Introduction To Measurements, Uncertainties, And Errors (Lab Report)

Introduction To Measurements, Uncertainties, And Errors.

Write a lab report based on the data obtained from the lab and the guideline I attached. Thanks.

  • Objectives
  • Background
  • Uncertainty
  • Standard Deviation
  • Fitting Uncertainty
  • Uncertainty Propagation
  • Evaluating Lab Results
  • Graphing
  • Procedure

Lab Report
Per the instructions found on Canvas:
• Include a cover page or header
• Include a brief (one paragraph) abstract discussing the goals of the lab
• Present your data and results from all parts above clearly in Excel or table form,
including any plots
• Write a conclusion section that discusses your results. You should NOT recount in
narrative detail what has already been presented in your data section. However,
you should summarize your results and comment on anomalous results if applicable.
Remember that we should try to explain anomalous results if we can. Specifically,
can you think of any systematic errors in the experiment that may have skewed your
numbers in a particular direction? Is your explanation consistent with the actual
direction of any observed deviation?

Thiocyanate in Human Saliva (Lab Report)

Including the material and the back ground of Spectrophotometric Determination of Thiocyanate in Human Saliva, with adding formulas if needed. Used KSCN Potassium Thiocyanate (Molecular Weight 97.18 g/mol) and

Experimental Procedure:
Stock solution of Potassium Thiocyanate KSCN 50ml (Distilled water and .1621g of KSCN).
Fe(NO3)3 · 9 H2O is the another solution(I will update info cuz not sure).
Result and Discussion:
used two table that found in the attache article, and the excel data that I will attached below because it shows data that I need to discuss and I will the required point and information that need to clarify.

add references that can be use in introduction about the lab and the instatement.

Determination of the percentage of water of crystallization in Copper(ll) Sulfate pentahydrate

I have attached 4 files. 2 of them(screenshots) were the lab actual procedure.
1 is the data I collected. And the last one are with the questions that should be answered. Please
answer all questions on that document. And let me know if there is any further documents that
you require.
Note: Do not write a whole lab report. Its basically just answering the questions on the document.

GCSE Biology Lab Report Format

GCSE Biology Lab Report Format

Lab Report Title:









Raw data and results

Data tables




Answer to purpose, prediction/hypothesis


Suggestion for improvement

Tensile Testing of Materials (Lab Report)

Lab Report Format

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Background
  • Theory
  • Tensile Testing
  • Stress-Strain Curves and Definitions
  • Objectives of the Experiment
  • Equipment
  • Procedures
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • References

GCSE Lab Experiment (Friction)

Objectives: (3 points) 

What is the physics concepts/theory/law to be investigated in this experiment?   It is one or two sentences in your own words.

Experimental Data (3 points): Insert experimental graphs and obtain from the graphs  all the experimental data that will be used for further calculations in Data Analysis.

PART 1.  Static Friction

1a) Cart on the horizontal track

1b) Cart on an inclined plane

Trial Critical angle (Θ)


PART 2.  Kinetic friction

2a)  Cart on the horizontal track


Run acceleration, a


2b) Cart on an Incline plane.

Run acceleration, a


Data Analysis (10 points):


PART 1. Static Friction

1a) Cart on the horizontal track.

  • The experimental value of the coefficient of the static friction µs calculated as follows:

(Show equation and calculation)

  • The discrepancy between the experimentally determined µs and its actual given value has been calculated to be:

(Show equation and calculation)

1b) Cart on an Incline plane

  • The experimental value of the coefficient of static friction µs is calculated with equation (4) as follows:

(Show equation and calculation

  • Determine the discrepancy between the above-calculated value and the given one to compare them: 100%* (| value– expect. value/ expect. value).

(Show equation and calculation)

PART 2.  Kinetic friction

2a)  Cart on the horizontal track

  • For run 1 the coefficient of kinetic friction μk is calculated as follows:

(Show equation and calculation

  • For run 2 the coefficient of kinetic friction μk is calculated as follows:

(Show equation and calculation)


  • The average values of coefficient of kinetic friction μk from both runs is:

(Show equation and calculation)

  • The discrepancy between the experimental and theoretical values is:

(Show equation and calculation)

2b) Cart on an Incline plane.

  • For run 1 the coefficient of kinetic friction μk is calculated as follows:

(Show equation and calculation)

  • For run 2 the coefficient of kinetic friction μk is calculated as follows:

(Show equation and calculation)

  • The average values of coefficient of kinetic friction μk from both runs is:

(Show equation and calculation)

  • The discrepancy between the experimental and theoretical values is:

(Show equation and calculation)

Results (3 points)

State all values in the table with the correct number of significant figures and appropriate units!

