Transformation of Human Resource Management

Why is it important for HR Management to transform from being primarily administrative and
operational, to becoming a more strategic partner?
Provide a background of HR history and some data from a specific organization of your choice to
support your ideas, arguments, and opinions.
Format the work in proper APA format, include a cover page, an abstract, an introduction and a
labeled conclusion. Double space all work and cite all listed references properly in text in
accordance with the 6th edition of the APA manual, chapters 6 & 7.

Hiring Policy and Procedure

Describe Hiring Policy and Procedure in your organization (2,800- 3,000 words)

  • Hiring Policy and Procedure
  • Organization of Staff
  • Employee Safety Concerns
  • Employee Termination Policy
  • Company’s Liabilities
  • Policies and Procedures and Mission and Vision

HR Planning and Environmental Scan

Your Exercise 1 requires you to:
1. Confirm the industry code and briefly describe the industry.
2. Identify at least two environmental scan topics that this industry will face over the next
planning phase. Describe the trends in each topic and what it means for the industry’s workforce
planning needs. This is supported with industry related articles on the trends.
3. Select two companies within this industry, identify what information you will need to determine
their readiness for the industry trends.

HRM Recruitment Plan Steps

Step 1: Read Chapter 5.

Step 2:  Develop a yield ratio for your job.  Collect as much information as you can from your contacts to create the numbers in the yield ratio. (Provide the algorithm)

Step 3:  Develop a recruitment strategy by:

Describing where to look to develop a pool of applicants

Determining the sources from which qualified applicants can be located (How to look)

Determine how often to look by developing a time line. (Time from position opening until filled)

Step 4:  Develop a search strategy by

Creating the message you want publicized

Determining how you will disseminate the message

Step 5:  Estimate the cost of your recruitment and search strategies.    Use rationale when determining these numbers. (Itemize the budget)

Step 6:  Create a written report documenting the process you undertook to complete the steps.  I am interested in reading your thought and decision making processes so that I can understand what you did and why.  This report can be no longer than 3 pages (typed, double-spaced).  Please understand that the report requires an introduction, body and conclusion.  The actual outputs from Steps 2-5 (e.g., the yield ratio, etc.) should be placed in an Appendix.  Be sure to reference the items in the Appendix in the 3-page report.  The appendix can be any length and may include graphs, charts, and exhibits.

HRM Selection Tools

Step 1: Read Chapters 6 & 7.

Step 2:  Select and develop the Initial Assessment Methods you want to use to select applicants for your job. You must use at least 2 different methods.  Provide rationale for your selections.

Step 3:  Select and develop the Substantive Assessment Methods you want to use to select applicants for your job.  You must use at least 2 different methods.  Provide rationale for your selections.

Step 4:  Provide 2 performance measures to evaluate your efforts on this assignment and your rationale.  Review scorecard data.  One measure must be quantitative (include an algorithm).

Step 5:  Create a written report documenting the process you undertook to complete the steps.  I am interested in reading your thought and decision making processes so that I can understand what you did and why.  This report can be no longer than 3 pages (typed, double-spaced).  Please understand that the report requires an introduction, body and conclusion. The actual outputs from Steps 2-3 (e.g., the actual assessments.) should be placed in an Appendix.  Be sure to reference the items in the Appendix in the 3-page report.  The appendix can be any length and may include graphs, charts, and exhibits.

HRM Planning Activity Requirements

Human Resource Management

Planning Activity Requirements


The purpose of the planning activity is to learn the process for staffing a job.  Accordingly, the planning activity is in three parts.  The first part focuses on planning and job analysis.

The value of part 1 is 50 points.  Part 2 concentrates on recruitment planning, and is worth 30 points.  Part 3 focuses on the selection tools required to assess job candidates.  Part 3 is valued at 20 points.  The planning activity is a prepared report for management use. It should be prepared and presented in this context (professionally) together with supporting documentation. Please understand that the report requires an introduction, body and conclusion like most papers.

Part 1 – Job Analysis

A job analysis is a purposeful, systematic process for collecting information on the important, work-related aspects of a job.  The following are steps to consider as you prepare your reports.

Step 1:  Read chapter 4 & 5.

Step 2:  Select a job (position).  Try to find one you have some interest in, as well as one in which you know someone who currently holds the job.  This job will be also be the focus of the remainder two portions of the Planning Activity.

