Legislation and Regulation, and Regulatory Compliance

1. Describe one or more situations that you have encountered thus far in your career in which deeper understanding of lawmaking by legislatures, agencies, or courts would have made you more effective. Be as specific as possible. HOWEVER, DO NOT REVEAL ANY CONFIDENTIAL ORSENSITIVE INFORMATION THAT YOUR CURRENT OR PAST EMPLOYERS OR COLLEAGUES WOULD NOT WISH TO BE DISCLOSED. THIS PROHIBITION APPLIES TO THIS ASSIGNMENT AND TO ALL OTHER WORK IN THIS COURSE.
2. Assume that your company has a problem, call it Problem X. Problem X has been a burr under your company’s saddle for many years. It is not a “life or death” matter, but over time it has involved substantial (and, in your estimation, unwarranted) costs for the company. Such costs will continue year after year unless you prevail upon Congress to amend an existing statute. You are planning the campaign to secure enactment of such amendment. Identify and explain steps that you would take to increase the likelihood of success of the campaign. Limit your answer to no more than four such steps.

Situation: You are employed by Forever Young, Inc. (“FY”), which makes and sells cosmetics. Jilaquil is an herb that is a significant ingredient of many of FY’s products. Only one U.S. company grows, processes, and sells Jilaquil, and it charges exorbitant prices. Moreover, there is a high tariff on Jilaquil. FY seeks a legislative solution to make it easier to obtain sufficient supplies of Jilaquil at a reasonable cost.

Question 3: Identify a legislative strategy FY might consider and identify the U.S. Senate committees and the U.S. House of Representatives
committees that might have jurisdiction over the measure.

Question 4: Identify a second, an alternative strategy, and identify the U.S. Senate committees and the U.S. House of Representatives
committees that might have jurisdiction over the measure.

Question 5: Describe the kinds of considerations you would take into account in evaluating which committees might be most or least friendly to your effort. Answer this question generally. You need not research the actual current members of any committee or their preferences and

Question 1. Assume that the board of directors of Quine, Inc. adopted a compliance program in 2012 to comply with Medicare and Medicaid regulations. Since 2012, Quine, Inc. has made numerous acquisitions and greatly expanded its business. Its board of directors, however, has not made any changes to the compliance program since 2012, and in fact has given it little attention. This last year Quine, Inc. paid $20 million dollars in fines and civil penalties for violating Medicare and Medicaid regulations. Shareholders have filed a derivative lawsuit. Given the materials covered in the in Pan, A Board’s Duty to Monitor, what do you think that the shareholders will try to argue?

Question 2. Compare the Independent Director provisions in the HCA Healthcare Corporate Governance Guidelines and those in the BristolMyers Squibb Corporate Governance Guidelines.  Identify at least 2 common elements and 2 differences.

Compare the Director Responsibilities section of the Darden Corporate Governance Guidelines with the Board Responsibilities and Expectation of Directors sections of the Goldman Sachs Corporate Governance Guidelines.
Identify at least 2 common elements and 2 differences. Why do you think that the Goldman Sachs Guidelines provide greater guidance regarding director responsibilities and expectations?

Regulatory Compliance
Question 1. Generally, procedures are designed to ensure compliance with laws of specific application, which require that specific actions be taken, rather than laws of general applicability, such as “the regulated entity must obey all laws.” Is there ever a need for procedures to ensure compliance with laws of general applicability? If so, what are some examples?

Question 2. Can a corporation have too many policies and procedures? We have discussed that from a risk perspective policies are designed to ensure the company complies with applicable laws and regulations. However, as we discussed in Module 3, if the policies are too excessive and the procedures are not practical for the employees to follow, there is a high likelihood that the business will not, wholly or in part, follow the procedures. Consider whether the company has a higher risk of regulatory enforcement actions and litigation exposure if it has policies and/or procedures that it does not follow. If you agree that there may be too many policies and procedures, how does a company determine the correct balance?

Posted in Law

How to Brief a Case (Briefing a Legal Case)

How to Brief a Legal Case

Using the Word Template and other instructional materials attached to this Assignment, prepare and submit a Case Brief of the U.S. Supreme Court opinion in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010).

This is a specific type of writing assignment. This case relates to your Week 3 Forum Discussion. This Case Brief Assignment is graded separate!y and in addition to the forum.

For this writing Assignment, you are to prepare and submit a Case Brief of Citizens United. A Case Brief provides a summary and analysis (the “brief”) of the key points in a court opinion (the “case”). In our Week 3 Forum, you are asked to consider questions based on the Citizens United case.

A copy of the court opinion – the case – is attached here. Also attached here is a document entitled, “How to Brief a Case,” which details the components of the Case Brief. Use this for guidance. Next, attached is a “Word Template” which you are to download to setup the written format for the Case Brief.


L Download and read the attachment “How to Brief a Case.”

2. Download and read the attached U.S. Supreme Court opinion of Citizens United. This is the case you are briefing.

3. Download, save, and open the attached “Word Template” in Word on your computer. Use it to complete your Case Brief of the Citizens United opinion. The template is formatted for you in Word. The correct case citation to use in your Case Brief is: Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010).

