Human Resources/Human Capital Metrics. 

Human Resources/Human Capital Metrics. 


To complete a comprehensive and current search of relevant articles, books, and other sources related to the subject of human resources/human capital metrics.


The directional shift in human resource management is to the increased reliance on quantitative measures versus intuitive decisions based on aspiration.  Human capital metrics (also known as predictive analytics) is a subject for increased interest going forward.

This Literature Review asks students to review literature in this area and look at the contributions made by one of the authors below or an author you find who has made contributions.   

Materials may include classics that date into the early years of the 21st century, but should also include sources dated in the last 5–10 years.  The page length of the Literature Review should be 4 pages (double-spaced, normal font size, and margins) and meet APA style.

Best Practices

Papers will be graded on both comprehensiveness and currency.  Reliance on general search media are acceptable to begin the process, but ultimately, used materials (included in the formal bibliography) must come from academic journals, texts, and other materials found in the DeVry Online Library as well as other academic libraries. Web pages, blogs, and social media sites are not acceptable as formally (cited) references. Below is a preliminary list of authors who have contributed to this topic/field over the last several years. The list is not exhaustive, but serves as a starting point for your review.

  • Jac Fitz-Enz
  • John Boudreau
  • Peter Ramsted
  • Mark Huselid
  • Brian Becker
  • David Ulrich
  • Wayne Brockbank
  • Jessie Harriot
  • Jeff Quinn
  • Ken Scarlett
  • Jeffrey Burke
  • Wayne Cascio

Additionally, most of the best known academic and popular journals will provide acceptable content. Primary among (again, not exhaustive) them are some of the following journals and publications.

  • People & Strategy (formally human resource planning)
  • Harvard Business Review
  • Human Resource Management
  • Academy of Management Journals (various titles included)
  • Journal of Labor Economics
  • Human Resource Management Review
  • Personnel Psychology
  • International Journal of Human Resource Management
  • Journal of Management
  • Sloan Management Review
  • California Management Review
  • Administrative Sciences Quarterly

Students will also find the work of Kaplan and Norton on the Balanced Scorecard to be a great starting point, as well as Becker and Huselid’s treatment of the above as specifically related to HR and workforce measures.


Strategic Issues in HRM

Strategic Issues in HRM

Task 1 (5,000 words)
Please select a multinational organisation of your choice.
Imagine you are the HR Director in this company and you have been asked to prepare a report
by the board of directors exploring the following two areas:
Question 1
Critically analyse three key demographic changes that have occurred in this organisation’s home country in recent years due to the effects of globalisation. Analyse the importance of the role of
the HR department in this multinational organisation and the importance of its HR strategies and
their alignment with organisational strategies.
(30 marks)
Question 2
Applying relevant conceptual models and theories, explore what these demographic changes
mean for this organisation and for the way people work. Recommend an appropriate HR strategy
to manage your workforce more effectively. This should include but not be restricted, to the
• A consideration of the possible HR management issues arising from the management of the
• An outline of the possible benefits employee engagement can bring to your organisation.
• The role that effective performance management will take in ensuring the effective
management of all employees.
• An indication of how specific talent management practices can be developed to ensure that
workers are able to reach their full potential.
• An indication of how industry best practice has shaped your recommendations.
(50 marks)
Task 2 (1,000 Words)
Evaluate the impact of training and development practices in the same multinational organisation explored in Question 1. To what extent can an effective training and development policy impact
the HRM function and the role of employees?
(20 marks)

Human resource management in public administration

Each Case Study assignment is designed to help you make application of course content to the area of human resource management in public administration.

You will identity and write a critique of a case study related to a legal issue facing human resource management in public administration. 


  1. Must be 4-5 double-spaced pages of content (not counting title page, references, etc.) and discuss the major facts of the case, and you should tell whether or you believe the right decision(s) was/were made and why.
  2. You must integrate relevant legal cases to support their work
  3. You must ensure a biblical integration to support position on whether the right or incorrect decision was made in the case.
  4. Should incorporate a minimum of one classroom reading into this assignment.

