Great Leaders No One Has Heard of

Research Great Leaders no one has heard of. Write a paper describing the person and why they would be considered a great leader.

Include in your paper similarities between you and the person you are researching.

Do you have similar leadership styles?

Your paper should be 400-600 words in length and include your sources.

Workplace Leadership

Click here to watch the video, Workplace Leadership (Segment 1: “Leaders Getting Things Done,” Segment 2: “Managers and Employee Morale,” and Segment 3: “Leaders as Managers”). The transcript for this video can be found by clicking the “Transcript” tab to the right of the video in the Films on Demand database.

In a two-page paper, address the questions below.

Compare Lisa’s leadership style to Amanda’s. What leadership traits and behaviors did each of these leaders possess? [Unit Learning Outcome 5.1]
Were Lisa and Amanda task-oriented, people-oriented, or both? Use examples from the video to support your opinion. [Unit Learning Outcome 5.1]
How did Lisa and Amanda’s different approaches affect the behavior of their staff members Steve and Kathy? [Unit Learning Outcome 5.2]
Why is it important to be able to evaluate the specific skills, traits, and behaviors characteristic of various leaders? [Unit Learning Outcome 5.3]

You must include at least one scholarly source to support your work.Your submission must follow APA 6th edition format and include a separate title and reference page.

Engagement Servant Leadership


Write a 2- 3 page answering these questions from the perspective of a company you imagine starting or one you would like to work for.

1- What happens if I overvalue results? What happens if I overvalue relationships?

2- Which is my personal bias as a leader — results or relationships?

3- How can I compensate for the area that’s not my natural strength?

4- How can my team help me in this area?

5- What will be the consequences if I don’t broaden my definition of success?

* FYI: These questions are from the book “ The Secret what great leaders know and do” by Ken Blanchard & Mark Miller*

Why is Autocracy Becoming More Acceptable?

Why is Autocracy Becoming More Acceptable?

People are less satisfied with democracy today, Why?
Why are people more satisfied with partial democracy today then before?
increasingly unstable security environment?
Dissatisfaction with democracy and what it has to offer?
Post ww2 order ended now there is no boogy man?
More adversity facing individuals? student loans, cost of living?

Why is Autocracy Becoming More Acceptable?

People are less satisfied with democracy today, Why?
Why are people more satisfied with partial democracy today then before?
increasingly unstable security environment?
Dissatisfaction with democracy and what it has to offer?
Post ww2 order ended now there is no boogy man?
More adversity facing individuals? student loans, cost of living?

Leadership Reflection Paper

Pretend you are interviewing a board certified behavior analysis in your prospective career field of applied behavior analysis to interview. From the list below, answer the questions you would like to ask your leader. You are also required to create three of your own questions, specific to that leader or field. Make sure your questions are open-ended and address the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership

  • How important is networking?
  • What strengths do you believe you possess as a leader? Weaknesses?
  • What are three to four actions you believe are essential to enable others to be successful?
  • What advice do you have for building relationships and trust in an organization?

Perceived Leader Integrity Scale (PLIS)

Carry out an assessment of a manager using the Perceived Leader Integrity Scale (PLIS) avaialble in your textbook. Summarize your findings in 2-3 pages. Format your paper in APA style, and use at least 2 scholarly sources.

Gender and Leadership Roles

Investigate the relationship between gender m leadership roles.  Does gender affect leadership roles?  What are the pros and cons of gender leadership? research on the history of gender leadership. Use between 3-5 references. Include an abstract and title page. Format in APA style. 5-6 pages.

Observe a Leader of a Group

Observe a leader of a group that you belong and note their communication skills

Observe a leader of a group that you belong and note their communication skills. Answer the following questions and share with your classmates:

  • What are the leader’s communication strengths and weaknesses?

(verbal, nonverbal, patience, listening, silence)

  • Is verbal or nonverbal communication the most effective for this leader?
  • What are the leader’s “power poses” and what do they communicate?

(To learn about power poses please watch the video)

  • What type of power does the leader project, based on their “power poses?
  • Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are | Amy Cuddy | TED Talks

  • User:
     n/a – Added: 10/1/12
  • YouTube URL:

Leadership Reflection Study

Leadership Reflection Study.  Choose two leaders from any sphere of the industry (business, sports politics, religious, etc). Summarize the leaders’ background, the perform a SWOT analysis for both leaders.

Nationalism and the rise of nation state: the consolidation of the German nation-state during the imperial period 1871-1918

This paper should develop a thesis about nationalism and the rise of the German nation-state
within the context of the consolidation of the German nation-state during the imperial period
1871-1918. It must reflect original thinking and historical research using primary and secondary
sources. I’ve uploaded couples sources with this order.
The introduction needs to include a clear and concise research question (posed as a question in
a single sentence) and a working thesis that is a direct answer to the research question. It should
also show how nationalism order international relations, state relations, diplomacy, and
intergovernmental relations. This paper is for international relations course, so keep the overall
theme of the essay in this area along with politics and history. Use APA citation style.15-20 pages.