St. Thomas Aquinas’s Biblical Exegetical Exegesis on John’s Gospel 

Topic: St. Thomas Aquinas’s Biblical Exegetical Exegesis on John’s Gospel


Paper details:

Instructions of the paper (15 pages – research paper) 1. With this new shorter length, please make your arguments tighter and more economical without losing any strength. Keep your intros and conclusions short, and avoid unnecessary fluff, history, context, biography, etc. Avoid repeating generalities we have already discussed in class and resorting to generalities. Just a short, tight argument that requires real research. 2. But remember, you’re not doing much original research here! That’s for your PhD dissertations. Just find an interesting question and conversation you can step into. Go through the important dimensions of the issue, analyze and synthesize, and make a modest proposal. These MA papers are “research training wheels.” Some of you already have experience, so that’s great. 3. The key with a good MA paper is: not too narrow (too difficult to find sources and research), but not too broad (you end up with a wikipedia entry). 4. You work on the materials that I will provide (as primarily source) (attached). You must find some sources to support to the argument Topic of the research paper: St. Thomas Aquinas’s Biblical Exegetical Exegesis on John’s Gospel. I will present: 1. Revelation 2. Triune God 3. Eternity and Time 4. The Extent of Jesus’ Human Knowledge

Harriett Tubman (History Paper)

Main purpose of the source

Intended audience for the source

Relevance to your topic (or explain why it was not relevant to your topic)

Author’s background and credibility

Author’s conclusions or observations

Your conclusions or observations.

Also, add these questions in the paper. h\

How her work impacted laws, though.

She broke the laws–did laws change because of her work?

Summarize the person’s ideas.

How did the ideas or changes affect the establishment and status quo?

What was the context in which this person proposed ideas/change?

How did the government or the people respond to the ideas/change?

What sort of following or support did he/she have?

How have the ideas/actions of the person influenced contemporary cultures and ideas?

Minimum of 5-7 scholarly resources

Human Trafficking

This is a history paper. In 8 pages, discuss the history of human trafficking in Africa. Format your paper in MLA.


This week you will take a digital field trip to view the Ancient Greece Architecture Gallery at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Located in New York, the Met offers one of the United States’ most diverse and largest collections of art in the world. Your visit to the digital archive will help you develop your understanding of ancient Greek architectural forms, and provide key details about the contexts that these forms emerged from.

For this assignment you will need to:

For your reflection assignment for this week, please select one primary example from the archive and address the following in a two-page reflection assignment:

  • Describe the example you have selected and provide the specific URL and the image
  • Explain the origins and context of the example
  • Include examples from the textbook this week that help develop your analysis of the work and its context
  • Provide a link to a contemporary architecture work to help discuss the influence that ancient Greece continues to have on contemporary cultural patterns

Arth101 – Essay 1 Project

All early civilizations – prehistoric, Near East, Egyptian, Aegean, and Roman – attempted to represent the human figure within their art. Within this essay, provide a comprehensive analysis of the similarities and differences in the representation of the human form in these early depictions. Address not only the artistic portrayal of the human body, but also how these art forms were significant within the culture in which they were created. Provide specific artwork examples (including identifying data, such as titles or source references)throughout your essay.

Click on the item “Essay 1 Project” (attached) for further requirements such as length and citations. The rubric titled “Essay Rubric” will be used to grade this assignment.

Huma Assignment – Roman culture

Choose three of the following questions and write a 150-350 word response to each question (points deducted for not meeting word count requirements).  Include the question at the top of your response. Put all responses into one document – in other words don’t submit the assignment multiple times, once for each response.  Remember – you MUST put information in your own words (this includes information from your text book and online sources) or it is considered plagiarism and you will receive a score of 1 on the assignment.


  1. Name at least three ways of how the Roman Coliseum reflected Roman culture. (Do not just provide a description of the Coliseum.)

2. Provide an analysis of the significance of stoicism in Roman culture AND the spread of the Roman Empire?

3. How does Roman art and architecture differ from Greek art and architecture?  Provide at least 2 examples of Roman art AND 2 examples of Greek art with an analysis of how they compare to each other.