Discussion and Conclusion (10 points):

This is the most important part of the lab report. It is where you describe whether your results support the physics principal being investigated in the lab. Begin the discussion with the purpose of the experiment. Briefly explain the theory concept that was tested. Then state only the key results (with uncertainty and units) quantitatively with numerical values; do not provide intermediate quantities. Discuss the relationship between your row measurements and your final results; the relationship between quantities in the graph; relationship between the independent and dependent variables. All questions below were also answered in the narrative form.

Application of Steady Flow Energy Equation (SFEE) in a Heated Duct (Lab Report)

Lab Report (5,500 words)

  • Introduction
  • Background
  • Assumptions
  • Objectives
  • Measurements Procedures
  • Calculations
  • Conclusions

Assessment Cover Sheet and Feedback Form 2016/17


Module Code:NG1H201 Module Title:Thermodynamics 1 Module Lecturer: 
Assignment Title: Application of the Steady Flow Energy Equation to an air flow through a heated duct Assessment No.1
No. of pages submitted in total including this page:Completed by student Word Count of submission(if applicable): 1500 words±10%
Date Set:Refer to laboratory timetable Submission Date:Refer to laboratory timetable Return Date: 



Part B: Marking and Assessment(to be completed by Module Lecturer)
This assignment will be marked out of 100%


This assignment contributes to 100% of the total module marks.


 Assessment Title: – Application of Steady-Flow Energy Equation to

Air Flow Through a Heated Duct      


Tasks:            Refer to assignment briefs on Page 5


 Learning Outcomes to be assessed (as specified in the validated module descriptor


Learning outcome 1: Understand thermodynamic systems involving perfect gases from the basic concepts using appropriate analytical models.


Learning outcome 2: Apply basic knowledge of thermodynamics in controlled laboratory environment.




Plant Description:-

The schematic diagram below illustrates a steady-flow test facility designed for the study of first law of thermodynamics. A centrifugal fan, driven by a fan motor, draws air into the test pipe at an elevation Z1 and flow steadily until it is discharged at the air outlet at an elevation Z2. An orifice meter is installed to measure the pressure drop across it from which the air mass flow rate () could be determined. As the air further flows pass the heater section, its temperature is increased before finally being discharged to the surroundings. The overall system boundary is denoted by the dotted line and there is an unknown heat transfer () between the system and the surroundings.

For this test assume air is an ideal gas:-

Density of air (p) = 1.2 kg/m3

Specific heat capacity of air (cp) = 1.005 kJ/kg.k

Orifice diameter (do) = 40 mm

Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the experimental facility

Measurement Procedure:-

Equipment provided: Measuring tape, digital vernier calliper.

Wait until all readings are steady then record all the information necessary to carry out the objectives.

Plant Measurements

Examination of air flow in a heated duct Test Observations
Air Temperature at inlet t1 [°C] 20.7 C
Air Temperature at outlet t2 [°C] 63.2 C
Pressure difference across orifice DHo [cm water gauge] 50 mm
Height of air inlet above datum line Z1 [m] 60 cm
Height of air outlet above datum line Z2 [m] 148.5 cm
Diameter of circumferential air inlet d1 [m] 130 mm
Width of circumferential air inlet w1[m] 14.4 mm
Diameter of air outlet pipe d2 [m] 32.6 mm
Heater Voltage VH [volts] 145 v
Heater Current AH [amperes] 3 A
Fan Motor voltage VF [volts] 415
Fan motor current AF [amperes] 2.35


Useful Formula:-

  1. AIR MASS FLOW RATE, [kg/s]

WHERE,                                                                                                          [N/m2]



  1. AIR INLET AREA, [m2]


  1. AIR EXIT AREA,                 [m2]
  2. VELOCITY OF AIR AT INLET,                 [m/s]




  1. POWER OF FAN, WF = VF ´ AF                                                                            [W]


  1. POWER OF HEATER, WH = VH ´ AH                                                 [W]


Use the values of plant measurements in the formula above to calculate the required parameters to the steady flow energy equation.


  • Determine the unknown (as indicated in Figure 1) in magnitude and direction as the heat transfer rate in kW across the boundary.


  • Examine the relative importance of the right-hand terms, i.e., , , of the steady-flow energy equation.

