Physics Lab Report: Magnetic Fields

Physics Lab Report: Magnetic Fields

Magnetic Fields


  1. Put two magnets on table
  2. Face two same pole face each other
  3. Show the direction of magnetic field
  4. Find out they will attract or repel?
  5. Put two magnets on table
  6. Face two Unlike pole face each other
  7. Show the direction of magnetic field
  8. Find out they will attract or repel?
  9. Draw and label a picture of the earth’s magnetic field.
  10. Based on your picture explain how a compass works.
  11. Which end of a compass needle would point toward the N pole of a bar magnet?

Physics Lab Report: Reflection and Refraction

Physics Lab Report: Reflection and Refraction

Reflection and Refraction

Reflection and refraction are two commonly observed optical properties of light. Whenever a light strikes the surface of some material at an angle, part of the wave is reflected and part is transmitted (or absorbed). The reflection of light rays from a plane surface such as a glass plate or a plane mirror is described by the law of reflection:

The angle of incidence (θi) is equal to the angle of reflection (θr).

These angles are measured from a line perpendicular or normal to the reflecting surface.

  1. Reflection

Glass Plate as a Mirror

  1. Place a sheet of white paper on the pin board.
  2. Draw a center line on white paper and Place the candle in front of mirror. [mirror should be perpendicular to the white paper]
  3. Turn on the candle with a lighter
  4. Draw the line from candle to mirror (normal Line).
  5. Move your eye to the observing position so that you see a reflection of the candle in the mirror and try to put the dot on paper wherever you see the image. (right side)
  6. Repeat # 4 from left side.
  7. Remove the equipment from the paper.
  8. Draw straight lines through the pair of points
  9. Label the angles of incidence and reflection.
  10. Measure these two angles

Physics Lab Report: Simple Pendulum

Physics Lab Report: Simple Pendulum

Simple Pendulum

Discussion and review

A pendulum is a weight hanging from a fixed point so that it swings freely under the combined forces of gravity and momentum. A simple pendulum consists of a heavy pendulum bob (of mass M) suspended from a light string. It is generally assumed that the mass of the string is negligible. If the bob moves away from the vertical to some angle θ, and is released so that the pendulum swings within a vertical plane, the period of the pendulum is given as:  T = 2π

Table 1: contents of Formula

symbol Description
T Period of a pendulum to complete one cycle
L Length of string
g Acceleration due to gravity: 9.81 m/s2


Part 1: changing the amplitude

Before beginning, find a solid support from which to hang the pendulum. Ideally, there should be a wall close to the support so the protractor and tape measure can be attached for recording the pendulum’s movements. A bathroom or kitchen towel bar is ideal for this purpose.

A support similar to that shown in Figure 3 can be constructed and placed on a narrow shelf or tabletop. It is important not only that the support allows the pendulum to hang freely, but also that you are able to read and record measurements from the protractor and tape measure. Do not allow the pendulum string to touch anything or be obstructed from any direction. The pendulum apparatus must also be sturdy enough so that it does not bend, flex, or move in any manner as this will introduce error into the experiment. See Figure 4 for an example setup with the pendulum bob hanging from an over-the-door hanger.


  1. Attach a small plastic bag to the spring scale.
  2. Add washers to the plastic bag until the scale measures approximately 25 g total. The filled bag will hereafter be referred to as the bob. Record this value as “Mass of bob” in the place provided in Data Table 1.
  3. Measure a piece of string that is approximately 120 cm in length. Tie the string around the top of the bag so that the washers cannot fall out. Suspend the bob from this string so that it measures exactly 1 m (100 cm) between where it attaches to the support and the bottom of the bob.
  4. Use tape to affix the protractor behind where the string is attached to the support so you can measure the pendulum’s amplitude in degrees. The center hole in the protractor should be located directly behind the pivot point. The string should hang straight down so that the string lines up with the 90o mark on the protractor. See Figure 4 as an example of the correct placement of the protractor.
  5. Stretch the measuring tape horizontally and use tape to affix it to the wall or door so that its 50-cm mark is directly behind the bob at rest.
  6. Displace the bob out to the 5o mark and hold it there. Then observe the bob’s location during its first cycle as it swings relative to the tape measure and record the distance in centimeters as “Amplitude (bob horizontal displacement)” in Data Table 1.
  7. With a stopwatch ready to begin timing, release (do not push) the bob and begin timing how long it takes the bob to move through five complete cycles. Record this first trial time in Data Table 1 for Trial 1. Repeat the procedure for the second and third trials. Then average the three trial times to calculate the average period for one cycle, and record this value in Data Table 1.
  8. Repeat this procedure, releasing the bobs at 10°, 15°, 20°, 25°, and 30°, and recording the results for each of the angles in Data Table 1.


