posture for Island Banking Services. This review determined that, while there were some IT security protections in place, Island Banking Services never had a formal IT security program. Instead, the company outsourced management of its hardware, software, and networks to an islander owned and operated IT services company. This company installed and managed the networking equipment, firewalls, and workstations. Some workstations were used by tellers to conduct financial transactions using a web-based interface to a back-end database. The M&A team is suspicious of the existing software and databases due to the level of criminal activity that was uncovered during the police investigation into money laundering.

The M&A team also reviewed the inventory of digital assets (HW/SW/Licenses) included in the purchase of Island Banking Services. The team also reviewed existing contracts for services related to those assets. It has determined:

  1. Telecommunications. Undersea fiber optic cables connect the island to the global Internet. These cables are managed by a consortium of companies that contract with national and regional governments to provide telecommunications services (voice, video, and data) to a country or region. On-island access to Internet, cable television, and land-line telephone service are provided to residents and businesses on a contract basis by a government owned Communications Services company. The island’s local communications infrastructure was upgraded to buried fiber optic cables providing broad-band service after a hurricane destroyed the previous above ground copper cable infrastructure. Island Banking Services’ contract for communications services includes Voice over IP telephone service, one physical telecommunications connection via fiber optic cable, and one static IP address associated with that connection. Domain name services for the company’s Internet presence are provided by the island’s Communications Services company. The company uses network address translation services provided by the premises router to assign internal IP addresses to workstations and servers.
  2. Network Equipment. The network equipment is more than five years old and should be replaced. Since the company is moving PBI-FS’s operations to a new physical location, the entire network infrastructure from cables to routers to firewalls to wireless access points will be replaced. The network equipment closet also contains a special purpose access control system that uses hard wired RFID badge readers and RFID badges to control employee access to exterior and interior doors. This equipment is out of date and will need to be replaced once the company moves.
  3. Workstations. The computer workstations are more than five years old and currently run Windows 8.1. The workstations were custom built using refurbished components. All copies of Windows have an OEM license installed.
    1. Licenses for Office 2019 were included in the purchased assets.
    2. Three business licenses for an anti-virus program were included in the purchased assets. These licenses were installed on computers that were seized and taken into evidence as part of the ongoing law enforcement investigation. It is unclear whether these licenses will be usable in the future.
    3. More than 10 computer workstations were found to be using “free” versions of an anti-virus application. These licenses state “for non-commercial or personal, home use only.”
  4. Banking Applications Database & Servers (Hardware & Software). The current banking applications software uses a custom browser-based interface built on an Apache Web server connected to a MySQL database. The Apache Web server also hosted the company’s internal web site. The server software licenses, the code for the custom browser-based interface, and the web server and database server hardware were included in the purchased digital assets. The storage media (hard disk drives) containing the Linux operating system, applications software, and database files were seized as part of the investigation and have not yet been returned to the company.
  5. Electronic Mail and Public Web Server. At the time of purchase, Island Banking Services was in the middle of converting from an internally hosted email server based on Linux/Exim to individual Gmail accounts (not owned or managed by the company). The company had recently moved its public website from the internal Apache server to the Wix hosting service. This public website provides customers with access to the company’s custom built, web-based mobile banking services application.
  6. Data Backups and Data Recovery Services. The system administrator for Island Banking Services used a commercial image backup utility to manually backup the company’s servers on a weekly basis. The image backups were written to multiple Solid State Disks (SSDs) that were connected to a Linux server connected to the company’s internal network. The financial transactions software (custom written) used electronic journaling to create copies of each transaction record in a MySQL instance hosted in a private cloud (Platform as a Service). The entire transactions database was copied to this private cloud once every 12 hours. Transaction records were copied to the cloud database every 30 minutes.

Figure 1. Island Banking Services IT Infrastructure (as-is).

