Leadership Theories. Comparing and Contrasting Leadership Styles / Theories


Compare and contrast two leadership styles or theories

Mini-Paper: Compare and Contrast two leadership styles or theories

This Assignment fulfills the following course objective:

  1. Integrate nursing leadership concepts and theories into the various roles of the professional registered nurse to promote safe and high quality nursing care.

In this assignment you will select two different leadership styles or theories, and write a 2-3 page paper comparing/contrasting the two. Focus on how the two are similar to each other (comparison), and then describe how they differ (contrast). When you are writing this paper, reflect on analyzing the differences, how and under what conditions would they be utilized, and what is important about them. State how these would or would not be significant to the nursing profession.



–          Identify the two different leadership theories or styles

–          State the rationale as to why these two theories or styles were chosen

–          What is the significance of these styles or theories, why are they important


–          Explain the similarities and differences between the two theories or styles, give examples

–          Discuss the advantages and disadvantages

–          State the conditions/environment that both of the theories or styles would work best.


–          Summarize the findings from the discussion

–          States significance to the nursing profession.

Strong Leadership in an Organisational Setting (Airline Leaders)

Strong Leadership in an Organisational Setting (Airline Leaders)

What do you have to do?

To complete this assignment you must research and study the role played by strong leadership in an organisational setting. To do this you must provide a descriptive and informative case study that profiles the current or former CEO of a major airline.  That case should focus on their personal attributes and history, contribution to that airline and discuss whether their leadership had a positive or negative impact on that company and why.

. Please read the question well and you should be in topic.

Suggested Airline Leaders

Richard Branson, Herb Kelleher, Christopher Luxon

You should choose one of these above leader to weitir an essay about him


When completing the assignment the following minimum formatting requirements must be followed:

  • Use a font size of 10-12
  • Be written in New Zealand English.
  • Include a correctly formatted reference list in APA style.
  • Adhere to APA referencing rules as set out in the Course
  • Contain at least 1,000 but no more than 1,200 words not including the reference list.

Leadership and Trust in Collaborative Teams

Leadership behaviors that build trust within teams

Eight axioms key to building trust among team members (Watkins, 2015).

Leadership behaviors that undermine trust within teams

Principles of effective interprofessional team leadership

How effective team leadership supports positive team relationships

Leadership and Trust in Team Collaboration

Leadership and Trust in Team Collaboration 


10-12 slide power point presentation

Presentation for department managers on building leadership & trust in collaborative teams.

3 current professional references


Use note section of each slide to expand talking points and reference resources.

Please answer all parts of the following 5:

  1. Identify leadership behaviors that build trust within teams and uses relevant real- world examples as evidence
  2. Identify leadership behaviors that undermine trust within teams and uses real-world examples as evidence
  3. Analyzes the consequences of a team that does not trust its leader in terms of patient safety, organizational reputation, and job satisfaction
  4. Analyze strategies team members can use to build trust among one another
  5. Describes principals of effective interprofessional team leadership and explain how effective team leadership supports positive team relationships

Personal Leadership Analysis Paper


A comprehensive essay of your personal leadership analysis (3,000 words):

  • Holding the Truth
  • Appreciation of Ambiguity
  • Diversity as a Vehicle to Wholeness
  • Holding Multiple Perspectives Without Judgment
  • Discovery of Potential
  • The quest for Adventure toward Knowing
  • Knowing something of life
  • Nurturing the Intellectual and Emotional Self
  • Keeping Commitment to Yourself.

Individual Reflection of Own Leadership Style


Write an individual reflection of your own leadership style (5,000 words).

  • Leader-follower
  • Trait Approach
  • Situational Theory
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • The Art of Followership
  • Empowering People to Meet Higher Needs
  • Leading Teams to High Performance
  • Becoming an Inclusive Leader
  • Leader Steps to Creating a Vision
  • Framework for Change
  • Lessons Learned

Leadership Theories (Application Paper)

Please select a research topic related to some aspect of Leadership Theories. Students are free
to choose a topic as long as it relates to the course subject matter.
A brief overview, 2-3 pages in length, will be developed and submitted to the instructor for
approval before writing the paper. This assignment will account for 20% of your total grade.
Support this submission with a minimum of seven additional resources.
Your submission should be 10 pages in length (see below) and will be graded on content, clarity,
quality of research, and use of appropriate English composition (spelling, grammar, punctuation,
and syntax).

