Age of Crusades Military Leadership and the Combat Role of Knights

Age of Crusades Military Leadership and the Combat Role of Knights

Task Description:
This research paper needs to be written on the military leadership and the combat role of knights in The Age of Crusades.
The research essay needs to demonstrate a good/convincing/persuasive argument and structure, which means beginning with a clear topic definition – that is, a thesis. The analytical development of your argument shapes the whole body of your written work and determines its logical direction. Needless to say, the whole package is based on good use of evidence.

The scope and depth of treatment means showing high-quality evidence and imaginative research, incorporating primary and secondary sources. Accessing and using primary sources on your chosen subject is absolutely critical to a successful History essay. Luckily, The Age of Crusades has generated a lot of English translations of medieval (Latin, Greek, etc.) sources, many of them available online. the essay must use primary source material as well as secondary sources. just for understanding- there needs to be at least 7-10 primary sources.

And the presentation must consist of good language, writing style, spelling, grammar, punctuation, in addition to the all-important historical conventions of proper referencing (footnotes) and bibliography.

Criteria & Marking: The essay should demonstrate a very high level of rigour in argumentation and understanding of issues, exceptional organization of material, extensive research, and original and creative discussion. The presentation and referencing should be excellent, with minimal, if any, errors and strict attention to referencing conventions.
Your essay will be assessed according to the following criteria:

Ability to construct a well-reasoned argument.
Depth and breadth of understanding of central issues.
Ability to form a well-structured essay.
Engagement with academic sources and evidence.
Insight and/or creativity in interpreting texts or constructing a point of view or argument.
Capacity to produce a coherent and well-written essay using correct grammar and syntax.
Appropriately referenced, as per discipline conventions.

Leadership Style Assessment and Personal Reflection

Leadership Style Assessment and Personal Reflection

Leadership Style Assessment & Personal Reflection Paper
This assignment is intended to facilitate student self-assessment and critical reflection integral to ongoing development of leadership, management, and entrepreneurship potential in professional clinical nursing roles. Inherent in this activity is: a willingness to engage in self-reflection and analysis; the ability to objectively examine personal attributes, strengths, and weaknesses; gaining an awareness of resources available for the development of new leadership competencies; and a commitment to ongoing personal and professional development. The student will also evaluate his/her leadership style and potential for leadership in the clinical setting.
The student should:
• Complete a leadership self-assessment tool(s).
• Utilize a minimum of 3 resources to complete this self-assessment including: his/her textbook, relevant articles, and current research.
• Evaluate possible strategies for facilitating ongoing personal and professional development including (but not limited to)
o Ongoing education; career goals
o Networking/Mentoring/Professional Relationships
o Important characteristics of first job (organizational structure/philosophy; climate/culture; care delivery models; etc.

Content for the paper: (use the following designated content areas as headings throughout to organize your paper)
1. Identify your preferred leadership style
2. Assess your potential for leadership using and describing leadership theory
3. Assess your Decision-making and problem-solving style
4. Assess your ability to set priorities
5. Assess your delegation skills
6. Assess your communication skills: assertiveness, written, verbal, non-verbal, technical.
7. Assess your conflict resolution style
8. Identify a minimum of two areas of strength and two areas that need improvement to enhance your nursing leadership abilities.
9. Provide a plan of action for each identified area needing improvement, and explain why you feel improvement in these areas is crucial for your new role.

Format and style for paper
1. Maximum of 3-4 pages in length for formal paper (not including: title page reference page).
2. Mandatory format as designated by the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.)
3. Double-spaced. Microsoft Word 97-2004 format (.doc) only.
4. Title page and Reference page required; abstract not required. As this paper is a self-assessment and reflection, speaking in the first person is expected and acceptable.