Step 3:  Choose and apply a job analysis method.  Explain its purpose and your rationale for its use. Discuss its source (i.e., Where did the data come from?).

Step 4:   Acknowledge how this position works with other positions in the work environment (internal & external). Be specific. Provide examples.

Step 5:  Construct a Job Requirements Matrix (See notes on Job Requirements Matrix).  To create this matrix, enough information has to be collected about the job to do the following:

Develop tasks statements (What is done, what is produced, materials used, who is it done for?)

Divide the tasks into dimensions

Rate the importance of the tasks

Identify the KSAO’s

Rate the importance of the KSAO’s

Determine the context  in which the job will be performed

Develop and write a job description for the job including the essential functions of the job

Develop and write the job specifications for the job

The position data can be collected from anywhere you choose.

Create a written report documenting the process you undertook to complete the steps.  I am interested in reading your thought and decision making processes so that I can understand what you did and why.  This report can be no longer than 3 pages (typed, double-spaced).

The actual outputs from the Steps (e.g., the task statements, etc.) should be placed in an Appendix.  Be sure to reference the items in the Appendix in the 3-page report.  The appendix can be any length and may include graphs, charts, and exhibits.

Part 2 – Recruitment Plan

Step 1: Read Chapter 5.

Step 2:  Develop a yield ratio for your job.  Collect as much information as you can from your contacts to create the numbers in the yield ratio. (Provide the algorithm)

Step 3:  Develop a recruitment strategy by:

Describing where to look to develop a pool of applicants

Determining the sources from which qualified applicants can be located (How to look)

Determine how often to look by developing a time line. (Time from position opening until filled)

Step 4:  Develop a search strategy by

Creating the message you want publicized

Determining how you will disseminate the message

Step 5:  Estimate the cost of your recruitment and search strategies.    Use rationale when determining these numbers. (Itemize the budget)

Step 6:  Create a written report documenting the process you undertook to complete the steps.  I am interested in reading your thought and decision making processes so that I can understand what you did and why.  This report can be no longer than 3 pages (typed, double-spaced).  Please understand that the report requires an introduction, body and conclusion.  The actual outputs from Steps 2-5 (e.g., the yield ratio, etc.) should be placed in an Appendix.  Be sure to reference the items in the Appendix in the 3-page report.  The appendix can be any length and may include graphs, charts, and exhibits.

Part 3 – Selection Tools

Step 1: Read Chapters 6 & 7.

Step 2:  Select and develop the Initial Assessment Methods you want to use to select applicants for your job. You must use at least 2 different methods.  Provide rationale for your selections.

Step 3:  Select and develop the Substantive Assessment Methods you want to use to select applicants for your job.  You must use at least 2 different methods.  Provide rationale for your selections.

Step 4:  Provide 2 performance measures to evaluate your efforts on this assignment and your rationale.  Review scorecard data.  One measure must be quantitative (include an algorithm).

Step 5:  Create a written report documenting the process you undertook to complete the steps.  I am interested in reading your thought and decision making processes so that I can understand what you did and why.  This report can be no longer than 3 pages (typed, double-spaced).  Please understand that the report requires an introduction, body and conclusion. The actual outputs from Steps 2-3 (e.g., the actual assessments.) should be placed in an Appendix.  Be sure to reference the items in the Appendix in the 3-page report.  The appendix can be any length and may include graphs, charts, and exhibits.

Requirements & Considerations for the Planning Activity

Put identifiers on an end page

Include a table of contents

Include page numbers on text

Use citations

Provide references

Appendix items have a title (example):

Appendix A

Job Requirements Matrix

Reference appendix items in the text

“The job requirements matrix is presented in Appendix A.”

First use of acronym should be spelled out completely followed by the acronym in parentheses

Proper use is “knowledge, skills, abilities and other (KSAO)”

Explain all acronyms – EXCEL, ONET, Myers Briggs.  What are these things?

Scale numbering system should be explained on scales

The presentation should read as a report.  Again, an introduction, a body and a conclusion are necessary.  The write-ups should be followed by appendix items. Provide your rationale in the write-up for your choices.  Why did you make this choice?  How does it relate to the job?

