Theory of Leadership (Reflection Paper)


You are part of a team at your organization where you are employed currently or at an organization with which you are familiar. This team is made up of members of the different departments at the organization. The executive director has tasked each member of the team to independently research the following two questions (respond with one full paragraph for each question):
(1) What theory of leadership most closely aligns with our current practice within our organization and do you think it is most appropriate or would another serve us better?
(2) What leadership theory would you recommend that might be more effective, and why? (Note: if you think the current leadership theory is a good fit and is effective, explain why you think it is working and should remain in place).
On your own, you will have to conduct research on leadership theories and present a 2-paragraph summary of the central ideas of a leadership theory you believe is most appropriate for the organization.
Post your business e-mail to the team that contains the following:
• A summary that paraphrases the central idea of the leadership theory that you think is most appropriate for your organization (or an organization with which you are familiar). Provide a rationale to support why you think the leadership theory is appropriate for your organization and include specific lessons that can be learned from the theory, based on your observations and experience. Be sure to include the appropriate citation and reference for the reading from which you are paraphrasing.

[3-4 pages, APA style, 2-3 sources.] 

Leadership Theory (Reflection Paper)

Sample Reflection Paper Assignment 


Final Paper

The final assignment for this course is a Summary Project. The purpose of the Summary Project is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by describing your understanding and application of knowledge in the field of strategies of organizational leadership.  The Final Paper represents 20% of the overall course grade.

Focus of the Final Paper

Write an eight- to ten-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) that addresses your personal best leadership experience.  Personal best is a time when you believe you had performed at the peak as a leader.  Be sure to incorporate elements from our reading in regards to your leadership approach, the type of leadership application; transactional, transformational, situational, etc.  Some questions to address in the essay are:

  • What characterized the situation?  Who was involved?  Where and when did it take place?  Who initiated it?
  • What approach did you apply to the situation?
  • What type of leadership would you classify yourself as in this situation?
  • What motivated you to engage in this project?  How did you challenge yourself and others?
  • What did you aspire to achieve?  How did you build enthusiasm and excitement?
  • How did you involve others?  How did you foster collaboration?  How did you build trust and respect?  How did you build the capacity to excel?
  • What values and principles guided you and others?  How did you set the example?  How did you progress from one milestone to another?
  • How did you recognize individuals?  How did you celebrate success?
  • What lessons about leadership did you learn from the experience?

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper:

  1. Must be eight to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  6. Must use at least five scholarly sources, including a minimum of two from the Ashford Online Library.
  7. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Required Readings

Required Text

Read the following chapters in the text:

  • Chapter 15: Culture and Leadership
  • Chapter 16: Leadership Ethics

Recommended Website

It is recommended that you read the following articles to gain a better understanding of leadership (Retrieved from the ProQuest database):

  1. Alahmad, A. (2010). To be ethical or not to be: An international code of ethics for leadership.  Journal of Diversity Management, 5(1), 31-35.
  2. Allio, R. J. (2007). Bad leaders: How they get that way and what to do about them.  Strategy & Leadership, 35(3), 12-17.
  3. Ciulla, J. (2010). Being there: Why leaders should not “fiddle” while Rome burns. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 40(1) 38-56.
  4. Dooley, R. (2003). Four cultures, one company: Achieving corporate excellence through working cultural complexity. Organizational Development Journal, 21(2), p.52.

Corporate Team Building Assignment

Corporate Team Building

Project Guidelines

  • The assignment will include both a written and oral component. A copy of the PowerPoint or Prezi slides and the written paper will be turned in at the time of the presentation.
  • Your group has been hired as a team building consultant by the CEO, of a company. You will need to select an organization you wish to “consult for”.  You have been hired as a corporate team building consultant (“industry expert”) by this organization.  You may choose an organization that one of the group members is familiar with, has worked for, or you may select another company.  Your group must plan a corporate team building program for this company.  It may be a program for a certain division or level of employees.  When developing your program try to consider what a realistic budget for this might be.
  • Remember this is a team assignment. Use the talents and strengths of the individual members to divide the tasks/workload for the project.  Don’t forget your team player styles when considering the division of the workload.
  • Each group will prepare a 10-12 minute, formal presentation to present an overview of the findings to the class. The presentation should be in the format as if you were presenting your proposed Team Building Program to the CEO, VP of Human Resources, and the executive team of the company.
  • Have fun with this and be creative! Think out of the box.
  • Each group member will be required to evaluate other group members on their level of participation and overall contribution to the team’s success on this project.
  • Classmates will have input on evaluating the presentations of all groups.

Paper Structure

The paper should be structured as the formal program proposal you are giving to the client.

  • Introduction/Overview
  • Give a brief overview of the company you have selected (history of the company, type of market, service/products, location(s), number of employees, etc.).
  • Briefly define/introduce the goals of your program.
  • Your Plan
  • Plan the entire team building event. (You might want to give the client a few options.) Be very specific – include:

– consulting overview (how many people you will have working on this,                    your fees, and what you will offer)

– Who is invited (target audience) including numbers

– Venue

– Meals (if any)

– Transportation (if needed)

– Program Activities – in detail

– Detailed schedule/timeline of event

– Cost analysis/Budget (ALL associated costs – make sure to price things out)

– Program evaluation

  • Conclusions of what your program will provide in terms of benefits to the organization.

