Crafting a Compensation and Benefits Plan

Topic: Crafting a Compensation and Benefits Plan
Paper details:

Create a compensation and benefits package using this business proposal format (see the attached format). The package must be consistent with the objectives of job satisfaction for the valuable employees in an organization of your design.

The compensation package must include the following:

Compare and contrast salary and benefit packages of at least three comparable organizations in the same industry.
Examine what 21st-century employees consider to be benefits.
Consider what helps to keep employees engaged in their work.

The business proposal must be formatted according to APA style. The proposal must be three pages in length (not including the title and references pages) and must include citations and references for at least five sources (including the text and at least four other scholarly sources.

Human Resources Case Studies

Assignment: Human Resources Case Studies

Have you ever thought about the importance of having not only the right people hired for the right positions but also aligning their skills sets to the overall business goals of the organization? Consider a simplified example: If a company wanted to hire someone to greet and assist customers, a candidate who is cheerful and has customer service experience would surely be hired over a candidate who has difficulty working with people. HR professionals still handle traditional processes such as benefits and hiring, but their evolving role as a shared decision maker in overall business strategy allows them to have a greater impact on organizational success. For example, if an HR professional shares leadership’s vision of how the company should shift direction within 5 years, he or she will be more keen to hire someone who has the skills to lead the company into the future, as opposed to hiring someone who could get the job done today but would be of little help as the company grows.

In this Assignment, you will respond to a set of questions on HR’s role and function within an organization. You will review case studies and identify how HR professionals contribute to an organization’s strategies.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources, including the “Case 2-1 Strategy-Driven HR Management: Netflix, a Behind-the-Scenes Look at Delivering Entertainment” PDF, which will be used to complete a component of this Assignment.
  • Refer to the Academic Writing Expectations for 2000/3000-Level Courses as you compose your Assignment.
By Day 7

Submit your response to the following prompts.

  • Make a business case for why HR should share in the responsibility for decision making with the rest of organizational leadership. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)
  • Describe at least one HR function that is the same in a traditional sense as it is in a contemporary sense. In other words, what is an HR aspect that has experienced little change over the years? Explain how at least one HR function has evolved from a traditional sense into a contemporary sense. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)
  • Describe three skills that an HR professional should have to succeed in a contemporary HR role. Additionally, provide examples of how each skill can be demonstrated in an organization. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)

For the following four questions, refer to the “Case 2-1 Strategy-Driven HR Management: Netflix, A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Delivering Entertainment” PDF (also located in this week’s Learning Resources).

  • In what ways does HR add value to an organization? How might this value contribute to the organization sustaining its competitive advantage? Use specific examples from the Netflix case study and one or more references to another organization to support your answer. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)
  • How does Netflix’s monitoring of its employees’ performance reflect the evolution of HR to 21st-century practices? In your answer, describe more traditional performance management practices as well as the contemporary ones Netflix uses. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)
  • Based on the HR strategy presented in the Netflix case, what skills would an HR professional need to implement this strategy effectively? In your answer, be sure to address all four steps of the Netflix HR strategy. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)
  • What is Netflix’s competitive strategy? What role did HR play in developing key components of Netflix’s competitive strategy? (150 words, or 2 paragraphs)

Human Resource Management Methods


Imagine that you are a director of performance management. With this role in mind, briefly compare and contrast the traditional annual evaluation method of performance appraisals with the new real-time feedback coaching format. State which method you support, and explain why. How do you think Frederick W. Taylor would respond to the real-time feedback coaching system? Explain. 

Be sure to follow the guidelines below. 

· Your paper should be at least three pages in length (not counting the title page and reference page). 

· Writing should include proper grammar, sentence structure, and writing mechanics. 

· Organization should be logical, clear, and appropriate. 

· You should provide strong evidence of critical thinking. 

· Paragraphs should contain strong topic sentences. 

· The essay should begin with an introduction to the topic. 

· You should make use of logical transitions. 

· You must find at least two additional references in addition to any of the required readings that you use for a total of five references.


· All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA format. 

· Your paper should be formatted in accordance to APA format. 

HELPFUL TOOLS: All videos are located on YouTube under these titles

MHR 6451 – Bad performance evaluation [Video file]. Retrieved from

MHR 6451 – Good performance evaluation [Video file]. Retrieved from

Evaluating performance [Video file]. Retrieved from

Some readings are located below (must still have two other references) as well as on the proper way to write and cite the paper.

