Recruitment Exercise

See attachment below. This exercise aims to present you with a situation you might reasonably encounter as an HR professional designing a recruitment exercise in the public sector; the objective is to develop the ability to minimize the risk of litigation arising from a recruitment exercise that produces “adverse impact” and/or to be able to defend the exercise as lawful even if it produces adverse impact.This is an Employment Law course and as such when asked to provide references to support your comments, it must be from a reputable legal citation that provides the law [EEOC gov, legal office links with the specific law, a specific state law, etc]. Newspapers are not reputable sources unless they also provide the specific law to support your particular comments.

Footnote example below

In the body of the paper example:

(Healthcare Financial Management Association (U.S.), Ernst, & Young, 2000).

At the end of the paper example:


Healthcare Financial Management Association (U.S.), Ernst, & Young. (2000). Health care system reform: A provider perspective : survey results. Westchester, Ill.: Healthcare Financial Management Association.


Assignment 2 – Recruitment Exercise

You work in HR for a medium-sized city of approximately 1 million people.  Approximately 30% of the city’s residents are racial of ethnic minorities, with a significant proportion of African-American and Hispanic residents.

There has been a hiring freeze for several years.  But now the city has some money to expand hiring.  It is going to hire more fire fighters.

The city wants to recruit approximately 1,000 additional fire fighters.  At the present time, the fire department is overwhelmingly white (and male).  Many of the current fire fighters are the sons and nephews of former or current fire fighters.  Many are of Irish or Italian descent; their relatives had taken jobs as fire fighters at a time when the working conditions were considered dangerous and unattractive.  However, over the years, the fire fighters’ union had achieved more and more benefits and greater safety standards.  The jobs are now considered quite attractive, well paid, and flexible.

In the past, potential recruits to the first department learned of the civil service exams through word of mouth from relatives who worked for the fire department; some of them had access to a ‘bank’ of former exam questions that had been collected and stored at fire stations.

The entry exam for the fire department in the past consisted of a series of essay questions, posing hypothetical questions that a fire fighter might encounter in a fire.  They were designed by officers of the fire department one afternoon when they got together and thought up essay questions to put on the exams.  In the past, minorities (many of whom were educated in under-resourced schools in the economically-deprived neighbourhoods in which minorities tended to be concentrated) did very poorly on these essay-based exams.

Generally speaking, while approximately 25% of white candidates scored well enough to be placed on a civil service list from which appointments would be made for several years, and had a good chance of being appointed, only approximately 10% of minority candidates scored well enough to ‘pass’ the exam, and were not placed on the hiring list.

The Fire Commission would like to increase minority representation in the ranks of the Fire Department, if possible.  The Commission has asked the city HR department for which you work to design a recruitment campaign and suggest an entrance exam that might achieve its goals of increasing minority representation in the fire department.

Your assignment is to write a memorandum to the Fire Commission about recruitment practices of the Fire Department and to suggest ways that might achieve the Commission’s desired goals.

In your memorandum, you should cover the following points:

  1. Critique the past recruitment practices of the Fire Department in light of what you know about the legal principles of discrimination, particularly the disparate impact theory of race discrimination.  Would you recommend following the same recruitment practices of the past (e.g., word-of-mouth recruitment, essay-based exam questions)?  Why or why not?  If the same practices were followed and approximately the same outcomes achieved, could these outcomes be challenged under the disparate impact theory of racial discrimination?  What would have to be shown to defend the outcome?
  2. What changes, if any, would you suggest in the recruitment campaign you have been asked to help design?  What specific recruitment techniques might increase the diversity of the pool of applicants? Are there any approaches to increasing the success rate for minority applicants that you would rule out from consideration?  If so, why (relating your advice to your knowledge of disparate treatment law)?
  3. Assuming that, despite your best efforts, the success rate for recruiting minority applicants is less than 80% of the success rate for non-minority applicants.  What would your advice be to the Fire Commission when it had to determine whether to certify the results?  What would be necessary to defend the adequacy of the recruitment/testing methods against a possible challenge?  What steps could be taken to enhance the likelihood of a successful defence of the recruitment/testing methods in the unfortunate event that minority applicants did much worse than non-minority applicants on the test?
  4. Finally, there are no women fire fighters employed by the city, although other, similarly-sized cities do have a significant number of women fire fighters.  What general advice might you give as to approaching this issue, in hopes of ultimately increasing the number of women fire fighters?