Putting It All Together

Your plan will be a combination of a paper and a detailed list of steps and resources that you would follow to implement and complete this project. Think about all of the actions, resources, and tasks that you would need to ensure a successful implementation of the “to-be” state for the PBI-FS cybersecurity program and infrastructure. These should also be included as part of the plan. The minimum structure for this assignment is below:

    • Purpose of Plan (implementation of the security strategy)
    • Business Goals and Objectives
    • Project Goals and Objectives
    • Scope Definition
    • Items Beyond Scope
    • Project Assumptions
    • Project Constraints
    • Barriers to Success
  • PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN (for implementation of the security strategy)
    • People
    • Processes
    • Technologies
    • Security Controls
      • Baseline (mandatory controls)
      • Compensatory Controls (Administrative, Operational, Tactical)
    • System Development Life Cycle/Schedule
      • The 7 phases are: planning, requirements, design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance
    • Milestones
    • Resource Requirements (People, Finances)
  • ENTERPRISE IT ARCHITECTURE (“To-Be” – must include overview diagram)
    • Hardware
    • Software
    • Network Infrastructure
    • Cybersecurity Defenses

Additional Information

  1. Consult the grading rubric for specific content and formatting requirements for this assignment.
  2. Your 10-12 page Implementation Plan should be professional in appearance with consistent use of fonts, font sizes, margins, etc. You should use headings and page breaks to organize your paper. The listed page length is a recommended target. You should not, however, exceed double that page count (i.e. no more than 25 pages including diagrams, tables, and lists).
  3. Your deliverable should use standard terms and definitions for cybersecurity. See Course Content > Cybersecurity Concepts Review for recommended resources.
  4. Your Enterprise IT Architecture Overview diagram may be constructed using commercial clip art but you may not copy / glue together architecture diagrams from other sources. MS Word and Power Point both provide drawing tools and clip art which you can use to construct your diagram. See Figure 1 in this file for an example of the type of diagram / level of detail required.
  5. The CSIA program recommends that you follow standard APA formatting since this will give you a document that meets the “professional appearance” requirements. APA formatting guidelines and examples are found under Course Resources > APA Resources. An APA template file (MS Word format) has also been provided for your use CSIA_Basic_Paper_Template(APA_6ed,Nov2014).docx.
  6. You must include a cover page with the assignment title, your name, and the due date. Your reference list must be on a separate page at the end of your file. These pages do not count towards the assignment’s page count.
  7. You are expected to write grammatically correct English in every assignment that you submit for grading. Do not turn in any work without (a) using spell check, (b) using grammar check, (c) verifying that your punctuation is correct and (d) reviewing your work for correct word usage and correctly structured sentences and paragraphs.
  8. You are expected to credit your sources using in-text citations and reference list entries. Both your citations and your reference list entries must follow a consistent citation style (APA, MLA, etc.). Note: you may use footnotes to credit sources when doing so will improve the readability of the deliverable.



Personal Life Application Essay

Personal Life Application Essay

Use research to guide your making a goal to improve the aspect of your physical status and make a vision for how things might be different in your future if you are able to utilize the research you found. Use as many terms as possible from the chapter vocabulary in your writing.

Highlight the terms in bold or underline those that you are using. They will be counted. Submit your first section of the body of your paper to the dropbox by the date specified in dropbox (Dropbox: Personal Physical Research) Using information found in chapters 5, 6, 7, and/or 8, a.

Do the 1-4 initial steps above for cognitive development and submit to dropbox by date due (Dropbox: Personal Cognitive Research).

For this section, you should also reflect on your history and relate research to what you experienced (for example, was your language development on track? Were you able to express your cognitive strengths (e.g., Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences) toward expressing your intelligence?), what about your history of schooling/type of school? Then find where you currently perceive yourself to be, and describe what you envision that you could do to improve your cognitive situation (see #3 above, and make sure to include research).

Using information found in chapters 9, 10, 11, and/or 12 Do the 1-4 initial steps above for socioemotional development (Dropbox: Personal Socioemotional Development) For this section, it would be useful to reflect on how you feel your current personality came to be.

You may include one or more of these in your paper also: for example, in Chapter 9, which of Erickson’s stages stands out?