Training – Human resource management (HRM)

Training is not just about team building classes and fire safety, but plays a vital role in our “strategic” plan as contemporary HRM. We exercise three categories of, “development activities, training; education , and staff development.” (225) Job training, “includes understanding concepts and theories and increases self-awareness of ones own personal attributes perceptions and attitudes and ways of thinking.” (329) As a contemporary HRM, training employees to help them become better at their jobs, is what makes our jobs and the reason we love what we do. Cutting the training area can become crucial for the business, and employees. I mean, “how can an employee honestly do their job without first learning how the job should be done?” In my opinion, I feel like no one is capable of walking into a business knowing how they should work within that company and/or business. You must first be taught (trained). Just as immigrants are growing in companies, who will train them? Diversity training is one of the biggest developments challenges for public employees in accommodating administrative processes and human relations to differences in culture and ethnicity. You will need someone to train these immigrants, as well as everyone else. No one will automatically know how a company works unless they are taught, training will encourage employees to want to do better at what they do.

Discussion Response : Herzberg’s motivators

Herzberg’s motivators or satisfiers include the following: • Recognition • Achievement • Advancement • Growth • Responsibility • Job challenge As a leader, how might you use one of these satisfiers to motivate and increase performance of employees working in the customer service area of a large department store or agency that deals with the public on a constant basis? How might your efforts influence human behavior?

I look forward to reading your scholarly response.

Dr. M


Herzberg, F. (1987). One more time: How do you motivate employees? Harvard Business Review,65(5), 109-120.

Training & strategic contemporary HRM

Training provides vital roles and values in strategic contemporary HRM. These roles include, but are not limited to, developing employees to perform their existing job more efficiently, effectively, and responsively (2018, p. 329). Training provides understanding for current responsibilities and it focuses on skill building. Job training, “includes understanding concepts and theories and increases self-awareness of ones own personal attributes perceptions and attitudes and ways of thinking” (2018, p. 329). Diversity training is one of the biggest development challenges for public employers in accommodating administrative processes and human relations to differences in culture and ethnicity (2018, p. 332). Immigrants are becoming more prominent in the workforce and adjustments need to be made in order to maintain productivity, and a healthy work environment for all employees. For these adjustments to be made, employers need to be trained on how to approach diversity in the workforce in order to train employees in the workplace.

To determine the value of training, it is important to evaluate the training program to ensure it meets the necessary requirements in order to be effective. Effective program training requirements include attaining skilled instructors to engage the group to participate and communicate the information effectively. Training programs also need clearly identified goals that will improve effectiveness to meet the needs of the organization. On the Job Training (OJT) is extremely important in order to maintain productivity in a fast-past work environment. OJT is also effective in that it puts into practice right away what the individual has learned and there is immediate feedback (2018, p. 335).

These values and roles describe the importance of training and if we allow cuts in this department then we risk the downfalls that will follow without it. Our productivity can dramatically decrease because there is not an improvement of skills. Learning is continual process throughout one’s entire life and in order to maintain that effectiveness in the workforce employers and employees need to have that motivation to learn and improve. Training will encourage employees to want to become better at what they do.

Role Of HR In Preventing And Reacting To Employee Theft

What Should Be The Role Of HR In Preventing And Reacting To Employee Theft

Paper requires the

use of APA formatting.  The paper should be double spaced with 1” total margins on all four

sides.  This includes the Header and Footer margins as well.  Please use standard Times New

Roman or Ariel 12 Pt Font.


paper requirements

APA Format – cover sheet headings, in text citations, bibliography all in APA format.

(Hint:  MS Word will do the formatting for you if you choose the APA style guide

and insert your citations and bibliography using its reference tab.) If you do not know

how to use APA exactly, refer to the Style Guides Module.  15 Points

Citations – in text citations and those in the bibliography should match.  If they are

mentioned in the bibliography, then they should be in the paper.  10 Points

Used at least two separate HR Resources from the list shown in Style Guides &

Resources Module used as rationale for aspects of plan in text and cited on back:

10 Points (Hint: SHRM is full of online resources to assist. )

Length at least 8 pages maximum of 10 pages.  This excludes the cover page and

bibliography.  It counts the heart of the paper only10 Points.

Well organized report overall with subheadings (introduction, topics, summary) 10


Writing composition quality (no weird font changes, correct grammar, followed

Business Writing Pointers on Canvas etc.):  10 Points

Balanced view of the topic chosen.  Include not just what others say are the pros and

cons of the issue, but also what you personally think. 10 Points

Cover the full who, what where, when, and why of the topic.  (Example: Who started

the movement to have FMLA? what was the intent of FMLA? When did it start and

when were any major changes or clarifications given?  Why FMLA what was

happening that this legislation was needed? 20 Points

Define employee relations and discuss at least four methods for managing it

Portion 1_ ( Due Today) 


Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

  • Define employee relations and discuss at least four methods for managing it.
  • Discuss what some of the specific, uniquely international activities an international HR manager typically engages in.