Write a report detailing the calculations and analysis of results and draw appropriate conclusions at the end.

Guidelines for writing lab report


The intention of any scientific Introduction is to establish the purpose for doing the experiment that is to be reported. An effective introduction to a lab report typically performs the following tasks, generally in the order presented:

  1. it establishes the learning context for the lab by:
    1. stating what the lab is about, why was this experiment performed and why is it relevant?
    2. With the aid of a schematic diagram of the system, describe the necessary background theory and explain it in the context of the experiment conducted. This would help reader to better understand the theoretical aspects of the experiment and the hypotheses.
  2. it provides the primary goals of the lab by presenting the objective(s) of the experiments. The objectives of the experiment are important to state because their outcomes will be analysed in the conclusion.

Measurement procedures

This section should include brief description of the system under investigation and conditions for the experiments. With the aid of a schematic diagram of the system you should explain how measurements were taken.

Results and Discussion

The result section should contain raw data.  Raw data consist of actual measured values recorded during the experiment.  Use Table(s) to present this information.  All tables should have descriptive titles, and they should show the units of data entries clearly. Results from further analyses of the raw data should also be included in this section. In discussing the results, you should not only analyse the results, but also discuss the implications of those results.


Whereas the “Results and Discussion” section has discussed the results individually, the “Conclusion” section summarises the results and findings in the context of the entire experiment. Usually, the objectives mentioned in the “Introduction” are examined to determine whether the experiment succeeded. If the objectives were not met, you should analyse why the results were not as predicted.


This is a list of the references that were cited in the lab report, including the lab manual (if any), any handouts accompanying the lab, the textbook, and sources from the scientific literature. Use Harvard referencing format.


This is the device we used for the experiment.

The result in blue colour in the table are measured by the student using Measuring tape, digital Vernier calliper from the floor to the centre of each point to measure:

The inlet temperature was given 20.7

Air Temperature at inlet t1 [°C] 20.7 C
Air Temperature at outlet t2 [°C] 63.2 C
Pressure difference across orifice DHo [cm water gauge] 50 mm
Height of air inlet above datum line Z1 [m] 60 cm
Height of air outlet above datum line Z2 [m] 148.5 cm
Diameter of circumferential air inlet d1 [m] 130 mm
Width of circumferential air inlet w1[m] 14.4 mm
Diameter of air outlet pipe d2 [m] 32.6 mm
Heater Voltage VH [volts] 145 v
Heater Current AH [amperes] 3 A


Laboratory Report Format for Engineering Students

Lab Report Format for Engineers and Engineering Students 

1. Title Page:
The title page should be specific and descriptive, but brief and clear. It should state the title, experiment number, the group members and the date submitted. The report should be addressed to the faculty member along with the course number and title.
2. Abstract or “Executive Summary”:
In one brief concise paragraph not to exceed 150 words, give the reader enough information to understand what the experiment was about, what was done, and what conclusions were drawn. It is read first and encapsulates the major portions of the report and addresses a reader who may not read the rest of the document. This is not the experimental write up from item #4, or the complete results / conclusions from items #7 and #9, but includes a summary of what was done, and what was concluded. It should contain the highlights of the major parts of the report, including the objective, results, conclusions and recommendations. It does not include details.
3. Introduction and Background Information:
The introduction is the lead into the report. It introduces the reader to the subject matter. It should state the Objectives and meaning of the work which will be contained in the report. It will likely include history of the subject, various types of units or equipment related to the subject and an overview of the theory that is applicable to the experiment. It should be written in a way to encourage the reader to continue wanting to read the remainder of the report. For many laboratory experiments, the Introduction that is provided in the handout will be a good starting point for this section.