In Chapter 10, what was your temperament, or what areas of your identity formation were lacking or influenced in ways you might not have previously understood?

In chapter 11, what moral development stage do you function most often and why?

In chapter 12, what stands out about how you do relationships? Then find where you currently perceive yourself to be, and what areas of self-improvement do you desire to make? (See #3 above) Book used for source: Lifespan Development: A Topical Approach 4th Edition Author: Robert S. Feldman

Stress Fatigue Aviation Maintenance Technicians Annottated Bibliography

Stress Fatigue Aviation Maintenance Technicians Annottated Bibliography

Increased stress in Aviation Maintenance Technicians should not be ignored, consequently it will contribute to a lack of confidence in mid-level management and the decision making process.

Submit a body paragraph for your final project that includes a quote, a paraphrase, or both. Make sure you include in-text citations and a Works Cited or References page.

Then, create and submit a brief PowerPoint that verbalizes what is meant to be your paper’s primary argument.

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force Essay

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force Essay

Write a 5-7-page research paper that provides a description of the hypothetical attack, the organization’s ideology, goals & objectives, leadership, funding, and terrorist capabilities. Describe the groups’ known or suspected weapons/lethal agents and delivery methods, and the tactics, techniques and procedures that they may use here in the homeland.
This paper is only to set you up to be able to research and write on how to conduct intelligence operations to protect the Homeland.


Reaching beyond the moron discussed Eugenics

Reaching beyond the moron discussed Eugenics

  • O’Brien & Bundy – Reaching beyond the moron discussed Eugenics. First, define both positive and negative eugenics in your own words (no direct quotes).

Many of the groups that were target by early 20th century eugenics policies are still the targets of discrimination today, though the form of discrimination has changed. Why is a discussion of eugenics relevant today, AND why is it important for human services professionals to understand this history? (7 points)

Response to Is Google Making Us Stupid

Response to Is Google Making Us Stupid

In order to prepare for this paper we will read the following article: Nicolas Carr’s “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” To approach this assignment you will read the text carefully and begin to consider some of the following questions surrounding a focused idea presented in the text:

As reader, what was your response to that idea? Why? What of the author’s appeals to emotions, or reason influence your response? Do you trust this author’s knowledge and information? Why or why not? What of your own knowledge, biases, or pre-conceived notions of the issue influence your response?

In your draft, briefly summarize the reading and develop your paper in response to one idea presented by the author. You will draw quotations and examples from the text to support your response.

Information and ideas that you use to support your ideas should be documented with appropriate MLA or APA style in-text citations and a bibliography.

Furniture Builder Scenario

Furniture Builder Scenario

Review the Furniture Builder Scenario (Sway) (Links to an external site.) embedded below. You may also download the print version (DOCX).