You can use the above points to structure your memorandum, but be sure  to consider and address the following issues, which are implicit in the exercise:

  • What sort of recruitment campaign would you suggest to increase the number of minority applicants?  Discuss advertising and other approaches to this topic.
  • Discuss how you might try to achieve the Fire Commission’s desire to have a fire department that more accurately reflects the population it serves, with specific reference to the wish to have approximately 30% of the new hires to be from the minority communities.
  • Discuss how you would approach the issue of designing an entrance exam to avoid a much lower pass rate for minority candidates than non-minority candidates.
  • In the past, women have done better than any other group of candidates on the written exam, but have all failed the physical exam.   There are no women fire fighters employed by the city, although other cities have them.  How would you approach the issue of trying to recruit women and succeed in hiring women fire fighters?

You may wish to “read ahead” and consider the Supreme Court Ricci decision.

The format for this assignment should be a memorandum to the Fire Commission, using paragraphs and complete sentences. Your paper will be graded according to the following rubric.

Human Resource Information System (HRIS)

Assignments should be submitted as Word documents to the Assignment Tool.
You work in the HR Department in a large, global enterprise. The HR organization is centralized, with the compensation/benefits, HRD, labor relations, and HRIS functions all located in the
corporate HQ. There is also a corporate staffing department at the corporate HQ, and there are
small, regional HR offices located at each 5 regional locations that handle staffing and limited
benefits services. The locations of the 5 regional offices are: US – Midwest, US – South, US –
Northeast, Western Europe, and Eastern Europe.
You have set up and will lead a team to implement a new HRIS system that centralizes the
personnel records for the first time, and makes all HR information accessible to all HR reps via
the internet. Previously all records were kept in the corporate office and regional reps kept their
own, limited files. This new system is scheduled to be “live” in 6 months.
At the two-day kickoff meeting to launch this project team, the purpose of the team was clarified,
and specific goals and interim target dates were quickly established.
Here’s some information on the team members:
US – Midwest: Harry Starker: Director of HR for one of the Midwest plants, 20 year veteran with
the company, has seen it all, understands the history, was with the company prior to the
acquisition of the European operations, is tolerated by peers and perhaps respected, but
probably not liked.

US – South: Tanisha Downey: Been with the company for 5 years, previously was VP of HR for a
larger organization, currently Director of HR for the Southern operations, probably being
groomed for a higher position. Not well known throughout the organization, but presents a
generally favorable impression.
US – Northeast: Rachel Cohen: Been with the company for 15 years, known as the gal to see if
you want.

Cultural Diversity in the Workplace


Read the case study and discuss Effect of Internationalization and Cultural Diversity on Human Resource Management within a Company (2,750 words). APA style. 10-12 sources.

  • Advantages of Cultural Diversity within a Workplace
  • Disadvantages of Cultural Diversity within a Workplace
  • Effective HRM Practices to Manage Culturally Diverse Workforce

Importance of ‘Employee Wellbeing as a function of HRM in organisations

Assignment Question- Write an essay in which you: Demonstrate the importance of ‘Employee Wellbeing’ (Banfield, Kay, and Royles, (2018) p.30-1, 64, 145) as a function of HRM in organisations; specifically, how organisations actively attempt to ensure the wellbeing of their staff, and what benefits the organisation hopes to achieve by doing so. You should also consider what limits there might be to employer interference in individual employee lifestyles. You should cite two examples of organisations in UK that invest heavily in employee wellbeing, giving evidence of what practical steps they take, and the effect that it has on organisational effectiveness. (Please read carefully the attached Assignment Instructions on pages 1 and 2) and do as instructed. Also, you must use the attached reading list pages 1-2 for your citations and Reference list. You will be marked as follows: PLEASE SEE THE ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTION FOR MORE DETAILS.

Organizational Behavior (Career Development and Employee Motivation Initiatives at ABC Inc.)


Fisrt choose an organization, then use the following outline with approzimate word count.