The format of each case study should be as follows:

  • Identify the important facts in the case study
  • What decision(s) were made in the case study
  • Do you believe the decisions were appropriate
  • Discuss any alternative solution(s) to the problem and support those solutions with additional research. Make sure your solutions are relevant to the case and able to be implemented.
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Make sure each section is labeled appropriately (Facts, Decision, Solution, and Conclusion)
  • The paper must be written in proper APA (7th ed) format.
  • All papers should use the following format: Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1” margins from left to right and top to bottom, double spaced, number pages and include a title page.

Human Resources Essay (Case Study) – 3,000 Words Essay.


You are working at the HR department of WeSellAnything Ltd. A new CEO arrived at the company with the task of saving it from bankruptcy. Although the CEO only arrived recently, it was immediately apparent that morale was low and that there was a turnover 5 times higher than the competitors.

The CEO comes from the manufacturing industry in a small town where the employment turnover is low and people have jobs for life. The CEO has summoned your team for a meeting, demanding explanations and possible changes.

You have worked at WeSellAnything Ltd long enough to know the main issues:

  • Competitors pay on average 15% – 20% more and have better benefits
  • Many of the targets are unachievable which means that bonus have not been handed in motivation is law
  • Lack of advancements, most supervisor and management positions are filled from the outside
  • The company does not have a Learning and Development department
  • Most job descriptions do not match the actual job, and despite your efforts the line managers have not been cooperating. The person specifications are also very vague.
  • Lack of planning, line managers do not come to you for months and then suddenly they want someone within 3 days, which make it difficult for recruitment. After you contact the individuals, they then have 1 interview with the line manager who decides to recruit them or not.
  • Management is like a “boys club” and no woman between 20-45 is hired as they do not want to employ a pregnant woman (although this is not written anywhere)
  • You personally had to attend 3 tribunals in the last few months regarding harassment, bullying and unfair dismissal (the former being due to a manager stating, “you’re fired” for no apparent reason other than an employee asking to go home early because his wife was pregnant)

Task 1 of 2 – Meeting documents (AC1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2 & 2.3)


In preparation for your meeting, you have decided to

  1. Draw a mind map using color to show the traditional functions of “Human Resource Management” and the stages of Human Resource Planning. Use symbols to highlight the involvements of lines managers
  2. Differentiate between personnel management and human resource management
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment and selection techniques.
  4. Create a flowchart to showcase the roles and responsibilities of human resource managers.
Delivery and submission
  • Bring the mind map and the 2 flowcharts at your meeting with the CEO (your lecturer). These documents are to be submitted together with task2

Task 2 of 2 – Meeting (AC2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1 & 4.2)


Bring your mind map and your mind map and flow chart at the meeting and:

  1. Explain your mind map and flowchart
  2. Using the mind map, identify the importance of human resource planning including common issues faced by HR managers and their causes such as maternity law, discrimination,etc.
  3. Critically appraise methods organisations use to monitor employee performance.
  4. Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay.
  5. Using the flowchart, explain two performance management and reward systems and their impact on motivation.
Delivery and submission
  • Mind map, evaluation and feedback
Summative submission
  • 1x Lecturer evaluation form
  • 1x Meeting minutes
  • The 3 documents from task 1 (the mind map and the 2 flowcharts)
  • Word count 3000

Human Resources Management – A Case Study – WeSellAnything Ltd.

Human Resources Management – A Case Study – WeSellAnything Ltd.

You are working at the HR department of WeSellAnything Ltd. A new CEO arrived at the company with the task of saving it from bankruptcy. Although the CEO only arrived recently, it was immediately apparent that morale was low and that there was a turnover 5 times higher than the competitors.

The CEO comes from the manufacturing industry in a small town where the employment turnover is low and people have jobs for life. The CEO has summoned your team for a meeting, demanding explanations and possible changes.

