Transformational model of leadership (Nursing)

Minimum of 300 words with at least 2 peer review reference in sixth edition apa style.

How do servant leaders, as compared with leaders using the transformational model of leadership, manage organization dynamics and lead change to ensure that the continued success of the stakeholders will be served? Is servant leadership or transformational leadership the best approach to these tasks? Why?

People, Culture And Contemporary Leadership

Your Task
There are two core components to this activity: to develop a draft report framework (plan) as an in-class
activity and then using that framework (plan) create an individual report based on the
organisation’s/companies organisational performance relating to: organisation culture change and
innovation, employee engagement, performance and reward.
Assessment Description
PART A (In-Class Draft Report Framework)
In Week 3/4 you will need to select an Australian organisation/company of your choice from the
Australia’s top 200 listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). You can find the list of companies
However, you CANNOT select organisation/company from the Banking, Airline, Supermarkets or the
Telecommunication Sectors. You should not be choosing a Franchise Company. You should discuss your
ideas with your Facilitator before commencing
As part of the in-class activities, you will develop a draft report framework (that must be signed off by your
Facilitator) to assist you in preparing your individual report. Attendance is compulsory for this in-class part
of the assessment. Each student will individually submit a copy of their framework via Moodle and their
report via Turnitin.
PART B. (Individual Report)
By looking at the organisation’s/company’s website, business articles and Annual Reports, you will be
able to see whether it is possible to access enough information about its organisational practices to
address the following:
1. How is your selected organisation/company trying to improve the performance of its workforce?
• Include at least one performance related initiative and one way in which its success could
be measured
2. How is your selected organisation/company trying to improve its culture?
• Include at least one culture-based initiative and identify the type of culture prevalent within
the organisation/company
3. How is your organisation trying to improve their rates of employee engagement?
• Include at least one employment-based initiative and the likelihood of success?

Leadership Styles (Reflection Paper)

Leadership Styles (Reflection Paper)


Capture your impressions on how you would go about implementing an organizational culture
that fosters creative thinking and innovative behavior.
Identify the elements of an organizational culture that promote creative thinking. Try to draw on
personal experience and be creative in providing context for moving forward. In other words,
based on the information in this lesson and while reflecting on past experiences, capture your
initial impressions on how you would create the culture described here.
Discuss the leadership practices (Transactional/transformational) that will promote the elements
identified. Discuss the context, meaning the type of organization/industry. You are reflecting on a
hypothetical company and situation, so you are encouraged to find an area of passion in your life
and use that as the context. Consider also how you will apply what you have learned to your
professional life as a in the future

What Is Servant Leadership

Use Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership in “What Is Servant Leadership?”  and the Bible passages in “Biblical Servant Leadership References” for this assignment.

Create a graphic representation to illustrate the similarities and differences between the servant leadership principles of Greenleaf and those in the Bible passages.

Write at least 750-word summary of how both Greenleaf and the Bible call people to serve, and discuss how one feels when called to serve as a leader. In your summary, include discussion of the following:

  • Similarities and differences between Greenleaf’s servant leadership and the Bible passages.
  • Describe how this will impact your personal approach to leadership.
  • The idea that power comes from giving it away and putting oneself in the position to serve others. Using Matthew 20:20-28 and Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership as a basis, explain how taking the role of a servant can make one a leader.

Provide specific examples from scripture and supporting citations from the readings related to Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership to strengthen your ideas and claims.

Submit your graphic representation and written response as a single Word document, not as a PDF.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines

Women Roles and Leadership in Saudi Arabia

Women Leadership Roles  and Development in the Saudi Arabia  


Discuss the leadership roles of women in Saudi Arabia, and how they have or can provide support to the development of the country.


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Leadership role

There is no guarantee for success for any person in a leadership role. It is not uncommon for a leader who has met success in one leadership role and environment to encounter an experience where his or her leadership becomes ineffective. As a result of various factors within situations, success may not be tied to the style of the leader. Various factors might include the situational context in which leadership is applied or the level of member motivation. For example, in Situational Theory, a leader may be effective because his or her style of leadership fits the situation. A leader may also be effective because of his or her ability to motivate subordinates. As outlined in Path-Goal Theory, a leader removes obstacles and provides support to subordinates to achieve goals.

For this Discussion, review the Learning Resources to consider the strengths and limitations of using the Path-Goal Theory of leadership in health care administration situations. Path-Goal Theory is widely debated in terms of its validity in leadership practices. As a result, for this Discussion, you must determine if you think Path-Goal is a valid theory of leadership. Then, think about how Path-Goal Theory compares to the Situational Approach Theory of leadership and consider an example of this comparison.

Post a brief description of two strengths and two limitations of Path-Goal Theory as applied in the field of health care administration. Then, compare Path-Goal Theory to the Situational Approach Theory of leadership. Be specific. Finally, explain whether Path-Goal Theory is a valid theory of leadership. Justify your response.

Brief individual leadership assessment entitled “Narcissism.”

This week’s self-assessment, located in your course text (Chapter 4, p. 138), includes one brief individual leadership assessment entitled “Narcissism.”

For this Personal Leadership Journal, complete the “Narcissism” assessment. As a scholar-practitioner of health care administration leadership, what might the assessment reveal about your perspective on the topic of Narcissism? Consider how Narcissism may impact your role in the field of health care administration.