Length of string: _____ cm = _____ m          Mass of bob: _____ g = _____kg


Data Table 1: Trial values at varying degrees


Placement of BobDegrees Amplitude (bob horizontal displacement) cm Trial 1 (s) 5 cycles Trial 2 (s) 5 cycles Trial 3 (s)5 cycles Avg. Time (s)5 cycles Period 1 cycle
10 o
15 o
20 o
25 o
30 o


IMPORTANT: The pendulum must swing without obstruction and should not strike the background as it swings.

Part 2: changing the mass

  1. Add more weights to the bag until the mass has doubled to approximately 50 g. Record this value as “mass of bob” in grams into the line provided next to Data Table 2.
  2. Repeat the procedure used in Part 1 using only a 10o amplitude for the starting point of the Record the data in Data Table 2.

Length of string: ________ cm = _______ m Amplitude: 10° 

Data Table 2: Trial values for bob masses

Bob weight (g) Bob weight (kg) Trial 1 (s) Trial 2 (s) Trial 3 (s) Avg Time (s) Period

Part 3: changing the length of string

  1. Remove the weights until the original mass used in Part 1 (approximately 25 g) is inside the bag. Record this “mass of bob” in grams into the line provided next to Data Table 3.
  2. Put the original bob containing the washers back onto the pendulum. Use a 10amplitude and perform three trials each with successively shorter lengths of string. For example, 1 m, 0.75 m, etc. Record the time in seconds into the columns labeled “Trial #1, 2, or 3 s” in Data Table

Mass of bob: ________ g = _______ kg Amplitude: 10o

Data Table 3: Trial values for string length

Length (m) Trial 1 (s) Trial 2 (s) Trial 3 (s) Avg Time (s) Period

Part    4:         Calculations

  1. Solve the pendulum formula for g using the values derived from this experiment. Equation 3 will be used in calculating “g.” Substitute the average data for time and the length of the pendulum into the formula. Calculate to three significant figures. Then calculate your percentage error as compared to the accepted value for g, which is 9.81 m/s2. See Equation 4.

Equation 3:


  • g = acceleration due to gravity
  • = time in seconds
  • L = length of pendulum string in meters

Note: If you get very large errors, such as 20% or more, in this lab, double-check your calculations.

Equation 4:

% error = experimental value – theoretical value × 100

theoretical value

Physics Lab Report: Image Characteristic for Mirror and Lens

Physics Lab Report: Image Characteristic for Mirror and Lens

Image Characteristic for Mirror and Lens

Use the link below to find out the simulation that you need for part 1 and 2 of this experiment.

Click Here

Find out the image characteristic for each situation:

  1. Concave mirror do > 2f

do = 10            di = ………..   inverted or uprigh

ho = 2              hi = ………..   Real or Virtual

Concave mirror do < f

do = 3              di = ………..   inverted or upright

ho = 2              hi = ………..   Real or Virtual

Use the link below to find out the simulation that you need for part 3 and 4 of this experiment.

Click Here

Find out the image characteristic for each situation

  1. Convex lens do < f

do = 3              di = ………..   inverted or upright

ho = 1              hi = ………..   Real or Virtual

M = …………

Convex lens do > 2 f

do = 12            di = ………..   inverted or upright

ho = 2              hi = ………..   Real or Virtual

M = …………

Image Characteristic for Mirror and Lens

Use the link below to find out the simulation that you need for part 1 and 2 of this experiment.

Click Here

Find out the image characteristic for each situation:

  1. Concave mirror do > 2f

do = 10            di = ………..   inverted or upright

ho = 2              hi = ………..   Real or Virtual

Concave mirror do < f

do = 3              di = ………..   inverted or upright

ho = 2              hi = ………..   Real or Virtual

Use the link below to find out the simulation that you need for part 3 and 4 of this experiment.