Both bullet points must be addressed in the same post. Do not separate them and create two posts.

Portion 2_ ( Due Saturday)

Read and respond to at least two of your classmate’s discussion posts. Be constructive and professional with your thoughts, feedback or suggestions.



Week 5_ Assignment ( Due Saturday)


Scenario: You are the HR consultant to a small business employing about 40 people. Currently the business offers only 5 days of vacation, 5 paid holidays, and legally mandated benefits such as unemployment insurance payments.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word consultation report on compensation and benefits, including the following:

  • Discuss with the business three job evaluation methods utilized to determine compensation strategy. Include advantages and disadvantages of each method.
  • Recommend to the business one job evaluation method to determine compensation strategy. Include your rationale for the recommendation.
  • Recommend a minimum of seven benefits the business should offer. Include your rationale for the recommendations.
  • Explain what signs the company might look for to know if employees are engaged.

Submit your assignment.


Innovation Concept Map

Innovation Concept Map

Choose an organization that has adjusted, adapted, or redefined itself to withstand the test of time. Create a concept map illustrating the organization’s innovative progression that led to its success. In your concept map, include the following:

  1. The name of the organization and its innovation.
  2. Trends that led to the innovation.
  3. Innovation-related values and vision of the organization.
  4. Steps and strategies that led to the organization’s innovative success.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

International and Comparative HRM Paper

International and Comparative HRM Paper

Report Two (4,500 words)

As Komorebi Villas expands its operations overseas, in your capacity as HR Manager the CEO has asked you to prepare a written brief to:

  1. Discuss the rising significance of CSR for international companies alongside alternative mechanisms for improving global labour standards. Explain the role of HR in devising and implementing an effective CSR strategy for Komorebi Villas.
  2. Identify how the need to balance both local and global requirements will impact upon the choice of strategy and structure adopted by Komorebi Villas. Evaluate whether the company should adopt a global or multinational strategy and identify how this will influence the HR policies and practices adopted across its subsidiary hotels
  3. Put forward recommendations regarding the HR strategy for the expatriate managers in the three new subsidiary hotels. This should focus on how the managers should be selected, rewarded, and trained and developed.  You should also present a rationale on your recommendations.

Part (a) (b) and (c) should be equally weighted.


  • Your discussion should be in report format and for the attention of the CEO Akio Maki and his senior management team at Komorebi Villas.
  • Your report should be structured (with approximate word count) as follows:
    • Introduction (approx 600 words)
    • Part a (approx 1200 words)
    • Part b (approx 1200 words)
    • Part c (approx 1200 words)
    • Conclusion (approx 300 words)
  • In Part (a) you should identify the key drivers for the growing significance of CSR (i.e. anti-globalisation movements, business-case arguments, rise in scope and importance of NGO’s such as ILO). You need to evaluate the role that the HR department at Komorebi Villas can play in devising CSR policy, including creating codes of conduct.
  • In Part (b) you need to contrast the two key strategies and structures (global and multinational) of MNC’s.  You should also put forward recommendations as to the most appropriate strategy for Komorebi Villas to adopt upon internationalisation and discuss the impact of this on HR policy and management practices.
  • In Part (c) you need to explain the importance of adopting a strategic approach to the recruitment, training and development and reward of international managers.  You should demonstrate how this can be applied in practice through devising an appropriate HR strategy for the appointment of the expatriate managers in the three new subsidiary hotels.
  • Your report should be appropriately referenced using Harvard Referencing, and a reference list provided at the back of the coursework. Do not include books in the reference list unless you have cited the source within the body of the report (and vice versa).


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Organizational Behavior and Human Resources

Organizational Behavior and Human Resources (OBHR) 
Watch the following movie:
Movie: The Dark Knight (2008)
Summarize the movie in your own words. For example:
-What is the Organizational Behavior issue you identified in the movie?
-Why did the issue come about? What is the brief history of the issue?
-Why is this good/bad for the individuals/groups/organization in question?
source: Bauer, T. & Erdogan, B. (2018). Organizational Behavior, v. 3.0. Flatworld Knowledge.
ISBN: 978-1-4533-9197-6.(Accessible at