The Assignment (2–3 paragraphs):

  • Explain new insights gained based on your results of the “Narcissism” assessment.
  • Explain how these new insights might impact your current or future role as a health care administration leader.

Nursing Leadership in COVID-19

Nursing Leadership in COVID-19

Part I:

There are multiple – each quite different – styles of management, some of which are better suited to specific organizational cultures, work groups, and/or circumstances. Research various management styles and read about what makes each one different, and detail the pros and cons of each one. Create a small chart for yourself to use as reference in the discussion.

Reflect on individuals – not necessarily people who are in healthcare – who you consider to be leaders. Identify for yourselves the characteristics that these leaders embody, focusing on characteristics and qualities that make them stand out as leaders.

Finally, review healthcare ethical principles. Be certain you understand the differences between and among the primary principles that guide the nursing profession and medical/health care.

Part II:

Crisis situations (for example the current COVID-19 pandemic, terrorist acts, or natural disasters) often are breeding grounds for the exacerbation of ethical dilemmas and workplace issues. Healthcare environments are not excluded from these challenges.

Discuss at least one (1) ethical dilemma (an ethical dilemma is defined as a situation in which there is a choice to be made between two options, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion) AND two (2) workplace/Hospital issues that may be more prevalent during a crisis.

Be sure to explain the ethical principles that are conflicting.

Give examples from your readings and/or your experiences regarding the potential workplace issues. Include your thoughts regarding why the workplace issues may surface or become worse during a crisis.

Which management style do you think is best for dealing with the workplace issues you raised. Explain.

Do you think it is better to have strong leaders or strong managers during periods of prolonged or severe crisis? Why?

Leadership Theory Application

Leadership Theory Application

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Share a story or create a scenario where the incorrect leadership theory was used. Discuss how the situation could have turned out differently if another style was considered.

In response to your peers, discuss how you would handle the situation outlined by your classmate based on your leadership style assessment from Week 1. How does this differ from your classmate’s approach?

Enron Scandal and Leadership

Enron Scandal and Leadership

Write a minimum of 5 full pages but no more than 4 full pages essay on Enron and how well the
firm’s leadership (Lay, Fastow, Skilling, Pai) managed their stakeholder responsibilities,
according to “The Clarkson Principles” presented in your text. Format your paper in APA style,
including a title page, in-text citations, and a References page. If you have formatting questions,
there is an APA link in our classroom resources or you can use other resources such as The Owl
at Purdue University. The movie name is The Smartest Guys In the Room.

Leadership Podcast Paper

Leadership Podcast Paper

Listen to “Nursing Homes Find Aides Key to Good Care”
Referencing the podcast respond to the following questions
– Why is it important for a leader to empower her/his followers (employees) to own and
demonstrate any and/or all of the leadership behaviors we have learned about?
– Please note specific behaviors and types of leadership approaches your followers should
practice and why.
– Support your ideas with detailed examples or evidence.

Nursing Leadership and Management

The goal of this paper is to apply the concepts emphasized in this week’s class activities to a
nursing organization that students work at, or are familiar with from past clinical or work
experiences. There are resources for most of the agencies on the web for further research but be
aware that students must have some familiarity with the organization to complete this paper. This
does not need to be a hospital and may include home care, public health agencies, or nursing
homes. If you are concerned about whether your choice of agency is appropriate please check
with course faculty. Be sure to integrate multiple resources.
Paper Guidelines:
APA format with a title page etc. Maximum of 4 double spaced pages in length excluding title and
reference page. Use subheadings to organize the paper.
Minimum of 5 references for full points.One of these references may be the class text. Be sure
references are scholarly.

There should be evidence in this paper that you have read and integrated the learning resources
posted for this week.
The paper must answer and focus on the following questions:
Introduce the facility. What is the mission of this agency? After reading the mission what can you
say about this organization’s values?
See if you can locate a copy of the organizational structure. Remember some facilities will have
a separate structure for the nursing department that you may be more familiar with. If you cannot
locate a copy of the structure, frame your response around what you know. What type of
organizational structure is it? (refer to pp. 302-304 in your text) Where are the decisions made?
Where is nursing on the chart and who does the Chief Nursing Officer report to? How is
communication and decision making affected by the organizational structure of the facility?
Is there a Shared Governance Model within this organization? What are the advantages of the
Shared Governance Model for nursing? Remember shared governance is not just – ‘yes we have
input into decisions’ but a formal process for shared decision making. Give specific examples.
Who do you feel the stakeholders are for this organization? Give specific examples. (See text).
Briefly touch on the culture of the organization. Give specific examples. See Display 12.3, p.307
in your text.

Leadership and Stakeholder Analysis Paper

Leadership and Stakeholder Analysis Paper, Directions

3 part: Written Assignment please follow attachment

Part 1: Leadership Analysis and SWOT Analysis of Mark Zuckerberg (3 page)

Part 2: Stakeholders Analysis of Sherwin Williams R&D facility (Brecksville, Ohio) Northeast Ohio Initiative Project (3 pages)

Part 3: Synthesis of Leader and Initiative Mark Zuckerberg as a Stakeholder of Sherwin Williams R&D facility of Brecksville, Ohio