Click Here

Find out the image characteristic for each situation:

  1. Convex lens do < f

do = 3              di = ………..   inverted or upright


ho = 1              hi = ………..   Real or Virtual

M = …………

Convex lens do > 2 f

do = 12            di = ………..   inverted or upright

ho = 2              hi = ………..   Real or Virtual

M = …………


Physics Lab Report: Resistance and Ohm’s Law

Physics Lab Report: Resistance and Ohm’s Law

Resistance and Ohm’s Law

Resistance Measurements

The resistance is identifying by the color code (Rcode). You can find the color code table and the figure example below.

Color Number Multiplier Tolerance
Black 0 1=100
Brown 1 101
Red 2 102
Orange 3 103
Yellow 4 104
Green 5 105
Blue 6 106
Violet 7 107
Gray 8 108
White 9 109
Gold 10-1 5%
Silver 10-2 10%
None 20%

2. Ohm’s Law


4          AA battery holder

4          AA battery (1.5 volts)

10        75 Ω resistors

1          DC analog ammeter

1          digital voltmeter

-Set up a DC series circuit with 75 Ω the Battery and the “wire wound” resistor provided.

-Connect an ammeter in series with the resistor and a voltmeter in parallel with the resistor.

-read the Ammeter and Voltmeter and Right down the value in First Row of Table.


Current I (ammeter value) Voltage V (voltmeter Value)
I = V =
I = V =
I = V =
I = V =


– Add Another battery in series to frist one and again try to read the numbers voltmeter and ammeter and write down the numbers in second table.

Batteries in Series

-repeat the experiment for 3 batteries and 4 batteries in series and for each situation read the value for ammeter and voltmeter and write down the value in 3th and 4th row of table .

-Plot V vs I. (V vertical and I horizontal) and find the slop of graph (Y4-Y1) / (X4-X1). this number should be close to 75Ω.

-Calculate the percentage error. (theoretical number is 75.

Chemistry Lab

Chemistry Lab

Below are the links for the videos for this week’s lab.

Metals + FeCN (Step i):  Metals + FeSCN.MOVMetals + NaOH + centrifuge and wash: + NaOH with heating (Step iii): Metals + NaOH_heated.mp4I have deleted the Metals and FeCN step, you do not need it to answer any of the questions.

V-belt Drive System Lab Report


Using Mdesign software, Design a V-belt drive system by specify the belt size, the sheave sizes, and the number of belts, the actual output speed, and the center distance.



Write an introduction of 200-250 words

Introduction should provide a background of work documented in report: Fundamentals of design parameters (flexible power transmission elements), reason behind this experiment, benefits gained by conducting this experiment.



Write the step procedure you followed to achieve the results.



Place the results from the task assigned for each individual.



Please write a brief review of what has been deduced from the work conducted.

No new information should be given in the conclusion that is not stated earlier in the report



Always practice keeping references (google search page links are not accepted)



  • Please don’t waste to time preparing the cover page, just add your group members name in the first page attached.
  • Whenever using screenshots/pics in the report, please keep the details of each posted screenshots/pics.
Report Assessment Criteria
Criteria Marks Allocation Grade
Report submission on time 10
Introduction related to experiment objective 20
Simulation Part: using MDESIGN software 50
Conclusion and References 20
 Total marks out of 100


Assessment Weight Marks Obtained Comments
practical 30%    
Lab report 70%    
Total 100%    


Rabies experiment of Louis Pasteur

1. Describe the rabies experiment of Louis Pasteur discussed in the story.  Research how Pasteur’s injections cured Andre.  How do rabies immunizations work today?

2. Describe four pieces of evidence used to support the theory of evolution (7.6)

3. Name the type of speciation that results when a species cannot mate due to a change in their use of a habitat.  Explain how it results in speciation.

4. Name three characteristics of viruses.  Are viruses living or nonliving?  Defend your answer.

5. Diseases due to viruses are plentiful. Name three diseases caused by viruses in humans. Which are not species specific? Why?