The final submission must follow APA.
i. Title page must follow FCE title page requirements
ii. Include a Table of Contents
iii. Include an Executive Summary
iv. The narrative must be at least 10-pages in length
v. Use double-spaced 12-point, Times New Roman font for this and all assignments
vi. Show all sources for the information/data presented

Leadership and Decision-Making Processes


For this assignment think about a specific decision that was made by your supervisor in the
organization you currently work for or have worked for in the past. Review the background
materials carefully on the Vroom-Yetton model and think about how this model applies to this
decision that you experienced. Then write a 2- to 3-page paper applying the Vroom-Yetton model
to this decision:
1.) Describe the decision that management had to make, and also whether their decision-making
style was autocratic, consultative, or group-based. Explain your reasoning.
2.) Go through Vroom-Yetton’s seven questions and apply these questions to their diagram to
see what decision-making style their model suggests. Briefly explain the reasoning behind your
answers to the seven questions.
3.) Conclude your paper with a discussion of whether or not you would recommend this model to
your supervisor and whether or not you were surprised by the recommendation given by this
model regarding decision-making style.
Assignment Expectations
Follow the assignment instructions closely and follow all steps listed in the instructions.
Stay focused on the precise assignment questions; don’t go off on tangents or devote a lot of
space to summarizing general background materials.
Make sure to cite readings from the background materials page. Rely primarily on the required background readings as your sources of information.
Include both a bibliography and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality
Academic Paper, including pages 13 and 14 on in-text citations.

Liberalism vs Conservatism


Explain the differences between Liberalism and  Conservatism. Does ideology really make a difference in the United
States today?

Support your reasoning with examples. How does this impact American culture, government and
politics in your opinion? You will be expected to support your discussion with primary texts and
from pre-approved secondary sources (including, but not limited to, the course text, online
lectures, and a list of suggested online resources).

Case Studies in Leadership (Getting the Evidence: Leadership Training Dilemma)

Getting the Evidence: Leadership Training DilemmaDeveloped by John R. Schermerhorn, Jr., Ohio University

Shane Alexander is the human resource director of the Central State Medical Center. One of her responsibilities is to oversee the hospital’s leadership training programs. Recently Shane attended a professional conference during which a special “packaged” training program was advertised for sale. The package includes a set of videotaped lectures by a distinguished management consultant plus a workbook containing readings, exercises, cases, tests, and other instructional aids. The subjects covered in the program include motivation, group dynamics, communication skills, leadership styles, performance appraisal, and the dynamics of planned change.

In the past Shane felt that the hospital had not lived up to its training goals. One of the reasons for this was the high cost of hiring external consultants to do the actual instruction. This packaged program was designed, presumably, so that persons from within the hospital could act as session coordinators. The structure of the program provided through the videotapes and workbook agenda was supposed to substitute for a consultant’s expertise. Because of this, Shane felt that use of the packaged program could substantially improve supervisory training in the hospital.

The cost of the program was $3,500 for an initial purchase of the videotapes plus fifty workbooks. Additional workbooks were then available at $8 per copy. Before purchasing the program, Shane needed the approval of the senior administrative staff.

At the next staff meeting, Shane proposed purchasing the training program. She was surprised at the response. The hospital president was noncommittal; the vice president for operations was openly hostile; and the three associate vice presidents were varied in their enthusiasm. It was the vice president’s opinion that dominated the discussion. He argued that to invest in such a program on the assumption that it would lead to improved leadership practices was unwise. “This is especially true in respect to the proposed program,” he said. “How could such a package possibly substitute for the training skills of an expert consultant?”

Shane argued her case and was left with the following challenge. The executives would allow $1,000 to be spent to rent the program with thirty workbooks. It would be up to Shane to demonstrate through a trial program, or pilot test, that an eventual purchase of the full program would be worthwhile.

There are 160 supervisors, team leaders, department and division heads, and executives in the hospital. The program was designed to be delivered in eight 2.5-hour sessions. It was preferred to schedule one session per week, with no more than fifteen participants per session. Shane knew that she would have to present very strong evidence to gain needed support for the continued use of the program. Given the opportunity, she wondered just how she could get evidence that would be conclusive one way or the other.

Review Questions
1.   If you were Shane, what type of research design would you use to test this program? Why?


2.   How would the design actually be implemented in this hospital setting?
3.   What would be your research hypothesis? What variables would you need to measure to provide data that could test this hypothesis? How would you gather these data?


4.   Do you think the administrator’s request for “proof before purchase” was reasonable? Why or why not?



1 “Trader Joe’s.” Hoover’s Company Records. Posted February 14, 2013. 2/14/12.


2 “Where in the Dickens Can You Find a Trader Joe’s?” Trader Joe’s. www.traderjoes.com/pdf/locations/all-llocations.pdf (accessed July 17, 2013).


3 “Product & Guides,” Trader Joe’s. www.traderjoes.com/products.asp (accessed July 17, 2013).


4 Deborah Orr, “The Cheap Gourmet,” Forbes (April 10, 2006), www.forbes.com/forbes/2006/0410/076.html (accessed July 17, 2013).


5 BusinessWeek Online. February 21, 2008.


6 “11: Trader Joe’s: For vaulting past Whole Foods to become America’s favorite organic grocer.” Fast Company. www.fastcompany.com/most-innovative-companies/2011/profile/trader-joes.php (accessed July 17, 2013).


