Three Truths: What I Said, What You Said, and What the Law Tells Us

Three Truths: What I Said, What You Said, and What the Law Tells Us 

The purpose of this task is to review the literature around your legal issue(s) topical area.

You will write a 5000-word paper (approximately 20 pages, double spaced, includes references and title
page) with no less than 25 empirical citations.

Your paper must include:

(1) title page

(2) separate abstract page with keywords (no more than 150 words)

(3) introduction

(4) literature review

(5) Discussion

(6) conclusion, and

(7) references.

Posted in Law

Law Paper: Case Brief (United States vs. Park)

Law Paper: Case Brief 

The assignment is to brief a case using the standard legal method: IRAC. This stands for: Issue Rule Analysis Conclusion.

Many US law schools teach this method of case briefing in the 1st year legal writing course.

The purpose of the “brief” is usually to summarize a legal opinion issued by a court.

IRAC is also an effective way of structuring written communication in non-legal contexts, such as on the essay portion of standardized tests.

You should watch the briefing video on IRAC and study what content to place in the various sections.

Note also, both brevity and clarity are desirable in legal contexts because judges and lawyers often have limited time to read documents.

Posted in Law

Prison Reentry and Rehabilitation

Topic of paper- Prison Reentry and Rehabilitation


I attached files of the instructions. Please Look at the Examples and use them as a guideline. I posted a previous assignment that can guide you, has the topic

and 5 major issues that are going to be covered.

You must submit a 2 page, single-spaced, detailed outline of your paper. The outline should include your introductory paragraph (and thesis statement), your overall opinion on the policy, the various headings of your paper, as well as bullet points indicating the key points/cases that will be discussed under each heading. At least five of the sources used in this assignment must come from peer-reviewed journals. You may use sources from the previous assignments. Parenthetical citation (in-text citation) is required throughout the outline.

The grade for this assignment will be based on completion of the assignment, preliminary assessment of research/effectiveness, thoughtfulness of the recommendations made, and the proper use and formatting of parenthetical citation

Posted in Law

Effectiveness of the Law


Effectiveness of the Law

Supporting Lectures:

  • Classical Criminology
  • Punishment

Case study: Florida’s “10-20-Life” Law

Your state officials are considering ways to deter gun violence. The governor has hired you to provide an analysis of Florida’s 10-20-Life law. Your task is to produce a PowerPoint presentation of 10-12 slides that will provide lawmakers and the governor with the background and evaluation that will help them decide if this type of law is an effective deterrent.

Make use of the “notes” areas to elaborate on the brief points presented on the slide. Your presentation should cover the following points:

  • Describe the law’s purpose. How was this law a departure from what preceded it? What was the state of Florida hoping to accomplish with this law?
  • Explain whether this law illustrates the classical or positive perspective.
  • Assuming that a major goal of this law is deterrence, explain steps taken by the state to achieve general deterrence.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the law. Did it accomplish what was intended? Were there any negative outcomes? Be sure to cite valid research to support your conclusion
  • Last, describe the current state of this law, and make a reasoned recommendation for your governor.

Name your PowerPoint presentation SU_MCJ6003_W1_A3_LastName_FirstInitial.ppt. Submit your presentation to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned. Cite sources in APA format on a separate slide.

Posted in Law

Use of Force by Law Enforcement Officers. Law Enforcement Use of Force

Use of Force by Law Enforcement Officers. Law Enforcement Use of Force 

Topics in Criminal Justice  

The midterm exam will consist of a research paper intended to measure students’ understanding
and analysis of critical topics in criminal justice within the past fifty years. The paper will show
evidence of students’ mastery of course objectives and of students’ comprehension of course
material covered in the class, including material from the reading text book and group
discussion. Students will be required to choose a topic from a variety of areas related to the
course objectives. This assignment will be submitted in Canvas and is due on March 27,
2020. Grading criteria and grading rubrics are provided below:
Suggested Research topics
Diversity and inclusion in law enforcement Law Enforcement Use of Force
Police-Community Relations Defining Terrorism and US Homeland
Crime and Economy Criminal Justice and the Future of Terrorism
Police Brutality and Community Relations Punishment and its applicability in the 20th
Century Correctional Policy
Contemporary Policing and Reforms Restorative Justice Processes and Promises
Community Policing DNA Evidence in Criminal Justice
Media, Police, and Community Trust Child Pornography and Challenges for
Criminal Justice
Critical Issues in Law Enforcement Globalization and Transnational Problem in
Criminal Justice
US Immigration and Future of Criminal Justice Mental Health and Criminal Justice
Transitional Justice
Research Paper Outline
The paper must be typed and double spaced in a size 12 font with standard 1inch margins and in
APA style. See the APA style guide (in the announcement area of the Canvas website) to
reference in APA style. The body of the paper must be 3 to 5 pages. Students must use at least
four (4) references. One (1) of these must be a book, not counting the course text book. The other
sources can be an internet source, professional/academic journal, or a magazine.
Papers must be organized and include the following:
• Title Page
• Outline or Table of Contents
• Body of the paper, minimum of 3 pages
• References
• Appendix (Optional)
The research paper is worth 20 points. Paper must be APA format. NO “Abstract” page is
needed. Your paper must include all of these elements to receive full credit:

Posted in Law

UK Employment Law – can the Gender Pay Gap ever be abolished in the UK

UK Employment Law

The dissertation literature review question is ‘can the Gender Pay Gap ever be abolished in the UK?’