The final assignment should be comprised of:
1.) A completed and analyzed copy of the Blake and Mouton tool; this will be provided for you via Blackboard or e-mail. Blake and Mouton Leadership Style Questionnaire
2.) Your assessment of the leadership motivational assessment and this relation to your leadership style ( Go to Leadership Skills, followed by Leadership Motivation Assessment. Take the on-line test and record your score. Compare the description of your score with your leadership styles. Any patterns noted?
3.) Assessment of your leadership style (transformational, transactional, charismatic/laissez-faire) found @ ; Leadership Style Assessment: Select the icon from the menu about assessment of leadership style. Complete the online “test” and note your results of your leadership style. These leadership styles are described in the textbook. After selecting your leadership style, please compare your results with the description from the textbook. What did you note? Were you surprised by the results?  Do you agree with the results?  What do you note around your communication style? Past decision-making style? Conflict resolution style? Use your textbook to aid in your discussion.
4.) A brief writing around your leadership style and your reflections around your past
influences personally and professionally with “leaders”. Reflect back to influences upon your leadership style. Has someone provided leadership modeling for you? Did you “model” after these people? Are there people who are leaders but not in a position of management? Include one current nursing leadership article to support your assessed leadership style, use this resource in the body of your paper, it is not necessary to submit a hard copy of this article, but it is important to reference the article.

This write-up (NOT inclusive of the Blake and Mouton Leadership Tool which will be attached) should be limited to 3-4 pages. NOTE: Your textbook has many leadership descriptions, if further descriptions are required.
I attached my results based on the 3 questionnaire tools we had to complete as well as the book we need to reference.
please get in touch with me with any questions as this is a very specific paper

Leadership Style Assessment and Personal Reflection

Leadership Style Assessment and Personal Reflection

Leadership Style Assessment & Personal Reflection Paper
This assignment is intended to facilitate student self-assessment and critical reflection integral to ongoing development of leadership, management, and entrepreneurship potential in professional clinical nursing roles. Inherent in this activity is: a willingness to engage in self-reflection and analysis; the ability to objectively examine personal attributes, strengths, and weaknesses; gaining an awareness of resources available for the development of new leadership competencies; and a commitment to ongoing personal and professional development. The student will also evaluate his/her leadership style and potential for leadership in the clinical setting.
The student should:
• Complete a leadership self-assessment tool(s).
• Utilize a minimum of 3 resources to complete this self-assessment including: his/her textbook, relevant articles, and current research.
• Evaluate possible strategies for facilitating ongoing personal and professional development including (but not limited to)
o Ongoing education; career goals
o Networking/Mentoring/Professional Relationships
o Important characteristics of first job (organizational structure/philosophy; climate/culture; care delivery models; etc.

Content for the paper: (use the following designated content areas as headings throughout to organize your paper)
1. Identify your preferred leadership style
2. Assess your potential for leadership using and describing leadership theory
3. Assess your Decision-making and problem-solving style
4. Assess your ability to set priorities
5. Assess your delegation skills
6. Assess your communication skills: assertiveness, written, verbal, non-verbal, technical.
7. Assess your conflict resolution style
8. Identify a minimum of two areas of strength and two areas that need improvement to enhance your nursing leadership abilities.
9. Provide a plan of action for each identified area needing improvement, and explain why you feel improvement in these areas is crucial for your new role.

Format and style for paper
1. Maximum of 3-4 pages in length for formal paper (not including: title page reference page).
2. Mandatory format as designated by the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.)
3. Double-spaced. Microsoft Word 97-2004 format (.doc) only.
4. Title page and Reference page required; abstract not required. As this paper is a self-assessment and reflection, speaking in the first person is expected and acceptable.

The final assignment should be comprised of:
1.) A completed and analyzed copy of the Blake and Mouton tool; this will be provided for you via Blackboard or e-mail. Blake and Mouton Leadership Style Questionnaire
2.) Your assessment of the leadership motivational assessment and this relation to your leadership style ( Go to Leadership Skills, followed by Leadership Motivation Assessment. Take the on-line test and record your score. Compare the description of your score with your leadership styles. Any patterns noted?
3.) Assessment of your leadership style (transformational, transactional, charismatic/laissez-faire) found @ ; Leadership Style Assessment: Select the icon from the menu about assessment of leadership style. Complete the online “test” and note your results of your leadership style. These leadership styles are described in the textbook. After selecting your leadership style, please compare your results with the description from the textbook. What did you note? Were you surprised by the results?  Do you agree with the results?  What do you note around your communication style? Past decision-making style? Conflict resolution style? Use your textbook to aid in your discussion.
4.) A brief writing around your leadership style and your reflections around your past
influences personally and professionally with “leaders”. Reflect back to influences upon your leadership style. Has someone provided leadership modeling for you? Did you “model” after these people? Are there people who are leaders but not in a position of management? Include one current nursing leadership article to support your assessed leadership style, use this resource in the body of your paper, it is not necessary to submit a hard copy of this article, but it is important to reference the article.