4. On the internet, find a copy and read Juvenal Against Women.  What is he talking about?  How is this an example of the new literary form of satire?

5. Look at Trajan’s Victory Column and the statue of Marcus Aurelius.  How do these reflect the culture of the Romans?

6. Name at least TWO monumental Roman architectural works. How does monumental Roman architecture serve as propaganda for the Roman Empire?

Huma 3 Assignments

Choose three of the following questions and write a 150-350 word response to each question (points deducted for not meeting word count requirements).  Include the question at the top of your response. Put all responses into one document – in other words don’t submit the assignment multiple times, once for each response.  Remember – you MUST put information in your own words (this includes information from your text book and online sources) or it is considered plagiarism and you will receive a score of 1 on the assignment.


1. Name at least 3 factors that enabled Egypt to maintain a culture for over 2000 years?

2. What is the significance of the Egyptian pyramids in relation to pharaohs and Egyptian religion? Provide at least 2 specific examples.

3. Describe the architecture of an Egyptian temple.  Name at least 3 ways as to how it reflects the Egyptians religious beliefs?

4. Name at least 3 characteristics of Egyptian art. Provide examples and an analysis of each of these characteristics and discuss why the Egyptians would include these characteristics in their art.

5. Describe the Sphinx.  What do you think is the significance of this giant statue?

6. What are the characteristics of the Egyptian gods? Name at least 3 gods and what they stand for.

Modern Art

Report Issue

choose two of the five questions below and answer them in essay format. You should reference your textbook to help you in answering these questions (look to chapters 28 and 29). Each of your responses should be a minimum of 300 words in length, include a minimum of three key terms from the course so far, and any outside references used must be cited.

  1. Contrast the work of Renoir and Laurtrec. How do the subjects’ styles of the artists reflect nineteenth century French society and the innovations of nineteenth century art? Use examples to support your essay.
  2. Describe the impact the Armory Show (1913) had on the American art scene. Use examples to support your essay.
  3. Describe Pablo Picasso’s Demoiselles d’Avignon. How did this work re-shape the art of the early twentieth century? Include in your discussion the influences coming from Primitive art. Use examples to support your essay.
  4. Describe the development of sculpture at the end of the nineteenth century. Use examples to support your essay. To what extent did sculpture remain conventional? What painting movements did it take into account?
  5. Explain the development of Cubism and the artistic movements that it spawned. Use examples to support your essay.

Genocide: Gambia vs Myanmar ICJ case

International Court of Justice: Genocide

Gambia vs myanmar icj case (legal brief for both countries with arguments) 2 pages for each country

-Rohingya are an ethnic group ( Muslims ) harassed in many different ways

Answers must be for both sides ( for and against )

More details:

1. Jurisdiction of the ICJ in the case at hand;
2. Nature of the claim and the issue of the dispute
3. Locus standi of the parties in the ICJ proceeding
4. Legal arguments on the legal qualifications of facts of the case
5. Legal grounds of possible interim measures
6. Concluding observations and requests to the Court for each of the states represented.

Cultural happiness

What is cultural happiness? In 2,500 words, and citing at least 10 sources:

Discuss components of happiness and well-being with respect to each individual culture. That is, discuss how happiness may vary depending on cultural context. Describe how the words and terms of happiness are not universal and may not be present in every culture. Use several examples.

Architecture (History) compare a building to the ancient Rome and Greece Architecture.

Select a building and compare it to the buildings in ancient Rome and Greece.

This is not a research paper but an analysis paper of the building comparing design structure to ancient Rome and Greece.

Use A HISTORY OF INTERIOR DESIGN 4TH EDITION BY JHON PILE & JUDITH GURA / WILEY.  ISBN 978-1-118-10351-8 You can find it online for download for free.

Identify type of architecture for specific areas (columns, windows, mosaics, etc.) from photos I will upload. (you can also look for more images online just as a reference)

History Homework Help – American Revolution

Was the American Revolution a radical revolution or a conservative rebellion? (At least 5 sentences)

1) Determine whether it was revolution or rebellion?

2) Why did you make the determination in #1. Provide at least 3 events that led you to that conclusion.

3)If you were alive during the Revolution, would you want independence or loyalty to England? Why ?