Be mindful of sentence structure

FYI:  Itemize your budget

FYI:  Provide the algorithm for the yield ratio (show your work)

The planning activity will be penalized 10 points for each class period it is late

Decisions and plans should be specific to the position that you choose

Book Review Assignment (Fundamentals of Human Resource Management)

Book: Fundamentals of Human Resource Management by Josephat Stephen Itika  (7th Edition)

A midterm paper (word processed 4-5 pages with an additional reference page of at least 4 outside references, not including the textbook) will be required. The paper will address one of the topics covered in chapters 1 – 7. The paper will need to cover the following: 1) summary/history of topic, 2) importance/relevance of topic to human resources, and 3) how topic is present in every-day work environment. Paper will need to cover all three points to get full credit. APA format required. (25 points for paper)

Health Care Competency Models Paper

Describe the competency model. Do you think this is a good way to analyze the skills needed to perform in health care? Develop a model for a hospice care center and post.

reading material Chapter 3 Basic Concepts Of Health Care Human Resource Management Author:Nancy J. Niles, 2nd. ed ISBN: 978-1-284-14946-3

Healthcare Human Resources Management

Course Description 

According to Jeff Immelt, Chairman and Chief Executive of GE, in all organizations “people have to be our core competencies.”  Thus, the management of a company’s human resources is a central function of any organization. Human Resources management can be defined as the effective use of human capital in an organization through the management of people-related activities. It involves leadership, values, employment planning, recruiting and selecting employees, training and compensating them, and evaluating their performance. It also significantly influences the corporate culture and norms. The general purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the basic principles and techniques of human resource management.

Course Objectives

To introduce contemporary theory and practice in modern human resource management and the range of tools and methods available to address HR challenges and problems.

To teach relevant, practical and applicable human resource management skills to equip the student with the foundation competencies for working as HR practitioners in business.

To apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to the analysis and resolution of human resource problems as presented in case studies.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course students will be able to:

Describe what human resource management is and how human resource management relates to effective and successful organizations.

Articulate the critical issues and challenges involved in contemporary human resource management.

Understand the implications of government regulations for human resource management

Know the elements of the HR function (e.g., recruitment, selection, training and development, etc.) and be familiar with each element’s key concepts & terminology

Apply the principles and techniques of human resource management gained through this course to the discussion of major human resources issues and the solution of typical case problems.

Assignment Instruction:

Identify three challenges and solutions that this company could be facing, for example, Transgender Ban, Sexual Harassment, Shortage of qualified workers to keep them competitive. These are just some examples. (Already Created Please Look at Power Point)

As the HR leader for your company, develop policies and strategies that would provide resolutions to the problems you identify based on what we have covered this semester which are:

NOTE: Must Incorporate Topics Below into paper: A Sample Paper will be Provided.

Employment Law

HR Planning and Job Analysis


Socialization and Orientation

Managing Careers

Establishing Rewards and Pay Plans

Employee Benefits

Establishing the Performance Management System

Discipline and Performance at will

Ensuring a safe and healthy work environment

Unions and Collective Bargaining

You should factor in as well the social, political, cultural, and economic environment of the country in which your company resides.

Your report should integrate the readings, cases, and current research on the issues you are reporting on.

The analysis should be approximately 10-15 double-spaced pages with complete references, in APA.

Human Resource Management Homework Help (Dismissal Meeting)

Imagine that you are an office manager and you have been tasked with the job of coordinating and heading the dismissal meeting for an employee layoff.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

1.Propose three (3) ways that a manager can cope with any negative emotions that may accompany an employee layoff.

2.Describe a step-by-step process of conducting the dismissal meeting.

3.Determine the compensation that the fictitious company may provide to the separated employee.

4.Using Microsoft Word or an equivalent such as OpenOffice, create a chart that depicts the timeline of the disbursement of the compensation.

5.Predict three (3) ways that this layoff may affect the company.

6.Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.


Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:


•Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

•Formulate HRM strategies and policies to recruit, select, place, and retain the most efficient and effective workforce.

•Develop effective talent management strategies to recruit and select employees.

•Design processes to manage employee performance, retention, and separation.

•Analyze laws governing employment and how organizations can ensure ethical practices.

•Use technology and information resources to research issues in strategic human resource development.

•Write clearly and concisely about strategic human resource development using proper writing mechanics.

Human Resource Management Homework Help (Base Pay Structures)

Total Rewards Knowledge 5: Base Pay Structures

Please view the following video in its entirety:

Now, based on the video’s information and discussion, you get to decide 3 important factors (or take-aways) you want the executive team to know about pay structures. This is the executive team, not regular managers, so be sure your factors are well thought-out and high-level.