This write-up (NOT inclusive of the Blake and Mouton Leadership Tool which will be attached) should be limited to 3-4 pages. NOTE: Your textbook has many leadership descriptions, if further descriptions are required.
I attached my results based on the 3 questionnaire tools we had to complete as well as the book we need to reference.
please get in touch with me with any questions as this is a very specific paper

Jim Brock was an accountant with Hubbard Inc a large corporation with stock that was publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange

Jim Brock was an accountant with Hubbard Inc a large corporation with stock that was publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange

Ethics Case Studies 

150 Points

Report on Two Ethics Case Studies (Using Prezi)

Referring to the Ethical Decision Framework in Exhibit 1-9, each team will be creating a ‘Prezi’ evaluating two independent ethical situations.

Case 1: Retainer Fees as Sales (Chapter 9)

Bunch o’ Balloons markets balloon arrangements to companies that want to thank clients and employees. Bunch o’ Balloons has a unique style that has put it in high demand. Consequently, Bunch o’ Balloons has asked clients to establish an account. Clients are asked to pay a retainer fee equal to about three months of purchases. The fee will be used to cover the cost of arrangements delivered and will be reevaluated at the end of each month. At the end of the current month, Bunch o’ Balloons has $43,900 of retainer fees in its possession. The controller is eager to show this amount as sales because “it represents certain sales for the company.”


Use the Ethical Decision Framework in Exhibit 1-9 to complete the following requirements:

  1. Recognize an ethical dilemma: What ethical dilemma(s) do you face?
  2. Analyze the key elements in the situation:
    1. Who may benefit from using the second appraisal? Who may be harmed?
    2. How are they likely to benefit or be harmed?
    3. What rights or claims may be violated?
    4. What specific interests are in conflict?
    5. What are your responsibilities and obligations?
  3. List alternatives and evaluate the impact of each on those affected: What are your options in dealing with the ethical dilemma(s) you identified in (1) above
  4. Select the best alternative: Among the alternatives, which one would you select?

Case 2: Inside Information (Chapter 11)

Jim Brock was an accountant with Hubbard Inc., a large corporation with stock that was publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange. One of Jim’s duties was to manage the corporate reporting department, which was responsible for developing and issuing Hubbard’s annual report. At the end of 2017, Hubbard closed its accounting records and initial calculations indicated a very profitable year. In fact, the net income exceeded the amount that had been projected during the year by the financial analysts who followed Hubbard’s stock.

Jim was pleased with the company’s financial performance. In January 2018, he suggested that his father buy Hubbard’s stock because he was sure the stock price would increase when the company announced its 2017 results. Jim’s father followed that advice and bought a block of stock at $25 per share.

On February 15, 2018, Hubbard announced its 2017 results and issued the annual report. The company received favorable press coverage about its performance, and the stock price on the stock exchange increased to $32 per share.


Use the Ethical Decision Framework in Exhibit 1-9 to complete the following requirements:

  1. Recognize an ethical dilemma: What ethical dilemma(s) do you face?
  2. Analyze the key elements in the situation:
    1. Who may benefit from Jim’s action? Who may be harmed?
    2. How are they likely to benefit or be harmed?
    3. What rights or claims may be violated?
    4. What specific interests are in conflict?
    5. What are your responsibilities and obligations?
  3. List alternatives and evaluate the impact of each on those affected: What are your options in dealing with the ethical dilemma(s) you identified in (1) above?
  4. Select the best alternative: Among the alternatives, which one would you select?


Each team will create a Prezi to present their final project. If you have not already done so, sign up for a ‘Basic’ free account at . Click ‘Get Started,’ then choose the ‘Basic’ tab at the top. On the next screen (the one that asks you to tell more about yourself) select ‘Student.’

  • Collaboration:

You are able to collaborate as a team on the same Prezi. One person from the team will need to be the ‘owner’ and set up the initial Prezi presentation. There are several ways to add collaborators.