***Class Text Book is “Legal Liabilities in Safety and Loss Prevention, 3rd edition, Thomas D Schneid.”***

Qualitative Analysis MAXQDA software Essay

Qualitative Analysis MAXQDA software Essay

2000-word Qualitative Analysis
In this coursework, you are asked to write a brief research report using MAXQDA software and the techniques that we have learned in class in order to COMPARE: Trump’s 2020 State of the Union Speech; Ursula von der Leyen’s Nov 2019 Speech in the European Parliament Plenary Session; and Vladimir Putin’s Jan 2020 Speech to the Federal Assembly
To this end please follow the steps and outline below:
1. Define your research question Examples: ‘How do Trump, von der Leyen and Putin discuss political concepts of… [for instance, “power”, “climate change”, “market”,“citizenship” – you are welcome to choose other political concepts that you identify as interesting to discuss ] to advocate actual political changes?’ What is the security narrative portrayed by Trump, von der Leyen and Putin? ‘What policy problems and corresponding solutions are proffered by the political elites towards social positive change’? In what ways do Trump’s and Putin’s policy rhetoric
converge and diverge? What is the role of political isolationism in speeches by Trump, von der Leyen and Putin?
• Provide a brief background to the study and say why the question is interesting / significant.
2. Identify existing literature and theory/ies
• Think about what factors may be important for answering your research question and why they may be important.
Example: Power. Provide a brief discussion of why you think “power” is an important concept to analysing elite speeches as these, and what factors may influence how we can make sense of elite conceptions of power e.g. tone adopted; policy areas focussed on; actors engaged with, etc.; and discuss how you are going to assess these factors in your analysis. This section will be supported by literature surrounding the topic as well as the methodological literature (course readings).
• Which theoretical models can/cannot explain the phenomenon you are interested in?
• You will need to do a brief literature review to flesh out your ideas with the relevant literature.
3. Derive a proposition to work with.
• If positivist, derive a proposition based on your theory (built from the literature) which links your cause (independent variable) X to your outcome (dependent variable) Y – and think about how to best to assess these two concepts in a qualitative context.
Example: Political speeches delivered by Trump and Putin are more likely to advance an isolationist agenda than the speech delivered by von der Leyen
• If post-positivist (interpretivist or taking a decoloniality position) derive a proposition based on insights from the data. Instead of a causal relationship, identify an important/interesting factor(s) which links your object of study – and think about how to best to examine in a qualitative context
Examples: ‘Perhaps these speeches differ in their understanding and description of “power”’ or climate change is represented as a threat in different ways with different solutions.
4. Analysis and presentation of results: Show the reader how your concepts/variables differ/align across these speeches and evaluate your results. Make sure you use the appropriate techniques from MAXQDA as well as including the codebook for your data.
5. MAKE SURE to interpret your results. Are there any identifiable patterns? Do the results support or contradict your proposition/ existing

literature and other policy sources? What can you infer from your analysis in relation to your main concept and elite approaches broadly speaking?
The submitted version of the coursework should include the following:
• Title: Underscoring the key issue addressed in the report
• Executive Summary (max. 300 words): Identifying the purpose, argument and
• Structure of Report: o Clear and concise introduction and conclusion, underlining the rationale for selecting the data addressed in the report, and summarising the academic and policy context in which the data emerged.
o Clarify the key arguments emerging from the analysis of the data.
o The introduction should also include the rationale for why this issue is of interest (student/politicians/ academics, etc.) and set out a clear structure for the report to follow.
o Main body: developing an analysis of the data – on its own right and further and in the light of broader trends in other research projects, relevant literature and policy area.
• Personal Reflection (100 words): addressing the key similarities, differences and challenges on writing a research report compared to an academic essay (maybe written in the first person (e.g. I found).
• Broadly, the report should
o Be related to relevant academic and policy sources, databases, documents, and research papers.
o Include clear research analysis developed by the student and recognise what potential criticisms may be applied to the resulting argument by prospective and future researchers.
o Be specific and accurate in its use of additional information and sources, and the references it makes to the relevant research and policy sources.
o Be well written and must correspond to the word count.
Consistent referencing in the text and a concise bibliography at the end, following the guidelines of APA 6th ed.

How child abuse affects adult women

How child abuse affects adult women

A. Based on a quantitative article from the databases, read & add the information to the Table of Articles (TOA) & answer the following questions 1) was it a survey or an experiment? 2) how were the respondents selected? 3) what was the target population? 4) what was/were the hypothesis or hypotheses? Be sure to watch this week’s videos on qualitative & quantitative research that are attached to the week 2
Announcement B. Choose 2 more scholarly research articles from the databases, add them to the TOA, and answer the following question for one of those articles. 1) do the authors include a literature review section in the article? 2) did the authors use section headings & subheadings?
3) write a brief summary of all three articles chosen from the table.Please include each of the questions in your supplementary assignment
MOZILLA FIREFOX TO ACCESS. I will add the articles to the TOA

Globalization Essay

Globalization Essay

Have a look at the following questions and then answer them. Each question must be answered with a minimum of 5 sentences.

  1. Globalization : old or new?
  2. What do you think started globalization?
  3. Who do you think started Globalization?
  4. Read the following statement made by Kofi Annan and discuss what you think it means:

“It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity.”