Critical Essay – leadership theory

Examine a famous leader applying concepts and theories explored in this course. Follow this outline:

a.) Open your essay with an opening paragraph describing the leader and summarizing the leadership theory that you will be addressing. (Keep the background information very brief. This is not a biographical sketch.)

b.) Name three specific leadership skills, three specific leadership behaviors and three specific leadership traits of this leader.

c.) Name the leadership skill, leadership behavior and leadership trait that you think best explains the success of this leader, and explain why.

d.) Apply this leader’s approach or style to one of the leadership theories discussed in this course.

e.) Explain why this leadership style or approach has been successful for this leader and make logical arguments supporting your case.

f.) Write a summarizing paragraph. Cite at least two direct quotes from the textbook (include citation with page number). Direct quotes should be short (no more than one sentence) and should be noted with quotation marks.

g.) Include at least one chart or table to explain a salient leadership point about this leader one that was created by you (the student) in this Critical Essay.

Paper must be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, 10-12 pages.

Theories and frameworks on leadership

You have been introduced several theories and frameworks on leadership. Which one of the theories do you think to align with the global leadership requirements? Discuss your rationale.

impact of leadership behaviors, styles, and characteristics for transformational leadership.

To complete this Assessment:

  • Identify three scholarly research resources that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors, styles, and characteristics for transformational leadership.
  • Reflect on your results of the Strengths Finder Assessment and consider what these results convey in terms of your behaviors and characteristics in contributing to your leadership style/philosophy.

In 2–3 pages, develop and submit a leadership philosophy that reflects your characteristics, core values, and strengths as they pertain to your leadership skills and profile. Use the scholarly research resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your leadership philosophy should include the following:

  1. A description of your core values
  2. A personal mission/vision statement
  3. Analysis of your Strengths Finder Assessment summarizing the results of your profile
  4. A description of two key behaviors that you wish to strengthen
  5. A development plan that explains how you plan to improve upon the two key behaviors you selected. Be specific and provide examples.
  6. An explanation of how you plan to achieve your personal mission/vision. Be specific and provide examples.

Analyzing Leadership Decisions Outline 

Analyzing Leadership Decisions Outline 

For this Project (listed below) develop a 2-page outline of your proposed topics and subtopics. Then, identify the decision-making processes used, or any additional factors that might have led to ineffective decision making. Be sure to critique any processes used. Next, describe and justify two to three recommendations for different approaches that could have been taken. Lastly, identify potential theories that may be relevant to your Portfolio Project topic.

Final Project Description:

Analyzing Leadership Decisions

For this option, your final Portfolio Project is a thoughtful analysis of an ineffective or poor leadership decision. You may use a well-known leadership decision, such as the 2011 decision to split Netflix, which resulted in serious financial losses for the organization. Your project must include the following:

  • Research      a leadership decision that was ineffective or did not have the desired      results.
  • Describe      the problem that may have precipitated the decision, as well as the      apparent processes used by the leaders involved in the decision-making      effort. Use terms from this course.
  • Critique      the processes they implemented, applying what you learned from this      course.
  • Recommend      a different approach that could have been taken, using theories and      methodologies from this course.
  • Present      a strong case for how your recommendations could have altered the decision      made, leading to more effective results for the organization.
  • Use      theory from this course to support your evaluation, critique, and      recommendations.

Chow, T., Salleh, L. & Ismail, I. (2017). Lessons from the major leadership theories in comparison to the competency theory for leadership practice. Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies, 3(2), 147-156. (To view this reading, please open the link provided and select “Full Text” then select “PDF” on the next screen.)

Damirchi, Q., Etebarian, A., & Rashidpour, A. (2017). Role of culture in leaders leading. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Oman Chapter), 6(10), 23-31.

Lisak, A., Erez, M, Sui, Y., & Lee, C. (2016). The positive role of global leaders in enhancing multicultural team innovation. Journal of International Business Studies, 47(6), 655-673.

Pathak, M. (2016). Authenticity: The new leadership standard. Human Capital, 20(5), 52-53. (To view this reading, please open the link provided and download the “PDF full text.”)

Yi-Feng, Y. (2016). Examining competing models of transformational leadership, leadership trust, change commitment, and job satisfaction. Psychological Reports, 119(1), 154-173. (To view this reading, please open the link provided and download the “PDF full text.”)

Robbins, S. R., & Judge, T. A. (2017). Essentials of organizational behavior (14th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Personal definition of leadership

Write a one-two sentence personal definition of leadership. Base you definition on what you have encountered this week, as well as on what you have already learned about leadership.
•    Discuss the statements: “Leadership is everybody’s business” and “Leadership is not an affair of the head, but rather an affair of the heart.”
•    Finally, write about the differences between leadership and management.

Change models


Hello Group – you have really engaged in a great discussion about change, how useful the different change models might be, and the difficulties encountered in this type of situation. How can you use spheres of influence held by staff who are being “restructured” and those who are not to bring about positive outcomes of the change? How is your decision influenced by ethical, intuitive, and collaborative decision-making models?