From the dashboard, hover over the presentation you created. Click the three dots. On the next page, to the right there is a blue ‘Add Collaborators’ button.


From the dashboard, click the down arrow on the presentation. A menu pops up; choose ‘add collaborators.’


Once in the presentation, in the upper right-hand corner is a collaboration icon. Click on it and then click ‘Total collaborators’ to add the members of your team.

*Make sure to give them editing rights.

  • Help resources for starting a new presentation, adding content, etc.:

  • Sharing:

Once the presentation is complete, you will need to create a sharable link. You will need to upload this link to the assignment drop box in Blackboard for grading. Follow the same steps described under Collaboration above and select option for ‘create new link.’

Additional Instructions:

  • You can either do a separate Prezi for each case OR present both cases in one Prezi.
  • Each team member must upload the link to the Prezi. (If you don’t upload the link; you don’t get a grade for it.)
  • This is designed to be a team project. Any member who does not contribute to the project is to not have their name on the presentation. Each team member will evaluate their other team members by using the text submission box when uploading the report.


Evaluation Criteria for: Team Project – Case Studies
Team Project

Part II – 150 points


135 to 150 Points


105 to 134 Points


104 Points or lower

Content (80%)

120 points

Presentation addresses all required elements. Analysis is clear and draws on topics presented in the textbook and/or other scholarly research. Presentation addresses most of the required elements. Analysis is somewhat clear and draws on topics presented in the textbook and/or other scholarly research. Overall presentation lacks clarity. Two or more of the required elements are not addressed. Analysis does not draw on topics presented in the textbook and/or other scholarly research.
Creativity, design and use of graphics (10%)


15 points

The Prezi is interesting and easy to read/follow. The Prezi is somewhat interesting and easy to read/follow. The Prezi lacks clarity and is not easy to read or follow. Lacks overall organization.
Grammar, Spelling (10%)

15 points

Clearly uses proper grammar and spelling. Has more than three errors in spelling or grammar. Has more than four errors in spelling or grammar.


Mentorship of Diverse Populations

Mentorship of Diverse Populations

Consider the following quote, “Recognition of the value of understanding how bias and stereotypes affect working relationships, educating leaders on how men and women may lead differently, and educating men on how to mentor women may serve to increase performance and improve the integration of women into military units” (Segal,et al., 2016, p. 38).

Now respond to the following:

As military leaders, how do you foster an environment of inclusion which values mentorship of diverse populations to include women, minorities, LGBTQ, and other underrepresented populations?
Discuss how you propose addressing this type of mentorship within your units. How does your approach or lack thereof have long lasting implications for unit cohesion and readiness?
In response to your fellow classmates, please ensure that you consider the challenges they may face and offer potential solutions for navigating such challenges.

Leadership System Design Framework

Leadership System Design Framework

Leadership System Design Framework Instructions –

Design your own custom leadership system. Write a 9 page APA formatted paper addressing the following:

Section by Section Instructions

  1. 1. Purpose and Requirements – Identify the purposes and requirements of a Leadership System and include how your leadership system will improve your leadership. You are designing your leadership system so the task in this seek to describe your purpose. This include what make effective leadership system; leadership system purpose and leadership system benefits. (You are designing YOUR custom leadership system so the task in this section is to describe your purpose(s) and your requirements for your leadership system. Include how your leadership system will improve your leadership?)
  2. Nature of the System – Describe the type(s) and nature(s) of a Leadership System (physical, information, creative, etc.) and discuss the implications for a leadership system design. In this section describe the nature of leadership system(this is not the nature of your organization work system). Begin with the nature of leadership. Use table to summarize BUT make sure that you provide a discussion addressing the nature of leadership (See Latham, J. R. 2012) (In this section describe the nature(s) of a leadership system. This is NOT the nature of your organization’s work systems. Focus on the nature of leadership. What is the nature of the process where one person (a leader) influences the behavior of another person (one or more followers)? Then consider the multiple aspects and activities of leadership. Use the table to summarize but make sure you also provide a discussion of the nature(s).

PHYSICAL– When designing physical systems such as those that bend metal, mix chemicals, or assemble parts we identify the physical nature of the system. Those are the components that obey the immutable natural laws of science. NOTE – The physical dimension is NOT APPLICABLE to the design of a leadership system. Leadership is a social process. The physical laws of nature are not considerations for the design of a leadership system.