This needs answering in 2 parts:

1) The neoliberalism influence on the Equality Act

2) Current UK views from academics on whether the Gender Pay Gap can ever be abolished

Posted in Law

Juvenile Delinquents

Juvenile Incarceration 

Juvenile incarceration should be a last resort as a punishment.
Detaining juveniles in a home-like setting would be better in creating an atmosphere of rehabilitation and safety.
Each student is required to complete the term project, which is a 15-20 page (not counting the
cover, abstract and reference page) research paper in APA format.

Once you have submitted this assignment it is automatically run through (plagiarism checker).

Posted in Law

Current or Proposed Legislation, City Rules, or Ordinances


Not more than three paragraphs.


Locate current or proposed legislation, city rules, or ordinances that have the potential to affect the environment in your area. Summarize the legislation and draw conclusions about the impact legislation will have on environmental practices.
Visit the website of a legislative body that has the ability to create rules, codes, or ordinances that impact the environment. Examples of these types of agencies include: Green Dallas, Fort Worth Environmental Management Department, Texas House of Representatives Committee on Environmental Regulation, U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Select one piece of legislation (or rule, or ordinance), either proposed or actual, and summarize it for the class. Ideally, you should select legislation that will directly impact your community.
• Review the discussion board prior to selecting a proposal or prior to posting your message to the discussion board in order to avoid duplicating resources.
• List the title of the legislative bill, rule, or ordinance. Include the title of the legislative body that drafted, proposed, or authorized the legislation.
• Summarize the environmental legislation in one or two paragraphs. Identify key concepts included in the legislation.
• In your opinion, what is the potential or realized impact of this legislation on the community?
• Do you agree or disagree with the legislation? Support your answer.
• Your original post should consist of complete sentences and should be at least two complete paragraphs but no more than three paragraphs.

Posted in Law

Legal Overview of time related claim and notice provision under English Law

Dissertation proposal of 3000 words should be based on the attached dissertation topic “Legal Overview of time related claim and notice provision under English Law”, as per attached Dissertation Venkatesh.

The attached research proposal by R W Eastwood is the sample format approved by our university.
Use the same format only. NO plagiarism!!! progressive delivery.

Posted in Law

Dangers of Law Enforcement Work


A discussion of the dangers associated with law enforcement work. Some law enforcement officers in the US have been linked with  corruption. What are the strategies that can be used to reduce the level of corruption among the law enforcement officers?

Posted in Law

Personal Statement (PhD Law)


Attached file contains my details. Use the deails to write a 4-lpage excellent personal statement that will help me secure a place in the top 20 university in Canada.

Posted in Law

Equal Opportunity Act (Assignment)


The paper will be no longer than 5 pages and will relate to the above topic.

This paper will be all secondary research, meaning that you will find sources such as magazine articles and books with information about the Equal Opportunity Act and combine the information in a short report.  The report should have at least 5 sources and it will need documentation of the sources in the bibliography.  You should also review the  University library website to obtain additional assistance in researching and writing paper.

The main parts of the report will require a title page, 3-5 pages of information and a bibliography or resource page.  Type should be single spaced, using, APA or MLA style 12 point type.

Posted in Law

Labor Law (Questions and Answers)

Create a chart to compare and contrast the major legislative influences on the labor
relations process. Your chart must contain at least five major legislative acts and how they
affect management and unions. Columns should include the law, coverage, major
provisions, and federal agencies.
Part Two
Find a recent Supreme Court or U.S. Court of Appeals decision concerning a labor law
issue. Summarize the case. Findlaw Legal Information Center is a good commercial site
for researching case law. You can also use LexisNexis, or Westlaw, for example.
• What legal principles does the court rely upon in determining the case decision?
• Be sure to support your response with specific examples.
• This homework assignment should be a minimum of two Pages in length.

Posted in Law

Criminal Law Comparison Paper

Comparison Paper Instructions
For this assignment, you will read the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and
Thomas Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptists in 1802. Once you have read these founding
documents and Jefferson’s letter, you will write a 2–3-page paper (double-spaced, 1-inch
margins) adhering to the format specified in the Course Style Guidelines document, comparing
each of them. When comparing the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence, pay
particular attention to the themes apparent in both documents and comment on which document
came first and why that is important.
You must also answer the question, “What do you think the signers of the Declaration of
Independence and the U.S. Constitution thought about the separation of church and state or
about the separation of God from government?” (Note: these are not the same thing.)

Posted in Law

Americans with Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that employers make reasonable
accommodations for individuals with disabilities. How might this requirement affect law
enforcement officers and firefighters?

Please use these sources:


Posted in Law