Structure of the Written Report

  1. Title page
  2. Table of contents
  3. Executive summary
  4. Problem (Issue) statement (450)
    • What appears to be the problem(s) here?
    • How do I know that this is a problem?
    • What are the immediate issues that need to be addressed?
    • Differentiate between importance and urgency for the issues identified.
      • Important issues are those that have a significant effect on:
        1. profitability,
        2. strategic direction of the company,
        3. source of competitive advantage,
        4. morale of the company’s employees, and/or
        5. customer satisfaction.
  5. Data analysis (450)
    • Why or how did these issues arise?
      • It may be helpful to think of the organization in question as consisting of the following components:
        1. resources, such as materials, equipment, or supplies, and
        2. people who transform these resources using
        3. processes, which creates something of greater value.
    • Who is affected most by this issues?
    • What are the constraints and opportunities?
    • What do the numbers tell you?
  6. Key Decision Criteria (350)
    • Brief, preferably in point form, such as
      • improve (or at least maintain) profitability,
      •  sales, market share, or return on investment,
      • maintain customer satisfaction, corporate image,
      • be consistent with the corporate mission or strategy,
      • within our present (or future) resources and capabilities,
      • within acceptable risk parameters,
      • ease or speed of implementation,
      • employee morale, safety, or turnover,
      • retain flexibility, and/or
      • minimize environmental impact.
    • Measurable, at least to the point of comparison, such as alternative A will improve profitability more that alternative B.
    • Be related to your problem statement, and alternatives. If you find that you are talking about something else, that is a sign of a missing alternative or key decision criteria, or a poorly formed problem statement.
  7. Alternatives analysis (300)
    • This section deals with different ways in which the problem can be resolved.
  8. Recommendations (250)
    • Give a justification for your decision(Using Key Decision Criteria). Check to make sure that it is one (and only one) of your Alternatives and that it does resolve what you defined as the Problem.
  9. Action and Implementation Plan (250)
  10. Exhibits

Notes on Written Reports:

  1. Note that restating of case facts is not included in the format of the case report, nor is it considered part of analysis. Anyone reading your report will be familiar with the case, and you need only to mention facts that are relevant to (and support) your analysis or recommendation as you need them.
  2. If you are going to include exhibits (particularly numbers) in your report, you will need to refer to them within the body of your report, not just tack them on at the end! This reference should be in the form of supporting conclusions that you are making in your analysis. The reader should not have to guess why particular exhibits have been included, nor what they mean. If you do not plan to refer to them, then leave them out.
  3. Write in a formal manner suitable for scholarly work, rather than a letter to a friend.
  4. Common sense and logical thinking can do wonders for your evaluation!

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate a critical awareness of the fundamental theories and concepts of the Organizational Behavior.
  2. Apply motivational theories and strategies to solve complex behavioral issues in organizational settings.
  3. Critically analyze group dynamics and apply developed communicational skills required for working with/in teams.
  4. Synthesize and comment critically on a body of Organizational Behavior literature
  5. Recommend innovative strategies to increase managerial skills and competencies.
  • Study the people culture at Chipotle and examine its key elements.
  • Understand the importance of employee motivation in an organization.
  • Understand the issues and significance of developing career path for employees.
  • Analyze the career advancement opportunities offered by Chipotle to its employees and how these contributed to its growth
  • Analyze the challenges before Chipotle in preserving its culture and helping it evolve as it continues to expand at a fast pace
  • Explore ways in which Chipotle could balance growth and preserve its people culture.

HR’s Role and Impact in an Organization

Instructions: Discuss HR’s Role and Impact in an Organization

HR professionals are often heard requesting a “seat at the table.”

In other words, they have a desire to be viewed as a strategic business partner who is helping to drive change and implement policy.

What do you see as some of the barriers HR professionals face in their efforts to be viewed as true business partners?

What can the HR professional do to position him- or herself as a business partner?

What is the significance in having that “place at the table”?

Developing HR Policies

Developing HR Policies

The following case study provides an example of an ethical/legal issue faced by many HR professionals.

The issue of technology in the workplace and employee use of the technology has become an increasingly common challenge, and you have seen how this may be an issue with the jewelry company.

Read this article:

After reading the above article and researching other examples of what some companies are facing, post your response and a defense of your position to the following questions:

• Do you feel a policy restricting employee Internet use is ethically sound?

• Do you feel that the monitoring of employee activity on the computer is ethically sound?

• What are the business implications for employees’ personal use of company assets?

• What approach will you take to address this issue with the jewelry company?