Team Leadership (Reflection Paper)

Reflective Paper about Your Team

Write a reflection about your team (1,800 words)

  • formation
  • your role
  • purpose of team
  • leadership
  • strengths
  • weaknesses
  • what need to be improved
  • motivation
  • goals
  • what you have learned
  • et etc these are just tips

Leadership Ethics (Questions & Answers)

Read the case and answer the following questions about leadership ethics (200 words per question)

  • Question 1.As a company, would you describe PPI as having an identifiable philosophy of moral values? How do its policies contribute to this philosophy?
  • Question.2.Which ethical perspective best describes PPI’s approach to safety issues? Would you say PPI takes a utilitarian-, duty-, or virtue-based approach?
  • Question.3.Regarding safety issues, how does management see its responsibilities toward its employees? How do the attorneys see their responsibilities toward PPI?
  • Question. 4.Why does it appear that the ethics of PPI and its attorneys are in conflict?

United States Navy Nurse Corps leadership Structure

United States Navy Nurse Corps  leadership  Structure

Outline and explain the United States Navy Nurse Corps leadership structure, who is in charge,
chain of command, what are their responsibilities . Also explain the services offered by the
United States Navy Nurse Corps Including the humanitarian work they do.

Leadership Styles (Literature Review)

Literature Review


For this assignment, you will conduct a literature review of the following leadership approaches.

Part I: 

Develop an introduction on the background of each leadership approach and the purpose of the chosen article.

  1. Trait Leadership Approach – provide background information, and a description of this leadership style
  2. Skills Leadership Theory – provide background information, and a description of this leadership style
  3. Transformational Leadership Approach – provide background information, and a description of this leadership style

Part II: 

Analyze each of the seven (7) articles/sources provided, and describe the key themes that emerge across the seven selected articles.

Part III:

Synthesize the material and summarize the patterns of similarities and differences regarding how each of the authors has presented on the selected leadership approaches.

Part IV:

Based on your analysis of the literature, conclude by recommending a specific leadership approach that would be most effective for managing ethical behavior in a hospital/healthcare setting.  Be sure to justify your choice.

List of Articles 

Below is the list of articles to be used for this assignment.

  • Teaching Implicit Leadership Theories to Develop Leaders and Leadership: How and Why It Can Make a Difference.

  • Character, Leadership, and the Healthcare Professions,
  • Assessing the influence of health literacy on health information behaviors: A multi-domain skills-based approach.
  • Leadership and Organizational Success: An Examination of the Traits, Skills, and Transformational Approaches
  • Transformational–transactional leadership and upward influence: The role of Relative Leader–Member Exchanges (RLMX) and Perceived Organizational Support (POS)

Learning Theories and Leadership Principles

Paper will be 15 – 20 double spaced pages on adult learning theories and leadership principles
surrounding a leadership initiative within the student’s home institution or in an educational

Chapter I. Introduction
This is where you present a purpose, roadmap and short summary on the importance of your
select topic and a short summary of the results of your topic.
Chapter II. Literature Review
This where you will summarize the information and data from your references.
Chapter III. Analysis
This is where you provide your own analysis of your topic anchored in fact and reason.
Chapter IV. Summary
Summarize the meaning of your analysis.

Healthcare Leadership Issue

Select a healthcare leadership issue listed in the weekly module. Please explain why you selected this topic, the limitations of your research, advantages/disadvantages of the topic you researched. Complete an annotated bibliography that addresses the topic of choice. The annotated bibliography must include 10 references (webinar, journal article, and text book must be included in your references). Each annotated reference must be 7-10 sentences. ** the list of topics** -Patient recidivism -Mentoring and preceptorship for healthcare leaders -Cultural competency and sensitivity -Marketing in healthcare (branding and imaging) -Financial reimbursement structure in healthcare -IHI triple aim initiatives -Computerized documentation (EMR) -Capitol investment and decision making for healthcare institutions -Health and wellness promotion in the workplace -Customer service in healthcare (AIDET) -Workplace Burnout -Emotional Intelligence

Leadership Theories: Great Man Theory, Trait Theory, Behavioural Theories, Contingency Theories, Transactional Theories and Transformational Theories.

Leadership Theory

Great Man Theory, Trait Theory, Behavioural Theories, Contingency Theories, Transactional Theories and Transformational Theories.

Authentic Leadership, Charismatic Leadership, Transformational Leadership

  1. Table of contents
  2. Introduction
  • Define authentic leadership (shamir et al, other journal articles)
  1. Self Awareness
  • Define
  • Describe the stages and phases on the Journey to Authentic Leadership.
  • Explain the benefits of Self Awareness and how to develop it.
  • Describe the Johari Window and how to use the framework.
  1. Values
  • Define values and morals
  • Explain how our values are formed and why they are important
  • Describe how to identify and prioritise your values
  • Identify how values can be tested and how they are often in conflict
  • Explain Leadership Principles and Ethical Boundaries
  1. Motivation
  • Define
  • Why is motivation is important in Authentic Leadership
  • Identify different sources and types of motivation
  • Describe the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivators
  • How to find your Motivated Capabilities
  1. Conclusion

– Driven from analysis presented within discussion

  1. Recommendations – How to become an authentic leader
  2. Appendices

– Bibliography



Appropriate structure (introduction subheadings)

Evidence of independent research

Explanation and critique of relevant theory

Discussion/argument logical

Summarizing of key points