Healthcare Leadership & Management -The Modern Healthcare Leader 

TOPIC: The Modern Healthcare Leader

Deliverable Length: 10-12 pages + at least 7 scholarly or peer-reviewed references

Choose a real health care organization to study. Interview 1 key leader who is involved in the organization’s health care delivery. Based on questions asked and answers given, the report will summarize the questions and answers and then present detailed information evaluating the following:

  • Interdepartmental interaction, communications, team building activities and conflict resolution techniques, ethics and workplace diversity programming, proposed operational changes, and how these changes may impact operations      and budgets

Characteristics of transformational leadership

  • Think about the characteristics of transformational leadership.
  • Review the Sherman and Pross (2010) resource related to workplace culture.
  • Select a scenario from your current or past workplace in which a leader demonstrated transformational leadership.

Assignment (4–5 pages, not including the title page or reference page):

  • Describe the scenario you selected.
  • Describe the transformational behaviors or actions the leader exhibited. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Explain how these behaviors or actions produce the best care and environment for excellence in nursing practice and a healthy workplace environment that leads to quality patient outcomes.
  • For each behavior or action, provide an example of how excellence in nursing practice is taking place.
  • Explain how the leader’s behaviors and actions contribute to a healthy workplace culture.
  • Explain the relationship among transformational leadership, communication, and collaboration with other teams and how this promotes excellence in nursing practice.

Organizational Leadership And Decision Making

Organizational Leadership And Decision Making

Answer to the questions below to the attached mini case. Your answer to question one should be about one page long. Your answer to question three should be about two pages long. proper APA standards and two references.

Q1. Some organizational factors increase a project’s likelihood of success. Identify these “facilitators” for the Green project.

Q2. Outline the things that McCann needs to do right away

Leadership Styles

Leadership Styles

There are several styles of leadership. Autocratic leaders control subordinates, emphasizing that the leaders are in control. Democratic leaders work with subordinates rather than controlling them. Laissez-faire leaders might be considered nonleaders. Such leaders engage in minimal influence with subordinates.

From the various leaders you have had in the past ten years (e.g., supervisors, managers, coaches, teachers, music directors, etc.), select one who was authoritarian, one who was democratic, and one who was laissez-faire. Begin your post by describing your three leaders in three or four sentences each.

Then, select any one of the following bullet point questions (addressing all items in the bullet point you select).

· What were the different task-oriented behaviors used by each leader? What were the different relationship-oriented behaviors used by each leader? How did others react to the leader? Which type of leader seemed to demonstrate the most effective task and relationship behaviors? Based on what evidence?

Finally, complete your post with a brief evaluation of your personal leadership style

· Which style of leadership do you use?

· How do you know that your style is effective?

· What are two specific activities you could use to improve your leadership effectiveness? (Northouse, 2009, pp. 50–51).

2 Pages with References

Leadership In Crisis In Education


During the past few weeks, the coronavirus has cast an uncertain future over U.S. education—particularly the ongoing school year. It has also raised a host of questions:

Is remote learning possible for every school? How can educators and parents make it a meaningful experience when it’s happened so suddenly? And what roles will teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals and parents play?


With schools, major corporations, and small businesses closed, employees, are working outside the office. Remote work is increasingly a fact of work-life around the world. (Nearly one-quarter of Americans say some or all of their work is done outside the office.) But experts say a pandemic like a coronavirus is another reason why firms should invest in allowing workers to be able to productively work remotely.

In the social service environment, there is one case in Oregon where a Department of Children and Families changed its rules to allow some visits with foster kids to be conducted by video message rather than an in-person visit for the purposes of safety during the outbreak. It is assumed that there will be a lot of change in practice going forward as a result.

What are other specific concerns related to remote work for individuals working in the human services environment? Provide an example.

Leadership & organizational culture

  1. What do you think is the role of the leader in creating an organizational culture?
  2. What are some tools leaders can use to create organizational culture?
  3. How would you decide what culture to build in your organization?

IT leader in the digital transformation era

Paper Requirements:   Review the section on the IT leader in the digital transformation era.  Note how IT professionals and especially leaders must transform their thinking to adapt to the constantly changing organizational climate.  What are some methods or resources leaders can utilize to enhance their change attitude?

This assignment must be submitted by 11:59 PM on Sunday, April 12, 2020 (No Exceptions).  As per the syllabus, no late assignments will be accepted.

The paper should be one-page in length and adhere to APA formatting standards.

**Remember the page length does not include the APA cover page or any references**

Please understand that Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a zero grade. Please review the Academic Dishonesty Policy outlined in the syllabus and in your student handbook.

Nurse Leadership – leadership models and styles

As a nurse leader, it is important to understand a variety of leadership models and styles. This will help you adapt to different settings and apply strategies to support and inspire others. It may also be necessary to apply models in different professional settings to satisfy certification requirements. Write a 1,000-1,250 word paper about your personal model of leadership, including the following:

  1. How might your personal model of leadership be applied in your professional setting?
  2. Compare your personal leadership model to servant leadership, transformational leadership, and at least one other model of leadership.
  3. Describe your personal worldview, including the religious, spiritual, and cultural elements that you think most influence your personal philosophy of practice and attitude towards leadership.
  4. Describe how your professional leadership behaviors can inspire others.

Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed resources (published within the last 5 years) as evidence to support your views.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.