INFORMATION – Describe the information nature of a leadership system (if any) and how it will influence the design of your leadership system.

CREATIVE – Describe the creative nature of a leadership system (if any) and how it will influence the design of your leadership system.

BESPOKE – Describe the bespoke nature(s) of a leadership system (if any) and how it will influence the design of your leadership system.

  1. 3. Theories and Concepts – Identify and describe the key theories and concepts that inform the design of a Leadership System. Include the key concepts and theories from your leadership course(s). (See Leadership systems components Latham, J. R. (2013a) and Latham, J. R. (2013b)) from reference lists which has the key concepts and theories. The task here is to identify Leadership theories and concepts and you will use to inform your design  example: Servant leadership, transformational leadership. Leadership components.

(The task here is to identify the leadership theories and concepts that you will use to inform your design. There are quite a few leadership theories to choose from (servant leadership, transformation leadership etc.) so pick the leadership theories that fit your leadership style. Include the applicable key concepts and theories from your leadership course(s). Describe how the theories will inform the design of your leadership system.

Also, identify the leadership activities that make sense for your situation. Begin with the nine leadership system activities identified in the Latham (2013) CEO Study Paper. Describe how each component (activity) will apply to and influence the design of your leadership system).

  1. 4. Inspiring Examples – Identify Leadership System examples that inspire you and generate new ideas and thinking. Here you MUST  use  2 Baldrige  Excellence Framework   1 from K&N Management ( and the next from : Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center (  .   Diagrams may be used in this section.

The task here is NOT about inspiring leaders. The task here is to study LEADERSHIP SYSTEMS from other organizations and use what you learned to inspire your own design. For each example (K&N Management 2010 and Memorial Hospital and Healthcare) identify the key characteristics of those leadership systems that you will creatively adapt to your own design and how they will influence the design of your leadership system.

  1. 5. Unique Context – Describe your current working context. Develop a systems diagram of the context using a digital application. The task here is to identify the key factors from your particular situation (me) that influence the design of your leadership system. Example  leading a virtual  team of 10 is different from  leading a manufacturing team of 200 employees.  As you identify the key factors discuss how this influence your leadership.

The task here is to identify the key factors from your situation that influence the design of your leadership system. For example, leading a virtual team of 10 people spread around the world is a different leadership task than leading a manufacturing plant with 200 employees in one location. As you identify the key factors discuss how those influence your leadership.

  1. Design Principles – Describe how you will apply the general design principles to the design of your Leadership System. Address all eight design principles described in Latham (2012). Describe how each design principle will influence the design of your leadership system.
  2. System Integration – Identify and analyze the connections between a Leadership System and the other organization and managerial systems. The task here is to identify the inputs and outputs (connections) to the leadership system from other systems in the organization. For example, the leadership system often connects to the employee performance review system, the strategic planning system, the performance measurement system, etc.
  3. Design – Using what you have learned in the previous activities, [re]design your own “personal” Leadership System. Include text, tables, and diagrams to fully illustrate and explain your leadership system. Support your description, discussion, and critical analysis with solid management literature and research references.

Do not use MS Word for the diagram. Use instead Power Point (or other diagramming application) and paste the diagram into the Word.doc.

Support your work with credible management and research references.


Include a list of your references formatting according to APA guidelines. Include all references that you used to support your discussions and design decisions. Without references, your discussions will be limited to your opinion vs. critical analysis backed by empirical evidence. Include ONLY those references cited in the paper. See APA for more on what to include in a reference list and how to format the different types of sources.


Read the Latham (2012) paper that describes the framework and process of designing and managerial system. In addition, Latham (2013a and b) identifies leadership activities that are common to successful leaders of transformation. These activities form the core of a leadership system. Use this paper to inform the development of the section titled Theories & Concepts in your paper.


Latham, J. R. (2012). “Management System Design for Sustainable Excellence: Framework, Practices and Considerations.” Quality Management Journal, Vol 19, Iss. 2

Download at:


Latham, J. R. (2013a). “A Framework for Leading the Transformation to Performance Excellence Part I: CEO Perspectives on Forces, Facilitators, and Strategic Leadership Systems.” Quality Management Journal, Vol 20, Iss. 2

Download at:


Latham, J. R. (2013b). A framework for leading the transformation to performance excellence part II: CEO perspectives on leadership behaviors, individual leader characteristics, and organizational culture. Quality Management Journal, 20(3), 22.