4. Experimental Procedure:
Provide a brief explanation of how the work proceeded. Clearly note and explain
any differences that were encountered as compared to the suggested procedure outlined in
the lab handout. All photos, drawings, sketches or schematics need to be referenced
within the text, and properly labeled (described). Provide references to the laboratory
manual or to material given to the students by the professor.
5. Experimental Data:
All original measurements must be recorded no matter how trivial. The data
should be presented in an orderly manner preferably in table form with units indicted.
Before the data table is presented, an introductory paragraph must be written to inform
the reader what the table contains. This section should contain only raw information, not
results from manipulation of data. Each table must be referenced in the text and requires
a proper label with consecutive numbers as follows: Table 1. Hardness measurements
obtained from quenching.
6. Sample calculations:
Each different calculation should be presented so that the reader can understand
how the results are obtained. Statements or comments should be made during the
presentation of the calculations. The reader should be able to follow all steps. Make sure
units are included. Actual data and the resulting calculation(s) need to be included as an
example of each type of calculation performed.
7. Experimental Results:
Before presenting the results in a table or graph, a paragraph is required to inform
the reader what is to follow. All calculated quantities should be displayed clearly in an
identified Table. If graphs are used, all axes as well as data series must be properly
identified with correct units, values, and titles. Depending on the type of experiment, the
following may or may not be applicable:
Table: Repetitive and iterative calculations can be done using a spreadsheet and
displayed in tabular form. A graph may be used to help enhance a reader’s
understanding of the information.
Illustration of set up: Include a drawing of the arrangement of the equipment
and measuring devices showing the location of gages, gage markings, etc. Use
simple diagrams of essentials only.
Sketches of observations: In some experiments the results are shown by making
a sketch of what happens. Include those here.
Note: all tables, figures, and graphics in your report must be referenced in the text and
need a proper label with consecutive numbering as follows: Figure 3. Illustration of
quench tank used in the experiment.
8. Discussion of Results:
This section is devoted to your interpretation of the outcome of the experiment or
work. Comment on the graphs, results, or any other aspect of the experiment that is
pertinent to the conclusion. A set of questions is generally given to provide a starting point for the discussion. Do not confine the discussion to merely answering the questions.
Compare your results to expected behavior and explain any differences.
9. Conclusion:
State conclusions that can be justified with the data. The conclusion must be
based on experimental results and also on the entire procedure and theory of the
experiment. Report on whether the Objectives of the experiment were realized or not.
Make sure that thoughts are worded as conclusions, and not observations. Make simple
declarative statements, and do not ramble into a discussion. Conclusions should tell how
the results of this experiment can be applied to other experiments. All statements need to
refer directly to the current data. Be sure to address all questions presented in the
Laboratory Experiment write-up as well as other questions that may have been developed
during the experimental procedure in class.
10. Appendix:
Include an appendix with material (as required). Separate sections within the
appendix must be labeled as : Appendix A, Appendix B, and so forth.

Other Requirements:
 The report should be written in the Third Person – Past Tense and Passive Voice.
 All Figures and Tables need to have clear Titles and be Numbered.
 All pages are 8-1/2 x 11” white paper. The report must be typewritten and be either
single or double spaced.
 Good sentence and paragraphs composition is expected with attention to grammar,
punctuation, and spelling.

Lab Report vs. Published Paper (Compare and Contrast Paper)


  1. Locate one published paper within the periodicals (listed above) that is similar in structure to the Materials Formal Laboratory Report Format.
  2. Using the Formal Laboratory Report Format as a reference, compare and contrast the format of the published paper to each section required in the Formal Laboratory Report Format. (Couple of sentences comparing and contrasting for each section)
  3.  3-5 pages, APA style.

Lab Experiment Tensile Testing (Report)

    1. Introduction

    The mechanical properties of materials are determined by performing carefully designed laboratory experiments that replicate as nearly as possible the service conditions. In real life, there are many factors involved in the nature in which loads are applied on a material. The following are some common examples of modes in which loads might be applied: tensile, compressive, and shear. These properties are important in materials selections for mechanical design. Other factors that often complicate the design process include temperature and time factors.

    The topic of this lab is confined to the tensile property of polymers. Figure 1 shows a tensile testing machine similar to the one used in this lab. This test is a destructive method, in which a specimen of a standard shape and dimensions (prepared according to ASTM D 638: standard test method for tensile properties of plastics) is subjected to an axial load. During a typical tensile experiment, a dog-bone shaped specimen is gripped at its two ends and is pulled to elongate at a determined rate to its breakpoint; a highly ductile polymer may not reach its breakpoint. The tensile tester used in this lab is manufactured by Instron (model 5569).  It has a maximum load of 2 or 50 kN and a variable pulling rate. The setup of the experiment could be changed to accommodate different types of mechanical testing, according to the ASTM standard (e.g. compression test, etc).

    For analytical purposes, a plot of stress (σ) versus strain (ε) is constructed during a tensile test experiment, which can be done automatically on the software provided by the instrument manufacturer. Stress, in the metric system, is usually measured in N/m2 or Pa, such that 1 N/m2 = 1 Pa. From the experiment, the value of stress is calculated by dividing the amount of force (F) applied by the machine in the axial direction by its cross-sectional area (A), which is measured prior to running the experiment. Mathematically, it is expressed in Equation 1. The strain values, which have no units, can be calculated using Equation 2, where L is the instantaneous length of the specimen and L0 is the initial length.