Employee Rewards and Recognition

As an HR manager in a large healthcare organization, you have developed a new reward and
recognition program designed to help increase employee motivation and job satisfaction in a
specific hospital department of your choice. You may choose a clinical or nonclinical department.
Based on the course readings and a minimum of four appropriate sources of research, create a 4
page executive summary suitable for presentation to senior leadership on employee motivation
that includes the following:
1. Determine which department is best suited for the reward and recognition program.
2. Identify a specific goal the employees must work on to be eligible for recognition or to receive
the award.
o Examples include reducing errors, increasing customer/patient satisfaction, or reducing costs.
3. Research a specific motivation theory and determine why this method would be the most
practical and effective for this program.
o Examples are the expectancy theory, equity theory, goal-setting theory, Management by Objectives (MBO), or the four-prong model of intrinsic motivation.
4. Explain why the selected theory would be the most practical and effective for the rewards and
recognition program.
5. Recommend 2–3 types of rewards and/or recognition that would the most effective in
motivating the employees to achieve the goals.
6. Create a communication tool for eligible employees announcing the program, rules, and
o Examples: Email, newsletter, internal Facebook post.
Strayer Writing Standards
This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different from
other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for
• Citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor
for any additional instructions.

Human Resources (HR) Metrics

HR Metrics Proposal
There is a saying that an organization is only as good as the talent behind it.
Organizations often use metrics to measure and monitor employees, and metrics may
vary depending on what is being measured. Although metrics allow leadership to assess
individual, team, and organizational performance, using too many metrics is often
unnecessary and difficult to maintain short term and long term.
Case Scenario
To date, your HR department has not developed or implemented HR metrics. For this
assignment, prepare an HR metrics proposal for the chief financial officer (CFO) for
consideration. Your proposal must identify eight to 10 specific HR metrics that demonstrate the impact it has on the business. Remember, collecting data and calculating
metrics is time-consuming and expensive; it is important to focus on the metrics that
matter most. There are several categories and individual metrics to choose from such as
workforce productivity; employee engagement; recruitment (e.g., new hire turnover, costper-hire, time-to-hire, referral rates, etc.); retention (e.g., overall employee turnover,
performance turnover, etc.); overall HR costs; employee satisfaction; compensation and
benefits; and others.
Prepare your HR Metrics Proposal using the template attached.
• Examine 10 specific HR metrics.
• Define each HR metric.
• Provide the formula.
• Evaluate the collection method that should be used for each metric.
• Evaluate how the data should be gathered.
• Recommend how often these metrics should be collected and reported (monthly,
quarterly, or annually).
• Recommend to whom the metrics are to be presented.
• Explain how these metrics are relevant.
• Explain how these metrics impact the business.
Must be five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and
formatted according to APA style

History of Human Resources

Please review the articles provided In D2L: HB 489 – Content – Module: History of Human
Resource Management. You may also review articles you research/select, as well.Write a
summary of the history (origin, concepts, and evolution) of human resource management. You
may use any or all of the articles provided; you may research and select additional/other
articles; you may refer to a combination of those provided and those you research/select.Your
paper should synthesize information in the articles you review and address such questions as:
What are the similarities or discrepancies among your informational sources? What are your
key takeaways and why (i.e., justify the relevance of your key takeaways)? Also, you should
approach this assignment with a critical eye toward timelines; internal/external change agents
and resulting changes in HRM practices/functions, and the implications of those changes
toward strategic human resource management

Recruitment Process

In five (4) pages or more, each student shall choose an open, advertised position in any industry
and describe and critique the following aspects of the recruitment process:
1. Is there a sufficient job description for you to match personal KSAOs;
2. Identify the rewards and assess what motivations they satisfy;
3. Was it an internal or external selection process?
4. Was it an open or targeted recruitment process;
5.Through what way did the company shape their message;
6. What media did the company use and was it effective (rich and credible)?
7. Was the company’s culture easily discernible?
8. Identify one recommendation to enhance the process.

HRM Reflective Essay

Students will prepare a 500-word minimum typewritten reflective essay for each issue in APA format. The student should use his/her own research (at least two peer reviewed references. The textbook and other sources from textbooks does not count as peer-reviewed references) and the assigned readings in preparing the essay.In-text citations in addition to the reference page/works cited must be in the correct format, preferably APA format.