Download at:


Text book used:

Senge, P. M., Roberts, C., Ross, R. B., Smith, B. J., & Kleiner, A. (1994). The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization. New York: Currency Doubleday.

Senge, Peter (2009). The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization. Doubleday ISBN-13: 978-0-385-51725-6

Meadows, Donella (2008). Thinking in Systems: A Primer. Chelsea Green Publishing Company: White River Junction, VT. ISBN: 978-1-603-58148-6

General Formatting Instructions

All your formatting questions are answered in the APA guide with the exceptions listed below.

DO submit a Word.doc

DO use tables and diagrams as appropriate to illustrate key concepts and processes and save space. However, if you include a table or diagram you must refer to and discuss that exhibit in the text of the paper. Make sure you label and format the tables following APA guidelines.

*****DO use 1.5 Spacing! Except for tables and diagrams which are single spaced. *****

****DO use 11pt font for the paragraphs and tables in the body of the paper (excluding headings).*****

DO support your discussions with solid management concepts and research from credible source (e.g., journal articles). Without references, your discussions will be limited to your opinion vs. critical analysis backed by empirical evidence.

DO NOT include “generic” tutorials on management concepts. This is an application paper so references to the literature theories, concepts, and research should be applied to the particular situation. In other words, make the connection between theory and practice not just a description of general theory.

DO NOT include any direct quotes from the references that you use. Use the references to support your own analysis and words.





Five Keys that Identify a Professional

Five Keys that Identify a Professional

After listening and participating in the two-week lecture of “Professionalism is for Everyone” we recognized Five Keys that identify a professional. Remember, professionalism is a skill that is learned and practiced. To be a Professional, one MUST act as a Professional.
Part one: Using the five keys rank them in order from which you believe to be your Strongest Key to your Weakest Key and explain in one paragraph your ranking.
Part two: To stereotype a leader is dangerous because we may assume that there is only one way to lead, their way. However, there are many ways to lead and leaders come from all walks of life.
For part two, identify a person who you believe is a leader that meets or exceeds the five keys to being a true professional. This person can be either living or deceased, a family member, a co-worker, a teacher, again anyone who you think exemplifies the characteristics of the Keys.
Write one paragraph for each key on how you feel this person meets or exceeds each key. You will have five paragraphs in total for part two.

Leadership Profile

Follow the Leader (Leadership Profile) Choose a leader from the public or non-profit sector – this must be an individual with whom you have a personal leader/follower relationship.

Do not choose a “public figure” unless you have personally worked for that person. Example: do not ask to follow Michelle Obama unless you have personally worked for the former First Lady.

Students who are not MPA majors may request to follow a private-sector leader.

“Follow” the leader and apply leadership concepts learned in the course to analyze the leader and his/her leadership.

In your observations, consider the following: What “type” of leader is this individual?

The leadership theories, styles, and approaches studied, and reflect on your leader from these perspectives.

The leadership traits, skills, and behaviors studied and discuss your leader from these perspectives.

Write a paper that details the individual’s leadership style, traits, personal and professional accomplishments, indicators of ethical leadership, and any other pertinent information you choose to include.

Prepare your paper according to the following specifications: Use 12-point Times New Roman, one-inch margins, double-spaced 1750 words minimum, approximately five pages

Leadership and Success of the California Nurses’ Association

Leadership and Success of the California Nurses’ Association 

Watch the three-part California Nurses Association History videos and determine the role of leadership in the success of this organization. Review the expectations outlined in the Writing Assignment Rubric.
The Leadership and Success of the CNA Paper should be 3–4 pages long, not counting the cover page and references list.

Your paper should include in the review: Comprehension: Briefly summarize the efforts and outcome of the CNA.

Application: Relate core leadership concepts to the success of the CNA.

Include the relationship of empowerment, government, and cultural competency to the struggles and success of the CNA. Analysis/Synthesis: Clarify understanding of the variables contributing to the success of the CNA group’s efforts.

Evaluation: Summarize the efforts of the CNA as a model to enhance APRN practice.