    (Equation 1)

    (Equation 2)


    A typical stress-strain curve would look like Figure 2. The stress-strain curve shown in Figure 2 is a textbook example of a stress-strain curve. In reality, not all stress-strain curves perfectly resemble the one shown in Figure 2. This stress-strain curve is typical for ductile metallic elements. Another thing to take note is that Figure 2 shows an “engineering stress-strain” curve. When a material reaches its ultimate stress strength of the stress-strain curve, its cross-sectional area reduces dramatically, a term known as necking. When the computer software plots the stress-strain curve, it assumes that the cross sectional area stays constant throughout the experiment, even during necking, therefore causing the curve to slope down. The “true” stress-strain curve could be constructed directly by installing a “gauge,” which measures the change in the cross sectional area of the specimen throughout the experiment.

    Theoretically, even without measuring the cross-sectional area of the specimen during the tensile experiment, the “true” stress-strain curve could still be constructed by assuming that the volume of the material stays the same. Using this concept, both the true stress (σT) and the true strain (εT) could be calculated using Equations 3 and 4, respectively. The derivation of these equations is beyond the scope of this lab report. Consult any standard mechanics textbook to learn more about these equations. In these equations, L0 refers to the initial length of the specimen, L refers to the instantaneous length and σ refers to the instantaneous stress.

    (Equation 3)

    (Equation 4)

    Figure 2 also shows that a stress-strain curve is divided into four regions: elastic, yielding, strain hardening (commonly occurs in metallic materials), and necking. The area under the curve represents the amount of energy needed to accomplish each of these “events.” The total area under the curve (up to the point of fracture) is also known as the modulus of toughness. This represents the amount of energy needed to break the sample, which could be compared to the impact energy of the sample, determined from impact tests. The area under the linear region of the curve is known as the modulus of resilience. This represents the minimum amount of energy needed to deform the sample.

    The linear region of the curve of Figure 2which is called the elastic region (past this region, is called the plastic region), is the region where a material behaves elastically. The material will return to its original shape when a force is released while the material is in its elastic region. The slope of the curve, which can be calculated using Equation 5, is a constant and is an intrinsic property of a material known as the elastic modulus, E. In metric units, it is usually expressed in Pascals (Pa).


    (Equation 5)

    Figure 3(a) shows typical stress-strain curves of polymers. The figure shows that materials that are hard and brittle do not deform very much before breaking and have very steep elastic moduli.

    The mechanical property of polymers generally depends on their degree of crystallinity, molecular weights and glass transition temperature, Tg. Highly crystalline polymeric materials with a Tg above the room temperature are usually brittle, and vice versa. When a semi-crystalline polymer undergoes a tensile test, the amorphous chains, will become aligned. This is usually evident for transparent and translucent materials, which become opaque upon turning crystalline. Figure 3(b) shows a diagram showing the mechanical property of some common polymers.

    Figure 3.  (a) A plot of stress-strain curves of typical polymeric materials. (b) A summary diagram of the properties of common polymers.


    1. Experimental Procedure

    Important!  Make sure you wear safety glasses before starting any operation. Your eyes could be hurt by a broken piece of polymer. Also wear gloves to protect against any residue on the machine and samples.


    2.1 Specimen Preparation

    The polymer specimens were injection-molded into dog-bone shapes. Their dimensions were determined according to the ASTM D 638 standard mentioned earlier in the introduction.


    (1) Measure the thickness, width and gage length of polymer samples in mm.  These dimensions should be approximately the same for each sample.

    (2) Also make note of any sample defects (e.g. impurities, air bubbles, etc.).


    The following samples will be tested:

    • Polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), polylactic acid (biopolymer), high density polyethylene (HDPE), and Dynaflex for analysis of mechanical properties.
    • Polystyrene: to compare effects of feeding direction on mechanical properties.
    • Polypropylene: to analyze effects of strain rate on mechanical properties.


    2.2 Bluehill Software Setup

    1)  Turn on the tensile test machine.  The switch is located on the right side of the machine.  Also turn on the video extensometer.

    (2)  Go to the desktop and double-click on the “Bluehill” icon.

    (3) On the main page, select Test to start a new sample.  Name your test and click Browse to select the folder you would like to save it in. Click next.