4. Write this Assignment in your own words! Do not copy and paste blocks from the court opinion or Internet study sources

Posted in Law

Legal Entities for Operating a Business

Legal Entities for Operating a Business

What are the most common legal entities used for operating a business? How are these entities treated similarly and differently for state law purposes?

Posted in Law

Criminal Law : Case Briefs

Criminal Law : Case Brief (How to write a case brief)

 1. Criminal Law : Case Brief 

2. Prior Procedural History: (Here the student should specify the procedural background of the case. This section should describe the history of the litigation process from trial through appeals.)


3. Facts of the Case: (Here the student should outline the essential facts of the case, particularly those facts bearing upon or leading up to the issue.)

4. Issue(s): (Here the student should outline the specific question of law or legal dispute to be resolved by the court.)

5. Issue (Here the student should write the legal question that the Court is deciding.

6. Holding. (Here the student should outline the rule of law or applicable test to be applied within a specific set of facts.)

7. Reasoning: (Here the student should discuss the reasoning behind the court’s decision. Was the decision based on precedent, public opinion, economics, fundamental fairness, etc.?  In this section it is often helpful to evaluate the significance of the case, its relationship to other cases, its place in history, and what, if any, impact it has on future decisions or practices.)




8. Decision: (Here the student should indicate the final decision of the court in this case.)

Posted in Law

Property law

You have been instructed in relation to a potential challenge of a decision of An Bord Pleanála (the “Board”) to grant permission to a developer known as ‘Biogas Plants Ltd.’ to construct and operate an anaerobic digestion plant.

You are instructed that the local planning authority refused permission on the basis that the proposed development contravened materially policy objective RH1 in the County Development Plan (“CDP”). On appeal by the developer, the Board’s Inspector concluded that the proposed development would not contravene materially RH1 in the CDP as it was not a zoning objective but rather a subjective policy objective which was open to interpretation. However, he recommended refusal on two grounds, namely traffic impact and the failure of the developer to provide adequate site location maps and drawings.

Notwithstanding that recommendation, the Board decided to grant permission subject to a number of conditions. In the Board Order, there is an assessment provided of the traffic impact and reasons given as to why the Board disagreed with the Inspector. However, the Order did not address the issue of whether the site location maps and drawings were adequate. The Board Order was also silent on whether the proposed development would contravene materially RH1 in the CDP.

One of the conditions that was imposed was a requirement on the developer to establish a community fund to be disbursed on an annual basis. Your client is aggrieved by this as the developer has been the subject of a number of District Court prosecutions for breaches of the Waste Management Act and Regulations.

Your client instructs you that the original site notice was deficient as it did not specify the volumetric throughput of the proposed development and stated that the name of the developer was ‘Biomass Plants’. You are also instructed that in the appeal lodged by the developer the appellant’s name was given as ‘Biomass Plants Ltd’.

Finally, you are instructed (and it is evident from the Board Order) that the Board had regard to a national policy document on anaerobic digestion and that one of the Board members was on the expert committee which drafted the policy. At the time the policy was prepared, the particular Board member was in private practice and was not a member of the Board. Your client also instructs you that the policy development was never subject to Strategic Environmental Assessment (“SEA”) and is of the firm view that it should not have been relied upon as a relevant planning consideration.
Please advise your client on whether there are any grounds of challenge and the merits of those grounds, having reference to statute and case-law.


Assignments should be 4,000 words in length. Assignments must not exceed the maximum word count.

Assignments must contain a bibliography and footnotes (see Moodle for the King’s Inns House Style Guide on how to reference sources). The bibliography and footnotes will not count towards the word count where they are used exclusively in order to list and accredit sources; however, where attempts are made to insert additional text in footnotes, that material will count towards the word limit.

Posted in Law

Canadian Law And Politics

You are required to submit a research paper of 3000-3500 words (10-12 pages) by Nov 18, 2019. Your paper should be typed using a 12-point font and double-spaced, with a minimum of 1-inch margins. The paper must analyze a problem or issue related to the development and/or enforcement of Canadian law relating to rights and freedoms, using independent research from several academic sources. The paper should not simply be descriptive, but analytical, and it should deal with the political aspects of the issue in question. You are encouraged to discuss your topic and paper with the instructor or the teaching assistant.

Some Paper Ideas

You are not restricted to these, and in most cases, it will be necessary to narrow the suggested theme below to turn it into a proper thesis statement or argument (i.e., a question to be answered).

 Theories of judicial review and constitutional interpretation

 Critical analysis of one or more important Charter decisions

 The relationship between the Charter and human rights legislation

 The implications of constitutionally-entrenching social rights

 Ideological critiques (communitarian, marxist, feminist, etc.) of contemporary judicial review

 Individual vs. collective rights

 Judicial review and the resolution of divisive moral issues

 Remedies for violations of Charter rights

 The Charter and the administration of criminal justice

 Interest groups and Charter litigation

 Alternatives to judicial enforcement of rights and freedoms

 Analysis of a particular Supreme Court Justice’s approach to Charter interpretation  Analysis of winners and losers in Charter cases

Posted in Law