Use at least 4 scholar references.

Professional Leadership Communication and the Healthcare Practice Scholar Guidelines

Professional Leadership Communication and the Healthcare Practice Scholar Guidelines 

The purpose of this paper is to explore and explain verbal, non-verbal, and written communication at the highest professional level. This assignment allows for the assimilation of professional leadership competencies as a doctorally prepared healthcare practice scholar.

  • 6-8 Scholarly Sources:
  • 5-7 pages excluding Title and References


In a brief paragraph, introduce your paper’s topic and establish its importance. Present a clear purpose statement and a mini-outline, in sentence format, of the paper. The best introductions outline the paper according to the major sections in the assignment guidelines (which are the required level 1 headings for the body of the paper).
Level 1 Headings in APA
1. Verbal Communication Competencies and the Practice Scholar
This section describes the leadership competency of verbal communication for the practice scholar. Present your understanding of the components, comportment, and collaborative nature of effective and ineffective verbal communication as a leader.
2. Non-verbal Communication Competencies and the Practice Scholar
This section describes the leadership competency of non-verbal communication for the practice scholar. Present your understanding of the positive and negative behaviors of non-verbal communication as a leader and examples of each.
3. Written Communication Competencies and the Practice Scholar
This section describes the leadership competency of written communication for the DNP practice scholar. Include your understanding of (a) professional tone & style,

(b) use of standard English,

(c) strategies for effective writing as a DNP leader in documents such as emails, memos, curricula vitarum, grant proposals, white papers, poster presentations, project dissemination manuscripts, and other formal written forms of professional leadership communication
Recap the paper’s purpose statement and mini-outline criteria.

Organizational Leadership in Healthcare

Organizational Leadership in Healthcare 

You have been asked by organizational leadership to develop a PowerPoint presentation for
department managers on building leadership and trust in collaborative teams. Use the notes
section of each slide to expand your talking points and reference your resources.
This assessment examines two critical components for interprofessional team success:
leadership and trust. Develop a PowerPoint presentation in which you:
* Identify at least three leadership behaviors that build trust within a team.
* Identify at least three leadership behaviors that undermine trust within a team.
* Explain the consequences of a team that does not trust its leader in terms of patient safety.
* Describe strategies team members can use to build trust among one another in terms of skill,
knowledge, and responsibility.
* Describe principles of effective interprofessional team leadership. In other words, what skills
and qualities should a good team leader possess? Is there a difference between being a good
leader and being an effective leader?

Personal Leadership Development Plan Power Point

Instructions: Follow each point as outlined, nothing should be missing. 

  1. Each student should prepare a “My Personal Leadership Development Plan” in a PowerPoint presentation. The length of the presentation will depend on the value you place on your leadership development.
  2. Using what we learned in class from the discussions, instruments, assignments, and readings, do a complete analysis of your leadership style and effectiveness.
    • What have you learned about yourself?
    • What areas do you need to work on to be a more effective leader?

Guidelines for Personal Development Plan

  1. Identify the behaviors that you need to stop doing and others that you need to start doing. It is assumed that over the semester you have reflected on these actions and will want to take steps to change your behavior to become a more effective leader.
  2. Use the five practices of exemplary leadership discussed by Kouzes & Posner (1987). Reflect upon which practice best exemplifies you.
  3. Use any combination end-of-chapter questionnaires, observational exercises, and/or reflection to guide your discussion.
  4. Discuss at least two leadership theories that resonated with you and your style. Do not just write a definition.
  5. Provide a specific list of strategies (i.e. action steps and timeline) for your leadership development and justify them on the basis of your above discussion. That is, show how your discussion of leadership concepts informs your choice of action steps.
  6. Create a leadership development plan for yourself. The plan should be put into effect over the next one to two years.

You should submit

  • A PowerPoint presentation. As this is a business class, your presentation should reflect business standards in quality, structure, and presentation. Include a title slide. Review consistency of format, font, font size, appropriate use of graphics to text, length of text, etc.
  • Cite your sources where applicable on each slide (APA style).
  • Include a References slide in APA format.


  1. PowerPoint slides should contain bullets, not long paragraphs.
  2. Use graphics, charts, pictures to emphasize, not overwhelm, your text.