    (4) Choose which method you would like to use.  Create and save a new method if needed.

    (5) Method set up: Save after any changes are made.

    • General: used for display purposes
    • Specimen: specifies sample dimensions and parameters. A dogbone sample is used for tensile testing.  Select rectangular, and specify the width, thickness and gauge length of the sample. The gauge length is the distance between the clamps before starting the test.
    • Control: describes the actual test. Select extension for mode of displacement, then specify the rate of extension.  Most use 5 mm/min or 50 min/mm, depending on if you want a slow or fast test.
    • End of Test: identifies the criteria for the end of the test. A large load drop is experienced when sample failure occurs.  For this test, when the sample load drops by a certain percentage of the peak load, the machine will stop.
    • Data: specifies if the data is acquired manually or automatically, while the strain tab recognizes whether the strain is measured from the video extensimeter or the extension.
    • Results and Graphs: select what data is shown and how it is displayed.


    2.3 Instrument Setup

    (1) Make sure the proper load cell is installed, either 2 kN or 50 kN depending on the load range and sensitivity of the sample.  To switch load cells, make sure the machine is off.  Unscrew the bolts and remove using the handle.  Make sure to plug the new load cell into the port behind the machine.

    (2) Calibrate the load cell by clicking on the button in the upper right hand corner.  Make sure all loads are removed from the load cell and click calibrate.

    (3) Install the correct type of clamps for the testing.  For tensile testing, 5kN or 50kN samples can be used.  Install the clamps using the pins. Also install height brackets if needed.  Zero the load once the clamps are installed.

    (4) Press the up and down arrows on the controller until the clamps are just touching.  Press the reset gauge length button at the top of the screen to zero the position of the clamps.

    (5) Use the up and down arrows until the clamps are about 100 mm apart.  This is a typical gauge length for the dog bone samples.

    (6) Place the polymer sample between the grips of both the tensile test machine. While holding the sample vertically with one hand, use another hand to turn the handle of the top grip in the closing direction as tightly as possible.

    (The specimen should be gripped such that the two ends of the specimen are covered by the grip, approximately 3 mm away from its gage-length. It is important that the specimens are tightly gripped onto the specimen grips to prevent slipping, which will otherwise result in experimental errors. )

    (8) Make sure that the specimen is vertically aligned, if not a torsional force, rather than axial force, will result.

    (9) Turn the bottom handle in the “close” direction as tightly as possible. Visually verify that the sample is gripped symmetrically at its two ends.

    (10)Zero the extension by pushing zero extension button at the top of the screen.  Also zero the load if needed. Wait for a few seconds to let the computer return its value to zero.


    2.4 Tensile Test

    (1) Enter geometry of the sample before starting.

    (2) Click on the Start button.  Both the upper and bottom grips will start moving in opposite directions according to the specified pulling rate. Observe the experiment at a safe distance (about 1.5 meters away) at an angle and take note of the failure mode when the specimen fails.

    (NOTE: Be sure to wear safety glasses. Do not come close to equipment when the tensile test is running).

    (3) A plot of tensile stress (MPa) versus tensile strain (mm/mm) will be generated in real-time during the experiment.


    2.6 End of Test

    (1) The machine will stop automatically when the sample is broken.

    (2) Press the “Return” button on the digital controller. Both the upper and lower grips will be returned to their original positions automatically.

    (3) Turn the two handles in the open directions to remove the sample

    (4) Repeat the previous steps for any additional tests.

    (5) When finished, save your file and click Finish.  This will export your data into a PDF and individual data files.

    (6) Clean up any broken fragments from the specimens.

    (7) Turn off the machine and exit the program when finished.


    1. Assignments
    • Graph PP (50 mm/mm extension), PS (2 feed inputs), PLA, HDPE and Dynaflex results using raw data files. There should be two tests for each polymer, but just pick one to graph.  Construct the true stress-strain curves for each polymer (hint: use Equations (3) and (4) provided in the Introduction section).
    • Calculate Young’s Modulus for each material and testing condition and compare experimental values with literature values.
    • Discuss any differences in mechanical behavior between the polymers (use pictures!)
    • Analyze the fracture modes of each sample (ductile fracture, brittle fracture, or intermediate fracture mode).
    • Using the data for polypropylene, discuss the effects of strain rate on the mechanical behavior of the polymers.
    • Using the data for polystyrene, compare effects of feed direction on the mechanical behavior.
    • Explain any unexpected results.