6. In figure 17.4 of chapter 17 READ section, explain the top and bottom graph which compares the age structure of less developed and higher developed countries, specifying the x and y axis.  Give an example of a nation with this type of age structure diagram. What does a high fertility rate tell you about the future of this population? (17.4)

7. Invasive species are exotic to new areas and growth rapidly.  Give two reasons why an invasive species is able to take advantage of a new area.  (17.1)

8. Some ecologists argue that “there is no true form of commensalism.”  Define commensalism and give an example of it in nature.  Do you agree this statement?  Defend your argument.  (17.6)

9. Concerning population size and population density, explain one way each of the terms differ from each other in relation to their a. importance in predicting competition in a population; b. importance in predicting resource use in an area; and c. relationship with each other. (17.2)

Lab Assignment : Assessing the Abdomen

Lab Assignment : Assessing the Abdomen 

APA Format
The Assignment
Analyze the subjective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in
the documentation.
Analyze the objective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in
the documentation.
Is the assessment supported by the subjective and objective information? Why or why not?
What diagnostic tests would be appropriate for this case, and how would the results be used to
make a diagnosis?
Would you reject/accept the current diagnosis? Why or why not? Identify three possible
conditions that may be considered as a differential diagnosis for this patient. Explain your
reasoning using at least three different references from current evidence-based literature.

Flow Measurement Using a Venturi Meter (Lab Report)

Formal Lab Report:- Flow Measurement Using a Venturi Meter

You are required to write-up a full formal laboratory report from one of the timetabled five labs that you
have completed during semester 2. The lab allocation list is given in the ‘People’ section on Canvas under
‘Semester 2 – Formal Lab Report Write Up’. You must only write-up your allocated lab, even if you did not
attend the laboratory session. You will receive a zero mark if you write-up a different lab to the one you have
been allocated. Your attempt must be your own work; hence, you are not permitted to work with others to
complete the assignment, and you will not receive any help from staff.
During the laboratory sessions, you were required to record hand written details of your work in the form of
a log report that was checked and signed by your lab instructor at the end of the session. You will need to
use the details in this to write up your formal report, but you do not need to submit your hand written log
report. This is for you to keep for future reference and revision.
The full laboratory report should be word processed, well-constructed and presented in accordance with the
guidelines given in Appendix B of this document. Please note that this appendix is intended to be a general
outline for formal reports and not all sections may be applicable.
This coursework is designed to meet the third module learning outcome (LO3) which states that students
should be able to:
Carry out experimental procedures in a range of different engineering disciplines, process the data
collected, and produce a formal technical report.”

Flow Measurement Using a Venturi Meter
1. Aim
The aim of this laboratory is for students to investigate the measurement of flow rates using a Venturi meter
and gain a greater understanding of the fundamental principles of fluid flow in pipes.
2. Objectives
• Record the time to fill a volume of water in the apparatus basin for a number of flow rates.
• Measure the static pressure heads at the Venturi meter mouth, throat and exit.
• Plot a graph of the flow rate against the square root of the head.
• Determine the coefficient of discharge for the Venturi meter using the gradient of the graph.
3. Apparatus
A hydraulics bench with Venturi flow meter apparatus manufactured by Cussons Technology are used in this
laboratory experiment. The Venturi meter has an upstream and downstream pipe diameter of 19.5 mm and
a throat diameter of 11.75 mm [1]. The experimental apparatus and setup is shown in below in figure 1.

4. Theory
A Venturi meter is type of flow meter that has a specific design with a 21˚ convergent section and a 10˚
divergent section [2]. A schematic of a Venturi meter can be seen in figure 2. The rate of fluid flow in a pipe
is determined by applying Bernoulli’s equation and the continuity equation along the central streamline
between the mouth and the throat of the Venturi meter and recording the difference in static pressure head
at these positions.
Figure 2: Venturi meter design
The head form of Bernoulli’s equation is given in equation 1.

For steady flow of an ideal fluid the total head is constant due to the assumption that the fluid is inviscid and
hence losses are neglected. Applying Bernoulli’s equation between the mouth and the throat of a horizontally
positioned Venturi meter and rearranging gives the expression in equation 2 which is equal to the difference
in static pressure head that can be directly measured using the piezometers.