7 Marianne Wilson, “When Less Is More,” Chain Store Age (November 2006).


8 Mark Hamstra and Elliot Zwiebach, “Food Retailing 2020: SN examines how the food retailing landscape might evolve during the next 10 years” (March 1, 2010), supermarketnews.com/retail_financial/food-retailing-0301/index3.html (accessed July 17, 2013).


9 “11: Trader Joe’s,” op. cit.


10 Orr, “The Cheap Gourmet” (2006), op. cit.


11 “Aldi.” Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldi#Geographic_distribution (accessed July 17, 2013).


12 “Trader Joe’s Co. 2012.” Supermarket News. http://supermarketnews.com/trader-joe-s-co-2012 (accessed February 2, 2013). Supermarket News’s Top 75 Retailers January 12, 2009.


13 Shan Li, “Trader Joe’s Tries to Keep Quirky Vibe as It Expands Quickly,” Los Angeles Times (October 26, 2011), http://articles.latimes.com/2011/oct/26/business/la-fi-trader-joes-20111027 (accessed July 17, 2013).


14 www.traderjoes.com/value.html


15 www.traderjoes.com/how_we_do_biz.html


16 “Win at the Grocery Game,” Consumer Reports (October 2006), p. 10.


17 Orr, “The Cheap Gourmet” (2006), op. cit.


18 www.traderjoes.com/tjs_faqs.asp#DiscontinueProducts


19 Jerry Hirsch, “Trader Joe’s Halting Some Chinese Imports,” Los Angeles Times (February 12, 2008), www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-tj12feb12,1,1079460.story (accessed July 17, 2013).


20 Jena McGregor, “2004 Customer 1st,” Fast Company (October 2004).


21 Irwin Speizer, “The Grocery Chain That Shouldn’t Be,” Fast Company (February 2004).


22 Heidi Brown, “Buy German,” Forbes (January 12, 2004).


23 “Trader Joe’s Careers: Benefits,” Trader Joe’s (n.d.), www.traderjoes.com/careers/benefits.asp


24 Irwin Speizer, “Shopper’s Special,” Workforce Management (September 2004).


25 Ibid.


26 Tom Broderick. “Why We Picketed Trader Joe’s,” OakPark.com, (November 29, 2011), www.oakpark.com/News/Articles/11-29-2011/Why_we_picketed_Trader_Joe%27s (accessed July 13, 2013).


27 “Welcome Aboard … Trader Joe’s and CIW Sign Fair Food Agreement!” CIW Online (February 9, 2012), http://ciw-online.org/TJ_agreement.html (accessed July 17, 2013).


28 “Retailer Spotlight,” Gourmet Retailer (June 2006).


Chinua Achebe’s view on Postcolonial Leadership


In about 1,500 words, discuss Chinua Achebe’s view on postcolonial leadership.
What did he think are the qualifications for leadership?

What kind of character is needed?
Develop an argument grounded in the author’s own words—quote him!

Working with Groups and Group Leadership

Please answer these questions 

How do you feel about group leadership?

Are you a natural leader?

What strengths do you bring to the ability to lead and facilitate groups?

What personal limitations might you have to overcome to lead a group effectively?

How might you improve your abilities to lead groups?

What skills, values, or content areas might you need to grow to be an effective social work practitioner with groups in the future?

What concerns do you have, more generally, about group practice?

How do you feel about the application of social work ethics to the group practice setting?

Suggested Resources

Textbook: Social Work Skills with Groups: Comprehensive Practice and Self-Care File: How to Engage in Substantive Discussion Post.pdf

Leading with Power and Influence


Focusing specifically on influence as a form of soft power that leaders can use to secure
the support and cooperation of followers, peers, and superiors within and beyond their
organisations. Leaders use different tactics to influence others, and to persuade them to
buy into a proposed course of action, agenda, or mission. These tactics or strategies
include the use of pressure, legitimisation, ingratiation, exchanges, coalitions, consultation,
rationality, upward appeals, or inspiration to win people over.
Psychologists and social scientists have shown an interest in these tactics, and have
constructed different models of influence, including Cialdini’s Six Principles of Persuasion
(reciprocity, scarcity, authority, consistency, consensus, and liking), and Conger’s four-step
model (establishing credibility, framing goals, reinforcing the position, and connecting
emotionally). The case study “Jessica Wooding: Leading with influence” highlights the
importance of delivering on promises and commitments, building strong vertical and lateral
relationships, defining a common purpose, and building and using scarce resources.
For this activity submission, you are encouraged to explore power and influence in your
own leadership and in your organisation. Reflect on a time that you saw influence in action,
or tried to influence somebody yourself. How was this achieved, and how does it relate to
the two models of influence and the case study outlined in this unit’s casebook? Answer
the four questions that follow.
“please use your own words , and assume real life scenarios”