You have worked at WeSellAnything Ltd long enough to know the main issues:

  • Competitors pay on average 15% – 20% more and have betterbenefits
  • Many of the targets are unachievable which means that bonus have not been handed in motivation islaw
  • Lack of advancements, most supervisor and management positions are filled from theoutside
  • The company does not have a Learning and Developmentdepartment
  • Most job descriptions do not match the actual job, and despite your efforts the line managers have not been cooperating. The person specifications are also veryvague.
  • Lack of planning, line managers do not come to you for months and then suddenly they want someone within 3 days, which make it difficult for recruitment. After you contact the individuals, they then have 1 interview with the line manager who decides to recruit them or not.
  • Management is like a “boys club” and no woman between 20-45 is hired as they do not want to employ a pregnant woman (although this is not writtenanywhere)
  • You personally had to attend 3 tribunals in the last few months regarding harassment, bullying and unfair dismissal (the former being due to a manager stating, “you’re fired” for no apparent reason other than an employee asking to go home early because his wife waspregnant)

Task 1 of 2 – Meeting documents (AC1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2 & 2.3)


In preparation for your meeting, you have decided to

  1. Draw a mind map using colour to show the traditional functions of “Human Resource Management” and the stages of Human Resource Planning. Use symbols to highlight the involvements of linesmanagers
  2. Differentiate between personnel management and human resourcemanagement
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment and selectiontechniques.
  4. Create a flowchart to showcase the roles and responsibilities of human resourcemanagers.
Delivery and submission
  • Bring the mind map and the 2 flowcharts at your meeting with the CEO (your lecturer). These documents are to be submitted together with task2

Task 2 of 2 – Meeting (AC2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1 & 4.2)


Bring your mind map and your mind map and flow chart at the meeting and:

  1. Explain your mind map and flowchart
  2. Using the mind map, identify the importance of human resource planning including common issues faced by HR managers and their causes such as maternity law, discrimination,etc.
  3. Critically appraise methods organisations use to monitor employeeperformance.
  4. Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determiningpay.
  5. Using the flowchart, explain two performance management and reward systems and their impact onmotivation.
Delivery and submission
  • Mind map, evaluation andfeedback
Summative submission
  • 1x Lecturer evaluationform
  • 1x Meetingminutes
  • The 3 documents from task 1 (the mind map and the 2 flowcharts)
  • Word count3000

Hiring a Minority Recruitment Director


Hiring a Minority Recruitment Director (15 pts):

Congratulations! You have been hired as Human Resources Director! One of your first critical tasks is to work with the HR staff to hire a Minority Recruitment Director. Lucky for you, you studied this exact thing when you were in college so you are up for the challenge! Read the  ! Read the Exercise on page 116 of your text, and (1) prepare a performance- oriented job description and (2) decide which person to hire ( John, Harold or Nora  and then justify your answer. Prepare your response in 200 words and paste it into the Assignment box. Attach a copy of the position description you created to defend your selection.(You will likely need to use a list of duties instead of columns for the job description so that it will post correctly in the box). Include references in APSA format.

Human Resource Management homework help – Regression analysis

When the relationship between two or more independent variables needs to be tested, a common tool to use is a regression analysis. Take, for example, a study that shows the relationship between gaming and teen violence or a study that shows a correlation between fast-food eating habits and obesity. Complete the following for this assignment:

  • Describe 2–3 combinations of independent and dependent variables that you could test using a regression analysis.
  • What types of results could the regression analysis yield? How could you use the knowledge gained from the test?
  • Describe a specific organizational application of correlation and regression that you will use in your future career.
  • Describe a situation in your current or former workplace for which it would be appropriate to use correlation and regression to predict a future outcome that the company may be interested in. If you do not have an example for your workplace, please substitute a company that you are familiar with instead.
    • Why do you believe it is important for the company to look at these variables? What does the company risk if it does not do this correlation/regression?

Present your findings as a Word document of 3–5 pages (body of paper) formatted in APA style.

Strategic HR initiatives

Behavioral Competencies: Please determine strategic HR initiatives that support people, organization, and workplace under the technical competency while selecting the most appropriate behavioral competencies.

You must select at least one behavioral competency in addressing each domain (i.e., business, leadership, or interpersonal).

*A. Determine HR initiatives that support the people technical competency and explain which behavioral competencies within the business domain are the most appropriate.

*B. Determine HR initiatives that support the organization technical competency and explain which behavioral competencies within the leadership domain are the most appropriate.

*C. Determine HR initiatives that support the workplace technical competency and explain which behavioral competencies within the interpersonal domain are the most appropriate.

*D. Recommend strategic HR initiatives across the organization that utilize a combination of behavioral competencies, and explain why this is the most appropriate approach.

Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Job Performance


Two variables are job satisfaction and job performance
•In the introduction you have to describe the purpose of the paper, which is to review the
literature related to two variables and examine the relationship between the two variables.
•Define each variable using your articles as references. Did all your articles agree about the
definition of your variable? Identify how each variable has been measured (how many items,
which scale, …) and why it is important.
•Identify the relationship between the two variables and explain how the two variables are
related. Do you think there is a relationship or is there also causality?
•List two ideas for future research that will help in further understanding the two variables and/or the relationship between them. The research questions may include demographic variables, or a
third variable (think about “mediators” or processes, or “moderators”).
•At least five quality (see above) articles should be used as references. The number and quality
of the articles will be evaluated.
•The paper should be clear, concise, and free of grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Use this list of high-quality peer reviewed journals:
• Leadership Quarterly
• Journal of Applied Psychology
• Academy of Management Journal (or Academy of Management Review)
• Organization Science
• Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
• Journal of Vocational Behavior
• Journal of Organizational Behavior
• Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
• Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
• Journal of Management
• Journal of Business Ethics

Human Resourcing and Talent Planning


Prepare a report of how human resourcing and talent planning is done in your organization (10 pages). If you are not currently employed, you can use a hypothetical organization. You can as well pick any organization and prepare for them an effective resourcing and talent planning strategy. (Use 7-10 scholarly sources)

Human Resource Management Applications: Cases, Exercises, Incidents and Skill Builders.

Is This Unlawful Discrimination?


Read Exercise 17, Is This Unlawful Discrimination? on p. 56 of Human Resource Management Applications: Cases, Exercises, Incidents and Skill Builders. There are 15 situations covered in the exercise. Write a memo to management that addresses the following questions for each situation:

What legal statute(s) apply in this case?

What issue(s) must the court decide in this case?

If you were the judge, how would you rule?

Did the employer discriminate unlawfully?

Why or why not?

What are the organizational implications of permitting discriminatory behavior to continue?

Conclude your memo with a paragraph that addresses the following questions:

What should the line manager have done in each situation?

What should the HR professionals have done in each of these situations?

HR-related Experience in the Workplace

You will select an HR-related issue from your personal experience. If you do not have workplace
experience, you may either (a) use an experience of someone who you know (e.g., family
member, friend, etc.), or (b) use an experience from your extracurricular activities.

HRM, Employee Behavior, and Management


Impact of Strategic HRM on Performance (750 words)

Role of HR Planning in Recruitment and Selection Process (750 words)

Formal and Informal Learning/Training of Employees (750 words)

Impact of Reward and Performance Management on Employee Motivation (750 words)

Employee Involvement and Employee Participation (750 words)

Internal and External Contextual Factors That Have Influenced IHRM (750 words)

Contemporary Issues in Work & Employment : Assessed Learning Portfolio

Word length:             3,000 words (+/-10%) plus a non-assessed reflective statement of no more than 300 words.


The assessed learning portfolio is meant to be directed towards prospective employers to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the contemporary business environment. The aim of the portfolio is to provide a critical, research informed summary of the topics covered in tutorials in semester 1 of the module. The tutorial topics represent examples of ‘grand-challenges’ of our time in relation to the contemporary landscape of work and employment.  You will be required to provide a summary of each topic and a more in-depth review of one of the topics of your choice.


A portfolio is a structured collection of evidence, reflection and critical analysis designed to support and document your learning and development towards the intended learning outcomes of the module. A portfolio is based on a selection rather than just a collection of student’s work – you choose from a range of material provided on the module and the three topics covered in the tutorial to provide a critical, research informed summary of the subject-matter.


Learning portfolios are suited to the development and assessment of integrated and broad understandings of subject areas including generic skills/attributes (e.g. critical thinking, creativity, communication, as opposed to focusing solely on disciplinary knowledge in individual subject areas).  Students are rewarded for the tutorial work undertaken as the portfolio represents a form of continuous assessment. The portfolio ensures your understanding of the three core themes assessed in semester 1 and is linked to important employability skills. 