Applying the continuity equation between the mouth and throat gives equation 3 which can then be used to
determine an expression for the fluid velocity at either position.

By combining this with Bernoulli’s equation and then substituting back into the continuity equation, the
theoretical volumetric flow rate can be determined as shown in equation 4.

The coefficient of discharge, 𝐶𝐶𝑑𝑑, is the ratio of the actual (real) volumetric or mass flow rate to the theoretical
(ideal) volumetric or mass flow rate [3], as shown in equation 5. The real flow rate is found experimentally using methods such as collecting the discharged fluid in a vessel and timing how long it takes to fill it to a
certain volume or mass.

5. Experimental Method
• Start the pump and set the speed on the drive module to around 3000 rpm.
• Open the flow regulating valve to establish a water flow through the test section and adjust it to
maintain a constant inlet head of 0.25 m by allowing a small overflow from the inlet tank to the
overflow pipe.
• Raise the swivel outlet pipe up so that the water stops flowing through Venturi meter and check that
the outlet tank has a head of 0.25 m.
• Ensure that any air bubbles are bled from the manometer and check that they all read 0.25 m.
• Lower the swivel outlet pipe to achieve an outlet head of 0.24 m. This will start a flow through the
Venturi meter. Adjust the flow valve if needed to maintain a constant inlet head of 0.25 m.
• Measure the static pressure heads at the Venturi meter mouth, throat and exit.
• Close the measuring outlet basin valve and using a stopwatch start timing when the water level on
the volume sight glass is at 5 L and stop timing when it reaches 15 L and record the time.
• After the measurement has been completed, fully open the measuring outlet basin valve.
• Repeat the measurements for various outlet heads down to 0.17 m in increments of 0.01 m.
• Once a full set of results has been completed, close the flow regulating valve and switch off the pump.
6. Health and Safety
There is minimal risk in this experiment, however, some water may splash onto the floor during operation so
do be aware of this potential slip hazard.
7. Results
• Draw a results table similar to table 1 with flow conditions of variable outlet heads ranging from
0.25 m to 0.17 m descending in increments of 0.01 m and record all the volume timings and the
Venturi meter static pressure heads.

• Calculate: the actual volumetric flow rate in the units of L/min, the difference in static pressure head
between the Venturi meter mouth and throat, and the square root of the difference in static pressure
head between the Venturi meter mouth and throat.
• Plot a graph of the actual volumetric flow rate [L/min] against the square root of the difference in
static pressure head [m0.5].
• Draw a straight line of best fit from the origin through the results and measure the gradient slope.
• The units of this slope will be L/min.m0.5. Convert the gradient to the units of m2.5/s by dividing by
1000 (changing L into m3
) and then dividing by 60 (changing min into s).
• Substitute this gradient with SI units into equation 6, which is derived from equations 4 and 5, in
order to determine the coefficient of discharge for the Venturi meter.

8. Discussion
• Explain the reasons why the actual volumetric flow rate will be less than the theoretical volumetric
flow rate.
• Compare the experimentally determined coefficient of discharge with the value stated in the British
Standard BS 1042: section 1.1: 1981 [2] and explain the possible reasons for any differences between
these values.
• Comment on the head losses across the Venturi meter from the mouth to the exit for different
volumetric flow rates.
• What is the maximum pressure drop as a percentage across the Venturi meter from the mouth to
the exit, and state whether this is acceptable according to the British Standard BS 1042: section 1.1:
1981 [2].
• Compare the Venturi meter to other types of flow meters that are extensively used in industry and
comment on their relative advantages and disadvantages.
9. Conclusions
Briefly summarise the main findings from the experiment using either short paragraphs or bullet points.

[1] Cussons Technology (2012) Hydraulics Bench – Instruction Manual: Part 6, Issue 7, Cussons
Technology Ltd.
[2] British Standard Institution (1981) Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits – Part 1: Pressure
differential devices – Section 1.1: Specification for square-edged orifice plates, nozzles and venturi
tubes inserted in circular cross section conduits running full, BS 1042:Part 1:Section 1.1:1981.
[3] Douglas, J.F., Gasiorek, J.M., Swaffield, J.A. and Jack, L.B. (2011) Fluid Mechanics, 6th edition,
Prentice-Hall, ISBN: 0273717723.