As soon to be graduating students, prospective employers would expect you to demonstrate your understanding and breadth of knowledge in relation to some of the key challenges facing the modern business world.  As such, the development of a learning portfolio represents a ‘real-world’ task and integrates important employability skills including the,

  • Ability to synthesise evidence and information in a clear and concise manner.
  • Critical analysis is central to this task as you are required to evaluate a range of research and evidence in your assessment of the topic.
  • Application of your academic knowledge to contemporary examples and illustrations – bringing in the real world to your evaluation.
  • Ability to manage your time effectively rather than completing the assignment in one go – by basing the assessment on the tutorials it will allow you to effectively manage your learning and time throughout the year.
  • Reflecting on practice – consider how you learn, what are your strengths and weaknesses and focus on areas for further development and how these can be applied to the practice of management.


The assessment portfolio is based on the three core topics covered in semester one of the tutorial programme:-

Topic 1 – Job quality in the contemporary workplace: Assessing the evidence

Topic 2 – Emotions at work: Evaluating skills and the management of emotions

Topic 3 – Creative work: Analysing the realities of work in creative industries

You will have a choice of one topic to focus on but will also be required to write a summary of the two other tutorial topics.  It is advised that you spend no more than 2,000 words on one topic and no more than 500 words each for the other two topics (with an overall total of 3,000 words (+/-10%).

To aid this task each tutorial outline provides a list of questions compiled with the aim of helping you to frame the content of the portfolio.

The summary of 500 words for the two tutorial topics requires you to provide a brief synthesis of the subject and its relevance for the real word of work and business environment including drawing on contemporary examples and illustrations.

For the 2,000 word review of your chosen topic it is important to provide a more detailed review of the current research evidence and contemporary examples:-

  • Research evidence – this includes undertaking the tutorial readings based on two research articles and further reading of the relevant research is also required to provide a critical assessment of the evidence.
  • Contemporary examples and illustrations – to ensure this is a topical synopsis it is important to refer to media articles, websites, podcasts, reports (e.g. these may include Government Reports, or from think-tanks and research units e.g. the Resolution Foundation; Work Foundation; CIPD). As well as actual company examples.  You are welcome to provide an appendix which can include examples of employers and news related features.
  • Reflective statement – a core attribute of a Cardiff graduate is to be a reflective practitioner – this requires you to consider the way you learn and your strengths and weaknesses. This should involve a 300 words maximum (not assessed) the statement should reflect on the following:-
  • What did I learn from this exercise?
  • What did I do well?
  • What were the problem areas?
  • Has the task enabled me to gain a better understanding of the topic, or provided a barrier to learning?
  • Has the completion of the portfolio changed my understanding of the topic?
  • What features have helped me to complete the task – what could be improved?
  • As a potential future manager – what have I learnt from undertaking this task?
  • Have I developed any insights into the workplace which I can use in future practice?


The criteria to assess the portfolio is based on 5 main areas:-

  • Contextual understanding of the contemporary work environment – reflect on the economic, social and political context which helps us to understand and explain the three core themes addressed on the module.
  • Conceptual understanding of core terms and debates – demonstrate your understanding, and awareness of core concepts and key debates relevant to the topic evaluated.
  • Critical analysis of research material – demonstrates an ability to critically assess the topic – drawing on the research evidence and literature and adopting a critical assessment of the evidence used to support claims.
  • Synthesis & overall understanding of the topic – demonstrates an ability to bring together the evaluation of the subject matter in a concise and clear way.
  • Contemporary awareness and understanding – apply your knowledge and understanding to contemporary examples from the media and company examples to illustrate the topical nature of the subject-matter.


  • The tutorial programme is essential for completion of the assignment – attendance is compulsory and feed-back and support is provided in class.
  • A session dedicated to the assignment will take place in Week 9 (Tuesday 29th November)
  • Individual meetings with the module co-ordinator will be available to discuss your work.
  • You are invited to submit a piece of work or plan based on one of the tutorial topics (approximately 500 words in length) to gain feed-back prior to submission of the assignment.


  • Oral feed-back – the tutorial provides an opportunity to discuss and debate the core themes and debates relevant for the assignment. The tutorial programme provides a list of questions to guide the completion of the assignment.
  • Formative feed-back – you will be provided with the opportunity to submit one topic of your choice and get feed-back on this draft before you submit the final piece of work.
  • Written Feed-back – you will be provided with written comments on the assignment. Based on the assignment criterion. The written feed-back will focus on 3 areas of strengths & 3 areas for improvement.